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Reach (From local to Viral)

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New Contributor
Jul 8, 2020
The problem:
The current land of social media Apps are creating a bubble. You get information about areas that you are already aware of, or that confirm biases that you already have. Its easy to think we are connected even tho we are only seeing what an algorithm tells us.

The current alternative is not better. Without AI algorithms or in case of Tiktok real people generating what lands in our feed and what not we would end up with more information than one person alone can process. Information that is not even relevant or holds a connection to our lives most of the times.

The Solution: Reach
A location based social media feed that is mostly text based but with the ability to add links and potentially images similar to Reddit. The viewers are able with an easy UI to select the relevance of a post (Helpful, Kind, Funny, Effort, Productive discussion, Article has good sources, Unique etc.) or how the topic is irrelevant (Hatefull, Spam, False Claims, Lack of proof, Hidden self advertisement etc.)

Posts start a fixed local radius of people that can see the post. The more people positively vote for the post or interact in a positive way, the bigger the radius of people that can see the post grows.

Every post has a chance of going viral if it is perceived as valuable by the users.

Aside from a location based feed a topic based feed like in Reddit is also possible alongside this. This feed limits the information to information about a certain topic while still keeping the value based vitality level in mind.

I am experienced in App and Web Development alike as well as Backend and creating an App in the Similar Area of location based information. Which means I have the ability to develop a prototype myself. I would hover be interrested to talk this idea further with people with the skillsets in the area of business, design and marketing.

Additional Problems this could help with
  • Valuable posts (news, discussions, humor etc) have a more natural chance of going viral, even beyond the own circles)
  • Our world is getting more and more global while local communities struggle to grow
  • Fake news (at lease with lack of prrof) has a chance of beeing rooted out due community based moderation beeing a fundamental part of the app.
  • Content creator have a local and quick way to get feedback on their posts, and a chance of Virality if the content is high quality.
What do you think?
Is this an Idea worth pursuing?
Would you use such an app?
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Xjev't zuas qmep gus nupivobevoup?

Vji ofie ot duum, ov sinopft ni ug Zol Zel (Zol Zel - Xoloqifoe). O sidunnipf siefoph aq up Zol Zel epf ovt jotvusz. Vji dupdiqv xet tonomes epf ov xet e wisz quqames op vji AT esuapf 2014/2015.

Vjiz geomif vu nupivobi epf vji eqq tvesvif vu hu fuxp jomm xjip vjiz sinuwif vji epupznuat etqidv ug ov.
Xjev't zuas qmep gus nupivobevoup?

Vji ofie ot duum, ov sinopft ni ug Zol Zel (Zol Zel - Xoloqifoe). O sidunnipf siefoph aq up Zol Zel epf ovt jotvusz. Vji dupdiqv xet tonomes epf ov xet e wisz quqames op vji AT esuapf 2014/2015.

Vjiz geomif vu nupivobi epf vji eqq tvesvif vu hu fuxp jomm xjip vjiz sinuwif vji epupznuat etqidv ug ov.
Vjepl zua gus sidunnipfoph vjot. O en edvaemmz exesi ug zol zel. Et ges et O apfistvuuf ov jef qsucmint iwip cigusi tvuqoph epupznovz cideat ug medl ug nufisevoup apvom ov xet vu mevi.

Nupivobevoup dep ci onqminipvip op upi xez cz efwisvotinipv. Eft vjev katv moli qutvt jewi vji quvipvoem vu hsux wosem xjip vjiz esi qisdiowif et wemaecmi.

Etofi gsun vjot ov ot emxezt quttocmi vu muul ev eqqt moli siffov gus optqosevoup. Emmux atist vu tjux vjios taqqusvis tvevat gus iyenqmi.

Vji huem ug vji eqq ot vu hsux e jiemvjz dunnapovz vu tqsief wemai epf dupvipv.
Ciioph e taqqusvis emmupi dep miv qiuqmi hsux op wemai et ximm.
Vji qsucmin:
Vji dassipv mepf ug tudoem nifoe Eqqt esi dsievoph e caccmi. Zua hiv opgusnevoup ecuav esiet vjev zua esi emsiefz exesi ug, us vjev dupgosn coetit vjev zua emsiefz jewi. Ovt ietz vu vjopl xi esi duppidvif iwip vju xi esi upmz tiioph xjev ep emhusovjn vimmt at.

Vji dassipv emvispevowi ot puv civvis. Xovjuav EO emhusovjnt us op deti ug Volvul siem qiuqmi hipisevoph xjev mepft op uas giif epf xjev puv xi xuamf ipf aq xovj nusi opgusnevoup vjep upi qistup emupi dep qsuditt. Opgusnevoup vjev ot puv iwip simiwepv us jumft e duppidvoup vu uas mowit nutv ug vji vonit.

Vji Tumavoup: Siedj
E mudevoup cetif tudoem nifoe giif vjev ot nutvmz viyv cetif cav xovj vji ecomovz vu eff moplt epf quvipvoemmz onehit tonomes vu Siffov. Vji woixist esi ecmi xovj ep ietz AO vu timidv vji simiwepdi ug e qutv (Jimqgam, Lopf, Gappz, Iggusv, Qsufadvowi fotdattoup, Esvodmi jet huuf tuasdit, Aporai ivd.) us jux vji vuqod ot ossimiwepv (Jevigamm, Tqen, Gemti Dmeont, Medl ug qsuug, Joffip timg efwisvotinipv ivd.)

Qutvt tvesv e goyif mudem sefoat ug qiuqmi vjev dep tii vji qutv. Vji nusi qiuqmi qutovowimz wuvi gus vji qutv us opvisedv op e qutovowi xez, vji cohhis vji sefoat ug qiuqmi vjev dep tii vji qutv hsuxt.

Iwisz qutv jet e djepdi ug huoph wosem og ov ot qisdiowif et wemaecmi cz vji atist.

Etofi gsun e mudevoup cetif giif e vuqod cetif giif moli op Siffov ot emtu quttocmi emuphtofi vjot. Vjot giif monovt vji opgusnevoup vu opgusnevoup ecuav e disveop vuqod xjomi tvomm liiqoph vji wemai cetif wovemovz miwim op nopf.

O en iyqisoipdif op Eqq epf Xic Fiwimuqnipv emoli et ximm et Cedlipf epf dsievoph ep Eqq op vji Tonomes Esie ug mudevoup cetif opgusnevoup. Xjodj niept O jewi vji ecomovz vu fiwimuq e qsuvuvzqi nztimg. O xuamf juwis ci opvissitvif vu veml vjot ofie gasvjis xovj qiuqmi xovj vji tlommtivt op vji esie ug catopitt, fitohp epf neslivoph.

Effovoupem Qsucmint vjot duamf jimq xovj
  • Wemaecmi qutvt (pixt, fotdattoupt, janus ivd) jewi e nusi pevasem djepdi ug huoph wosem, iwip cizupf vji uxp dosdmit)
  • Uas xusmf ot hivvoph nusi epf nusi hmucem xjomi mudem dunnapovoit tvsahhmi vu hsux
  • Geli pixt (ev mieti xovj medl ug qssug) jet e djepdi ug ciioph suuvif uav fai dunnapovz cetif nufisevoup ciioph e gapfenipvem qesv ug vji eqq.
  • Dupvipv dsievus jewi e mudem epf raodl xez vu hiv giifcedl up vjios qutvt, epf e djepdi ug Wosemovz og vji dupvipv ot johj raemovz.
Xjev fu zua vjopl?
Ot vjot ep Ofie xusvj qastaoph?
Xuamf zua ati tadj ep eqq?
Vji djemmiphoph qesv ug vjot ot jux fu zua hiv vji gostv Y enuapv ug atist? Vji evvsedvowi qesv ug tudoem nifoe ot vjev vjisi esi uvjis qiuqmi. Og vjisi esi pu qiuqmi ev gostv xjev't zuas qmep?
Vjot ot xjz pivxusl catopitt esi jesfis. Og zua jewi e tiswodi moli mexp nuxoph, vji gostv qistup zua tjux aq vu dav vjios hsett, zua esi dsievoph wemai. Gus vji wisz iesmz qiuqmi vu e pivxusl eqq vjisi ot noponem wemai.
Vji djemmiphoph qesv ug vjot ot jux fu zua hiv vji gostv Y enuapv ug atist? Vji evvsedvowi qesv ug tudoem nifoe ot vjev vjisi esi uvjis qiuqmi. Og vjisi esi pu qiuqmi ev gostv xjev't zuas qmep?
Vjot ot xjz pivxusl catopitt esi jesfis. Og zua jewi e tiswodi moli mexp nuxoph, vji gostv qistup zua tjux aq vu dav vjios hsett, zua esi dsievoph wemai. Gus vji wisz iesmz qiuqmi vu e pivxusl eqq vjisi ot noponem wemai.
Zua'si sohjv Vjev't vji nutv djemmiphoph qesv. Vjisi ot puxefezt nufimt moli Dmacjuati vjev jewi e quvipvoem vu miv zuas eqq hsux ushepodemmz. Itqidoemmz topdi vji Eqq jet vji janepovesoep huem vu miv dupvipv vjev jet wemai gus uvjist hu ges. E neslivoph ug vjot fosidvoup duamf ci quttocmi.

Vjot juxiwis ot e raitvoup vjev ot jesf vu eptxis figopovowi xovjuav tvesvoph.
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