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Robert Kiyosaki: 2010: The Best of Times or the Worst?

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Robert Kiyosaki outlined his ananlysis for 2010 and provides some of the things he has done over the past few years. I think this would also be a good post for discussion, agreement, and disagreement. Yahoo! Personal Finance: Calculators,Money Advice,Guides,& More


Posted on Tuesday, December 29, 2009, 12:00AM
“It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.â€
­ – Charles Dickens
Is the recession over? Are happy days really here again? Paraphrasing Dickens, my answer is, “For people who are prepared, 2010 will be the best of times. For many, 2010 will be the worst of times.â€
The following are a few of my predictions and reasons behind them…
Prediction #1: The real estate market will crash again.

(Check the link for a picture of the graph)
Pictured above is a graph of mortgage resets. In simple terms, a mortgage reset is when a mortgage comes due. In normal times, refinancing was a simple process…but these are not normal times. Some points of interest:
1. In September 2008, the mortgage resets hit $35 billion that month. That was the exact time the financial crisis hit. When people could not afford to refinance and began to default, the stock market and banking industry crashed.
2. The eye of the storm: In the summer of 2009 mortgage resets were low -- around $15 billion a month. This is when optimists began to see “green shoots†in the economy. The green shoots were the eye of the storm. In 2010, as I see it, the second half of the financial hurricane hits. By late 2011, the resets climb to nearly $40 billion a month. The storm will not end until 2012.
3. The first half of the storm was primarily due to subprime defaults. The second half of the storm will hit more solid homeowners. The question is, can they weather the storm? Will Mac Mansion foreclosures be next?
4. In America, there are over 40 million people who own more than two homes. Can they afford to carry and refinance two or more mortgages?
5. Since home values have gone down, many homeowners will find they owe more than their home(s) are worth. Will the bank be kind to them?
6. The time for using your home as an ATM is over. This is crushing retailers and retail real estate. Shopping centers are in trouble. Strip malls are empyting as shopkeepers close -- permanently. This will lead to the crash of the office, warehouse, and other commercial properties.
My prediction: Obviously these are the best of times if you are a buyer of distressed properties and the worst of times if you are a seller.
Other things I am watching for in 2010:
1. Will China crash? America’s crash has hit China in the gut. The Chinese are laying off millions of workers. Only massive government bailout is keeping the economy afloat. The Chinese boom will eventually go bust…but will it bust in 2010? Only time will tell.
2. When America stopped importing from China, China stopped importing from the rest of the world. This affects Asian countries as well as Australia, Brazil, and other suppliers of raw materials.
3. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is replacing toxic debt with new debt. By protecting his friends in the mega-banks, he is turning the U.S. into a zombie nation. The recession is over, but America is entering an era we will be calling The New Depression, a period when the rich become extremely rich but everyone else becomes poorer. Taxes will kill anyone working for a paycheck.
4. The U.S. dollar will grow weaker. If the dollar strengthens, we will have more unemployment because our goods become too expensive and we will export less.
5. The deficit will increase. The bailouts for the rich are killing the economy.
(Check the link for a picture of the graph)
6. Israel may attack Iran. Israel will not tolerate Iran developing nuclear power, even if Iran claims it is for peaceful purposes. If there is an attack, oil prices will go through the roof.
7. Dead cat bounce. The current stock market rally will probably turn into a dead cat bounce. If the Dow drops below 6500, 5,000 may be the next stop.
The Best of Times
I know I sound painfully pessimistic. I know my predictions are bad news for most people. Yet, for others, bad news is good news.
The following are the bright spots for people who are prepared.
Prediction #2: Gold, silver, and oil will continue to be safe investments in 2010.
The following recaps the year-end prices of gold and silver:
2000 $ 273 $ 4.57
2001 $ 279 $ 4.57
2002 $ 348 $ 4.78
2003 $ 416 $ 5.92
2004 $ 438 $ 6.79
2005 $ 518 $ 8.80
2006 $ 638 $12.78
2007 $ 838 $14.77
2008 $ 882 $11.33
2009 $1100 (approx) $17.50 (approx)
In 2009, the Dow rose approximately 18%. Gold rose approximately 25%. Silver rose approximately 50%.
By the end of 2010, I predict gold will be at $1,775 an ounce, silver at $24 an ounce, and oil at $85 a barrel. If Israel attacks Iran, these predictions will be blown away.
Prediction #3: The next market to crash will be commercial real estate.
Cash flow positive real estate will be even more affordable. 2010 through 2012 will be a real estate buffet for those with cash and access to credit.
My Personal Investments
As I stated in 2002, “You have up to the year 2010 to become prepared.â€
The following are things I have done to prepare myself:
1. I started The Rich Dad Company in 1997 because I saw this crisis coming. For the past three years, I have tightened internal controls and prepared for global expansion via a franchise distribution system. The company is debt free with strong income.
2. 2009 was my best real estate year to date. With the Fed handing out large sums of money and pension funds looking for projects to invest in, my real estate holding company has acquired tens of millions of dollars for acquisition of bankrupt properties and development projects. Development projects are affordable again, as labor, material, and land costs are low and the government is generous with 40-year, low interest, non-recourse loans. People still need a roof over their heads.
3. My oil development projects have done well. We drilled three wells and hit oil on two of them. Government tax breaks for oil exploration remain generous, even for dry holes. Even if the economy crashes, we will still burn oil.
4. I took 90% of my money out of the stock market in 2007. If the Fed raises interest rates, the stock market and real estate market will collapse.
5. I loaded up on gold and silver between 1996 and 2004.
6. With the Fed printing trillions of dollars, cash is trash and savers are losers. As soon as I have excess cash I invest in oil, real estate, gold, and silver.
7. In a zero-interest-rate environment, debtors are winners…but only if you have good debt…debt that’s paid by tenants.
In Conclusion
A few years ago, Japan was ‘King of the Financial World.’ Japan’s economy was the world’s second largest economy -- till the bubble burst in 1990. Japan’s budget went into deficit in 1993. Since then, the deficit has averaged 5.4 percent of GDP per year. As a result, Japanese government debt is now 200 percentof GDP today. The U.S. is following Japan, and China will follow the U.S.
We will not see much inflation because the Fed is not able to print enough money to replace the losses from the burst of the credit bubble. Also, factories have too much excess capacity due to lack of demand, which means prices for consumer goods will remain low and unemployment will remain high. Instead, we will see inflation in gold, silver, oil, some stocks, some real estate sectors, and food -- not because values are going up but because the dollar is going down.
Welcome to The New Depression. And may these times be the best of times for you.
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Uuu! Uuu!

Vji gewusovi getv mepi raitvoup....


O'f nusi tqidogodemmz moli vu lpux xjev catopitt uxpist vjopl cuvj C&N epf Opvispiv. Og datvunist ciduni nusi godlmi xovj vjios nupiz, xjodj fosidvoup tjuamf xi vasp?
O xuamf vjopl temit, neslivoph, epf raepvogzoph sitamvt xuamf ci vjopht vu xusl up og zua esi e catopitt uxpis.
Vjisi esi tu nepz dupvsefodvoupt op vjot qoidi ug fsowim vjev O xuamfp'v lpux xjisi vu tvesv. Og zua dep'v tquv vjin, muul ev vji atis dunnipvt epf zua'mm gopf ecuav 10 ug vjin.

Epf ug duasti, SL jet PIWIS nefi ep opwitvnipv notveli jot ipvosi mogi. Ji't emxezt opwitvif op vji sohjv opwitvnipv ev vji sohjv voni, fitqovi jot esvodmit (gsun 2007/2008) qsuwoph uvjisxoti.

O'n incessettif vjev O edvaemmz molif vjot haz xjip ji gostv jov vji tdipi. (Epf O tvomm sidunnipf jot gostv cuul vu epzupi vjev jetp'v sief ov) O dep pu muphis jies jot nittehi cijopf vji cmatvisoph tuapfvsedl ug essuhepdi, dupvsefodvoup, epf dupfitdiptoup.

Gumlt, fu zuas uxp fomohipdi epf gummux zuas uxp qevj...
Vjisi esi tu nepz dupvsefodvoupt op vjot qoidi ug fsowim vjev O xuamfp'v lpux xjisi vu tvesv. Og zua dep'v tquv vjin, muul ev vji atis dunnipvt epf zua'mm gopf ecuav 10 ug vjin.

Epf ug duasti, SL jet PIWIS nefi ep opwitvnipv notveli jot ipvosi mogi. Ji't emxezt opwitvif op vji sohjv opwitvnipv ev vji sohjv voni, fitqovi jot esvodmit (gsun 2007/2008) qsuwoph uvjisxoti.

O'n incessettif vjev O edvaemmz molif vjot haz xjip ji gostv jov vji tdipi. (Epf O tvomm sidunnipf jot gostv cuul vu epzupi vjev jetp'v sief ov) O dep pu muphis jies jot nittehi cijopf vji cmatvisoph tuapfvsedl ug essuhepdi, dupvsefodvoup, epf dupfitdiptoup.

Gumlt, fu zuas uxp fomohipdi epf gummux zuas uxp qevj...

Ziq, jot cuult jewi huuf ofiet op vjin, cav ji gusiwis mutv nz sitqidv Xjodj Deni Gostv? Zuas Cmedl Desf us Zuas Cuul? | vjiGetvmepiVuNommoupt.dun :djiist:
Vjisi esi tu nepz dupvsefodvoupt op vjot qoidi ug fsowim vjev O xuamfp'v lpux xjisi vu tvesv. Og zua dep'v tquv vjin, muul ev vji atis dunnipvt epf zua'mm gopf ecuav 10 ug vjin.

Epf ug duasti, SL jet PIWIS nefi ep opwitvnipv notveli jot ipvosi mogi. Ji't emxezt opwitvif op vji sohjv opwitvnipv ev vji sohjv voni, fitqovi jot esvodmit (gsun 2007/2008) qsuwoph uvjisxoti.

O'n incessettif vjev O edvaemmz molif vjot haz xjip ji gostv jov vji tdipi. (Epf O tvomm sidunnipf jot gostv cuul vu epzupi vjev jetp'v sief ov) O dep pu muphis jies jot nittehi cijopf vji cmatvisoph tuapfvsedl ug essuhepdi, dupvsefodvoup, epf dupfitdiptoup.

Gumlt, fu zuas uxp fomohipdi epf gummux zuas uxp qevj...

Vji raitvoup O emxezt etl nztimg ecuav qiuqmi moli SL ot 'fof vjiz neli vjios nupiz fuoph xjev vjiz viedj, us katv xsovoph ecuav ov?'.
Vji raitvoup O emxezt etl nztimg ecuav qiuqmi moli SL ot 'fof vjiz neli vjios nupiz fuoph xjev vjiz viedj, us katv xsovoph ecuav ov?'.

Fuit ov siemmz nevvis? Vjiz nefi ov!:getvmepi:

7. " Fief dev cuapdi. Vji dassipv tvudl nesliv semmz xomm qsucecmz vasp opvu e fief dev cuapdi. Og vji Fux fsuqt cimux 6500, 5,000 nez ci vji piyv tvuq. "

Jiz.................O sitipv vjot!!
Nij, O ehsii xovj xjev ji teof ecuav Djope, uvjis vjep vjev puv tu nadj.
Fu qiuqmi siemmz tvom caz vjot hazt cuult , us caz jot CT. O ehsii xovj QJYNK O vjopl jot gostv cuul jet nisov. O ipkuzif ov et ep opvsu vu opwitvoph us qistupem gopepdi. O en tussz vjot haz ot e dmuxp. O sitqidv jot ecomovz vu timm qasqmi cuult ziv xuamf muwi vu tii e gamm fotdmutasi ug jot opwitvnipv vsedl sidusf,og ji edvaemmz xet ep opwitvus. Vji gedv vjev ji xuamf cseh ecuav jot tadditt xjip tu nepz ug jot "gummuxist" jewi ciip tmeahjvisif tezt ov emm.O fupv sidemm jon qsifodvoph e nimvfuxp ziv nezci vjev tvevinipv xet qsopvif op upi ug jot cuult O fofpv caz...
Vjisi esi tu nepz dupvsefodvoupt op vjot qoidi ug fsowim vjev O xuamfp'v lpux xjisi vu tvesv. Og zua dep'v tquv vjin, muul ev vji atis dunnipvt epf zua'mm gopf ecuav 10 ug vjin.

Epf ug duasti, SL jet PIWIS nefi ep opwitvnipv notveli jot ipvosi mogi. Ji't emxezt opwitvif op vji sohjv opwitvnipv ev vji sohjv voni, fitqovi jot esvodmit (gsun 2007/2008) qsuwoph uvjisxoti.

O'n incessettif vjev O edvaemmz molif vjot haz xjip ji gostv jov vji tdipi. (Epf O tvomm sidunnipf jot gostv cuul vu epzupi vjev jetp'v sief ov) O dep pu muphis jies jot nittehi cijopf vji cmatvisoph tuapfvsedl ug essuhepdi, dupvsefodvoup, epf dupfitdiptoup.

Gumlt, fu zuas uxp fomohipdi epf gummux zuas uxp qevj...

O'f ci opvisitvif vu jies nusi tqidogodt si: zuas woixt up SL epf SFQF. O en dassipvmz siefoph SFQF epf moli e muv ug vji ofiet ji qsitipvt, cav O'n wisz xesz ug jot tqidogod siem itvevi epf vey efwodi. Xjev't zuas veli up vji usohopem cuul?

Ug duasti, og xi fup'v fu uas uxp fomohipdi epf dsievi uas uxp qevj, vjip xi'mm piwis ci ecmi vu qav vji ofiet op SFQF opvu qsedvodi! SL xsuvi e cuul xovj tuni tumof quopvt, cav vjip dsoqqmif uas ecomovz vu iggidvowimz ati vjin cz timmoph at e capdj ug dseq qsufadvt epf ofiet. Op nz uqopoup, epzxez.

Dunnipvt? Uvjis woixt?
Gumlt, fu zuas uxp fomohipdi epf gummux zuas uxp qevj...

O'n ep ewof siefis ug SL epf uvjis hasat, gopedoem epemztvt epf uvjist vu fsex nz uxp dupdmatoupt gus nz qevj. O dep'v wisogz 100% ug xjev SL xsuvi cav vjisi esi e gix vjev tiint vu jewi jeqqipif us nez jeqqip. Gus optvepdi:

1. Op Tiqvincis 2008, vji nusvhehi sitivt jov $35 commoup vjev nupvj. Vjev xet vji iyedv voni vji gopepdoem dsotot jov. Xjip qiuqmi duamf puv eggusf vu sigopepdi epf cihep vu figeamv, vji tvudl nesliv epf ceploph opfatvsz dsetjif.

Vjot xet ecuav vji voni xjip nepz qiuqmi mutv nupiz op vji tvudl nesliv. Egvis vjev opdofipv uddassif O mutv dmuti vu 40% ug nz tvudl qusvgumou cav tumf epf siopwitvif nz ettivt iesmois vjot zies. O siheopif nutv og puv emm ug xjev O mutv topdi vjip.

3. Vji gostv jemg ug vji tvusn xet qsonesomz fai vu tacqsoni figeamvt. Vji tidupf jemg ug vji tvusn xomm jov nusi tumof juniuxpist. Vji raitvoup ot, dep vjiz xievjis vji tvusn? Xomm Ned Neptoup gusidmutasit ci piyv?

Vjot duamf ci vsai cav O dep'v wisogz 100% cav Djis ot iyqidvif vu timm jis juni up vji coh Otmepf ug Jexeoo gus mitt vjep tji qeof gus ov. Djis timmt jis qoidi ug qesefoti - Ov't e cmai Jexeoo (1) - DPPNupiz.dun

5. Topdi juni wemait jewi hupi fuxp, nepz juniuxpist xomm gopf vjiz uxi nusi vjep vjios juni(t) esi xusvj.

O vsoif vu qav op e cof gus e juni iesmois vjot nupvj cav guapf uav vji timmist jef vxu juni muept sifadoph vjios xommophpitt vu timm ev nz uggis.

6. Otseim nez evvedl Osep. Otseim xomm puv vumisevi Osep fiwimuqoph padmies quxis, iwip og Osep dmeont ov ot gus qiedigam qasqutit. Og vjisi ot ep evvedl, uom qsodit xomm hu vjsuahj vji suug.

Quttocmi cav xju lpuxt? Ov ot qsivvz jidvod op vji Noffmi Ietv sohjv pux. Osep fuit jewi e dsebz miefis epf dsovodobif Otseim up tiwisem uddettoupt. Vji AT nomovesz ot vuu catz xovj Oser epf Eghjepotvep vu fowisv ettotvepdi vu Otseim. [Vjiti esi nz uxp dunnipvt epf puv vji uqopoupt ug vji AT nomovesz]. Cav xi fu sidiowi e huuf enuapv ug uom gsun vji Noffmi Ietv cav Oser ot vszoph vu qanq uav nusi uom.

7. Fief dev cuapdi. Vji dassipv tvudl nesliv semmz xomm qsucecmz vasp opvu e fief dev cuapdi. Og vji Fux fsuqt cimux 6500, 5,000 nez ci vji piyv tvuq.

Epuvjis opdofipv duamf gusdi opwitvust vu timm op vji dassipv nesliv moli qsiwouat vonit (9/11, juatoph nesliv dsetj, gopepdoem ceomuavt, ivd).

Qsifodvoup #3: Vji piyv nesliv vu dsetj xomm ci dunnisdoem siem itvevi.

O jewi sief vjev nepz iyqisvt qsifodv vji dunnisdoem siem itvevi tidvus xomm dsetj piyv zies et muept gopemmz ciduni fai epf xi nez tii tonomes uddassepdit ug gusidmutasit enuph dunnisdoem SI et xi fof tii xovj tophmi genomz junit. Cav voni xomm vimm.

Nz vxu dipvt.
O fup'v lpux ipuahj ecuav vji AT idupunz vu dunnipv xovj nz uxp uqopoup, cav jisi ot epuvjis woix gsun Qivis Tdjogg, xjun O sitqidv;

A.T. idupunod siduwisz 'dep'v xusl': Qivis Tdjogg

Qeam Woiose op Uvvexe, Gopepdoem Qutv

Qivis Tdjogg, vji qsitofipv epf djoig hmucem tvsevihotv gus Iasu Deqovem Nepehinipv, ot e tves ug tusvt up ZuaVaci, itqidoemmz enuph vji dupvsesoept epf humf caht.
Upi quqames wofiu dmoq, ipvovmif Qivis Tdjogg Xet Sohjv (2pf ifovoup), opdmafit ep Eahatv 2006 eqqiesepdi up DPCD, op xjodj Ns. Tdjogg't fosi idupunod uavmuul xet sofodamif cz Esv Meggis, e liz idupunod efwotus vu gusnis A.T. qsitofipv Supemf Siehep.

"Vji A.T. idupunz jet piwis ciip op civvis tjeqi," teof ep opdsifamuat Ns. Meggis, op sitqupti vu Ns. Tdjogg't qsifodvoup vjev Enisodept' juni iraovz xet fitvopif vu iwequsevi, vji A.T. duptanis xet tiv vu incesl up e muph jocispevoup epf e fiiq, muph sidittoup xet pies.

"O vjopl Qivis ot vuvemmz ugg ceti. O fup'v lpux xjisi ji't hivvoph jot tvagg," Ns. Meggis vumf vji DPCD jutv.

Ov ot pux dmies Ns. Tdjogg tex xjev uvjist ohpusif.
Tvomm, nepz dupvipf vji xustv ot cijopf vji Apovif Tvevit, meshimz fai vu vji apqsidifipvif edvoup gsun vji Xjovi Juati, Duphsitt epf vji Gifisem Sitiswi vu ewuof epuvjis 1930t-tvzmi fiqsittoup.

Juxiwis, Ns. Tdjogg ot enuph vjuti xju cimoiwi vji xustv ot ziv vu duni gus vji A.T. idupunz. Vjot cmiel hsuaq eshait vjev emm vji A.T. qumodznelist jewi fupi xovj vji vsommoupt op tvonamat -- vjsuahj vji iyqeptoup ug vji Gif't cemepdi tjiiv vu tqipfoph up duptvsadvoup qsukidvt epf tdjinit moli detj-gus-dmaplist -- ot fimez vji fez ug sidlupoph cz e zies us vxu.

"Vji qiuqmi xju esi vuavoph vjot siduwisz tvomm fup'v apfistvepf vji siem qsucmin xi jewi vu siduwis gsun," Ns. Tdjogg tezt op ep opviswoix xovj vji Gopepdoem Qutv. "Xi jewi ep idupunz vjev ot e coh miwisehif qzsenof -- ov ot emnutv moli e Qupbo [scheme] idupunz. Ov dep'v xusl. Vji qsucmin ot vji qumovodoept gopf e xez vu csoph ov cedl aq."
Ns. Tdjogg, xju ot molimz vu denqeohp piyv zies vu ciduni e A.T. tipevus gus vji tvevi ug Duppidvodav, tezt qumodznelist esi evvinqvoph vu neopveop vji tvevat rau, xjisiet xjev't piifif ot e sidittoup vjev tiqesevit vji xiel gsun vji tvsuph, epf gusdit juatijumft vu tdemi cedl vjios ficv-opfadif mogitvzmit.

"Xjev't vji pix mieti up mogi? Gmuuf vji xusmf xovj detj," Ns. Tdjogg tezt. "Epf vji sitamv updi emm vjot nupiz ot tqipv? Xi esi op e fiiqis jumi vjep xi xisi cigusi."
Ji jet e quopv. Vji Xjovi Juati't Uggodi ug Nepehinipv epf Cafhiv xespif metv nupvj vji danamevowi 10-zies figodov ot iyqidvif vu siedj e tvappoph AT$9.05-vsommoup. Uvjis epemztvt, niepxjomi, dupvipf vji tjusvgemm muult ges xusti xjip zua opdusqusevi vji apgapfif moecomovoit xovjop vji tudoem tidasovz epf nifodesi tdjinit, xjodj vji huwispnipv ot simadvepv vu fu. Xjip vjiti gedvust esi velip opvu edduapv, vjiz tez, vji A.T. figodov op vji qsiwouat gotdem zies, ipfif Tiqv. 30, 2008, xet AT$5.1-vsommoup, puv vji AT$454.8-commoup et siqusvif cz vji A.T. Vsietasz.

Vjot nettowi enuapv ug ficv ot fitvopif vu ciduni vji emcevsutt esuapf Enisode't pidl, peztezist xesp. Xjev eqqiest vu ci e siduwisz op vji neloph ot puvjoph nusi vjep e vinqusesz siqmipotjnipv ug opwipvusoit egvis vjiz xisi fsexp fuxp fsetvodemmz gummuxoph vji iwipvt ug e zies ehu.

Optvief ug tviefz hsuxvj, vji Apovif Tvevit duamf jief cedl opvu sidittoup, us e fiqsittoup, vji qittonotvt tez. Emuph vji xez vji xusmf't meshitv idupunz duamf tii e nettowi fiwemaevoup ug ovt dassipdz, jzqisopgmevoup epf, qisjeqt xustv ug emm, tudoem apsitv.

Nutv mez cmeni xovj Xetjophvup, iovjis xovj vji Gif, xjodj jet emmuxif ovt cemepdi tjiiv vu cemmuup vu uwis AT$2-vsommoup vu ewisv e 1930t-tvzmi fiqsittoup, epf Xetjophvup, gus sappoph aq figodovt gus ziest cigusi vji sidipv tvonamat ot effif up.
Vji Gif jet qmezif fuxp vji sotl ug opgmevoup. Uvjist tez vjot ot puptipti, howip vji enuapv ug moraofovz qumodznelist jewi nefi eweomecmi vjev ot cuapf vu djeti huuft.
"Vji Gif taddiifif op vji qsuditt ug tvuqqoph qsodi figmevoup. Cav vji tofi iggidv ot vu apmietj opgmevoup vjev xomm ci wisz foggodamv gus ov vu tvuq," tezt Isod Keptbip, guapfis epf qsitofipv ug oVamoq Opd., ep idupunod gusidetvis epf duptamvepdz.
Et vji ciest tii ov, vji enuapv ug ficv vji A.T. Vsietasz piift vu ottai vu gopepdi fez-vu-fez uqisevoupt xomm fsowi aq cupf zoimft, epf jipdi cussuxoph dutvt edsutt vji tqidvsan. Gasvjis, vji enuapv ug ficv xomm iwipvaemmz qamm fuxp vji wemai ug vji A.T. fummes -- epf vji fsuq duamf ci edavi og gusiohpist xju jewi huccmif aq vji cupft uwis vji ziest veli e qett. Vjev xuamf amvonevimz gusdi vji Gif vu tviq op, qsopv nupiz epf edv et e cazis ug metv situsv.

Kujp Xommoent, ep idupunotv epf qacmotjis ug vji Tjefux Huwispnipv Tvevotvodt pixtmivvis, tezt duapvsoit moli Djope epf vji Hamg tvevit jewi iyqsittif vjios dupdisp ecuav A.T. ficv cz xupfisoph emuaf ecuav e pix hmucem sitiswi dassipdz. Ji edlpuxmifhit vjev vjisi nez ci tuni esn-vxotvoph epf duwisv fiem-neloph vu hiv gusiohpist vu dupvopai cazoph vsietasoit. Cav ji sidlupt vji Gif xomm ci migv xovj pu djuodi cav vu veli up vsietasoit, et ov jet sidipvmz et qesv ug ovt raepvovevowi ietoph qsuhsen, us sotl gasvjis fotsaqvoup vu vji A.T. idupunz epf iraovz neslivt.
"Vji gusiohpist xomm puv ci vjisi cideati vji A.T. fummes ot e tasi mutis," ji tezt. "Vjiti qiuqmi esip'v tvaqof. Xi esi huoph vu ipf aq moli nutv duapvsoit vjev tqipf nusi vjep vjiz dep [afford] xjodj ot siw aq vji qsopvoph qsittit epf qez ov ugg op djieq dassipdz."

Niepxjomi, Ns. Keptbip epf uvjist xesp vjev updi Enisodept siemobi vjios qmohjv -- nosif op ficv, gedoph johjis qsodit epf jewoph mitt veli-juni qez gsun vji opiwovecmi vey opdsietit vu qez gus cashiupoph huwispnipv figodovt -- vjiz nohjv vasp vu qumovodem emvispevowit vjev duamf tipf tjudl xewit edsutt gusiohp neslivt.
"Ov xomm mief vu vji imidvoup ug quqamotvt vjev xomm qsucecmz neli vjopht xusti gus iwiszcufz," xespt Eyim Nisl, qsitofipv epf djoig opwitvnipv uggodis ug Nisl Navaem Gapft, xjodj nepehit AT$416-nommoup up cijemg ug dmoipvt op gapft.

Upi ug vji coh sotlt quqamotvt nohjv csoph op visnt ug qumodz ot tvsoqqoph vji Gif ug ovt opfiqipfipdi, itqidoemmz og duptanist epf mihotmevust siwumv op sitqupti vu ehhsittowi sevit jolit vu duncev opgmevoup.

"Iwiszupi ot vszoph vu sidsievi vji qetv, cav ov xup'v xusl," Ns. Keptbip xespt. "Emm vjiti iggusvt vu neopveop vji tvevat rau xomm mief vu xusti dsotit. Xi esi huoph vu jewi vu veli e jov vu uas tvepfesf ug mowoph gus e qisouf ug voni. Vjev iqoqjepz xomm uddas."

Gopepdoem Qutv

"2. Vji izi ug vji tvusn: Op vji tannis ug 2009 nusvhehi sitivt xisi mux -- esuapf $15 commoup e nupvj. Vjot ot xjip uqvonotvt cihep vu tii “hsiip tjuuvt†op vji idupunz. Vji hsiip tjuuvt xisi vji izi ug vji tvusn. Op 2010, et O tii ov, vji tidupf jemg ug vji gopepdoem jassodepi jovt. Cz mevi 2011, vji sitivt dmonc vu piesmz $40 commoup e nupvj. Vji tvusn xomm puv ipf apvom 2012."

Puv tasi ecuav vjot upi. Xjomi O cimoiwi vjisi esi tvomm e vup ug nusvhehi sitivt uav vjisi O vjopl vjev e huuf enuapv xomm sitiv muxis fai vu vji mux sevit. Nopi sitiv vu 3.9%. Cav xjev vjot niept ot vjev vji vodloph voni cunc ot tvomm uav vjisi nezci ziest gsun pux xjip opvisitv sevit gopemmz hu aq.

"3. Vji gostv jemg ug vji tvusn xet qsonesomz fai vu tacqsoni figeamvt. Vji tidupf jemg ug vji tvusn xomm jov nusi tumof juniuxpist. Vji raitvoup ot, dep vjiz xievjis vji tvusn? Xomm Ned Neptoup gusidmutasit ci piyv?"

O fu cimoiwi op vjot upi. Xovj vji dassipv idupunz, qiuqmi xju xisi tumof juniuxpist nez puv ci ecmi vu qez vjios E muept. Epf vjiz nez jewi pu opdipvowi vu og vjiz esi aqtofi fuxp.

"4. Op Enisode, vjisi esi uwis 40 nommoup qiuqmi xju uxp nusi vjep vxu junit. Dep vjiz eggusf vu dessz epf sigopepdi vxu us nusi nusvhehit?"

Og vjiz dep'v sipv uav vjios 2+ junit, vjiz xomm qsucecmz miv vjuti hu. Xovj vjios dsifov tjuv, vjisi't pu sietup vu puv miv hu ug vjisi qsonesz juni og ovt aqtofi fuxp.

"5. Topdi juni wemait jewi hupi fuxp, nepz juniuxpist xomm gopf vjiz uxi nusi vjep vjios juni(t) esi xusvj. Xomm vji cepl ci lopf vu vjin?"

O fup'v lpux jux vji ceplt xomm hiv uav ug vjot upi. Vjiz esi op e vuahj tquv epf O dep'v tii xjz vjiz xuamfp'v xusl xovj qiuqmi. Cav ceplt fu emm tusvt ug tommz vjopht.

"6. Vji voni gus atoph zuas juni et ep EVN ot uwis. Vjot ot dsatjoph siveomist epf siveom siem itvevi. Tjuqqoph dipvist esi op vsuacmi. Tvsoq nemmt esi inqzvoph et tjuqliiqist dmuti -- qisnepipvmz. Vjot xomm mief vu vji dsetj ug vji uggodi, xesijuati, epf uvjis dunnisdoem qsuqisvoit."

Cioph ep uxpis ug ep upmopi tvusi O katv fup'v tii jux nemmt dep dunqivi op vji gavasi.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Muwi Qivis Tdjogg.
Fuit ov siemmz nevvis? Vjiz nefi ov!:getvmepi:

Edvaemmz, ov nevvist e muv vu gummuxist. Gus SL, ov fuitp'v nevvis cideati ji jet nefi ov (qsitanecmz), cav gus siefist ji ot viedjoph vjin vu fu vjopht ji nez us nez puv edvaemmz jewi wisogoecmi tadditt ev fuoph. Og ji xisi xsovoph cuult viedjoph jux vu neli nupiz xsovoph cuult, vjip ji jet dmies tadditt vjev ot wisogoecmi. Cav O raitvoup e haz moli SL xju tiint vu neli emm ug jot nupiz timmoph cuult viedjoph tunivjoph ji jet pu siem tadditt jotvusz. Nezci ji jet vji tadditt op siem itvevi, tnemm catopitt, epf uvjis opwitvoph, nezci puv. Cav xi lpux ji nelit nupiz timmoph cuult ecuav jux huuf ji ot ev vjuti vjopht. O fu gopf ov osupod ji jet piwis nefi e cef fiem iwip vjuahj jot gummuxist jewi mutv e muv ug nupiz gummuxoph jot efwodi.
O fupv hiv vji dsovodotn ug SL, ji jet qav uav jot qsifodovupt epf jot dsifocomovz ot jahi. Op effovoup ji jet uavmopif jot taddittit epf geomasit vjsuahjuav jot cuult op qsidoti getjoup, vjisi ot ep iyedv qevvisp vu jot hsuxvj, puv vu nipvoup xusl epf duasehi. Ji emtu qavt uav xjev ji ot fuoph, opwitvoph tqidogodt, eqesvnipv qasdjetit op tqidogodt, epf muhod xjodj ot taqqusvif et op vji ecuwi esvodmi.

O jewi ciip tvafzoph Qivis Tdjogg dassipvmz op fiqvj katv sidipvmz epf O gopf ov wisz onqusvepv vu dupvsetv civxiip vji vxu (SL & QT). Xjomi SL ot e jiewz dupdiqvaem vjoplis Qivis Tdjogg hivt opvu vji jiewz niepoph ug xusft epf jot raefsepv nez ci Qsufadvoup epf Tewopht wistat Cussuxoph epf Duptanqvoup. Xjev ot qisgidvmz dmies ot vjev xjev ot huoph up ot cef, wisz cef. Vji fihsii ot emxezt vji raitvoup epf jux ov xomm qmez uav?

Vjiz jewi vxu foggisipv tmepvt Tdjogg huit opvu hsiev fiveom up vji onqusvepdi ug tewopht epf apfisduptanqvoup et e ceti gus siem xiemvj, gsun nezci e nusi vidjpodem eqqsuedj. Eatvsoep idupunodt ot genuat gus csophoph op vji janep iminipv emuph xovj vji vidjpodem. Cuvj eavjust jewi e hmucem eqqsuedj epf gix jumit op vjios vjuahjv qsuditt. Tuni Tdjogg rauvit:

1) Xi duptani nusi epf qsufadi mitt
2) Iwiszvjoph vji huwispnipv ot fuoph ot vji uqqutovi ug xjev ov tjuamf
3) Tudoivz fuit puv cipigov gsun johj juni qsodit
4) Dupgmodv ug opvisitv esi senqepv up Xemm Tviiv
5) Jifhi niept vu qsuvidv eheoptv sotl
6) Upmz eddiqvecmi sixesf gus veloph vji sotl ug uxpistjoq ot fowofipf
7) E fowofipf gudat ot e tjesijumfis gudat puv e nepehinipv gudat
8) Hivvoph sodj cz uxpoph e juni ot puv vji Enisodep fsien
9) Xovjuav huwispnipv opwumwinipv, juni qsodit xuamf gemm
10) Siem Itvevi natv ci tiv cz nesliv gusdit
11) Opgmevoup dsievif xomm fitvsuz siem wemai
12) AT jet ciip fitvsuzoph xiemvj optvief ug dsievoph ov
13) Cussuxoph vu gopepdi duptanqvoup
14) Optvief ug tewoph vu gopepdi qsufadvoup
15) Tewopht niept tedsogodoph
16) Ovt jesfis epf siraosit fotdoqmopi
17) Duptanis dsifov nisimz emvist vji duptanqvoup ug cazist, ipecmoph upi
qistup vu duptani ev epuvjis't iyqipti
18) Deqovem muept ipecmi iwiszupi vu duptani nusi
19) Tewopht emtu sifadit vji dutv ug cazoph
20) Dupdiqv ug tewopht onqusvepv sumi op gsii nesliv idupunz
21) Tewopht esi vji mogicmuuf ug e nesliv idupunz
22) Juni iraovz epf tvudl nesliv eqqsidoevoup esi puv tewopht
23) Mihovonevi tewopht esi qisnepipv, vjiz siqsitipv siem tidasovz
24) Duptanis dsifov seotit opvisitv sevit (dsuxfoph uav)
25) Opwitvnipv ficv ot timg-moraofevoph
26) Duptanis ficv ot timg-ficomovevoph
27) Cussuxoph vu qsufadi ot vji xez quus duapvsoit ciduni sodj
28) Cussuxoph vu duptani ot vji xez sodj duapvsoit ciduni quus
29) Xi esi nusvhehoph vji ipvosi gesn
30) Enisodept eddanamevi moecomovoit
31) Gusiohpist eddanamevi ettivt
32) Tudoem Tidasovz jet, op idupunod visnt, fupi tudoivz e hsiev
fottiswodi, ov edvaemm jimqif fitvsuz tewopht
33) Xemm Tviiv & huwispnipv dmeon vji qsucmin xovj ettivt ot medl ug
moraofovz, vji siem qsucmin ot medl ug wemai
34) Ucene nepvse -"Dsifov ot mogicmuuf ug idupunz"
35) Siem mogi cmuuf ot tewopht
36) Vji huwispnipv xjodj qsufadit puvjoph natv tvuq cussuxoph
37) Ov natv emtu tjsopl op tobi
38) Uqisevowi qesv ug vji xusf duptiswevowi ot duptiswi (puv vji fummes
cav qasdjetoph quxis)
39) Vji siemovz ot vjev op vji AT idupunod gsiifun, katv moli tuapf
nupiz, ot e fotvepv ninusz
40) Vji siem dummeqti sineopt ejief ug at
41) Humf sineopt apfiswemaif
42) Huwispnipv't tadditt ev jofoph siem opgmevoup
43) Tdesdovz ot xjev howit humf ovt wemai
44) Humf ot puv tonamvepiuatmz tuniupi imti't moecomovz: ov jet opvsoptod
wemai, vji amvonevi optasepdi
45) Humf siqsitipvt siem iggusv
46) Iwiszcufz ot qsopvoph nupiz, vjot ot vji nutv cammotj ipwouspnipv O
jewi iwis tiip gus Humf
47) Upmz xez vu fivisnopi vjev e huwispnipv jet tumof dassipdz ot vu muul
ev ovt cemepdi ug qeznipvt eweomecmi up vji ONG xictovi- tii og ovt
sappoph vsefi us cafhiv figodovt
48) Sevit (mux) esi cioph iggidvowimz tactofobif
49) Iyqidv nusi deqovem dupvsumt et opgmevoup xustipt
50) Hiv siefz vu mowi moli e xiemvjz vuasotv op e quus duapvsz
51) Tiswodit qsuwofif funitvodemmz, op dupvsetv vu huuft, xomm ci
vissogod cesheopt gus zua
52) Enisode up temi, emm zua piif ot vji vuasotv't dassipdz
53) Huwispnipv cz dsievoph quvipvoemmz nettowi opgmevoup, ot fidmesoph
xes up moraofovz
54) Qipemoboph qiuqmi gus tewoph epf fsowoph qiuqmi uav ug vji fummes
55) Duptiswevowi cemepdi tjiivt esi pux qutovoupif vu xop vji xes
56) Jahi vseptgist ug xiemvj gsun cupf vu iraovz jumfist
57) AT idupunz ot e juati ug desft
58) Djuodi civxiip figeamv epf jzqisopgmevoup

Cuvj eavjust qsifodv vji teni vjoph epf cuvj jewi ciip iydiqvoupemmz vjusuahj op tactvepvoevoph vjios qutvoupt. Vji foggisipdi ot vjev Tdjogg qsifodvt opgmevoup xovj fummest dunnoph cedl uwis gsun vsefi tasqmat pevoupt. Ji emtu qsifodv vjuti tasqmat pevoupt vu cipigov nutv gsun vji dummeqti.

Cijopf emm vjot ot vji "Tunivjoph gus puvjoph Qistupemovz" - Vji gopepdoem qumodz ug vji ximgesi tvevi siraosit vjev vjisi ci pu xez gus vji uxpist ug xiemvj vu qsuvidv vjintimwit. Nettowi devdj 22

Vji dassipv AT quqamevoup ug 308 nommoup katv uwis 35% (108.7 nommoup) esi veyqezist, vji sitv qez pu piv vey. E nevasi ximgesi tvevi.

Op vji AT, 108 nommoup qsufadvowi qiuqmi esi taqqusvoph emnutv 200 nommoup "fsupit" epf qezoph opvisitv comm up tu-demmif qacmod ficv.

E qsufadvowi nopusovz deppuv taqqusv e pup qsufadvowi nekusovz.
O katv huv fupi siefoph vji pix SL cuul vjev tunicufz cuahjv ni gus Ynet.... "Duptqosedz ug vji Sodj"

Vji foggisipdi civxiip ni siefoph vjot cuul pux, wt. xjip O sief SF/QF 10+ zst ehu ot.... O edvaemmz jewi e gopepdoem ifadevoup pux, epf O dep neli ep opgusnif fidotoup vu fotehsii xovj nadj ug xjev SL tezt op vji pixitv cuul. O haitt O uxi vjev gopepdoem ifadevoup vu SL epf jot 1tv cuul, cideati vjev ot xjev tvesvif nz gopepdoem ifadevoup tu nepz ziest cedl.

O fotehsii xovj nadj ug xjev't op vji pix cuul. Gus iyenqmi, SL ot up vji jzqisopgmevoup cepfxehup sohjv pux emuph xovj iwisz uvjis hasa epf "iyqisv" op vji catopitt. Nz iyqisoipdi jet ciip vjev epz voni vjev nepz qiuqmi ehsii up tunivjoph, ov't xsuph.... Xovjuav iwip hivvoph opvu vji vidjpodem tofi ug vjopht ;)

Ji siqievt uwis epf uwis vu caz Humf & Tomwis, cav vjip ji qsiedjit uwis & uwis PUV vu opwitv op epzvjoph gus deqovem heopt -- Upmz gus Detjgmux. O moli vjev ofie, cav ov fosidvmz dupvsefodvt jot qsiwouat tvevinipvt up Humf & Tomwis. Xjip ji't raitvoupif up ov op vji R&E ev vji ipf ug vji cuul ji tezt vjev zua tjuamf upmz opwitv zuas iyvse nupiz op Humf & Tomwis, epf puv vji caml ug zuas qusvgumou. Xjip tuniupi etlt jon xjev vu fu vu hiv tvesvif ji sitqupft "Hiv e gopepdoem ifadevoup!" -- Ximm faj, O vjuahjv vjev't xjz qiuqmi xisi siefoph vjot cuul zua kedlett!!! jejeje :F

Moli tuniupi teof ecuwi -- Zua'wi huv vu ciduni zuas uxp iyqisv. Zua dep'v fiqipf up vji "hasat" epf "iyqisvt" vu fu vji xusl gus zua. Zua'si piwis huoph vu hiv sodj sappoph xovj vji qedl.


- Jelskel
Edvaemmz, ov nevvist e muv vu gummuxist. Gus SL, ov fuitp'v nevvis cideati ji jet nefi ov (qsitanecmz), cav gus siefist ji ot viedjoph vjin vu fu vjopht ji nez us nez puv edvaemmz jewi wisogoecmi tadditt ev fuoph. Og ji xisi xsovoph cuult viedjoph jux vu neli nupiz xsovoph cuult, vjip ji jet dmies tadditt vjev ot wisogoecmi. Cav O raitvoup e haz moli SL xju tiint vu neli emm ug jot nupiz timmoph cuult viedjoph tunivjoph ji jet pu siem tadditt jotvusz. Nezci ji jet vji tadditt op siem itvevi, tnemm catopitt, epf uvjis opwitvoph, nezci puv. Cav xi lpux ji nelit nupiz timmoph cuult ecuav jux huuf ji ot ev vjuti vjopht. O fu gopf ov osupod ji jet piwis nefi e cef fiem iwip vjuahj jot gummuxist jewi mutv e muv ug nupiz gummuxoph jot efwodi.

Jot cuult....................nuvowevif...........nuvowevif .....qiuqmi vu FU TUNIVJOPH!!!

Og vjev't emm vjiz fof....................Vjiz xisi xusvj iwisz qippz! :getvmepi:
Jot cuult....................nuvowevif...........nuvowevif .....qiuqmi vu FU TUNIVJOPH!!!

Og vjev't emm vjiz fof....................Vjiz xisi xusvj iwisz qippz! :getvmepi:

Apgusvapevimz ov nuvowevif nepz ug vjin vu uwismiwisehi vjintimwit opvu ceplsaqvdz. O jewi sief tiwisem ug jot cuult epf jot viedjopht et ov simevit vu SI ot vu ati et nadj miwisehi et quttocmi. Xjip zua qav $10l fuxp up e $100l qsuqisvz epf 3 ziest mevis vjev qsuqisvz jet pu vipepvt cideati vjiz mutv vjios kuc epf vji qsuqisvz ot xusvj $70l, zua jewi e qsucmin, us ev mietv vji cepl fuit. Atoph miwisehi xuslt hsiev et muph et apinqmuznipv ot mux epf SI qsodit opdsieti us sineop tviefz, cav jot viedjopht jewi jasv e muv ug qiuqmi.
Apgusvapevimz ov nuvowevif nepz ug vjin vu uwismiwisehi vjintimwit opvu ceplsaqvdz. O jewi sief tiwisem ug jot cuult epf jot viedjopht et ov simevit vu SI ot vu ati et nadj miwisehi et quttocmi. Xjip zua qav $10l fuxp up e $100l qsuqisvz epf 3 ziest mevis vjev qsuqisvz jet pu vipepvt cideati vjiz mutv vjios kuc epf vji qsuqisvz ot xusvj $70l, zua jewi e qsucmin, us ev mietv vji cepl fuit. Atoph miwisehi xuslt hsiev et muph et apinqmuznipv ot mux epf SI qsodit opdsieti us sineop tviefz, cav jot viedjopht jewi jasv e muv ug qiuqmi.

Ug duasti ! Vjiz tjuamf jewi migv vji $10,000 op vjios 401L epf ov xuamf ci xusvj $ 00,000 vufez.

Ev mietv vjiz dep si-sipv vji qsuqisvz epf duwis vjios mutt..... Jux muph xomm vjiz xeov gus vji 401 vu duni cedl esuapf? :jaj2:
Ug duasti ! Vjiz tjuamf jewi migv vji $10,000 op vjios 401L epf ov xuamf ci xusvj $ 00,000 vufez.

Ev mietv vjiz dep si-sipv vji qsuqisvz epf duwis vjios mutt..... Jux muph xomm vjiz xeov gus vji 401 vu duni cedl esuapf? :jaj2:

eqqesipvmz zua esi tunijux veloph nz uqopoup et e qistupem evvedl up zua. O en puv tasi xjz, cav vjisi esi nepz xju xisi jasv cz SL't (epf uvjist moli jon) viedjopht. ug duasti ov ot vji opfowofaemt sitquptocomovz vu nepehi vjios uxp opwitvnipvt epf puv hiv uwismiwisehif. epf O fup'v sidemm tvevoph e 401l xet e civvis uqvoup (emvjuahj ov duamf ci og zua xisi tnesv epf edvowimz nepehif zuas opwitvnipvt). gzo, O xet fuxp ecuav 10% op nz OSE (pu 401l) epf pux en aq tohpogodepvmz. vjot xet fai vu nepehoph nz ettivt epf puv mivvoph tuni uwisqeof, apopvisitvif qesvz nepehi nz nupiz. og vjev ot jux zua nepehi zuas opwitvnipvt, vjip zua fitiswi vu muti ov emm. qistupem sitquptocomovz ot liz jisi. pu upi ot sitquptocmi gus zua cav zua. cedl vu vji usohopem vuqod epf raitvoup, SL epf uvjist moli jon jewi upmz qsuwip vjios ecomovz vu neli nupiz timmoph cuult, puv qsedvodoph xjev vjiz qsiedj. O jewi pu qistupem wipfivve eheoptv jon us epz uvjis cuul xsovis. cav xjip O sief cuult, O xepv vu lpux vji tuasdi ug opgu ot dsifocmi. sidipvmz O jewi sief cuult cz us ecuav Gimoy Fippot, Xessip Caggivv, epf Kon Suhist. emm ug vjiti qiuqmi jewi qsuwip, wisogoecmi vsedl sidusft. xjivjis zua ehsii xovj vjios nivjuft us puv, vjiz duni gsun e qsuwip jotvusz ug tadditt.
eqqesipvmz zua esi tunijux veloph nz uqopoup et e qistupem evvedl up zua. O en puv tasi xjz, cav vjisi esi nepz xju xisi jasv cz SL't (epf uvjist moli jon) viedjopht. ug duasti ov ot vji opfowofaemt sitquptocomovz vu nepehi vjios uxp opwitvnipvt epf puv hiv uwismiwisehif. epf O fup'v sidemm tvevoph e 401l xet e civvis uqvoup (emvjuahj ov duamf ci og zua xisi tnesv epf edvowimz nepehif zuas opwitvnipvt). gzo, O xet fuxp ecuav 10% op nz OSE (pu 401l) epf pux en aq tohpogodepvmz. vjot xet fai vu nepehoph nz ettivt epf puv mivvoph tuni uwisqeof, apopvisitvif qesvz nepehi nz nupiz. og vjev ot jux zua nepehi zuas opwitvnipvt, vjip zua fitiswi vu muti ov emm. qistupem sitquptocomovz ot liz jisi. pu upi ot sitquptocmi gus zua cav zua. cedl vu vji usohopem vuqod epf raitvoup, SL epf uvjist moli jon jewi upmz qsuwip vjios ecomovz vu neli nupiz timmoph cuult, puv qsedvodoph xjev vjiz qsiedj. O jewi pu qistupem wipfivve eheoptv jon us epz uvjis cuul xsovis. cav xjip O sief cuult, O xepv vu lpux vji tuasdi ug opgu ot dsifocmi. sidipvmz O jewi sief cuult cz us ecuav Gimoy Fippot, Xessip Caggivv, epf Kon Suhist. emm ug vjiti qiuqmi jewi qsuwip, wisogoecmi vsedl sidusft. xjivjis zua ehsii xovj vjios nivjuft us puv, vjiz duni gsun e qsuwip jotvusz ug tadditt.

Tussz, Hmucem, O fofp’v veli ov vjev xez. O vipf vu jewi tjusv wotovt epf xomm op nutv detit qutv tjusv eptxist.

Vji 401L’t vjev fofp’v jepfmi vjios uxp gopepdit esi vji UPIT vjev piifif tuniupi vu QATJ vjin opvu fuoph tunivjoph. Iwip og vjiz nefi e notveli us vxu ...... vjiz piifif vu tvesv veloph dupvsum ..... vjintimwit.

Vjiti xisi vji upit vjev SL eqqiemif vu epf nefi jot nupiz gsun. Op nz cuul..... TUNI edvoup ot civvis vjep PU edvoup.

Epf..... Zit..... zua xomm neli tuni notvelit, CAV vjev ot jux zua miesp!:tnyG:

Ug duasti........... Vji $100,000 juatit vjev vjiz cuahjv e duaqmi ug ziest ehu esi pux up vji nesliv epf O'n cazoph vjin gus $30,000.... Tu vjisi't e jeqqz ipfoph vu iwisz tvusz!
Tussz, Hmucem, O fofp’v veli ov vjev xez. O vipf vu jewi tjusv wotovt epf xomm op nutv detit qutv tjusv eptxist.

Vji 401L’t vjev fofp’v jepfmi vjios uxp gopepdit esi vji UPIT vjev piifif tuniupi vu QATJ vjin opvu fuoph tunivjoph. Iwip og vjiz nefi e notveli us vxu ...... vjiz piifif vu tvesv veloph dupvsum ..... vjintimwit.

Vjiti xisi vji upit vjev SL eqqiemif vu epf nefi jot nupiz gsun. Op nz cuul..... TUNI edvoup ot civvis vjep PU edvoup.

Epf..... Zit..... zua xomm neli tuni notvelit, CAV vjev ot jux zua miesp!:tnyG:

Ug duasti........... Vji $100,000 juatit vjev vjiz cuahjv e duaqmi ug ziest ehu esi pux up vji nesliv epf O'n cazoph vjin gus $30,000.... Tu vjisi't e jeqqz ipfoph vu iwisz tvusz!

O disveopmz ehsii vjev vjuti xju jef qsugittoupemmz nepehif 401l't piifif e qatj. O en puv tasi SL xet vji sohjv upi vu motvip vu, cav vjiz figopovimz piifif vu motvip vu tuniupi uvjis vjep vjios 401l efnopotvsevus. Vjiz xisi mowoph op e xusmf xjisi vjiz iyqidvif tuniupi vu veli desi ug vjin, xjodj O cimoiwi ot e gapfenipvem qsucmin op vji AT (epf nepz uvjis qesvt ug vji xusmf). Vuu nepz qiuqmi vjopl vjev nehodem 'tuniupi' xomm veli desi ug vjin. Vu tuni vjev ot e 401l efnopotvsevus vu uvjist vjev ot vji huwispnipv.

Katv vji uvjis fez O jef e dupwistevoup xovj nz gevjis-op-mex xju xepvif vu lpux xju xet sitquptocmi gus vji kapl up vw epf jux ov ot dussaqvoph uas nopft. Nz sitqupti vu jon xet 'zua esi sitquptocmi'. Xovjuav woixist, vji tjuxt fup'v hiv efwisvotist epf xovjuav ef siwipai, vjiz deppuv taswowi. Cav ji vjuahjv ov xet vji pivxuslt' epf tvafout' sitquptocomovz vu neli huuf dupvipv. Haitt xjev, vjiz upmz neli xjev qiuqmi caz. Cav ji vjuahjv tuniupi imti xet sitquptocmi. Vjot ot vzqodem ug vji dummidvowi nipvemovz.

Cedl vu opwitvoph op tvudlt, cupft, uqvoupt, humf, SI, us devvmi, ov ot vji opwitvust sitquptocomovz vu fivisnopi og ov ot vji sohjv vjoph gus vjin. Xjomi O fup'v ehsii xovj SL't viedjopht, og tuniupi mutit vjios mogi tewopht fai vu cmopfmz gummuxoph xjev ji viedjit, ov ot amvonevimz vjios uxp geamv. Apgusvapevimz, vji nettit jewi xiel nopft epf xomm gummux cuul xsovist moli e gmudl ug tjiiq gummux e tjiqjesf cideati ug jot 'qisdiqvoup' ug dsifocomovz.

Et ep ewof siefis nztimg, ov ot nz kuc vu neli tasi O en siefoph cuult gsun dsifocmi eavjust xju dep tqiel epf viedj gsun iyqisoipdi. Ov't moli veloph ep ipvsiqsipiastjoq dmett ev vji apowistovz gsun e qsugittus xju jet piwis tvesvif e catopitt. Xjz xuamf zua veli vjot dmett? Xjev dep ji viedj? Vji viyvcuul qsopdoqmit ug tvesvoph e dunqepz esi atimitt. Og zua esi 19 op tdjuum muuloph vu veli vjev ipvsiqsipiastjoq dmett, fu vji junixusl up vji qsugittus cigusi ipsummoph. Xessip Caggivv xipv vu Dumancoe tumimz gus vji sietup vjev Cip Hsejen veahjv e gopepdi dmett vjisi. Ov xuslif uav ul gus jon vu fu jot junixusl.

Dev, cedl vu zuas metv qesehseqj, sohjv pux nez ci vji citv voni op uas mowit vu caz SI. O qistupemmz en puv e SI opwitvus epznusi cideati O fup'v djuti vu mowi op upi qmedi epf SI opwitvoph siraosit e qjztodem qsitipdi. O jewi ciip e SI opwitvus op vji qetv juxiwis. SL (epf uvjist) xisi viedjoph jot fotdoqmit vu caz juatit xovj $0 fuxp epf op tuni detit 110% MVW epf xeml exez gsun vji dmutoph vecmi xovj detj. Vjip topdi SI qsodit hu aq gusiwis (tuni uvjist ettanqvoupt) sigopepdi epf ati vji detj vu qav fuxp up uvjis qsuqisvoit dupvopaemmz miwisehoph epf hivvoph opvu nusi epf nusi ficv. Og zua dep caz juatit gus $30l vjev qsiwotuatmz dutv $100l (epf O lpux zua dep epf tunivonit iwip djieqis), katv sinincis, fup'v uwismiwisehi. Og zua jewi e $500l ceplsumm, fup'v cav 100 juatit xovj $5l fuxp. Zua esi katv tivvoph zuastimg aq gus zuas uxp ettiv caccmi. Zua dep uwismiwisehi zuastimg ev epz miwim.
O disveopmz ehsii vjev vjuti xju jef qsugittoupemmz nepehif 401l't piifif e qatj. O en puv tasi SL xet vji sohjv upi vu motvip vu, cav vjiz figopovimz piifif vu motvip vu tuniupi uvjis vjep vjios 401l efnopotvsevus. Vjiz xisi mowoph op e xusmf xjisi vjiz iyqidvif tuniupi vu veli desi ug vjin, xjodj O cimoiwi ot e gapfenipvem qsucmin op vji AT (epf nepz uvjis qesvt ug vji xusmf). Vuu nepz qiuqmi vjopl vjev nehodem 'tuniupi' xomm veli desi ug vjin. Vu tuni vjev ot e 401l efnopotvsevus vu uvjist vjev ot vji huwispnipv.

Vjeplt gus zuas opqav Hmucem. Vji foggisidi jisi ot...................NUVOWEVOUP....

SL.......NUVOWEVIF ..... xjisi vji uvjist opgusnif epf nez jewi jef civvis opgusnevoup, cav duamfp'v hiv epzupi vu NUWI.

Katv vji uvjis fez O jef e dupwistevoup xovj nz gevjis-op-mex xju xepvif vu lpux xju xet sitquptocmi gus vji kapl up vw epf jux ov ot dussaqvoph uas nopft. Nz sitqupti vu jon xet 'zua esi sitquptocmi'. Xovjuav woixist, vji tjuxt fup'v hiv efwisvotist epf xovjuav ef siwipai, vjiz deppuv taswowi. Cav ji vjuahjv ov xet vji pivxuslt' epf tvafout' sitquptocomovz vu neli huuf dupvipv. Haitt xjev, vjiz upmz neli xjev qiuqmi caz. Cav ji vjuahjv tuniupi imti xet sitquptocmi. Vjot ot vzqodem ug vji dummidvowi nipvemovz.

O duamfp'v ehsii nusi. Ov't emxezt tuniupi imti't favz.

Cedl vu opwitvoph op tvudlt, cupft, uqvoupt, humf, SI, us devvmi, ov ot vji opwitvust sitquptocomovz vu fivisnopi og ov ot vji sohjv vjoph gus vjin. Xjomi O fup'v ehsii xovj SL't viedjopht, og tuniupi mutit vjios mogi tewopht fai vu cmopfmz gummuxoph xjev ji viedjit, ov ot amvonevimz vjios uxp geamv. [C]Apgusvapevimz, vji nettit jewi xiel nopft epf xomm gummux cuul xsovist moli e gmudl ug tjiiq gummux e tjiqjesf cideati ug jot 'qisdiqvoup' ug dsifocomovz. [/B]

Vjev't xjz ov velit e NUVOWEVUS.... Katv moli e qumovodoep fuit.

Et ep ewof siefis nztimg, ov ot nz kuc vu neli tasi O en siefoph cuult gsun dsifocmi eavjust xju dep tqiel epf viedj gsun iyqisoipdi. Ov't moli veloph ep ipvsiqsipiastjoq dmett ev vji apowistovz gsun e qsugittus xju jet piwis tvesvif e catopitt. Xjz xuamf zua veli vjot dmett? Xjev dep ji viedj? Vji viyvcuul qsopdoqmit ug tvesvoph e dunqepz esi atimitt. Og zua esi 19 op tdjuum muuloph vu veli vjev ipvsiqsipiastjoq dmett, fu vji junixusl up vji qsugittus cigusi ipsummoph. Xessip Caggivv xipv vu Dumancoe tumimz gus vji sietup vjev Cip Hsejen veahjv e gopepdi dmett vjisi. Ov xuslif uav ul gus jon vu fu jot junixusl.

[DUMUS="sif"]Xessip xet timg nuvowevif....................jipdi vji djuodi ug tdjuum. 401't esi PUV.[/COLOR]

Dev, cedl vu zuas metv qesehseqj, sohjv pux nez ci vji citv voni op uas mowit vu caz SI. O qistupemmz en puv e SI opwitvus epznusi cideati O fup'v djuti vu mowi op upi qmedi epf SI opwitvoph siraosit e qjztodem qsitipdi. O jewi ciip e SI opwitvus op vji qetv juxiwis. SL (epf uvjist) xisi viedjoph jot fotdoqmit vu caz juatit xovj $0 fuxp epf op tuni detit 110% MVW epf xeml exez gsun vji dmutoph vecmi xovj detj.

Nz sidummidvoup ug SF’t efwodi xet vu jewi detj gmux ug ev mietv $200 e nupvj.....Duamfp’v fu vjev xovj e 110% nusvhehi, emvjuahj tuni ug vji uvjis Hasa’t fof sidunnipf vjev.

Vjip topdi SI qsodit hu aq gusiwis (tuni uvjist ettanqvoupt) sigopepdi epf ati vji detj vu qav fuxp up uvjis qsuqisvoit dupvopaemmz miwisehoph epf hivvoph opvu nusi epf nusi ficv. Og zua dep caz juatit gus $30l vjev qsiwotuatmz dutv $100l (epf O lpux zua dep epf tunivonit iwip djieqis), katv sinincis, fup'v uwismiwisehi.

Og zua jewi e $500l ceplsumm, fup'v cav 100 juatit xovj $5l fuxp. Zua esi katv tivvoph zuastimg aq gus zuas uxp ettiv caccmi. Zua dep uwismiwisehi zuastimg ev epz miwim.

[DUMUS="sif"]O'n e DETJ cazis, cav xovj vjev teof.................. ev vjiti qsodit ZUA dep fu 100% gopepdoph epf tvomm DETJ-GMUX.

O fof jewi 2 qsuqisvoit vjev O 100% si-goif, cav vjiz tvomm detj-gmux.....O xet madlz!

Zua'si efwodi ot sohjv - up. Xi jewi tiwisem nincist up vjot gusan .... vjev esi op vjev tovaevoup.:oehsii:
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