Hey everybody, I’m new to this forum so i guess I’ll introduce myself.
I’m currently in year 12 and just turned 17, with big ambitions in life. In my spare time I enjoy cycling, working out, and last but not least gaining purposeful knowledge through mainly reading books - unscripted being one of my firsts and favourites, among rich dad poor dad
The reason I post today is to hopefully get some advice on what is the best route I should take in my life, from fellow entrepreneurs - seeing as I don’t have any that I know of to chat to about.
My current dilemma is whether or not I should stay and finish year 12 and really any opinions from others that may have been in the same situation I’d be more than pleased to hear from. In classes, I feel as though the stuff I’m learning is really useless - like many other students - however I feel that I am on track to really accomplish something with my life: unlike others. I have chatted with my parents and the school principal on many occasions, with all of them being fine with me dropping out to chase my dreams. The problem is though that they say this will close doors, but I only believe this will close the gap to have a high income job and will not have a large effect on my future - hence me not wanting to go to uni and gathering further indoctrination etc.
My current routine is to wake up around 5:30 and basically work around school to meet by goals, as school isn’t one of them.
For the last 4 months, I’ve smashed out books and taken notes on them, these being just your foundational books as it seems to be - along the lines of: How to win friends and influence people, The Art of War, The obstacle is the way etc.
To add, I find it hard to concentrate on school and get things finished on time, because of my beliefs on school and indoctrination blah blah - I’ve been watching a lot of David Icke lately.
It seems like my head is telling me to drop out, whereas my heart is telling me to stay.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated !
I’m currently in year 12 and just turned 17, with big ambitions in life. In my spare time I enjoy cycling, working out, and last but not least gaining purposeful knowledge through mainly reading books - unscripted being one of my firsts and favourites, among rich dad poor dad

The reason I post today is to hopefully get some advice on what is the best route I should take in my life, from fellow entrepreneurs - seeing as I don’t have any that I know of to chat to about.
My current dilemma is whether or not I should stay and finish year 12 and really any opinions from others that may have been in the same situation I’d be more than pleased to hear from. In classes, I feel as though the stuff I’m learning is really useless - like many other students - however I feel that I am on track to really accomplish something with my life: unlike others. I have chatted with my parents and the school principal on many occasions, with all of them being fine with me dropping out to chase my dreams. The problem is though that they say this will close doors, but I only believe this will close the gap to have a high income job and will not have a large effect on my future - hence me not wanting to go to uni and gathering further indoctrination etc.
My current routine is to wake up around 5:30 and basically work around school to meet by goals, as school isn’t one of them.
For the last 4 months, I’ve smashed out books and taken notes on them, these being just your foundational books as it seems to be - along the lines of: How to win friends and influence people, The Art of War, The obstacle is the way etc.
To add, I find it hard to concentrate on school and get things finished on time, because of my beliefs on school and indoctrination blah blah - I’ve been watching a lot of David Icke lately.
It seems like my head is telling me to drop out, whereas my heart is telling me to stay.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated !
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