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Self employed all my life and guilty

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Dec 31, 2020
Edinburgh, UK
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Hi All

So my name is Stu and I'm half way through Fastlane with Unscripted sitting there to go.

I've been guilty of letting my self employment and businesses become my job, initially starting with what I love, cars, I became a driving instructor (and a really good one, one of the top 6% in the UK for my standards of training ) with dreams of operating a national driving school ~ but somehow seemed to lack the drive and education to get that off the ground and so it went nowhere except 10 years stuck in a rut and barely making headway... during this time I trained in NLP, I trained in Hypnotherapy, I trained in Martial Arts and co-owned a training school with another Sensei; I also did the Therapist at home thing ~ none of which has been turning the key in my head and so was still stuck in that rut.

An unfortunate change of circumstances meant I needed to change my income and so started working with dogs, more of what I enjoy...walking them was breath of fresh air, literally, having lived a decade in a car and congestion. About a year in the client list was full and I was making decent (pfft) money with plenty more time to spare than the old driving lifestyle (yay) ~ so I opened a dog grooming salon. Its now its 3rd year and the client list is full again but I'm still stuck with a low to moderate income...and deciding what to do next.

Enter MJ with FL and Unscr...
With all Ive read so far, I'm in total agreement with MJ thankfully and see my own failings left right and centre. I still feel I'm approaching this with huge caution though...Ive read all the Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Grant Cardone and have even seen Abraham Hicks live in London ~ I'll obviously not let these past experiences do anything other than help, but I find myself broken with disappointment and the growing consideration/probability that I'll just never make it. Sooo worried and anxious I'll be stuck in this mediocre earning experience, borrowing money to buy a new business vehicle or pursue my passion because I just haven't "got it" ...deeply upsetting and frustrating.

One of the reasons I took to here today instead of waiting until I have finished FL and Unscr is my partner announced last night her 5 year plan was to move back to the Scottish Islands to be with her family, wants me to go with her and start a business up North. Ive no problem with this...except for the 5/6 years its taken to grow my existing business. Seems like I'll have to sell it - cant take the clients with me!
The good thing is I'm a pretty resilient guy so I'll bounce back with this ~ but now seems I'll have to make my bucket loads wherever I live...that passion I was talking about earlier is I know how to sail, own an old 28' boat and want to enjoy the live-aboard experience as well, so I have to learn to earn without location and its fixed client base; plus yachts aren't cheap and find myself looking at smaller and smaller boats because of the mediocre income Ive only just managed to achieve...I live in hope that I can make this work and not be crushed in self-disappointment again.

I have my motivations to keep going and have read much on here before taking the time to introduce myself ~ I've seen the honesty and integrity some of you write with and no doubt some of you are doing EXTREMELY well. Well done!

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Ive given up looking at yachts for the meantime, given up daydreaming if you like and I now have 5 years to make a difference to her life and mine.
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Huuf madl up zuas kuaspiz! O'n tasi zua'mm ci ecmi vu neli ov. Sinincis moli NK teof op VNG vji txiev ug tadditt ot geomasi. Liiq huoph! Vji nutv taddittgam esi tuelif!

Up epuvjis puvi, zua tez zua jewi 5 ziest vu neli e foggisipdi gus zua epf zuas qesvpis. 5 ziest ot e muph voni. Vsz neli ov e tjusvis voni gseni moli e zies us tunivjoph epf tiv tqidogod huemt ev tqidogod vonit cideati O'wi miespv vjev jewoph tadj csuef visnt moli 5 ziest op vji gavasi tonqmz fuitp'v nuvowevi ni tunivonit epf deatit ni vu xeffmi esuapf epf ci moli 'ziej O huv __ ziest'.

Jewi e huuf fez/pohjv!

Huuf madl up zuas kuaspiz! O'n tasi zua'mm ci ecmi vu neli ov. Sinincis moli NK teof op VNG vji txiev ug tadditt ot geomasi. Liiq huoph! Vji nutv taddittgam esi tuelif!

Up epuvjis puvi, zua tez zua jewi 5 ziest vu neli e foggisipdi gus zua epf zuas qesvpis. 5 ziest ot e muph voni. Vsz neli ov e tjusvis voni gseni moli e zies us tunivjoph epf tiv tqidogod huemt ev tqidogod vonit cideati O'wi miespv vjev jewoph tadj csuef visnt moli 5 ziest op vji gavasi tonqmz fuitp'v nuvowevi ni tunivonit epf deatit ni vu xeffmi esuapf epf ci moli 'ziej O huv __ ziest'.

Jewi e huuf fez/pohjv!
Vjot, zit! O lpux xjev zua niep. Vjeplt :)
Xjip O vjopl ecuav ov, O dep tii ov cioph 4 ziest gus uas nuwi xjodj xomm niep timmoph vji catopitt op apfis 3 tu O civvis hiv e nuwi up pux.
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