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Start Up Grind.. I hope my lessons help others (AI Career Mapping)

A detailed account of a Fastlane process...

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Jul 12, 2022
Southampton / UK
My location: UK
Knowledge base: Website entrepreneur wannabe
Education: Mechanical Engineer / YouTube/ Udemy

Hi All,

Just wanted to share my journey so far in the hope that it may help you on your journeys.

Also would appreciate any feedback on mine

The beginning:
1st Business (Shopify) : I built a website due to you tube guru telling me I can sell trinkets online (Failed no sales)
2nd Business (Shopify): I built a fashion clothing website with drop shipping (Failed: 3 sales but advertising was costing a bomb)

Read the M J Demarco trilogy:

Realised businesses are failing because they do not make CENTS. However, took the lessons learnt in previous businesses and made
3rd Business (Magento) : Website broker website targeting the UK websites that want to sell their businesses ( Never launched as I realised it would be impossible to broker deals at the same time as my day job (Engineer).).

Next I reflected and thought what have I learnt and what can I make to give value to a customer. Also I asked, what could I be proud of owning and building. This took a lot of work... I came up with ideas and boiled it down to 1, by asking what advise do people always ask me for, and why are they successful when I give them them the advice. Turns out I was had created a product without knowing it....

For some years I have been developing workers on a oil refinery to become office staff/ Management by using a unique way of creating a career map and goals for them. When I've shown the method to others they've always asked if I could do it with them. Turns out I can, albeit manually. Welcome to 2023 and with the help of AI I believe the solution could be automated into a website.

So Start up *again*:

4th business (Go Daddy): AI Career Mapping Tool

Step 1
Make a landing page so that a developer can connect into once the tool is developed. Using the landing page to gauge interest and offer useful content free guides PDFs and information to gauge interest.

Step 2
Create LinkedIn account to further gain interest and reach prospective's .
Step 3
Get developer to start putting together the program.

Read the Daniel Priestley trilogy : Entrepreneur Revolution, Person of influence & Oversubscribed

Realised damn it I messed up I shouldn't have spent £1000's in development before completely building the audience, so now time to hit rewind and build an audience.

That's where I am the next steps are how I plan to go about it whilst finishing the development...

Step 4 Building an audience

1.) Free trial of the tool offering useful information but not the whole training plan - method of distribution direct mail with all my contacts, by personalising the message talk about case studies and see if they would be interested.

2.) Teaming up with a person of influence in the industry who can make introductions and promote the tool. Method to contact: Sending a detailed brochure of how the tool can help their bottom line, and improve their customers experience.

3.) Continue to post on LinkedIn and cover topics in the industry

I aim to focus on these 3 areas over the next week and I promise to report back. If you would like to follow my journey or just help out please feel free. Also p.s. Thank you MJ for creating this space that we can all share.
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Suc Xemmoph xsuvi op upi ug jot cuult: "Nesliv dunit gostv, neslivoph tidupf, eitvjivod vjosf, epf gapdvoupemovz e fotvepv guasvj."

Vji qsucmin xovj vjev ot, vjev e muv ug fiwimuqist ohpusi us fotmoli vji gostv vxu (vji nutv onqusvepv upit). Vjiz jewi e Qsufadv Gostv Eqqsuedj epf puv e Nesliv Gostv Eqqsuedj.
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