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Starving artist tired of starving


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Aug 5, 2017

As the title suggests, I've been doing art for a long time. Illustration, graphic design, product design, painting, and so on. I've had other careers, but art has always stuck with me in some form, even as something to fall back on.

I'm a very private person as I have a serious case of social anxiety which has been with me for many years now. It makes marketing my services very difficult. I want people to know about my business, but the idea of having a personal online presence is horrifying to me. For that reason I have never used social media, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Obviously this limits my ability to feed myself, and well - do anything really. I've flirted with the idea though, perhaps under a pseudonym. I found this forum searching for how to market online, as I'm in need of good ideas for promoting a portrait painting service. I'm aware of influencer marketing, referral/commissions, but applying this to my niche as an artist with no name is... challenging.

Combine that with no resources to invest in advertising etc. I'm currently living on a diet of oatmeal and rice. I'm hoping to learn and grow with this community, as I prefer the more personal feel of forums over public networking based websites.
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Jul 27, 2017
Moon Base
Hi ProcessionOfEye,
I too am a fellow artist and also not too keen on social interactions.
I'll give you some advice but be aware you might not like the advice.
It's advice most artists loathe hearing but the best medicine is sometimes bitter.
First things first.
Social anxiety sucks, but what sucks more is letting it run your life due to you not trying to battle against it.
To beat social anxiety you have to literally do what makes you uncomfortable.
You will have to talk to people, stand out in a crowd, and as Weird Al said "Dare to be stupid".
There is a youtuber who lives in Japan, a handsome gent, who has anxiety and did exercises where he walks up to people and asks them to either do something with him or interview them.
***Edit: Forgot the link. But the guys name is Regan and he did a whole series of videos part of his self imposed rejection therapy.
Rejection Therapy Japan - YouTube
I'm not telling you to grab a camera and do that but you should slowly try to interact with strangers more and more.
I've tried it myself years ago and met some really nice people. Some became good friends.
Second, Social media.
It's just a tool. Don't let it intimidate you other wise it's a shitty tool that does you no good.
If you want to make a persona or brand go for it. Many artists do this and they still make a living.
Just know that you have to be active. Once you start you will have to build a community around you. A fanbase if you will.
And you will have to interact with them.
As for flirting with the idea, screw that. Jump that ideas bones.
Make a profile anywhere and just go. Do. Start.
I promise you before you know it you will become active on that platform and before you know it enjoy the experience far more than you expected.
I know I did. I thought Facebook was for assholes who enjoyed stalking other people and posting vague statuses about their exes.
I got one (because a girl I liked told me too) and I've enjoyed using it to connect with other artists and people with similar interests.
Social media is free and you don't need money for advertising just produce quality content on a regular basis, hashtags are your friends, likes, follows, and interactions will gain you a following.
You have all you needs but you have to actually work.
You have to draw more. You have to post. You have to start.
And it won't be easy.


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Jan 26, 2016
Rice, Texas
I have a lot of social anxiety too. I wasn't always like this. I remember I used to talk to everyone. That means that nobody is born extroverted or introverted. They are all learned behaviors. Slowly I'm starting to learn how to be more extroverted. I'm sure you can too.

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