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Suggestions on How to Fastlane My "Business?"

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Jan 18, 2014
Hi everyone, I'm new here - recently hopped aboard after staying up all night to devour the Millionaire Fastlane :)

My story, abridged: I saved up as much as I possibly could and quit my job two years ago as I felt very strongly that my job-lifestyle was not conducive to the sort of lifestyle I wanted to have. Looking back, it was probably a rash move, but I'm the sort of person who needs that SHOVE in order to start doing something. And yea, a loss of a steady paycheck was quite motivating. I spent the better part of a year researching ways to make money, trying to understand SEO and backlinking, learning to use Wordpress, and reading a lot of blogs.

Then I made a few Wordpress sites and for the past year now, my earnings have been steadily increasing. I'm now making *almost* as much as I was at my last job and there's very little maintenance. To be honest, I still don't know exactly what I'm doing and my only saving grace seems to be that I'm good at finding little markets and relating to my audience. I'm also interested in pretty much everything under the sun, so that helps too.

I've been pretty comfortable with this for the past few months, seeking only to expand my income streams by building similar sites in different niches. I'm currently working on 5 more sites and learning more about how to streamline the process: finding a market, structuring/organizing the site direction, and outsourcing as much of the work as possible. My goal was to keep expanding this little "business" model into my army of income-earning sites.

But since reading MJ's book, I can't get rid of this niggling feeling that I'm not on the right path - or maybe I'm close to it, if I can just make a few tweaks. I mean, the sites make steady money but I am dependent on advertising, Google traffic (70% of my traffic is organic Google, the rest is return visitors/direct url), and affiliate products. I don't control any of that.

I've been researching how to take my sites to the "next level" but to be honest, I seem to be kind of stuck right now. My brain is in a pattern of just "create more sites" but something tells me that's probably not the way to go, especially if I could figure out a way to better optimize the sites I already have and create new ones according to a new and improved model - one in which I'd have more control.

Sorry if this is turning into a long rant - I guess I'm ultimately looking for suggestions on how I could better optimize what I have and tweak it into something that is fastlane. Any suggestions would be really appreciated since it's kind of hard for me to assess this totally objectively as I am too close to it.

What can I do to improve?
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