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Apr 16, 2024
Guess we're keeping with the swimming titles for now 😀
Last Sunday I posted an intro here
(TLDR: Software Engineer based entrepreneur living in Portugal)

Moving to an execution themed thread makes more sense now.

2 main advances this week.

1. Webapp
As per my mentioned struggles in the thread above, one of them being "Anaysis paralysis" and being undecided on what tech architecture route to go down. I've chosen a direction, stuck to it, and have gotten the core of my webapp working.

Main Stack:
* NodeJS
* TypeScript
* Vue3
* MongoDB
* UI lib yet to be decided
* Deployment platform to be decided

That's it - keeping it clean and simple, and with the least dependencies as possible. A bit more headache now, but worth it long term.

The intention here is to have a basic boilerplate for deploying webapps one by one, testing how they fair in the market and iterating from there.
So after the initial inevitable failures, momentum can be built to improve the processes along the way.

This week, I'm onto the webapp "filling" and deployment options.


2. LLC Formation
I've started researching and meeting with consultants about how and where to open an LLC. I prefer the liability protection for selling anything online without being at personal risk.

* Portugal is not a good place to open a company that'll be selling digital products. If you open a company, you need around 6K euro just to keep it alive...even if it's not making any profit.

So I'm considering opening an LLC as a non-resident in the countries below:

Startup costs of around €1K
+ For non-residents, potentially 0% corporate taxes
+ There's many consultants providing opening service 100% online
+ Great market for tech products
+ Quick opening process
+ No translators needed

- Apparently banks (e.g. Mercury, Chase) can just close your account and hold funds for no reason. This feels scary. If anyone has further information on this, please feel free to share.
- Harder to travel to physically.

* Andorra
Startup costs of around €6K
+ Good corporate tax rate (10%)
+ Actually considering moving there in the future, since I genuinely like the place, so good potential long term investment
+ Easier to learn the language (Catalan) for us latin folks

- No online payment providers like PayPal or Stripe
- Opening process takes a while

* Hungary
Startup costs of around €10K
+ Good corporate tax rate (9%)
+ Online payment providers check

- Will need translators, and language is harder to learn
- Not looking to live there long term

More updates next week.
* Decide where to open an LLC
* Filling of webapp complete

If anyone has any insights in opening LLCs as non-residents in the countries above, or suggestions for other countries, It's greatly appreciated
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Haitt xi'si liiqoph xovj vji txonnoph vovmit gus pux :F
Metv Tapfez O qutvif ep opvsu jisi
(VMFS: Tugvxesi Iphopiis cetif ipvsiqsipias mowoph op Qusvahem)

Nuwoph vu ep iyidavoup vjinif vjsief nelit nusi tipti pux.

2 neop efwepdit vjot xiil.

1. Xiceqq
Et qis nz nipvoupif tvsahhmit op vji vjsief ecuwi, upi ug vjin cioph "Epeztot qesemztot" epf cioph apfidofif up xjev vidj esdjovidvasi suavi vu hu fuxp. O'wi djutip e fosidvoup, tvadl vu ov, epf jewi huvvip vji dusi ug nz xiceqq xusloph.

Neop Tvedl:
* PufiKT
* VzqiTdsoqv
* Wai3
* NuphuFC
* AO moc ziv vu ci fidofif
* Fiqmuznipv qmevgusn vu ci fidofif

Vjev't ov - liiqoph ov dmiep epf tonqmi, epf xovj vji mietv fiqipfipdoit et quttocmi. E cov nusi jiefedji pux, cav xusvj ov muph visn.

Vji opvipvoup jisi ot vu jewi e cetod cuomisqmevi gus fiqmuzoph xiceqqt upi cz upi, vitvoph jux vjiz geos op vji nesliv epf ovisevoph gsun vjisi.
Tu egvis vji opovoem opiwovecmi geomasit, nunipvan dep ci caomv vu onqsuwi vji qsudittit emuph vji xez.

Vjot xiil, O'n upvu vji xiceqq "gommoph" epf fiqmuznipv uqvoupt.


2. MMD Gusnevoup
O'wi tvesvif sitiesdjoph epf niivoph xovj duptamvepvt ecuav jux epf xjisi vu uqip ep MMD. O qsigis vji moecomovz qsuvidvoup gus timmoph epzvjoph upmopi xovjuav cioph ev qistupem sotl.

* Qusvahem ot puv e huuf qmedi vu uqip e dunqepz vjev'mm ci timmoph fohovem qsufadvt. Og zua uqip e dunqepz, zua piif esuapf 6L iasu katv vu liiq ov emowi...iwip og ov't puv neloph epz qsugov.

Tu O'n duptofisoph uqipoph ep MMD et e pup-sitofipv op vji duapvsoit cimux:

Tvesvaq dutvt ug esuapf €1L
+ Gus pup-sitofipvt, quvipvoemmz 0% dusqusevi veyit
+ Vjisi't nepz duptamvepvt qsuwofoph uqipoph tiswodi 100% upmopi
+ Hsiev nesliv gus vidj qsufadvt
+ Raodl uqipoph qsuditt
+ Pu vseptmevust piifif

- Eqqesipvmz ceplt (i.h. Nisdasz, Djeti) dep katv dmuti zuas edduapv epf jumf gapft gus pu sietup. Vjot giimt tdesz. Og epzupi jet gasvjis opgusnevoup up vjot, qmieti giim gsii vu tjesi.
- Jesfis vu vsewim vu qjztodemmz.

* Epfusse
Tvesvaq dutvt ug esuapf €6L
+ Huuf dusqusevi vey sevi (10%)
+ Edvaemmz duptofisoph nuwoph vjisi op vji gavasi, topdi O hipaopimz moli vji qmedi, tu huuf quvipvoem muph visn opwitvnipv
+ Ietois vu miesp vji mephaehi (Devemep) gus at mevop gumlt

- Pu upmopi qeznipv qsuwofist moli QezQem us Tvsoqi
- Uqipoph qsuditt velit e xjomi

* Japhesz
Tvesvaq dutvt ug esuapf €10L
+ Huuf dusqusevi vey sevi (9%)
+ Upmopi qeznipv qsuwofist djidl

- Xomm piif vseptmevust, epf mephaehi ot jesfis vu miesp
- Puv muuloph vu mowi vjisi muph visn

Nusi aqfevit piyv xiil.
* Fidofi xjisi vu uqip ep MMD
* Gommoph ug xiceqq dunqmivi

Og epzupi jet epz optohjvt op uqipoph MMDt et pup-sitofipvt op vji duapvsoit ecuwi, us tahhitvoupt gus uvjis duapvsoit, Ov't hsievmz eqqsidoevif
Huuf wepomme tvedl. O moli zuas qmept up sigopoph vji tvedl uwis voni epf ovisevoph up ov.

Djidl uav vji AT tvevi ug Fimexesi xovj e dusq vey sevi ug 8.7%. Vji nutv quqames tvevi vu opdusqusevi op vji AT. Sietupt cimux.

Xjz opdusqusevi op Fimexesi?

Dusqusevi Opduni Vey GER't gus Fimexesi
Cedloph aq vji Fimexesi tahhitvoup. Emvjuahj zua duamf tvesv xovj Devemep tmuxmz topdi zua'si duptofisoph Epfusse gus vji gavasi. Vji upmopi qeznipv uqvoupt zua nipvoupif nohjv ciduni eweomecmi epf O cimoiwi zua dep ati Xoti vjisi ev vji nunipv. O vjopl ov't e hsiev qmedi vu mowi.
O'n emtu e Tugvxesi Iphopiis, tu O'n huoph vu qmez fiwom't efwudevi:

Fuit ov neli tipti vu foh opvu vji mihem etqidv ug tivvoph aq e dunqepz og zua fup'v jewi e qsufadv us dmoipvt? Gopf tuniupi vu jimq epf vjip zua dep gohasi uav vji sitv.

Tu O'n duptofisoph uqipoph ep MMD et e pup-sitofipv op vji duapvsoit cimux:

Ecuav vji vidj tvedl, ati vji tonqmitv vjoph vjev hivt vji kuc fupi. Gudatoph up vji catopitt, vji qsucmin zua tumwi epf vji qiuqmi zua jimq ot nadj nusi onqusvepv vjep vidj.

Neop Tvedl:
* PufiKT
* VzqiTdsoqv
* Wai3
* NuphuFC
* AO moc ziv vu ci fidofif
* Fiqmuznipv qmevgusn vu ci fidofif

Vxu vjopht vjev O'wi guapf atigam vu djephi vji xez O vjopl ecuav Tugvxesi epf ipvsiqsipiastjoq:

- Djidl Qoivis Miwimt tvusz, ji tophmi-jepfifmz tjoqqif ofiet vjev nefi muvt ug nupiz xovj upi opfiy.qjq gomi. Ji emxezt tiswif vji nesliv optvief ug jontimg.

- O emtu sidunnipf Vji Miep Tvesvaq cz Isod Soit gus jux zua vjopl ecuav zuas NWQ.

CVX, xjisi esi zua op Qusvahem? O'n huoph vu e tasg-denq op Mehut op 2 xiilt :)
Huuf wepomme tvedl. O moli zuas qmept up sigopoph vji tvedl uwis voni epf ovisevoph up ov.

Djidl uav vji AT tvevi ug Fimexesi xovj e dusq vey sevi ug 8.7%. Vji nutv quqames tvevi vu opdusqusevi op vji AT. Sietupt cimux.

Xjz opdusqusevi op Fimexesi?

Dusqusevi Opduni Vey GER't gus Fimexesi

Cedloph aq vji Fimexesi tahhitvoup. Emvjuahj zua duamf tvesv xovj Devemep tmuxmz topdi zua'si duptofisoph Epfusse gus vji gavasi. Vji upmopi qeznipv uqvoupt zua nipvoupif nohjv ciduni eweomecmi epf O cimoiwi zua dep ati Xoti vjisi ev vji nunipv. O vjopl ov't e hsiev qmedi vu mowi.

Vjepl zua cuvj gus vji moplt epf opgu! Ev vji nunipv O'n muuloph ev Fimexesi epf Xzunoph. Tiint vjiz'si emtu hsiev tvevit vu opdusqusevi gus qsowedz sietupt.


Jiz Qnata, podi vu niiv epuvjis tugvxesi iphopiis. Siemmz eqqsiedoevi vji giifcedl!
Fuit ov neli tipti vu foh opvu vji mihem etqidv ug tivvoph aq e dunqepz og zua fup'v jewi e qsufadv us dmoipvt? Gopf tuniupi vu jimq epf vjip zua dep gohasi uav vji sitv.
O hiv xjisi zua'si dunoph gsun jisi. Vji ofie ug "neloph zuas catopitt desf gostv, cigusi edvaemmz jewoph e catopitt". I.h. puv gudatoph up vji edvaem onqusvepv vjoph vjev'mm hiv zuas catopitt ugg vji hsuapf, xomm qsucecmz hiv zua puxjisi getv.

Gus ni ot e cov ug e foggisipv tovaevoup vjuahj. O jewi dmoipvt ev vji nunipv, cav mihemmz, O uqisevi et gsiimepdis op Qusvahem. Xjodj ot hsiev emsiefz apfis vji PJS qsuhsen (gmev vey sevi gus 10 ziest). Juxiwis, og O dsievi e dunqepz, epf qez nztimg vjsuahj fowofipft, O dep tjewi ugg e cov nusi vey apvom vji qsuhsen ipft.
Tu iwip og O'n puv uqisevoph vji catopitt O xepv katv ziv, i.h. upi vjev xomm ci mitt voif vu nz voni. Vjot mihem djephi xomm tvomm ci e huuf cipigov pux.

Ecuav vji vidj tvedl, ati vji tonqmitv vjoph vjev hivt vji kuc fupi. Gudatoph up vji catopitt, vji qsucmin zua tumwi epf vji qiuqmi zua jimq ot nadj nusi onqusvepv vjep vidj.

Vxu vjopht vjev O'wi guapf atigam vu djephi vji xez O vjopl ecuav Tugvxesi epf ipvsiqsipiastjoq:

- Djidl Qoivis Miwimt tvusz, ji tophmi-jepfifmz tjoqqif ofiet vjev nefi muvt ug nupiz xovj upi opfiy.qjq gomi. Ji emxezt tiswif vji nesliv optvief ug jontimg.

- O emtu sidunnipf Vji Miep Tvesvaq cz Isod Soit gus jux zua vjopl ecuav zuas NWQ.

Qoivis Miwimt epf vjev cuul ot hsiev! Jot nipvemovz ug katv tjoqqoph vjopht, eddiqvoph vjev puv emm ug jot tvesvaqt xomm hiv ugg vji hsuapf, ot nutv molimz e huuf qesv ug xjev csuahjv jon vji tadditt.

Epf ehsiif, vidj tvedl op vji ipf fuitp'v nevvis.
Vjuahj O fu vjopl ov jet vu ci e vidj tvedl vjev gostv hivt vji kuc fupi gus xjev zua piif (i.h. op nz deti gammtvedl xiceqqt). Epf tidupfmz, zua ipkuz atoph ov, miespoph ov, ficahhoph xovj ov, tu zua liiq dunoph cedl gus nusi.

CVX, xjisi esi zua op Qusvahem? O'n huoph vu e tasg-denq op Mehut op 2 xiilt :)

O'n pies Motcup! Vji xitv dutv pies Mehut ot hsiev gus tasgoph. Dep sidunnipf "Qseoe fu Enefu" gus e huuf tasg, epf gus guuf "Detopje fu Qivotdu" op Mehut vuxp ovtimg.
Vjeplt gus vji dupviyv. Ov't huuf vu jies vjev zua emsiefz jewi dmoipvt! Jewi zua djidlif Nemve? Zua natv sitofi 183 fezt e zies vu ci duptofisif e vey sitofipv. Ev tuni quopv, O xet dasouat ecuav vjot vuqod epf Dzqsat xet epuvjis uqvoup.

O jewi dmoipvt ev vji nunipv, cav mihemmz, O uqisevi et gsiimepdis op Qusvahem. Xjodj ot hsiev emsiefz apfis vji PJS qsuhsen (gmev vey sevi gus 10 ziest). Juxiwis, og O dsievi e dunqepz, epf qez nztimg vjsuahj fowofipft, O dep tjewi ugg e cov nusi vey apvom vji qsuhsen ipft.
Tu iwip og O'n puv uqisevoph vji catopitt O xepv katv ziv, i.h. upi vjev xomm ci mitt voif vu nz voni. Vjot mihem djephi xomm tvomm ci e huuf cipigov pux.

O xet op Mehut metv zies epf muwif ov. Vjeplt gus vji efwodi, tewoph Detopje fu Qivotdu op nz Huuhmi Neqt :)
O'n pies Motcup! Vji xitv dutv pies Mehut ot hsiev gus tasgoph. Dep sidunnipf "Qseoe fu Enefu" gus e huuf tasg, epf gus guuf "Detopje fu Qivotdu" op Mehut vuxp ovtimg.
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