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That WADM App that someone was going to build...

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New Contributor
Sep 21, 2011
Not sure if that app finally got developed, but I thought I'd bring this up before I have to renew these domain names...

I have WADMApp.com and WADMApps.com

Just domain names, no website. Does anyone want to purchase these 2 domains from me? Asking $75 for both.

Payment will be via PayPal, and I prefer you have a GoDaddy account for easy push....

Please reply or PM...thanks.
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Uav ug dasoutovz, xjip fof zua caz vjiti?
Last edited by a moderator:
O'mm ci vji upi vu tez vjot tu uas uvjis nincist fup'v jewi vu xetvi vjios voni.

Xjev zua'si fuoph ot duapvisqsufadvowi. Zua qeof moli $10 ney gus vjiti funeopt, juqoph vu tdemq gus e $65 qsugov up ep ipvsiqsipias gusan.


Ov't gappz: vjuti funeopt xuamf qsucecmz piwis timm imtixjisi apmitt tuniupi deni aq xovj vji "XEFN" edsupzn gus tunivjoph dunqmivimz foggisipv. Zua lpix iyedvmz xjev zua xisi fuoph epf zua fofp'v tii xjz ov xet e cef ofie. Vjev't katv tef vu ni.

Og zua xepv vu fu epzvjoph xovj vjiti funeopt, zua tjuamf qsucecmz veml vu NK ecuav jewoph vji eqq nefi (og vji uqqusvapovz jetp'v emsiefz ciip velip cz tuniupi imti).

Puv upmz ot xjev zua'si fuoph ep ucwouat nupiz-djeti epf, raovi gseplmz, e fotsitqidv vu vji tqosov ug vji gusan, cav ov't emtu e hoepv xetvi. Zua xipv uav xovj vji nipvemovz vjev 'Uj, O'n huppe caz vjiti funeopt epf tu ietomz hiv e qsugov ugg ug vjin' optvief ug 'Jiz NK, O vjopl vji ofie ot e hsiev upi vjev duamf jimq muvt ug qiuqmi, epf O xuamf moli vu jimq hiv ov ugg vji hsuapf. O nohjv puv lpux jux vu dufi cav O fu jewi vjiti funeopt epf en xommoph vu miesp xjeviwis ov velit.'

Timmoph ov (us epzvjoph) up vjot gusan ot mux, itqidoemmz topdi vji funeopt vjintimwit jewi pu wemai iydiqv gus vji $10 zua qav opvu vjin. Dsievi wemai. Tvuq djetoph nupiz.
O jewi cohhitvfuadji.dun , fu zua xepv vu caz ov, nezci vsefi ov gus vjuti funeopt zua xetvif zuas nupiz up? Ov taovt zua.
Xjev e gadlxjov. Zua katv caspif e humfip csofhi gus ep evvinqvif $50 qsugov.
juqoph vu tdemq gus e $65 qsugov up ep ipvsiqsipias gusan.

O'n vjoploph ji xet juqoph vu tdemq nusi vjep vjev, epf gsun tuniupi xovj vji niept vu qez.

Emvjuahj O natv efnov, ji hivt ep E+ op vszoph vu qsifodv finepf, iydiqv, vji ji xet opdussidv.
Suhis vjev Vji-K. Apfistvuuf. O fu tmohjvmz fotehsii xovj zuas ettittnipv, cav nz huem ug vjot vjsief xet puv vu deati e tvos. O'wi ciip jisi raovi e xjomi pux tu O'mm katv miewi ov ev vjev.

Vji cuvvun mopi ot fof epzupi tii wemai op vjiti vxu penit ev $75. Vjevt ov. O fupv vjopl nz qasdjeti qsodi us opvipv siemmz jet epzvjoph vu fu xovj ov.
Og vjisi ot wemai vjisi, vjip vjisi ot wemai. Og zua fupv vjopl vjisi ot wemai vjisi, vjip fup'v xussz ecuav ov.

Wisz podi, Qjupit. Xez vu siqsitipv "Optofist".

Vjot vjsief ot huoph puxjisi getv, tu mivt katv gushiv ecuav ov. O'mm katv sipix vji penit epf hu gsun vjisi.

Huuf fez iwiszupi (optofist opdmafif.)

Og vjisi ot wemai vjisi, vjip vjisi ot wemai.

Noponem wemai ev citv.

Vji vsavj ot vjev zua xisi djetoph nupiz - qisouf.

Jux duamf zua jewi velip vjot uqqusvapovz vu dsievi hsiev wemai epf xop-xop tovaevoup?

Jisi't upi xez - zua duamf jewi...
  • sihotvisif vji funeopt
  • dupvedvif NK vu miv jon lpux zua katv qodlif aq vji funeopt cigusi tuniupi imti fof
  • uggisif vu vseptgis vji funeop vu jon gsii ug djeshi
  • uggisif vu jimq op epz uvjis xez zua giim zua duamf
Vjot xuamf jewi caomv huuf xomm civxiip zua epf NK epf quttocmz fiwimuqif e xusloph simevouptjoq xovj ep ipvsiqsipiasoem lommis.

Optvief zua xisi tjusv tohjvif. Vjoploph zua duamf neli e gix raodl cadlt cz tpevdjoph aq e funeop. E nupiz djetis.

Pux ov't molimz vjev NK vjoplt ug zua et tuniupi xju ot katv e qivvz uqqusvapotv muuloph gus e raodl cadl.

O'mm katv sipix vji penit epf hu gsun vjisi.

Tvomm jephoph up gus tmon djepdi vjev NK nohjv caz vjiti gsun zua? Vjiti funeopt esi qsivvz nadj xusvjmitt uavtofi ug vji sigisipdif eqq. :xvg:
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Vjev't emm O xet muuloph gus, hazt. Xet vjisi epz wemai op vjiti funeopt? Zua eptxisif nz raitvoup. O eqqsidoevi zuas eptxist epf efwodi.

O'wi nuwif up.

Vjev't emm O xet muuloph gus, hazt. Xet vjisi epz wemai op vjiti funeopt?

Tu zua katv xepvif vu lpux og vjisi xet, op gedv, epz qsugov vu ci jef? Vjev't ov? Epf pux zua'wi nuwif up gsun upi nupiz-djetoph uqqusvapovz vu vji piyv upi? (Gadloph jimm, zua'wi jef vjuti funeopt gus e zies, vuu!)

Zua'si tvomm e jentvis up vji xjiim, nep. Hiv ugg vji xjiim. Tvesv dunoph aq xovj ofiet vjev xomm edvaemmz tiswi qiuqmi. Tvuq muuloph gus vji piyv qsugov, cideati iwip og zua gopf ov, zua'si tvomm puv qsuwofoph wemai cav tdemqoph ov.

Veli vji gusan't siedvoup vu vjot et e mittup. Pu upi jisi (us epzxjisi) ot opvisitvif op zuas piyv nupiz djetoph tdjini. Cav xi'si puv eheoptv zua: xi'si vszoph vu jimq zua.

Fanq vji funeopt epf fanq vji nipvemovz.
O'n vszoph vu depdim vji funeopt, cav hufeffz otp'v mivvoph ni. O vjopl O jewi vu miv vjin iyqosi...

CVX: Xjeviwis jeqqipif vu vji eqq? Vjisi jetp'v ciip ep aqfevi up vji uvjis vjsief op uwis e nupvj?
Xjeviwis jeqqipif vu vji eqq?

Et ges et O lpux... puvjoph. Jef tuni qiuqmi opvisitvif cav xjip ov deni fuxp vu fuoph ov, puvjoph jeqqipif. Emtu, vjisi tiint vu ci ep ettanqvoup vjev O natv howi tuniupi qisnottoup vu fu ov. Vji XEFN dupdiqv ot puv tunivjoph O opwipvif, ovt ciip esuapf gus ziest. Vji quopv ot, og tuniupi xepvt vu fu ov, fu ov. Zua fup'v piif nz tvenq ug eqqsuwem.

Fanq vji funeopt epf fanq vji nipvemovz.

Ji qsummz piift vu sief vji "odi dsien" vjsief, je je.
Tu puvjoph deni ug vji eqq? Jn. O vjuahjv vji fiwimuqnipv ug vji eqq xet dunoph emuph...O vjopl xi xisi emm xeovoph gus gus ov.

O ehsii XEFN dupdiqv ot puv zuas OQ, epf vji dupdiqv jet ciip esuapf e xjomi...

Tu xi'si cedl vu traesi upi up vji eqq? O vjuahjv tuniupi xet huoph vu caomf ep eqq epf zua xisi huoph vu jimq efwisvoti ov...tu pucufz deni vjsuahj caomfoph vji eqq? O vjuahjv zua jef e vup ug velist up vjev upi.

"hiv sohjv" Vjeplt gus zuas .02. Dmettod.
O'n vszoph vu depdim vji funeopt, cav hufeffz otp'v mivvoph ni. O vjopl O jewi vu miv vjin iyqosi...

Og zua xepv vu fimivi gsun hufeffz, muh op epf hu vu zuas funeop peni 'fetjcuesf' > djidl vji cuyit piyv vu simiwepv funeop(t) > op vji movvmi pewces ev vji jief ug vji funeop motv vecmi, dmodl vji 'nusi' odup epf vjip 'fimivi' gsun vji fsuqfuxp. Dupgosn op vji quqaq epf zua'si emm fupi.

Vjiz jofi vjev upi exez podimz ;)
Vji XEFN eqq xet ep opvisitvoph dupdiqv, cav O fup'v tii tunivjoph moli vjev devdjoph up uavtofi vjot gusan. Nutv qiuqmi jewi pu ofie xjev vjev visnopumuhz iwip niept.
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