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The Cost of Sending Email

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MJ DeMarco

I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Jul 23, 2007
There’s a lot of advice floating around the digital world about how best to use email as a means to acquire customers, maintain community and drive conversions.What’s most often missing from the discussion, however, is the cost that is associated with sending. There’s a human cost, of course (it takes time to build a...

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Mar 16, 2012
Help here please.

Am I missing the rest of the article?

I click on these links from News Mod and I never find a full complete article.

For example this one tells you nothing and the last line is For our purposes here, let’s imagine that we have a list of exactly 10,000, and we’ll send a standard email newsletter four times per month. Since we’re a startup, we’re not going to pre-pay, which could save us some money. So, what will it cost?

Is it like Yahoo where you have to click a link to see the rest?

I am 100% serious I really am not understand these articles tell us basically nothing there has GOT to be more to them, maybe if I subscribe I will get the ending/answers?

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