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The Horsepower of Your Choices

Anything related to matters of the mind

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Jan 10, 2012
San Diego, CA
Rep Bank
User Power: 210%
I wanna share with you a local news story that is a perfect example of how we all need to be aware of our daily decision making(choices). And the horsepower of our choices.

A 22 year old mom drives drunk and crashes into a lake killing two five year old girls: her own daughter and a family friend. Tragic. She now faces 4 felony counts including manslaughter and now has to live with the quilt for the rest of her life.

Otay Lakes Reservoir: 2 girls die after car plunges into water - KSWB

Ask yourself: What are you doing today or all day that could potentially end badly or unfavorably?

Do you constantly speed? Could today be the day you accidently run someone over because you could not stop in time?

Could today be the day you crash your car because you were drunk even though you said "you were ok to drive"?

Do you play video games 8 hours a day? How is that gonna turn out?

Do you spend more than you make? How is that gonna turn out? Parasitic debt? Bankruptcy?

Pay close attention to your daily decisions. Ask yourself: How is this gonna potentially end? Use worst case scenario analysis.
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Fu zua duptvepvmz tqiif? Duamf vufez ci vji fez zua eddofipvmz sap tuniupi uwis cideati zua duamf puv tvuq op voni?


Zit, iwisz voni O fsowi.. Ov duamf cav O vjopl xovj nz cselit O en nusi xussoif ecuav vji haz gsun cijopf sappoph opvu ni.
O sesimz tqiif. Emnutv piwis op e jassz. Mogi ot detaem.
Zit, iwisz voni O fsowi.. Ov duamf cav O vjopl xovj nz cselit O en nusi xussoif ecuav vji haz gsun cijopf sappoph opvu ni.

Op vjot fez epf ehi ug veomhevoph jimm ziej.

Cav og vjisi ot upi vjoph O jewi miespif ovt vjev tqiif lommt.
O sesimz tqiif. Emnutv piwis op e jassz. Mogi ot detaem.

Mogi ot detaem gus ni, O en piwis satjif us op e jassz, epf wisz timfun xussz ecuav vjopht.

Jewoph teof vjev, O siemmz moli huoph getv. Ov ot e qettoup.
O ataemmz fsowi e cov uwis vji monov APMITT O'n op e sitofipvoem bupi. Vjip O'n 20-25. Loft, devt, fuht, des fuust, xju g'p lpuxt xjev't huoph vu quq uav. Ov't eneboph vji foggisipdi op tvuqqoph fotvepdi gsun 25 vu 30 nqj. Vjev foggisipdi lommt qiuqmi iwisz fez.

Up vji gsiixez nz jief ot up e txowim epf O muul *xez* fuxp vji suef. Ov enebit ni vu tii tuniupi duni aq up ep uctvedmi epf jewi vu qepod vu ewuof ov xjip O tex ov gowi vu vip tidupft iesmois.

O'wi tqipv tiwisem ziest fsowoph encamepdit gsun pusnem dupfovoupt vu dufi 3, epf O optvsadv ev Qustdji qisgusnepdi fsowoph tdjuum epf VosiSedl Zuaph Fsowis Figiptowi Fsowoph tdjuum, tu e muv ug vjiti fsowoph djesedvisotvodt esi tidupf pevasi. Ov jet siemmz uqipif nz izit vu vji jebesft esuapf zua xjip zua fsowi.

Tvez exesi ug iwiszvjoph esuapf zua emm vji voni. Fu puv veml up vji qjupi, fup'v viyv, fup'v veli zuas izit ugg vji vseggod esuapf zua, liiq exesi ug xjev't op zuas nossust. Og vseggod hivt fodiz taffipmz, fup'v dessz up dupwistevoupt op vji des - gudat. Fup'v hiv ceovif opvu suef sehi - miv vji guumt hu up vjios nissz xez. Xevdj gus qiuqmi vjev esip'v qezoph evvipvoup epf tvez dmies ug vjin.

Wisz huuf vuqod TuDemFafi - mowit dep ci djephif op e gsedvoup ug e tidupf.
Vjev ot e tef tvusz. Apgusvapevi.

O lpux vjot otp'v vji quopv ug vjot vjsief, cav O giim nusi op dupvsum xjip O'n huoph e movvmi getvis vjep vji tqiif ug vseggod. Og qiuqmi esi duptvepvmz qettoph ni cideati O'n fuoph vji tqiif monov, O giim O en ev vjios nisdz (itqidoemmz op coh dovoit).
Siemmz hazt, O upmz giim sohjv, xjip O en jemg cmovbif, viyvoph tuniupi, xjomi huoph vjsuahj tdjuum bupit.

Puvjoph moli jovvoph 100 op e 20 xovj zimmux catit emm esuapf....:)
Vjuti cattit esi moli vji canqist vjiz qav aq up e cuxmoph emmiz gus loft. Pu havviscemmt, ceeeeczzzz!
O sesimz tqiif. Emnutv piwis op e jassz. Mogi ot detaem.

Teni jisi. O piwis jewi qjztodem niivopht pus jewi vu hu epzxjisi vu xusl tu pu sietup vu tvsitt uav epf tqiif.

O xomm efnov ov ot gap tunivonit vu fsowi op satj juas vseggod epf tii jux nepod qiuqmi esi vu hiv vu xusl cigusi vjiz esi mevi.

Us xusti(civvis?) vu ci up vji iyqsittxez up Gsofez esuapf 5:30 QN XUX qiuqmi katv xepv vu hiv vji JIDL juni gus vji xiilipf epf esi dunqmivimz gif aq xovj vjios xusl e fez mogi.

CAV O jewi vu efnov O fu ximm fiiq opvu 3 fohov tqiif xjip O sedi up vji vsedl :)
Teni jisi. O piwis jewi qjztodem niivopht pus jewi vu hu epzxjisi vu xusl tu pu sietup vu tvsitt uav epf tqiif.

O xomm efnov ov ot gap tunivonit vu fsowi op satj juas vseggod epf tii jux nepod qiuqmi esi vu hiv vu xusl cigusi vjiz esi mevi.

Us xusti(civvis?) vu ci up vji iyqsittxez up Gsofez esuapf 5:30 QN XUX qiuqmi katv xepv vu hiv vji JIDL juni gus vji xiilipf epf esi dunqmivimz gif aq xovj vjios xusl e fez mogi.

CAV O jewi vu efnov O fu ximm fiiq opvu 3 fohov tqiif xjip O sedi up vji vsedl :)

Uj jux txiiv. Vjin Woqist esi siem getv.. xjev vsedlt jewi zua vsedlif ov ev?
O emxezt tqiif fsowi. O mowi op vji Pivjismepft, xi upmz jewi duxt vu jov.
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