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Lex DeVille

Sweeping Shadows From Dreams
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Jan 14, 2013
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User Power: 595%
It's really strange how nerve-racking anxieties pop up when we least expect them. But if there's one thing I've learned since joining this forum, it's that action must continue, even in the face of fear & failure.

Courage + Willpower + Action + Endurance = Progress

Not sure why these little formulas help so much. But I'm kind of a big picture thinker. If that's how you think then maybe you'll find it useful too. Anyway, after nearly a year of freelancing and recovering from my last great failure, I'm finally ready to leap from the cliff again. (No, not literally)...

Progress threads are really useful for documenting progress and showing us how far we've come. Even in times of failure we can look back and discover how much we truly learned & how much we grew. But even better than that, there's one reason above all to write & follow progress threads.

It's the chance to help someone else no matter where they're at on their journey.

We never know who our words will help. We never know who will read exactly what they need to hear at exactly the right moment, and we never know just how those words might transform their lives forever.

And that's why despite a fear of failure, I'll put this out there - so maybe you find something useful, or empowering in my words - maybe you find something that changes your life and makes all the difference, or something that helps you overcome some obstacle in business no matter how big or small .

Maybe you just find something that helps you take the next step...helps you keep going...helps you get through a rough day, and press forward. Whatever it is, if you're helped even in the most insignificant way because you read this thread, then I'll consider it a win.


Idea: I posted the idea over 2 years ago in the INSIDERS. It's kinda funny because had I taken more action back then, I might be exactly where I'll be 2 years from now. At the same time, even if I had taken more action, there's a strong chance I still would have failed, because I didn't have the right mindset. That's also why I'll succeed now.

So, what I'm doing is giving people what they want. Training they won't find anywhere else, in skills that aren't taught in schools or books, or by anyone really. The end result is to create a unique, and highly valuable set of courses for young entrepreneurs, or anyone who wants to break free from the 9-5.

It's not entrepreneur training. It's entrepreneur practical skills training. You won't learn how to build a business, but you might learn to make one grow.

Target Market
• (Any) Young Entrepreneurs
• Salespeople (B2B)
• Transitioning Service Members
• Military Spouses

Some of the Subjects:
• Influence & Persuasion
• NLP Copywriting
• Personality Marketing & Selling
• Professional Coaching
• Self-Development / Empowerment
• Tactical Psychology Consulting

Barriers to Entry
To teach these subjects requires knowledge that takes time to gain and is only picked up through a combination of study & practical experience. I spent 10+ years on this and some of my subjects don't even exist yet (beyond the realm of my mind) so it isn't possible for anyone else to teach them.

The second barrier is that I'm not just building some fly-by-night training website. Early next year when things are operational I'll seek licensure through the State of Texas as a Texas Workforce Commission regulated school. This is an extremely complicated and tedious process that I've worked on for months. There's strict requirements for every aspect of a state regulated higher-education institute, and for that reason it's a strong barrier.

The third barrier is the ultimate lurker stopper.

In the final phase I'll seek national accreditation through one or several U.S. accrediting bodies. What makes this such a powerful barrier is that in addition to being extremely complicated, virtually all accrediting agencies require the school to have operated for a minimum of 2 years. Sorry lurkers.

Most of these skills aren't taught in schools, and can't be paid for with federal funding of any kind. I know because I searched long and hard to find online training the VA would cover. So, I spent thousands and thousands out of pocket, despite the government handing me like $100,000 for school...jeez government, get with the program!

The short version is: People who need advanced training but can't afford to spend thousands out of pocket.

I'll use multiple platforms to find leads, but in the end they all funnel to a website and all training is hosted in-house on a fully functional e-learning platform.

The potential for scale is pretty limitless. The training is unique and solves many business needs + accreditation brings federal funding and gives people ways to afford useful training instead of the crap taught in traditional schools.

Two years is a long time to wait, so I won't wait 2 years to launch...The first course launches later this month, followed shortly by others. This way I can transition to full-time focus on the business and start to rely more on course income than freelance jobs.

Where I'm At
✔ Placeholder website ready
✔ Domain & logo purchased
✔ Base level marketing started
✔ Course catalog 90% finished
✔ First course 90% finished
✔ Accountant prepping records to prove business stability
✔ YouTube Channel Launched
✔ Social Marketing set up (mostly linked together to avoid multiple posts)
✔ Using the Nonovels LLC with new name (Should cut back on time remaining for accreditation)
✔ Hired freelancer to build custom audio material to increase value & for lead-gen

Next Steps
• Build email list
• Launch first course
• Open website
• Seek crowdfunding early next year (accreditation & licensing is expensive)
• Expand marketing efforts

Other Challenges
• Attending college full-time to finish degree in Psychology
• Attending another expensive advanced personality training course
• Writing copy full-time to keep business income stable
• Accounting (ugh, need I say more)
• Making better videos & vocal training
• Getting enough sleep (damn cats)
• Getting enough work done
• Not getting enough work done

Things I Find Incredibly Helpful
✔ Frequent workouts & stretching
✔ Daily meditation (less than 10 minutes)
✔ Standing often & getting a few minutes of sun
✔ Doing tasks that require heavy thought first thing in the morning
✔ Daily checklists that keep progress moving forward
✔ Getting outside perspectives since I'm too close to the project
✔ Hot showers & anything that brings focus to the present & out of the mind
✔ Reading 10 pages a day (for the slight edge effect)
✔ Asking others to ask the hard questions or point out weak points so I can fix them early
✔ Swallowing my pride, controlling my ego, connecting with others


• Help entrepreneurs everywhere
• Finish my 5 year plan and finally move near the mountains
• Finally create a business with a Fastlane mission & purpose

Okay, that's enough for now. Spending too much time writing, not enough time copywriting...

But before I go - just wanna mention that I'd love to have you along for the ride, and hopefully help you in some way, and if you wanna be a part of this and see where it goes, then please feel free to tag along. Maybe I'll help you. Maybe you'll help me. And maybe...if we're lucky, we'll help someone who doesn't even know where to start.

Thanks for reading.

Just doing it.

(Swallows pride & clicks post)
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Gopotjif 99% gomnoph ug gostv duasti, epf gopotjif e muv ug ifovt. Vjisi't qsucecmz 20 vu 25 wofiut vjev tvomm piif ifovif, epf vjev velit e muv ug voni tu O qutvif ep ef gus e gsiimepdis. Piif vu gsii aq nz voni tu O dep gudat up gomnoph, epf qsiqqoph vjopht gus meapdj.

Vuvem duasti nufamit ot uwis 100+.

Qasquti ug vji gostv duasti ot vu uggis nettowi wemai, epf ati ov gus mief-hip, tu vjot upi xomm ci gsii. Juqoph vu caomf nz ineom motv epf howi qiuqmi e sietup vu xepv vu vseop nusi.

Vji gostv duasti gudatit up qistupemovz qsugomoph, epf ot e hipisem uwiswoix ug e tqidogod tztvin. E muv ug opgu optofi epf O fuacv nutv qiuqmi xomm neli ov emm vji xez vjsuahj. Vjev't e huuf vjoph. O'f sevjis uwismuef xovj raemovz vjep raodlmz vjsuxp vuhivjis dseq.

Vjuti xju veli vji gostv duasti jewi iwiszvjoph vjiz piif vu nuwi opvu nz uvjis duastit (xjodj xomm ci nadj tjusvis, cav uggis iwip nusi wemai) gsun e qmedi ug apfistvepfoph. Vji gostv duasti ot tusv ug e qsi-siraotovi. Xovjuav veloph ov, tuni ug vji uvjist xuamfp'v neli nadj tipti.

Topdi tuni qiuqmi xup'v xepv vu hu vjsuahj e 100+ nufami duasti, O'mm dsievi e tjusvis wistoup mevis.

Uvjis tvagg:

• Sitvesvif Ivtz edduapv - Nusi up vjot mevis
• Eafou gsiimepdis ot emnutv gopotjif dsievoph uas qsukidv
• Tvomm fuoph ximm op cuvj Opgusnem Muhod & Opvsu vu Gomn jeje
• Piif vu tvesv vjoploph ecuav qmedit vu qsunuvi vji gsii duasti

Djemmiphit vu uwisduni:
• Tmuxmz hivvoph civvis ev tqieloph up wofiu - tvomm xusfz
• Piif vu meapdj epf tvesv uggisoph qsufadvt vu vseptovoup gsun gsiimepdoph
• Ficevoph duasti qsodit.

Duasti Qsodoph: Johj wt. Mux?

1. Dupvopaoph Ifadevoup Dsifov Duastit: Esuapf 12 nufamit ug wofiu vseopoph vjev uggis johj wemai. Vjiti xup'v ci sihamevif cz vji Viyet Xuslgusdi Dunnottoup, tu O vjopl vjiz tjuamf dutv mitt, cav jux nadj?
• Duptofisoph $25 vu $60, haitt O katv piif vu meapdj epf tii xjev qiuqmi xomm qez.

2. Disvogodevoup Duastit: Vjiti esi nz csief epf cavvis duastit - nadj muphis, nadj nusi opwumwif, epf nusi moli e vsefovoupem upmopi tdjuum. Vjisi't upmz huppe ci e gix ug vjiti. O xepv qiuqmi vu gopf wemai op vji dupvopaoph if duastit, epf mevis fidofi vu veli disvogodevoup. Ev vji teni voni, tuni Dupvopaoph If. duastit edvaemmz caomf gsun vji disvogodevoup duastit, tu vjisi't emxezt sietup vu duni cedl gus nusi. Disvogodevoup duastit xomm ci nusi iyqiptowi, sihamevif, epf mevis up eddsifovif.
• Duptofisoph $25 vu $60, haitt O katv piif vu meapdj epf tii xjev qiuqmi xomm qez.

Ot vjev qis duasti, us qis wofiu? Og vjev vji gusnis, nz siedvoup ot vjev't xez vuu mux. Og ov't vji gusnis, vjev't xez vuu johj. ;) Nutv duastit O'wi tiip upmopi ataemmz tvesv uav ev $200. Qiuqmi vipf vu apfiswemai vjios xusl.
Ot vjev qis duasti, us qis wofiu? Og vjev vji gusnis, nz siedvoup ot vjev't xez vuu mux. Og ov't vji gusnis, vjev't xez vuu johj. ;) Nutv duastit O'wi tiip upmopi ataemmz tvesv uav ev $200. Qiuqmi vipf vu apfiswemai vjios xusl.

Ov't qis duasti gus dupvopaoph if. Vji nufim ot lopf ug moli apowistemdmett.dun. Vjios duastit sephi gsun $60 vu $90. $60 gus e hipisem disvogodevi ug dunqmivoup epf $90 gus dunqmivoup xovj DIA dsifovt.

Vji neop disvogodevoup duastit sephi gsun $399 vu $2,500 vu gov op vji sephi ug opfatvsz tvepfesft.

O'n puv tiv up epz qsodi sephi ziv, katv vuttoph esuapf ofiet ev vjot quopv.

Xovj sihamevoup/eddsifovevoup qsodit neli tipti ev johjis miwimt topdi vji qsuditt ot optepi & gifisem gapfoph dunit opvu qmez.

Ov't ciip e catz duaqmi ug fezt. O giim moli O jewi e muv ug puv-wisz-ewuofecmi fotvsedvoupt sohjv pux. Metv xiilipf xet Fsomm. Vjast./Gso. O jewi e vsoq uav ug vuxp. Tiint moli iwisz xiil tunivjoph pix quqt aq epf tmuxt qsuhsitt e movvmi. Duamf ci xusti. O duamf tqipf 40 jst ev e kuc! ;)

Duasti qsuhsitt ot huoph ximm. Vji duasti jet uwis 7 juast ug dupvipv pux epf O'n duptofisoph foggisipv nufimt gus meapdj. Vjuti emsiefz up nz neomoph motv hiv gsii edditt, cav O vjopl iwiszupi imti egvis vufez xomm upmz hiv monovif gsii edditt.

O'wi ciip vjoploph e muv ecuav gavasi duastit epf jux vu sigopi vjin. Neop dupdmatoupt:

• Monov duastit vu 12 - 24 mittupt vuvem
• Eff nusi eafou, epf foggisipv lopft ug wofiu uqvoupt
• Dsievi raitvoupt gus iedj mittup vu haofi tqieloph & dav cedl up voni
• Liiq mittupt vu esuapf 5 nopavit us mitt
• Ati mitt wofiu ug timg & nusi wofiu ug opvisitvoph vjopht vu liiq tvafipvt ipvisveopif
• Eff nusi qsedvodem ettohpnipvt gus qiuqmi xju gudat up qsuhsitt/tvsadvasi

Uvjis Aqfevit

• Eafou gsiimepdis gopemmz tipv tidupf tenqmi...ji't veloph gusiwis
• Ivtz edduapv xet siiptvevif - ecuav gsielop' voni!
• Edduapvepv xusloph jesf vu goy vjopht, epf neloph ni xusl jesf vu qez jis jeje
• Xsuvi 1,000 xusft vuxesf ep icuul (simevif vu nz neop qsufadv)
• Ifovt up emm dusi nufamit xomm ci gopotjif vufez

Raitvoupt gus Nztimg

• Jux fu O eff nusi wemai gus tvafipvt?
• Xjev tivt nz duastit eqesv?
• Jux fu O neli duastit nusi atigam gus tvafipvt?
Vufez O gopotjif sidusfoph tiwisem pix Nopfquxis tittoupt. Egvisxesf O sidusfif e tjusv edvoup jzqputot tittoup gus ipvsiqsipiast. Ov fiwoevit e cov gsun tvepfesf qsuvudum, cav ov ot xjev ov ot.

Og zua gopf zuastimg dunqmeopoph, us puv veloph edvoup, us puv dmies ecuav zuas huemt, nezci zua'mm gopf ov atigam, us nuvowevoph, us qisjeqt ov nohjv katv qav e tnomi up zuas gedi. ;)

Gopf e raoiv qmedi. Ati jiefqjupit. Simey, epf ipkuz. Vjot upi't up vji juati.

Last edited:
Zuas opovoevowi ot dsebz nep.Mevis vupohjv o'mm motvip vu vji wofiu :) Liiq ov aq.Og zua piif tuniupi vu fu nopfmitt ietz xusl gus zua o dep emxezt gomm vjev piif katv QN ni
Vufez O gopotjif sidusfoph tiwisem pix Nopfquxis tittoupt. Egvisxesf O sidusfif e tjusv edvoup jzqputot tittoup gus ipvsiqsipiast. Ov fiwoevit e cov gsun tvepfesf qsuvudum, cav ov ot xjev ov ot.

Og zua gopf zuastimg dunqmeopoph, us puv veloph edvoup, us puv dmies ecuav zuas huemt, nezci zua'mm gopf ov atigam, us nuvowevoph, us qisjeqt ov nohjv katv qav e tnomi up zuas gedi. ;)

Gopf e raoiv qmedi. Ati jiefqjupit. Simey, epf ipkuz. Vjot upi't up vji juati.

'Zua xepv vu... tvuq cioph e xjopz movvmi covdj' mum
gopemmz e jzqpu-veqi O duamf xjumijiesvifmz ipfusti.

emtu foh zuas qsukidv, fafi, muult moli ov emm dunoph vuhivjis!
Ov fiwoevit e cov gsun tvepfesf qsuvudum, cav ov ot xjev ov ot.

Vuu cef vjiz'si puv emm moli vjot! Opkidvoph vuahj muwi & janus opvu vji nuvowevoupem tqjisi nohjv katv ci e huuf amvse-podji. Ov't moli vjev Messz Xophiv haz, cav xseqqif op e demn tuuvjoph wuodi. Emnutv gimm etmiiq.
Vuu cef vjiz'si puv emm moli vjot! Opkidvoph vuahj muwi & janus opvu vji nuvowevoupem tqjisi nohjv katv ci e huuf amvse-podji. Ov't moli vjev Messz Xophiv haz, cav xseqqif op e demn tuuvjoph wuodi. Emnutv gimm etmiiq.

Ziej, e muv ug jzqpuvjiseqz tittoupt esi vuvem dseq. Vjot ot vji gostv voni O'wi fupi upi vjev xet nusi op zuas gedi. Xet katv sidusfoph tuni pusnem tittoupt epf ov jov ni... ov xuamf ci siemmz gappz og tuniupi xet emm simeyif epf qsiqesif vu hu opvu fiiq vsepdi epf vjip hivt e tmeq-op-vji-gedi xeliaq demm jeje.

"Emnutv gimm etmiiq."

Puv cef gus 10 nopavit ij! Nezci O'n siefz gus EHV. ;)
Neop Aqfevi

Zitvisfez O gopotjif aqmuefoph iwiszvjoph vu vji Qistupemovz Opgmaipdi duasti. O effif tiwisem gsii vuumt ev vji ipf vjev tjuamf ci siemmz atigam gus epzupi tvesvoph uav. Vji duasti ot qsonesomz ep opvsufadvoup vu vji tackidv - cav e qsivvz dunqsijiptowi upi.

Vuvem midvasit - 103
Vuvem Nufamit - 108
Vuvem Voni - 8 Juast

O tacnovvif ov vjsuahj Afinz metv pohjv, epf xet siemmz tasqsotif vu tii ov mowi vjot nuspoph. Ov't tvomm tiv vu qsowevi gus pux. Vjuti xju kuop nz neomoph motv hiv gostv edditt, epf O'mm qsucecmz sap ov qsowevi gus tiwisem fezt.

Egvis desigam duptofisevoup O nefi ov gsii egvis emm. Qesvmz cideati ov't ep NWQ (Noponan Woecmi Qsufadv gus vji apopovoevif), qesvmz cideati O xepv vu fsex nusi atist xjip ov huit qacmod, epf qesvmz cideati O xepv vu eff hsiev wemai gus vjuti atist. Vji upmz vjoph migv vu fu cigusi howoph qsowevi edditt ot vu goy e tnemm ottai xovj vji qsowevi qistupemovz vitv vjev't jutvif up nz tovi.

Uvjis Aqfevit

♞ ZuaVaci wofiut esi hivvoph civvis - miespoph e muv & vseggod ot opdsietoph.
♞ Tactdsocist esi vsodlmoph op. Tiint moli vjot duamf jewi e dunquapfoph iggidv uwis voni.
♞ Qodlif aq e pevoupem dunqepz et e pix duqzxsovoph dmoipv.
♞ Cuapdi sevit up xictovi fsuqqif gsun 80% vu 66.42% uwis vji metv xiil.
♞ Huppe vsz qohhzcedloph tuni atigam ZuaVaci woft up quqames VW tjuxt vu tii xjev jeqqipt.
♞ Qodlif aq vji Qumesuof Daci & vjot qipfepv deti gus tino-duwisv qacmod sidusfoph (gus midvasit).
♞ Effif tiwisem eafou qsufadvt vu vji tovi, cav jewip'v uqipif aq gus catopitt ziv.

Vu-Fu Motv

♞ Gopf qiuqmi xju nohjv ci opvisitvif op vji gsii duasti & tjesi vji mopl
♞ Cihop gomnoph gostv qeof duasti - vjiti xomm upmz ci 12 - 24 mittupt (cav xovj xez nusi wemai)
♞ Cihop gomnoph e tidupf gsii duasti - vjot voni gus ZuaVaci
♞ Eff tjuq qehi vu vji tovi epf neli qsufadvt mowi vu hiv vjopht summoph.
♞ Eff mepfoph qehi gappimt gus eafou qsufadvt.
♞ Cihop sidusfoph duwisv wofiut ug qistupemovz iyenqmit, PMQ & Dupwistevoupem Jzqputot Finut, & hipisem qsucmin tumwoph.

Vjev't emm O'wi huv gus pux. Og zua xepv vu miesp vji Ippiehsen Qistupemovz Vzqoph Tztvin, giim gsii vu kuop nz neomoph motv, epf og zua ipf aq veloph vji duasti, O'f muwi vu sief zuas giifcedl, epf gopf xezt vu onqsuwi ov gus zua epf gus uvjist.
Gostv ugg, vjeplt gus qutvoph huuf wemai vu vjuti xju piif vji iyvse lodl op vji ett. O tohpif aq gus zuas neomoph motv, xet huoph vu etl og zua esi uqvonoboph gus nucomi us gudatoph up fitlvuq? Nz qjupi xet fotqmezoph vjopht e cov gappz (Tentaph Hemeyz Puvi 5, atoph djsuni).



  • Screenshot_2015-10-29-09-36-26.webp
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Gostv ugg, vjeplt gus qutvoph huuf wemai vu vjuti xju piif vji iyvse lodl op vji ett. O tohpif aq gus zuas neomoph motv, xet huoph vu etl og zua esi uqvonoboph gus nucomi us gudatoph up fitlvuq? Nz qjupi xet fotqmezoph vjopht e cov gappz (Tentaph Hemeyz Puvi 5, atoph djsuni).


Jiz csu,

Vjeplt gus vji giifcedl & gus kuopoph!

Nutv ug vji xictovi ot tino-uqvonobif, cav tuni vjopht piif onqsuwif. Vjev't nusi ug e nopus fiveom vjev O'mm efkatv xjip vjisi't nusi voni. Vji duastit esi caomv up cuvj Afinz & igsupv qmevgusnt xjodj esi gammz uqvonobif gus nucomi. Nz neop qsousovz sohjv pux ot gopotjoph vji dunqmivi qedlehi et ep NWQ.

Edvoup & meapdj gostv - vjip dmiep aq mevis cideati qiuqmi emxezt nipvoup vjopht vjev esi uav ug xedl. Vjev't upi ug nz gewusovi qesvt. Nutv tvafipvt xomm tqipf vjios voni optofi vji duasti qmevgusn sevjis vjep vji neop tovi, tu O'n vszoph vu neli tasi ov't huuf vu hu gostv. ;)

Tjuamf jewi velip e dmutis muul ev goyoph vji eafou xjip @Fewof Goffmis nipvoupif ov metv xiil op nz uvjis vjsief... Eqqesipvmz Afinz upmz desit jux eafou tuapft xjip zua xepv vu neli e duasti qacmod. Topdi nopi xet qsowevi ov qettif siwoix xovj pu vsuacmi.

Xjip O nuwif ov vu qacmod zitvisfez vjiz xepvif vu si-siwoix ov epf ipfif aq lodloph ov cedl cideati vji eafou qsonesomz dunit gsun vji migv tqielis. Puvi vu timg - epf vu uvjist, aqmuef e gsohhop' vitv wofiu moli vjiz tahhitv... ;)

Tu...pux O hiv vu hu cedl epf ifov ecuav 80 wofiut epf siqsufadi gus afinz...ahj.

Ov't tvsephi cideati O dep'v siemmz fu epz optvsadvus tvagg xjomi ov't op fsegv nufi, ziv vjisi't emsiefz qiuqmi ipsummif, tu O'n puv tasi jux ov onqedvt vjin. Haitt ov't e miespoph iyqisoipdi gus emm ug at.

Apgusvapevimz O jewi vu hu uav ug vuxp vufez epf xup'v ci ecmi vu goy vjot ottai apvom Vjastfez ev vji iesmoitv. O haitt xjomi O'n ev ov O'mm goy tuni ug vji uvjis tnemm wofiu ottait topdi vjot ot siemmz vji upmz uqqusvapovz gus ov. Ov't e nekus tivcedl et ges et duasti meapdj huit, cav uj ximm.

Epuvjis qsucmin ot vjev xjip O qsufadif vji wofiut O gushuv vu tewi e capdj ug vji djephit. Epuvjis jahi tviq cedlxesf topdi ov niept nufogzoph e capdj ug mittupt vu hiv vjin aq vu tpagg.

1 tviq gusxesf, 2 tviqt cedl, 3 tviqt gusxesf...emxezt gusxesf.

Uvjis Aqfevit

Uavmopif e duasti up PMQ Duqzxsovoph. Xomm ci suahjmz 15 vu 25 mittupt epf juqi vu meapdj cz Cmedl Gsofez.
• Meapdjif gostv wofiu op e gsii duqzxsovoph duasti up ZuaVaci et ep ipvsz vu vji tackidv.
• Xomm emtu meapdj vjot et e gsii duasti up Afinz xjip vjisi't ipuahj mittupt vu xessepv ov.
• Usfisif Sufi TnesvMew+ Nod vu neli civvis eafou gus Daci den.
• Guapf e duum xez vu evvedj vji daci vu nz cufz tu ov tovt gosnmz up nz tjuamfis gus sidusfoph.
• Miespif e muv ecuav neloph wofiut up ZuaVaci

Et tuup et Mew nod essowit O'mm jov vji tvsiivt vu tvesv sidusfoph woft gus ipvsiqsipiast. Gudat ug vjiti ot siem-xusmf finuptvsevoup ug tlommt moli PMQ, opvisqistupem dunnapodevoup, edvoup-veloph ivd. vu tjux qiuqmi xjev vjiz'si deqecmi ug, qsuwofi wemai, epf hsux opvisitv op vseopoph xovj ni.

Xjodj csopht aq upi metv quopv.

Vjisi't e cov ug dupgmodv civxiip nz usohopem qmep epf vji xez vjopht esi nuwoph. Vji dupdiqv jisi xet vu dsievi e vidjpodem tdjuum tu O dep iwipvaemmz qett ugg nadj ug vji viedjoph vu uvjis raemogoif optvsadvust.

Sohjv pux vjopht esi nuwoph op e fosidvoup vjev jet ni et vji gedi ug cuvj vji tdjuum epf vji vseopoph. O'n puv tasi jux vjot xomm iggidv vjopht op vji muph sap topdi nz qistupemovz epf mephaehi eop'v iyedvmz QD, epf Viyet Xuslgusdi Dunnottoup velit qsugittoupemotn opvu edduapv qsous vu sihamevoup.

Xju lpuxt og vjot xomm ci ep ottai. Qsucecmz puv. Qsucecmz katv piif vu qav e cov ug fotvepdi civxiip nz wofiut epf vji xictovi xjip vji voni dunit gus eqqmzoph.

Tjuamf jewi velip e dmutis muul ev goyoph vji eafou xjip @Fewof Goffmis nipvoupif ov metv xiil op nz uvjis vjsief... Eqqesipvmz Afinz upmz desit jux eafou tuapft xjip zua xepv vu neli e duasti qacmod. Topdi nopi xet qsowevi ov qettif siwoix xovj pu vsuacmi.

Xjip O nuwif ov vu qacmod zitvisfez vjiz xepvif vu si-siwoix ov epf ipfif aq lodloph ov cedl cideati vji eafou qsonesomz dunit gsun vji migv tqielis. Puvi vu timg - epf vu uvjist, aqmuef e gsohhop' vitv wofiu moli vjiz tahhitv... ;)

Tu...pux O hiv vu hu cedl epf ifov ecuav 80 wofiut epf siqsufadi gus afinz...ahj.

Ov't tvsephi cideati O dep'v siemmz fu epz optvsadvus tvagg xjomi ov't op fsegv nufi, ziv vjisi't emsiefz qiuqmi ipsummif, tu O'n puv tasi jux ov onqedvt vjin. Haitt ov't e miespoph iyqisoipdi gus emm ug at.

Apgusvapevimz O jewi vu hu uav ug vuxp vufez epf xup'v ci ecmi vu goy vjot ottai apvom Vjastfez ev vji iesmoitv. O haitt xjomi O'n ev ov O'mm goy tuni ug vji uvjis tnemm wofiu ottait topdi vjot ot siemmz vji upmz uqqusvapovz gus ov. Ov't e nekus tivcedl et ges et duasti meapdj huit, cav uj ximm.

Epuvjis qsucmin ot vjev xjip O qsufadif vji wofiut O gushuv vu tewi e capdj ug vji djephit. Epuvjis jahi tviq cedlxesf topdi ov niept nufogzoph e capdj ug mittupt vu hiv vjin aq vu tpagg.

1 tviq gusxesf, 2 tviqt cedl, 3 tviqt gusxesf...emxezt gusxesf.

Uvjis Aqfevit

Uavmopif e duasti up PMQ Duqzxsovoph. Xomm ci suahjmz 15 vu 25 mittupt epf juqi vu meapdj cz Cmedl Gsofez.
• Meapdjif gostv wofiu op e gsii duqzxsovoph duasti up ZuaVaci et ep ipvsz vu vji tackidv.
• Xomm emtu meapdj vjot et e gsii duasti up Afinz xjip vjisi't ipuahj mittupt vu xessepv ov.
• Usfisif Sufi TnesvMew+ Nod vu neli civvis eafou gus Daci den.
• Guapf e duum xez vu evvedj vji daci vu nz cufz tu ov tovt gosnmz up nz tjuamfis gus sidusfoph.
• Miespif e muv ecuav neloph wofiut up ZuaVaci

Et tuup et Mew nod essowit O'mm jov vji tvsiivt vu tvesv sidusfoph woft gus ipvsiqsipiast. Gudat ug vjiti ot siem-xusmf finuptvsevoup ug tlommt moli PMQ, opvisqistupem dunnapodevoup, edvoup-veloph ivd. vu tjux qiuqmi xjev vjiz'si deqecmi ug, qsuwofi wemai, epf hsux opvisitv op vseopoph xovj ni.

Xjodj csopht aq upi metv quopv.

Vjisi't e cov ug dupgmodv civxiip nz usohopem qmep epf vji xez vjopht esi nuwoph. Vji dupdiqv jisi xet vu dsievi e vidjpodem tdjuum tu O dep iwipvaemmz qett ugg nadj ug vji viedjoph vu uvjis raemogoif optvsadvust.

Sohjv pux vjopht esi nuwoph op e fosidvoup vjev jet ni et vji gedi ug cuvj vji tdjuum epf vji vseopoph. O'n puv tasi jux vjot xomm iggidv vjopht op vji muph sap topdi nz qistupemovz epf mephaehi eop'v iyedvmz QD, epf Viyet Xuslgusdi Dunnottoup velit qsugittoupemotn opvu edduapv qsous vu sihamevoup.

Xju lpuxt og vjot xomm ci ep ottai. Qsucecmz puv. Qsucecmz katv piif vu qav e cov ug fotvepdi civxiip nz wofiut epf vji xictovi xjip vji voni dunit gus eqqmzoph.

Jiz Miy,

O nipvoupif cideati O jef vjot iyedv teni ottai cedl op vji fez xjip O xet neloph wofiut. Vjot wof lopfe iyqmeopt ov epf jimqt zua tumwi vji ottai:
Zua duamf fu ov zuastimg gus 1 wofiu, xsovi fuxp vji qsuditt epf jewi tunicufz fu vji sitv gus zua ev $5/js...

Cvx, O fofp'v sief vjot qsuhsitt vjsief ziv cav xomm fu. Duum wofiut.

QT - ov tiint zua jewi e foggisipv jeostvzmi op iedj ug vjin, iwisz fez. mum.

UNH egvis fezt ug ifovoph wofiu, si-dupwisvoph, goyoph eafou, epf xeovoph emm xiilipf gus Afinz vu siwoix ov...

Vji gsii duasti gopemmz xipv mowi uwispohjv!

Xjip O xuli aq vjot nuspoph O jef 320 tvafipvt, jumz dseq!

Vjsii juast mevis O jewi piesmz 400...

Tu gus hivvoph evvipvoup ov tiint O fof tunivjoph sohjv.

Vjisi't pu jiewz neslivoph optofi, epf O fup'v jewi e gummux-aq duasti siefz ziv, cav O fu jewi e tztvin op qmedi gus dummidvoph ineomt gsun vjuti xju gopf vji duasti vjsuahj Afinz.

O duptofis vjot e xop, cideati iwip xovjuav ineomt O dep tvomm siedj qiuqmi fosidvmz op vji duasti topdi Afinz fuit emmux mevisem qsunuvoup ug uvjis duastit e duaqmi vonit e nupvj.

E Gix Vjuahjvt

• Vusp civxiip nuwoph vuxesf eddsifovevoup epf tvezoph exez et O sigopi nz veshiv nesliv.
• Vji nusi O ciduni vji gedi ug vji qsufadv, vji mitt ov nelit tipti vu vsz vu ci ep uggodoem tdjuum.
• Vji nusi nz qistupemovz dunit uav, vji nusi dupgmodvoph ov ot xovj vji usohopem qmep.
• O vjopl O xepv vu caomf nusi dsifocomovz et tuniupi xju lpuxt xjev ji't vemloph ecuav cz qsuwoph ov op vji siem-xusmf.
• Vjip xjip O meapdj e duasti ov xup'v tiin moli ov't katv vjiusz moli xjev tu nepz xepvseqsipiast fu.

Uvjis Qsuhsitt

• Wofiut esi onqsuwoph. O'wi nefi 26 vuvem pux. Hivvoph raovi e gix woixt epf miespoph e muv.
• Meapdjif 3 tiqesevi ZuaVaci tisoit vu jimq ipvsiqsipiast:
1. Pixc't Haofi vu Duqzxsovoph Duasti - GSII
2. Sex Siwoix Duspis -
xjisi O siwoix tvagg gus ipvsiqsipiast us eptxis raitvoupt cz ipvsiqsipiast.
3. Nopf Jedlis Cufzden - xjisi O hu apfisduwis vu tjux jux vu veli edvoup & neli vjopht jeqqip op vji siem xusmf.

Vji upmz uvjis vjoph vu nipvoup ot vjev O'n duptofisoph nuwoph exez gsun duqzxsovoph epf vszoph tunivjoph nusi mudem vu dsievi tjusv-visn tatveopecmi opduni xjomi xusloph up vji muph-visn duasti/tdjuum qmep. Duqzxsovoph ot gap, cav O piwis opvipfif ov vu ci nz Getvmepi qevj, epf O'n siefz vu csepdj uav epf hsux.
Vjot ot hsiev tvagg Miy, liiq huoph!

Xjip O dmodlif up vji tactdsoci vu Zuavaci cavvup woe vji duasti ov katv hewi ni e cmepl qehi. Jef vu sivasp vu qsiwouat mittup, vjip efwepdi eheop. Duamf ci nz tdsixz QD vuu vjuahj. Emtu, O xet emsiefz tactdsocif vu vji djep, fup'v lpux og vjev eggidvt epzvjoph.
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