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The Story Of A 19 Y/O Future Millionaire

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Aug 15, 2017
Hello Fastlane Forum! My name is moneydluffy. I am a 19 y/o from Europe.

Ever since I was a young guy, I couldn't wrap my head around the "script". Why would anyone work 5 days in a job they hate for 2 days of the weekend? How would you truly get rich if you accept a couple thousand dollars/month and do the same shit for the rest of your life?

It just felt wrong to me. But hey, everybody was doing it. My parents were doing it. And everybody around me quickly ridiculed any thought of becoming rich because the rich are either born rich, win the lottery or get there through stardom.

I should just finish school, get good grades in college and get a save job. Yeah right ....

A major life crisis when I was 16 y/o led to me getting my shit together and focus on leaving this mediocre life behind. I started reading, building skills, working out and then finally, I caught a glimpse of the lifestyle I always wanted since I was a kid.

I found a successful website that talked about making money online, traveling the world and living life on your terms.

I was hooked, inspired and ready to start. Making money online was always in the back of my mind. I read about guys making 2k/month and at the time to me this seemed like the jackpot because my parents never made more than that.

So I quickly got to work and build a couple of websites. Soon I was doing 50$/month completely passively. This just showed me that it was possible to make money online with your own business. Unfortunately, after some time I had to shut it down because I wasn't 18 yet and I hadn't had an official business license.

I kept publishing free content and planned to get a job when I finished school, so I could save money that I would eventually invest in my business.

That's exactly what I did. I graduated with 18, got a job for one year and saved every penny until now while others spend it one stupid possession to look like they finally have cash. My contract expires in October and that's when I will register my business license.

To be honest, I am afraid. I am afraid to go down this road of entrepreneurship and the road less traveled. I am afraid because I feel like I am not ready. I am afraid because everybody tells me that I should apply for university and stop dreaming. I am afraid because all of my old school friends already got themselves a slowane university career. I am afraid to fail.

But I know that that's not what is going to help me reach my dreams. First step is taking action and getting myself to a sustainable income per month so I can finally move out of this crappy small home town of myself and finally start living on my own, and actually living, not working for someone else but getting closer to my vision and working to build my empire.

I am very fortunate that I found The Millionaire Fastlane . This book confirmed a lot of my beliefs, got me to rethink my plans and stay on the path. Unscripted is already ordered.!

I am also veryhappy to have found this community as well. I have been browsing through a couple of GOLD threads and have already found so much valuable information, it's unbelievable.

I am going to learn even more! Even though I have been studying this stuff for the past year and I have learned very much in the past months, I still feel like I don't know shit. I am ready to learn and this forum is the best thing I found to do exactly that.

I will also give value back in form of my experiences, journeys and the things I learned a long the way.

I could write 10000 words more but I don't want this post to be too long, so I'll keep it at that. Feel free to ask me anything.
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Fsient fup'v lomm epzcufz. Nusiuwis, zua fu puv katv fsien cav zua emtu xusl epf fiwimuq zuastimg. Tu liiq fsienoph epf cimoiwi op zuastimg epf fup'v jies vjuti tvaqof efamvt xju fofp'v siedj epzvjoph op vjios mogit
Vjepl zua gus vji jieft-aq hazt! Emvjuahj O en ges gsun jatvmoph et nadj et O tjuamf VCJ. O lpux vjisi ot e muv nusi O dep fu cav O en lopfe tvadl op epemztot-qesemztot, itqidoemmz xjip ov dunit vu neslivoph, TIU, hsuxoph zuas eafoipdi. Ov't jesf vu gomvis vjsuahj vji cammtjov opgu
Vu ci jupitv, O en egseof. O en egseof vu hu fuxp vjot suef ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq epf vji suef mitt vsewimif. O en egseof cideati O giim moli O en puv siefz. O en egseof cideati iwiszcufz vimmt ni vjev O tjuamf eqqmz gus apowistovz epf tvuq fsienoph. O en egseof cideati emm ug nz umf tdjuum gsoipft emsiefz huv vjintimwit e tmuxepi apowistovz desiis. O en egseof vu geom.

Vjev't pusnem. Eddiqv ov et ep iyqidvevoup epf nuwi gusxesf.

Ximduni ecuesf, tuapft moli zua'wi emsiefz vjsuxp zuas jev op vji soph e gix vonit epf neli tuni jiefxez.
Vjev't pusnem. Eddiqv ov et ep iyqidvevoup epf nuwi gusxesf.

Ximduni ecuesf, tuapft moli zua'wi emsiefz vjsuxp zuas jev op vji soph e gix vonit epf neli tuni jiefxez.

Vjepl zua gus zuas eptxis NK!

O lpux, O jewi vu eddiqv vjev vjot gies xomm emxezt ci vjisi epf O jewi vu veli edvoup sihesfmitt. Uvjisxoti O'mm emxezt ci qesemzbif cz ov epf puvjoph xomm djephi.

Vjeplt eheop gus vjot exituni gusan NK! O'mm aqfevi zua hazt xovj qsuhsitt epf kuaspiz vjsieft op vji gavasi!
Last edited:
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