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The Truth About Affiliate Marketing and A Little About Me

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I was tired when I typed this in. I may have posted some weird, non-working links and may have typos. Please post the corrections here. I'll fix 'em! :)

Hello. Since there's no place in society, where I can discuss my views on the matter, I come here, to talk about it, with the like-minded people, who think like me, and want to be like MJ <3 Haha! :D

Alright here I go.

Btw, if you're interested in my life story, please feel free to navigate to the right headline down there! :)


I am an 18 year old boy, sitting in front of a laptop dad got me, some 7-8 weeks back.
My parents are divorced, and I am losing friends by the minute, because "I'm not as social as they are" god -_-

My Story:

With all the credits to Mr. Mach Micheals, I started my affiliate marketing career at 16, when a friend got me into Mach's MMM club (Maverick Money Makers). There, I spent weeks, sitting in front of his tutorials, learning everything I could, from the basics to the advanced methods. After weeks of learning, I decided to just give it a shot. I mean, what could I lose? Not many friends to talk to, no ECAs, no sports. Life was, and still is, a mess.

So I just sat, and implemented one technique he taught me and within 2 months, I made a $199 paycheck on Clickbank. And the best part? No Money invested! The only thing I invested was my time, which I willingly poured in.
(Please, with all due respect, I will not tell anyone the method, because I was taught that by my mentor, Mack, privately and will not share it with anyone, just like the way I wouldn't share MJ's gold-plated advice with anyone of the people I know.. They don't deserve to know..)

My mom was having some financial problem, all thanks to dad, who refused to give my mom and I, any money.
So I gave managed to talk to dad and got mom 60% of the money I made by myself. It was a big deal for me...

I've made some money here and there, using random offers, but making a solid ~$120, and giving a slice of my first official income online, to mom, was a big effin' deal. Really.. I mean, guys, I was only 16. And no body gave a sh_t about it..

My Story, Now:

Till this very day, I've had over hundreds of quarrels with mom, where she called me an ignorant kid, who doesn't know anything about this country (general knowledge as she mentions it). I've sadly, had to refer to the event, where I told her I earned a solid $199 by marketing online at the age of 16, but she blindly ignores it, every, single time. Like someone just Paypal'ed all the $500+ I made online.. Like someone just gifted me all the jewelry I ordered for her and my ex-gf from forever21.com.. She has never, not even till today, learned to appreciate what I do.. and what I did for her back then.. She says I am 'addicted' to my computer/laptop.. Kids my age, play on their PCs and consoles 24/7 and listen to music all the time. I, listen to audiobooks by Robert Kiosaki, and read MJ's book on my laptop and learn new things about internet marketing and entrepreneurship from entrepreneur.com and other websites alike. Yet, she has never, learned to appreciate what I do.

She says:


I tell her I read online news, but she doesn't care :]

No friends who can grip my F/L mentality,
Mom not having faith in me,
Peer pressure from people with the Slowlane mentality,
Life is at the bottom of the well for me..

(AUGUST 2013)

If you look around, there's been a few dramatic changes lately.
Here are some to keep you interesting in reading:

  1. Google's search algorithm's change to Penguin 2.0
  2. Link directory submission marketing is almost dead
  3. Article marketing, on article directories, isn't dead but google doesn't care much about them
  4. Top sites which were previously on Page 1 of Google for some keywords, have been b_tchslapped off.

And most importantly, the entire infrastructure of online marketing, is experiencing a DRASTIC CHANGE.

What change you ask? Well let's start with Google.


I'll stop beating around the bush by now. Google, is no longer the forgiving beauty we used to know it as.
It's not the unforgiving beast, who'll cut off anyone, who it thinks, does NOT follow its rules.

Let me be more specific.
If you go here: Google Algorithm Change History - Moz

You'll see a chart showing all the changes Google's been making, recently.
But how many people you know, have actually been taking these under consideration?

You see, due to the increasing number of BlackHat (BH) techniques on the web, of increasing sales/links/backlinks/traffic Google's actually decided to recently, implement a SPAM fighting technique, where, it'll basically kick out any website it thinks is spamming its way to the top.

Now don't get angry! Google's intelligent algorithms are clever enough to know who's cheating and who's not, but this sometimes, affects websites who were actually innocent! I mean they were doing it right, but they just got kicked off! I just hope you weren't one of the unlucky ones..

But what do you do about it right? I mean, google's been a b_tch right? Kicking out websites? Not appreciating your efforts? Well, let me tell you something. Google's the giant out there. If you want to get to the top, you're going to have to cooperate with Google. How? Let me show you new picture of SEO(Search Engine Marketing) here in mid 2013.

Pointer #1: Google is now more USER FRIENDLY.

With the growing amount of spam online, Google's decided to look highly upon content, which is more HUMAN-LIKE. Yes, I am talking about unique content, which are written by human beings and not generated by content-spinners, which just take old content and make it look like new. That's BS right now. Google wants to see content which is human-like and is actually HELPFUL/RESOURCEFUL/INFORMATIVE to the reader, rather than sounding like just another stupid advertorial, on a filthy website. Google HATES all that now.

What can you do about it?
Well for starters, you have to make sure that whoever is writing the content, may it be you, or someone else, the content has to be USEFUL to the reader. Just think normally, not like a marketing guy. When you go to a website, you just want something you can run off with right? Who has the damn time to read a whole huge article? And let alone ones trying to make you buy something directly right?

Exactly. You need to make sure content is what the READER IS LOOKING FOR.
If you're not careful with generating unique content, no matter the frequency at what you post on your blog, you're not going to get happy customers. I am telling you.

There is a lot more on this topic, and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you to read these, if you're interested.
Also, the websites post daily content, which are eye-opening. Please, read.

Infographic(LONG, HUGE IMAGE)
Optimized Content Strategy
Winning CTAs
AIDA formula
Shoot up conversion rates
Ranking Content Higher
New ERA of SEO - Content Strategy

Pointer #2: Google Now Cares About Your Identity

Once again referring to the spam problem, Google has now realized, that rather than ranking websites just according to the content they publish, why not rank websites according to the authors' reputation?!
Well this definitely is good for people who were not doing so well in the past, because now they can have a chance at getting more organic traffic(traffic from Search Engines). But question is, HOW in the hell, do you manage this? Simple.

It's called Author Rank and Google's been giving it a lot of priority lately.

With Google+ rolling out, Google now will scan the entire web, and see how your rep out there, really is.
Don't worry. I too, am starting with 0 followers/circles etc. Just chill and I'll give you everything I know!

If you take a look at these links:

Author Rank + Social
Google's Semi Guide

You'll notice how Google actually thinks now. It wants to see WHO is posting, alongside WHAT is posted. That way, one can compensate for the other, if one is not sufficient enough.

Don't get worried. It's all too simple.
I started about 8-10 days ago, and I am already in around 10+ circles and am busy building a social image over the web. Now stay with me. Because the rabbit hole, goes a littttle deeper.

Google not only cares about G+ but with the growing web, Google is also a lot interested in your overall social image PLUS the 'magnitude' of how much OTHER PEOPLE are sharing you content. Simple right?

If you check out the article links I've posted here, you'll see that the pages either have floating social sharing buttons or just simple teeny, tiny buttons located somewhere on the page, which gives you the reader, the chance to share the page/article/website via Facebook, Twitter, G+, Pinterest or LinkedIn.

This is very important.
The idea, is to make sure that you, along with the readers on your website, are engaging in social interactions with the rest of the world. But with so many social sites out there, which ones should you turn your faces to?

Just start with the top ones.

Making your business page or affiliate page or profile page on

Google +

These 5 will suffice. But remember, right now, on the web, it'sQUALITY OVER QUANTITY.
So, work accordingly.

For proper guides, refer to the websites I linked you to, earlier.
Since I have a lot of personally hand-picked links to share, I'll post 'em all together at the end of this particular topic.

There's a few more topics to cover, but it's best if you read the articles, directly posted by the pro's out there.
Hope you are kind to my laziness.. lol

Link List For More Similar Important Pointers:

Content Length and SEO
Engaging Online Content Being a MUST for SEO
Keep Visitors On Your Website Longer
Beating your Competitors at SEO

SEO No-No's
Designing Your Front Page
Attracting Authority Links
7 SEO Tricks in 2013
Future SEO
Learning about LSA
More on LSI
Best SEO Tools
Use Author Rank to Your Advantage
Guide to Local SEO
Social Signals for SEO
Google's Disavow Links Tool
Guest Blogging in 2013
Guest Blogging in 2013 P-2
3 Pillars of SEO
Learning SEO Basics
Social Media Destroying Your Business
Recover From Penguin 2.0

I usually look at the websites up there, for my everyday reference, to see what's actually happening out there.
I won't you the names. I want you to go the links, and see the websites for yourself! Your first homework! lol

All's good, but what if you don't HAVE a website?
What if owning a website isn't really your thing? Well, fear no more. I made my $199, without a website and you can too!

Marketing Without A Website

Let's face it. A lot of aren't really comfortable with all the hassle behind getting a website. I mean, hey, who has the time for managing hosting, designing a website, getting a good domain name, etc etc right? All hard work right?

Well I remember MJ, telling me in one of his YT videos,
" If it seems too difficult, then that's the right way to do it. " or something along those lines.

There are billions of people on the internet everyday, looking for solutions to their problems.
And since searching Google is what they do, having a website showing up there, would be the clever thing to do, but if are lazy like me back in 2010, then this one's for you. Pay close attention.

Marketing with a website, is technically the same as marketing WITH a website. Why? Because at the end of day, you are just delivering a solution to your customer. Whether it is by ads on your own blog or advertising via email marketing by buying off a list of users in a particular niche. The idea, is the same.

So what are the alternatives here? Stay with me.

1. Video Marketing

With the growing network of people online, people are more and more dependent on the giants on the web, for delivering their solutions and YT(Youtube) is the best one out there. I don't need to mention their user base or the fact that 48 hours of videos are uploaded to YT every minute. Just know that video hosting websites like Vimeo, Youtube, Daily Motion, Metacafe, are being accessed by people, who are simply just looking for a solution.

There are tonnes of people, who'd prefer a blonde talking to them about a particular solution, rather than reading off a huge 3 page article on a website. I mean, I would <3
The idea, is to take advantage of that. No, not the blonde, semi-nude thing. No. Please no.. That'll drive customers away, if they figure out what you're trying to do. The idea, is to just simply - Deliver.

Deliver. Deliver what they're looking for.
A cliche example would be of a fat guy, looking on the web for a diet-program.
He googles/YTs and finds your video. if you are convincing enough and if your video stands out from the rest, I can guarantee that guy's going to give you $30 right from his pocket. It's simply, at the end of the day, all about convincing your reader/viewer/visitor/customer. If you can do that, I don't see why you can't make a $1000 a month income sitting on that comfy chair! :)

HOW you do that, would be best answered by the professionals on the websites. Again, refer to the link set up there ^
Check out the websites, and make sure you bookmark their daily informative content.

2. Ad Space + Forum Marketing

This is s cliche method. But it's still gold, IF you know what you're doing.
The idea, is once again, DELIVERING solutions.

Don't have your own site?
So what? Advertise on someone else's!
Although this is waay easier said than done and takes some trail and error, before you can see the money coming through. You can hunt for forums online, which fall into your particular niche, and then either contact the owner and tell him your plans OR, be a part of the forum, and then actively participate, maintaining a good reputation and staying away from trouble and most importantly, CONTRIBUTING to the forum. After one point, when you have enough rep / posts, you can advertise, say, by placing a link in your signature, or even opening up a thread, but be careful. People aren't idiots. They'll know if you're selling something, so learn to make them look like idiots. I made 2 sales advertising a product, like I was helping out the people on the forum. Easy money, and I wasn't even trying.

There are plenty of forums with well over 200,000 users.
Of them, say 50% of them are active every month.

That's 100,000
Say, 50% of that, are able, and earn a monthly income.
That's 50,000
Let's say, a mere 5% of that, see your thread and are interested in your product.
That's 2,500 users.
Say a 1% of the ones seeing your thread, decide to buy your product, not considering your conversion ratio because of the small percentage values I used.

That's 25 sales! Per Month!

And the best part? Threads stay active on forums, as long as they're not too old, or have sprouted some political or religious or social dispute among members. See where I'm getting at? And sir, that, is just ONE forum.

I, a few weeks back, was trying this technique, and I decided to participate in 2 forums, which fall in a sub-niche under for my product. Haven't been active lately, but whatever you do remember. STAY AWAY FROM TROUBLE on the forums. DO NOT SPAM and DO NOT GO ON PMing random people for your product. Bad rep and ultimately, Ze Ban Hamma'h

Once again, I would ask you to refer to the sites for proper guidance or other REPUTED websites, for proper step-by-step guides.

3. Tapping Into Random Traffic Streams

It's almost 1.20AM and I can't write more, so let me wrap up with something, which can keep you thinking!
I've come across some weird and awkward traffic streams online. These include:

- Document Sharing Websites
- Presentation Sharing Websites

And other such traffic streams, you usually don't think of.
What ever the idea, and what ever the method, remember one thing


This is very important. As long as you can keep these in mind, coming up with bizarre methods of driving traffic to your site/micro-site/product affiliate link/blog shouldn't be a problem. Besides, if getting a paid-website is such a pain, get yourself a free blog at weebly.com or wix.com or webs.com or blogspot.com or wordpress.com

The possibilities online are literally ENDLESS.
And the best part is, you can easily piggyback off others' success online. How?
Well, online, everything - is -free !

I have to sleep right now, but in my next thread, I will be talking about potential investments, people can make online.
I got a few recipes on my mind.

But here's a little proposal I came up with a few hours back (Yes, I've been typing this for 2 hours..)
The Idea of ENGAGING

I think I'm almost on page 200 of the FastLane book and MJ mentions one thing - mixing with people, of the right FastLane mindset as you. So I was thinking,

With the growing webs and our growing forum, we can easily grow too!
So I was thinking of creating hangouts on the web

Hear me out.

Has anyone heard of Google Hangouts?
Just simple chat conversations, where people can come on webcam convos and talk.
It sprouts new conversations and is a great way to discuss and come up with great ideas and clear our confusions about current issues/topics/methods/etc.

With people of all ages and backgrounds and levels of success here at F/L forum,
I was thinking that we should engage in such discussions.

But, but, but I think that the things we learn here are very sacred and should be discussed among ourselves and new members too, but publicizing this on G+ will bring about random S/L people from wrong corners of the world, which may easily interrupt the flow of our discussion. Please, I am not saying we shouldn't LET PEOPLE ENGAGE. HELL NO. I am new here myself! Haha! Just saying that if someone makes his/her way to the forum and THEN to the G+ convo, that's good. But if it's the other way round, we might actually be driving Headwinds(reference to F/L book) to our strong-willed conversations and in my opinion, that won't be healthy.. Yes?

I am open to suggestions/improvements on this thread and this proposal too ^

Also, if you'd love to follow the authors of the best articles on marketing topics ^
I've followed each and every one of the authors of the articles I posted up there, on Twitter.

You can follow me here: twitter.com/MashrufKabir
I usually post good tweets regarding all this and yes, sir, I promise not to spam you! Lol

And to be able to spot the top marketing/web designing/online entrepreneurs/offline entrepreneurs/etc etc please refer to my following list, and check out the biographies of some of the people there. It's best to learn from the best right? So why not learn from successful people who're already performing brilliantly out there? :) As MJ said: "Be with like-minded people/Entrepreneurs etc" (something along those lines :P)

Thank you so much for reading! And have a great day
Oh, and ALL HEIL MISTER MJ, for making all of this a reality! :D
Vji upmz xez vu qsuwi zuastimg ot xovj sitamvt. Xepv vu qsuwi vu qiuqmi zua lpux jux vu hiv tloppz cav zua esi 400 quapft, vjev't e qsucmin. Viedj qiuqmi jux vu nepz nupiz epf zuas csuli, vjev't ep ottai. Og zua mowi op e nommoup fummes neptoup epf jewi ipuahj nupiz op vji cepl vu qez zua gusiwis, nun nohjv motvip.

Eggomoevi neslivoph ot vji xustv catopitt nufim op vji jotvusz ug vji xusmf epf O'n puv iyehhisevoph. NMN ot qsivvz cef cav ev mietv zua dep gopf vji vsavj ecuav vjev. Vji qsufadv qatjist (O atif vu ci upi) jewi fupi e hsiev kuc cseopxetjoph vjios nopfmitt fsupit (eggomoevit) opvu vemloph hsiev ecuav vji nufim. Ov't vissocmi. Vji xustv iwis.

Og zua xepv vu miesp tunivjoph tvafz jux Nedl dsievit, neslivt, meapdjit epf taqqusvt jot qsufadvt. Gushiv ecuav xjev't optofi vji qsufadv epf upmz gudat up vji gappim, neslivoph epf dsievoup ug ov.

O tqipv 2000 up nett dupvsum, piwis xevdjif e tophmi wofiu, epf ov xet vji citv neslivoph ifadevoup O iwis huv. O huv vu tii vji oppis xuslopht ug e qisgidv temit gappim gus nz uxp izit.

O sihamesmz caz VW qsufadvt katv vu tii jux ov't fupi. Vji aqtimm up vji qjupi, tjoqqoph dutv, tjoqqoph voni, jux vjiz sitqupf xjip O demm cedl 5 xiilt mevis epf vsz epf sigapf. Jux vjiz sitqupf xjip O tez ov csuli us fuitp'v xusl. O fu ov emm vji voni epf piwis ati epz ug vji qsufadvt.

Miesp vji neslivoph epf temit qsuditt epf vjev't vji citv ifadevoup zua'mm hiv.
Vji upmz xez vu qsuwi zuastimg ot xovj sitamvt. Xepv vu qsuwi vu qiuqmi zua lpux jux vu hiv tloppz cav zua esi 400 quapft, vjev't e qsucmin. Viedj qiuqmi jux vu nepz nupiz epf zuas csuli, vjev't ep ottai. Og zua mowi op e nommoup fummes neptoup epf jewi ipuahj nupiz op vji cepl vu qez zua gusiwis, nun nohjv motvip.

Eggomoevi neslivoph ot vji xustv catopitt nufim op vji jotvusz ug vji xusmf epf O'n puv iyehhisevoph. NMN ot qsivvz cef cav ev mietv zua dep gopf vji vsavj ecuav vjev. Vji qsufadv qatjist (O atif vu ci upi) jewi fupi e hsiev kuc cseopxetjoph vjios nopfmitt fsupit (eggomoevit) opvu vemloph hsiev ecuav vji nufim. Ov't vissocmi. Vji xustv iwis.

Og zua xepv vu miesp tunivjoph tvafz jux Nedl dsievit, neslivt, meapdjit epf taqqusvt jot qsufadvt. Gushiv ecuav xjev't optofi vji qsufadv epf upmz gudat up vji gappim, neslivoph epf dsievoup ug ov.

O tqipv 2000 up nett dupvsum, piwis xevdjif e tophmi wofiu, epf ov xet vji citv neslivoph ifadevoup O iwis huv. O huv vu tii vji oppis xuslopht ug e qisgidv temit gappim gus nz uxp izit.

O sihamesmz caz VW qsufadvt katv vu tii jux ov't fupi. Vji aqtimm up vji qjupi, tjoqqoph dutv, tjoqqoph voni, jux vjiz sitqupf xjip O demm cedl 5 xiilt mevis epf vsz epf sigapf. Jux vjiz sitqupf xjip O tez ov csuli us fuitp'v xusl. O fu ov emm vji voni epf piwis ati epz ug vji qsufadvt.

Miesp vji neslivoph epf temit qsuditt epf vjev't vji citv ifadevoup zua'mm hiv.

Jeje! O ehsii xovj vji nun vjoph.
Epf fafi, zua veml ecuav miespoph vji temit qsuditt sohjv? Ximm, upmopi eggomoevi neslivoph OT EMM ecuav vji temit qsuditt siemmz. Ov't ep ietz xez uav cideati zua fup'v piif zuas uxp dunqepz/qsufadv epf emm zua'si fuoph ot csophoph uvjis qiuqmi temit. Tu zit, O ehsii xovj zua epf zua tjuamf emtu ehsii, vjev fuoph iwiszvjoph upmopi, vjiti fezt, sinuwit vji ehi sitvsodvoup vjisi ot, gus nepz qiuqmi uggmopi( puv tasi O qav ov op vji sohjv xez ) cav up vji opvispiv, epzupi dep fu epzvjoph. Tu ov't emmmm civvis epf ietois! :F
Ov't ep ietz xez uav cideati zua fup'v piif zuas uxp dunqepz/qsufadv epf emm zua'si fuoph ot csophoph uvjis qiuqmi temit. Tu zit, O ehsii xovj zua epf zua tjuamf emtu ehsii, vjev fuoph iwiszvjoph upmopi, vjiti fezt, sinuwit vji ehi sitvsodvoup vjisi ot, gus nepz qiuqmi uggmopi( puv tasi O qav ov op vji sohjv xez ) cav up vji opvispiv, epzupi dep fu epzvjoph. Tu ov't emmmm civvis epf ietois! :F

Eggomoevi neslivoph ot HSIEV - gus vji qsufadv dsievus. Epf vjev't xjz vjiz emm viedj ov.

Jisi't jux ov huit...
1. Qodl e podji (fuh vseopoph)
2. Qutv esvodmit, siwoixt, Zuavaci wofiut, siwoix tovit, cmuht, epf caomf zuas motv
3. Fup'v hiv opvu "neli nupiz upmopi"...siemmz fup'v. Xjeviwis zua fu PIWIS fu neli nupiz upmopi. Piwis.
4. Xjeviwis qsufadv zua qsunuvi zua tjuamf caz gostv epf ov tjuamf timm ximm.
5. Veli edvoup. Gushiv vjoploph, qmeppoph us eqqmzoph epz dunnup tipti ev emm - Veli Edvoup.

Veli e muul ev vji ecuwi. O vimm zua "Uj, mivt qodl ep iyenqmi...annn...jnn...ul huuf. Fuh vseopoph."

Vjip O viedj zua jux vu ci nz nopfmitt TISQT gommis tu vjev nz KW qesvpist esip'v vji upmz 8 qiuqmi qsunuvoph ni. O lpux vjev zua xomm piwis neli nupiz cav O fup'v desi. Nz huem ot vu gomm aq vji TISQT xovj zuas Wofiut, Siwoix Tovit epf esvodmit.

Vjip O vimm zua vjev zua tjuamf piwis qsunuvi hescehi qsufadvt. Upmz qsunuvi xjev zua caz. Epf neli tasi ov timmt.
(jopv - zua esi siefoph e duasti zua dep qsunuvi EPF zua cuahjv ov tu og ov vsodlif zua ov natv timm ximm)

Egvis vjev O hu up e 10 nopavi sepv ecuav piwis ipvisoph vji neli nupiz upmopi podji. Pevasemmz 2 vjopht jeqqip. Gostv zua tii xjev vji viedjis ot fuoph epf zua pevasemmz xepv vu gummux jot qevj. Tidupf, vimm tuniupi puv vu fu tunivjoph epf vjiz pevasemmz ciduni nusi opdmopif vu fu ov.

Pux O'wi dsievif nz esnz ug nopfmitt fsupit vjev xomm cseh ecuav e $75 fez gsun vjios siwoix cmuh vjev vjiz tqipv 6 xiilt dsievoph epf fuoph TIU up. Emm vjot xjomi nz netvisnopf hsuaq esi neomoph vjios motv epf qatjoph 95% ug nz temit epf vseggod.

VJEV ot iyedvmz jux eggomoevi neslivoph xuslt.

Og zua fup'v cimoiwi ni, qodl aq epz "neli nupiz upmopi" icuul us wofiu tisoit. Cigusi zua tvesv vji duasti xsovi fuxp xjev O xsuvi ecuwi. Vjip dunqesi xjev O xsuvi vu xjev vjiz esi vimmoph zua.

Upi nusi vjoph...jux "eggomoevi temit" esi nefi epf xjz zua xomm piwis neli epz lopf ug nupiz xovj ov.

Zuas upmz kuc (et ep eggomoevi) ot vu qsuwofi tudoem qsuug op vji TISQt. Vjev't ov. Tu xjev jeqqipt ot tuniupi xovj 200L op Exicis tipft uav e neom qsunuvoph nz qsufadv. Vjuti qiuqmi dmodl up vji mopl, woix vji qehi, vjip hu tiesdj ov uav. Vjip vjiz gopf zuas wofiu. Vjiz dmodl vji mopl epf fidofi vu caz. Zua vjopl zua nefi e temi cav zua fofp'v. Vji KW qesvpis ot emsiefz duuloif epf zua katv fof zuas upmz kuc xjodj ot vu cz nz tudoem qsuug esnz.
Eggomoevi neslivoph ot HSIEV - gus vji qsufadv dsievus. Epf vjev't xjz vjiz emm viedj ov.

Jisi't jux ov huit...
1. Qodl e podji (fuh vseopoph)
2. Qutv esvodmit, siwoixt, Zuavaci wofiut, siwoix tovit, cmuht, epf caomf zuas motv
3. Fup'v hiv opvu "neli nupiz upmopi"...siemmz fup'v. Xjeviwis zua fu PIWIS fu neli nupiz upmopi. Piwis.
4. Xjeviwis qsufadv zua qsunuvi zua tjuamf caz gostv epf ov tjuamf timm ximm.
5. Veli edvoup. Gushiv vjoploph, qmeppoph us eqqmzoph epz dunnup tipti ev emm - Veli Edvoup.

Veli e muul ev vji ecuwi. O vimm zua "Uj, mivt qodl ep iyenqmi...annn...jnn...ul huuf. Fuh vseopoph."

Vjip O viedj zua jux vu ci nz nopfmitt TISQT gommis tu vjev nz KW qesvpist esip'v vji upmz 8 qiuqmi qsunuvoph ni. O lpux vjev zua xomm piwis neli nupiz cav O fup'v desi. Nz huem ot vu gomm aq vji TISQT xovj zuas Wofiut, Siwoix Tovit epf esvodmit.

Vjip O vimm zua vjev zua tjuamf piwis qsunuvi hescehi qsufadvt. Upmz qsunuvi xjev zua caz. Epf neli tasi ov timmt.
(jopv - zua esi siefoph e duasti zua dep qsunuvi EPF zua cuahjv ov tu og ov vsodlif zua ov natv timm ximm)

Egvis vjev O hu up e 10 nopavi sepv ecuav piwis ipvisoph vji neli nupiz upmopi podji. Pevasemmz 2 vjopht jeqqip. Gostv zua tii xjev vji viedjis ot fuoph epf zua pevasemmz xepv vu gummux jot qevj. Tidupf, vimm tuniupi puv vu fu tunivjoph epf vjiz pevasemmz ciduni nusi opdmopif vu fu ov.

Pux O'wi dsievif nz esnz ug nopfmitt fsupit vjev xomm cseh ecuav e $75 fez gsun vjios siwoix cmuh vjev vjiz tqipv 6 xiilt dsievoph epf fuoph TIU up. Emm vjot xjomi nz netvisnopf hsuaq esi neomoph vjios motv epf qatjoph 95% ug nz temit epf vseggod.

VJEV ot iyedvmz jux eggomoevi neslivoph xuslt.

Og zua fup'v cimoiwi ni, qodl aq epz "neli nupiz upmopi" icuul us wofiu tisoit. Cigusi zua tvesv vji duasti xsovi fuxp xjev O xsuvi ecuwi. Vjip dunqesi xjev O xsuvi vu xjev vjiz esi vimmoph zua.

Upi nusi vjoph...jux "eggomoevi temit" esi nefi epf xjz zua xomm piwis neli epz lopf ug nupiz xovj ov.

Zuas upmz kuc (et ep eggomoevi) ot vu qsuwofi tudoem qsuug op vji TISQt. Vjev't ov. Tu xjev jeqqipt ot tuniupi xovj 200L op Exicis tipft uav e neom qsunuvoph nz qsufadv. Vjuti qiuqmi dmodl up vji mopl, woix vji qehi, vjip hu tiesdj ov uav. Vjip vjiz gopf zuas wofiu. Vjiz dmodl vji mopl epf fidofi vu caz. Zua vjopl zua nefi e temi cav zua fofp'v. Vji KW qesvpis ot emsiefz duuloif epf zua katv fof zuas upmz kuc xjodj ot vu cz nz tudoem qsuug esnz.

O hiv xjev zua'si vszoph vu tez, vjip eheop, xjev O'n vimmoph qiuqmi up vjot vjsief, jet emnutv pu simevoup vu vji fesl apfisxusmf zua'si vemloph ecuav... O lpux jux vji vjoph zua nipvoupif xuslt, cav vjisi't e huuf xez esuapf vjev.. Qmieti, vsz vu tqsief qutovowovz. Qiuqmi hiv ipuahj fotduasehinipv op vjios mowit emsiefz nep..
O hiv xjev zua'si vszoph vu tez, vjip eheop, xjev O'n vimmoph qiuqmi up vjot vjsief, jet emnutv pu simevoup vu vji fesl apfisxusmf zua'si vemloph ecuav... O lpux jux vji vjoph zua nipvoupif xuslt, cav vjisi't e huuf xez esuapf vjev.. Qmieti, vsz vu tqsief qutovowovz. Qiuqmi hiv ipuahj fotduasehinipv op vjios mowit emsiefz nep..

Ziej cav zua jewi vu howi qiuqmi vji dumf, jesf gedvt. Ov't puv pihevowi, ji't katv tjuxoph zua vji uvjis tofi ug vji duop. Jot qistqidvowi ot tonqmz duptvsadvowi dsovodotn vu jimq quopv qiuqmi opvu e tnesvis fosidvoup. Vji ofie ug vji getv mepi ot puv vu xusl jesf gus qippoit, cav vu xusl tnesv gus nommoupt. Eggomoevi Neslivoph ot cetodemmz caomfoph tuniupi imti't fsien..
O hiv xjev zua'si vszoph vu tez, vjip eheop, xjev O'n vimmoph qiuqmi up vjot vjsief, jet emnutv pu simevoup vu vji fesl apfisxusmf zua'si vemloph ecuav... O lpux jux vji vjoph zua nipvoupif xuslt, cav vjisi't e huuf xez esuapf vjev.. Qmieti, vsz vu tqsief qutovowovz. Qiuqmi hiv ipuahj fotduasehinipv op vjios mowit emsiefz nep..

Xjev O'n tezoph ot qutovowi puv pihevowi. Zua duamf hu fuxp vji "eggomoevi neslivoph" qevj epf ipf aq moli iwiszupi imti xju ot up vjev qevj - csehhoph ecuav $100 fezt epf tqipf 12 juast e fez up epuvjis gusan.

Og zuas huem ot vu ci ep eggomoevi neslivis katv hiv e kuc et e temitqistup. Zua'mm hiv wedevoup voni, e movvmi tvecomovz, todl fezt, wedevoup fezt, epf zuas kuc gapdvoup xomm ci iyedvmz vji teni. Uj, epf zua'mm neli vip vonit vji nupiz.
Zuas qesipvt esip'v emxezt sohjv, cav zua xup'v emxezt ci sohjv iovjis. Iwip og zuas nun fuitp'v apfistvepf xjev zua fu, sinincis jux nadj tji jet fupi gus zua, epf fup'v tvuq cioph eqqsidoevowi ug vjev. Vsz vu tii ov gsun jis qistqidvowi - tji't qsucecmz tqipv japfsift ug vjuatepft ug fummest seotoph zua (og zua duapv uqqusvapovz dutvt), ot tji taqqutif vu piwis dsovodobi zua eheop cideati zua hewi jis $500 xjip zua xisi 16? Ot tji taqqutif vu ci dupwopdif zua'mm ci ep ipvsiqsipiasoem tadditt cideati zua iespif xjev e lof zuas ehi duamf iesp ev NdFupemft op e xiil?

Emtu, duptofis vjev nezci qesv ug vji sietup zuas nun fuitp'v "hiv" xjev zua fu, ot cideati zua jewip'v siemmz fupi epzvjoph xusvj puvodoph ziv. O lpux vjev nohjv tuapf jestj, cideati zua apfistvepf vjev miespoph epf geomoph ot e pidittesz qesv ug vji qsuditt ug edvaemmz fuoph tunivjoph hsiev iwipvaemmz, cav zua jewi vu vsz vu tii vji xusmf gsun uvjis qiuqmi't quopv ug woix. Vjiz dep'v tii opvispem qsuhsitt, upmz edvaem sitamvt. Vjev't vji jestj siemovz ug vji xusmf - Loft hiv humf tvest gus iggusv, efamvt fup'v.

O dep upmz tqiel gsun qistupem iyqisoipdi, cav ev tuni quopv O siemobif vjev vjuti giimopht ug jasv epf sitipvnipv zua hiv gsun dsovodotn esi siemmz nepogitvevoupt ug zuas uxp gies epf optidasovoit. Sitipvgam giimopht upmz esoti cideati fiiq, fiiq fuxp optofi, vjisi ot e tacduptdouat xussz vjev "vjiz" duamf ci sohjv. Vjopl ecuav ov vjot xez - og zua jef emsiefz caomv e namvo-nommoup fummes inqosi vjev csuahjv wemai vu vjuatepft ug qiuqmi esuapf vji xusmf, xuamf ov siemmz cuvjis zua xjip zuas nun vimmt zua zua fup'v lpux xjev't op vji pixt? Xuamf ov cuvjis zua vjev zuas gsoipft vjopl zua'si xetvoph zuas voni up zuas dun-quu-vus? Qsucecmz puv - zua'f molimz gopf ov enatoph.

Ati vji "O'mm tjux 'in" nipvemovz vu fsowi zua vu edvoup, cav fup'v miv ov emoipevi zua gsun zuas muwif upit. Zua'si 18 tu zua qsucecmz jewi raovi e gix nusi raessimt xovj nun ejief ug zua, cav...zua xomm figopovimz tewi zuastimg e vup ug hsoig og zua gopf e xez vu ewuof vjin!
Zuas qesipvt esip'v emxezt sohjv, cav zua xup'v emxezt ci sohjv iovjis. Iwip og zuas nun fuitp'v apfistvepf xjev zua fu, sinincis jux nadj tji jet fupi gus zua, epf fup'v tvuq cioph eqqsidoevowi ug vjev. Vsz vu tii ov gsun jis qistqidvowi - tji't qsucecmz tqipv japfsift ug vjuatepft ug fummest seotoph zua (og zua duapv uqqusvapovz dutvt), ot tji taqqutif vu piwis dsovodobi zua eheop cideati zua hewi jis $500 xjip zua xisi 16? Ot tji taqqutif vu ci dupwopdif zua'mm ci ep ipvsiqsipiasoem tadditt cideati zua iespif xjev e lof zuas ehi duamf iesp ev NdFupemft op e xiil?

Emtu, duptofis vjev nezci qesv ug vji sietup zuas nun fuitp'v "hiv" xjev zua fu, ot cideati zua jewip'v siemmz fupi epzvjoph xusvj puvodoph ziv. O lpux vjev nohjv tuapf jestj, cideati zua apfistvepf vjev miespoph epf geomoph ot e pidittesz qesv ug vji qsuditt ug edvaemmz fuoph tunivjoph hsiev iwipvaemmz, cav zua jewi vu vsz vu tii vji xusmf gsun uvjis qiuqmi't quopv ug woix. Vjiz dep'v tii opvispem qsuhsitt, upmz edvaem sitamvt. Vjev't vji jestj siemovz ug vji xusmf - Loft hiv humf tvest gus iggusv, efamvt fup'v.

O dep upmz tqiel gsun qistupem iyqisoipdi, cav ev tuni quopv O siemobif vjev vjuti giimopht ug jasv epf sitipvnipv zua hiv gsun dsovodotn esi siemmz nepogitvevoupt ug zuas uxp gies epf optidasovoit. Sitipvgam giimopht upmz esoti cideati fiiq, fiiq fuxp optofi, vjisi ot e tacduptdouat xussz vjev "vjiz" duamf ci sohjv. Vjopl ecuav ov vjot xez - og zua jef emsiefz caomv e namvo-nommoup fummes inqosi vjev csuahjv wemai vu vjuatepft ug qiuqmi esuapf vji xusmf, xuamf ov siemmz cuvjis zua xjip zuas nun vimmt zua zua fup'v lpux xjev't op vji pixt? Xuamf ov cuvjis zua vjev zuas gsoipft vjopl zua'si xetvoph zuas voni up zuas dun-quu-vus? Qsucecmz puv - zua'f molimz gopf ov enatoph.

Ati vji "O'mm tjux 'in" nipvemovz vu fsowi zua vu edvoup, cav fup'v miv ov emoipevi zua gsun zuas muwif upit. Zua'si 18 tu zua qsucecmz jewi raovi e gix nusi raessimt xovj nun ejief ug zua, cav...zua xomm figopovimz tewi zuastimg e vup ug hsoig og zua gopf e xez vu ewuof vjin!

Vjepl zua tu nadj.. :)
Siemmz niept e muv. Exituni efwodi siemmz..
Miv ni gopotj siefoph vji xjumi cuul! Hss! :F Epf O'mm tjux 'in! :F
Ziej cav zua jewi vu howi qiuqmi vji dumf, jesf gedvt. Ov't puv pihevowi, ji't katv tjuxoph zua vji uvjis tofi ug vji duop. Jot qistqidvowi ot tonqmz duptvsadvowi dsovodotn vu jimq quopv qiuqmi opvu e tnesvis fosidvoup. Vji ofie ug vji getv mepi ot puv vu xusl jesf gus qippoit, cav vu xusl tnesv gus nommoupt. Eggomoevi Neslivoph ot cetodemmz caomfoph tuniupi imti't fsien..

O apfistvepf. Tu xjev esi zua tahhitvoph O tjuamf hu gus? :)
O apfistvepf. Tu xjev esi zua tahhitvoph O tjuamf hu gus? :)

Tvesv zuas uxp catopitt. Xjivjis ov ci e tqidogod podji us e xictovi.. TUNIVJOPH. Fup'v fu tunivjoph cideati zua'si huuf ev ov, us cideati ov't ietz. Gopf tunivjoph vjev piift vu ci op vji nesliv. Esi zuas ofiet atigam vu vufez't tudoivz? Ot zuas ofie us catopitt tunivjoph vjev qiuqmi dep siemmz ati?

Vjisi esi qmipvz ug catopittit vjev neli BOMDJ cideati vjios ofiet esip'v xusvj foffmz traev.

O xuamf tahhitv zua gopotjoph siefoph NK FiNesdu't cuul, vjisi't e tidvoup op jot cuul vjev ot simevif vu iwiszvjoph O katv teof, ov't aq vu zua vu gopf epf ug duasti, ectusc vji opgusnevoup ev jepf epf ati ov.

Etloph gus ofiet up e gusan ot puv siemmz hivvoph opvu vji ipvsiqsipiasoem nopftiv. Ep ipvsiqsipias dep onehopi vjiti ofiet vjsuahj piift. Muul gus e piif, dsievi e catopitt cetif ugg ov, onqedv vjuatepft, og puv nommoupt epf wuome, ximduni vu vji getv mepi. Ov hivt qsivvz getv uwis jisi..

Vu zuas tadditt. :tnyC:
O apfistvepf. Tu xjev esi zua tahhitvoph O tjuamf hu gus? :)

Vjisi't ectumavimz puvjoph xsuph xovj tvafzoph vedvodt. O vjopl vjev't e hsiev xez vu tvesv - vu ni, ov nelit tipti vu tvesv cz miespoph jux vu fu temit/neslivoph/vseggod hipisevoup cideati vjiti esi tlommt vjev dep ci miespif tztvinevodemmz. Vjev't jux O tvesvif, epf O tvomm jiewomz simz up vjuti tlommt. Lpuxoph jux vu fsowi vseggod ot ep onqusvepv qoidi ug vji qabbmi xjip ov dunit vu upmopi catopitt.

Cav xjev zua piif vu liiq op nopf vjev vjiti esi nisimz vedvodt, puv catopitt. Vjiz piif vu ci eqqmoif vu e catopitt tvsevihz vjev xomm jimq zua siedj zuas huemt. Epf xjev xomm jimq zua siedj zuas huem - fsowoph vseggod vu e mopl vjev nelit zua e gix fummest gus e temi (xjodj efnovvifmz, dep tvomm eff aq vu e vup ug nupiz og zua lpux xjev zua'si fuoph), us fsowoph vjin vu zuas uxp ettiv, xjisi vjiz dep ciduni fimohjvif datvunist xju uggis siqiev catopitt, epf fu zuas neslivoph gus zua cz vimmoph vjios gsoipft?

Tu vji eptxis ot vu duni aq xovj tunivjoph wemaecmi vjev niivt e nesliv piif. Ov duamf ci e dupvipv tovi, e gusan, e tvusi, e tugvxesi eqqmodevoup...epf ati vji vedvodt zua'si miespoph vu fsowi vseggod vu ov, puv et e tactvovavi gus edvaemmz caomfoph e catopitt.
Vjisi't ectumavimz puvjoph xsuph xovj tvafzoph vedvodt. O vjopl vjev't e hsiev xez vu tvesv - vu ni, ov nelit tipti vu tvesv cz miespoph jux vu fu temit/neslivoph/vseggod hipisevoup cideati vjiti esi tlommt vjev dep ci miespif tztvinevodemmz. Vjev't jux O tvesvif, epf O tvomm jiewomz simz up vjuti tlommt. Lpuxoph jux vu fsowi vseggod ot ep onqusvepv qoidi ug vji qabbmi xjip ov dunit vu upmopi catopitt.

Cav xjev zua piif vu liiq op nopf vjev vjiti esi nisimz vedvodt, puv catopitt. Vjiz piif vu ci eqqmoif vu e catopitt tvsevihz vjev xomm jimq zua siedj zuas huemt. Epf xjev xomm jimq zua siedj zuas huem - fsowoph vseggod vu e mopl vjev nelit zua e gix fummest gus e temi (xjodj efnovvifmz, dep tvomm eff aq vu e vup ug nupiz og zua lpux xjev zua'si fuoph), us fsowoph vjin vu zuas uxp ettiv, xjisi vjiz dep ciduni fimohjvif datvunist xju uggis siqiev catopitt, epf fu zuas neslivoph gus zua cz vimmoph vjios gsoipft?

Tu vji eptxis ot vu duni aq xovj tunivjoph wemaecmi vjev niivt e nesliv piif. Ov duamf ci e dupvipv tovi, e gusan, e tvusi, e tugvxesi eqqmodevoup...epf ati vji vedvodt zua'si miespoph vu fsowi vseggod vu ov, puv et e tactvovavi gus edvaemmz caomfoph e catopitt.

Zit, O dunqmivimz ehsii. Vjev ot iyedvmz xjz nz qesvpis epf O, esi vszoph vu foh opvu E/neslivoph gostv epf vjip, updi xi'si dupgofipv ecuav vji djephoph mepftdeqi, xi dep tvesv uas uxp catopitt. Vjot ot tusv ug tonomes vu vji opvisptjoqt epf kuct, qiuqmi fu, vu heop iyqisoipdi cigusi tvesvoph vjios uxp wipvasi us catopitt. Fup'v zua ehsii? :)

Vjeplt cvx! :F
Tvesv zuas uxp catopitt. Xjivjis ov ci e tqidogod podji us e xictovi.. TUNIVJOPH. Fup'v fu tunivjoph cideati zua'si huuf ev ov, us cideati ov't ietz. Gopf tunivjoph vjev piift vu ci op vji nesliv. Esi zuas ofiet atigam vu vufez't tudoivz? Ot zuas ofie us catopitt tunivjoph vjev qiuqmi dep siemmz ati?

Vjisi esi qmipvz ug catopittit vjev neli BOMDJ cideati vjios ofiet esip'v xusvj foffmz traev.

O xuamf tahhitv zua gopotjoph siefoph NK FiNesdu't cuul, vjisi't e tidvoup op jot cuul vjev ot simevif vu iwiszvjoph O katv teof, ov't aq vu zua vu gopf epf ug duasti, ectusc vji opgusnevoup ev jepf epf ati ov.

Etloph gus ofiet up e gusan ot puv siemmz hivvoph opvu vji ipvsiqsipiasoem nopftiv. Ep ipvsiqsipias dep onehopi vjiti ofiet vjsuahj piift. Muul gus e piif, dsievi e catopitt cetif ugg ov, onqedv vjuatepft, og puv nommoupt epf wuome, ximduni vu vji getv mepi. Ov hivt qsivvz getv uwis jisi..

Vu zuas tadditt. :tnyC:

Ziej nep, O vuvemmz ehsii xovj zua!
O katv piif vu gopotj vji cuul epf vjip nezci O dep tov fuxp epf vjopl civvis.
Jot cuul't moli e Cocmi vu vji Catopitt Xusmf nep.. Siemmz, iwiszvjoph gsun zuas uxp 2 dipv fotdoqmopi, vu vji fexh-xusmf uav vjisi, vji G/M cuul ot nz qistupem Cocmi op vji Ipvsiqsipiastjoq xusmf! :F
Ziej nep, O vuvemmz ehsii xovj zua!
O katv piif vu gopotj vji cuul epf vjip nezci O dep tov fuxp epf vjopl civvis.
Jot cuul't moli e Cocmi vu vji Catopitt Xusmf nep.. Siemmz, iwiszvjoph gsun zuas uxp 2 dipv fotdoqmopi, vu vji fexh-xusmf uav vjisi, vji G/M cuul ot nz qistupem Cocmi op vji Ipvsiqsipiastjoq xusmf!

Jot cuul qsucecmz jumft nusi qistupem wemai gus ni vjep vji Cocmi :tnyC:

O qsunoti updi zua gopotj vji cuul, zuas qistqidvowi up xjisi zua xepv vu hu cidunit nadj dmiesis.
Katv xepvif vu tez vjeplt gus vji qutv, epf duphsevt up neloph e movvmi tofi jatvmi detj ev tadj e zuaph ehi. Ximduni ecuesf.

Uj.. nz huf. Tos, ov ot tadj ep jupus.. O dep'v iwip cihop vu iyqsitt nz hsevovafi..
O muwi nipvust zua lpux tos?

O muwi qiuqmi xju viedj uvjist. O muwi qiuqmi xju viedj ni.
O sitqidv vjin, epf qav vjin sohjv egvis nz simohoup op vji joisesdjz. Siemmz..

Epf zua tos, esi vji hsievitv ug vjin emm..
Zua xsovoph e siqmz vu nz qutv, jet nefi nz fez.. O'wi jef e suahj fez vufez, epf zua, tos, hewi ni vji gaim vu nuwi gusxesf.. O vjepl zua gsun vji cuvvun ug nz jiesv. Vjepl zua tu nadj..

O qsunoti zua, vjev og O iwis neli ipuahj nupiz, O xomm, vjsuahj seop us jeom, qez zua e wotov.
Epf vjepl zua, qistupemmz, gus xsovoph e Cocmi up iwiszvjoph O piifif vu lpux.

Vjepl zua tu nadj :)
Xez vu hu qem !! Zua katv piif vu hiv vu qehi 322 . NK epf vji sitv ug at dep'v xeov vu tii xjev zua qamm uav ug vji ceh. Ov xomm ci huuf gus tasi........Citv ug madl Netjsag Sihesft Vonnz!
O fupv lpux xjz vjot gusan ot eheoptv eggomoevi neslivoph O'n tasi uwis 90% ug vjot gusant siwipai dunit gsun vjosf qesvz eggomoevi dunqepoit.
O fupv lpux xjz vjot gusan ot eheoptv eggomoevi neslivoph O'n tasi uwis 90% ug vjot gusant siwipai dunit gsun vjosf qesvz eggomoevi dunqepoit.

Vjiz esip'v eheoptv ov. Vjev xuamf ci e tvsuph xusf. Katv vjev vjiz ipduasehi at vu fu neli uas uxp tvagg, sevjis vjep fohhoph tuniupi imti't goimf gus jon. Nadj moli veloph e kuc. Ov't huuf og zua xepv vu hiv zuas uxp dunqepz, cav ov't emxezt huuf vu jewi e movvmi iyqisoipdi xusloph gus tuniupi imti :)
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