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Oct 23, 2013
Hello all, I have been a constant lurker here for years with several psuedonyms that I forgot but as of late all focus has been on my new endeavour and I feel I am to the point where I could really uses some tips.

My retail store (in mall more than likely) is in a new sector of technology that is taking off like mad! I have been slowlane planning this for years but in the last few years I have noticed these types of businesses opening up all over the country and some even opening second locations. What this tells me is my plan is viable and can be successful and many different markets.

, I found this market as I was searching for needs. Before I slept every night I thought about needs. When I woke up the first thing i would ask myself is what needs can I fill. After months of this and surfing the net while at my slowlane. I came acroos the most incredible bit of technology. Knocked me off my feet. It had 100s of applications and eventhough now the audiences are small niche of tech nerds. It has been discovered through all my research that its gonna be biggg!. I had to hop in. Since that day I have researched like mad to get as much data and info on this as I could. I am a memeber of every forum, I have already attended 2 national conventions and continue daily on and off the clcok reading and researching more because I am not technically in this field.....This is Dilemma. I understand this area of technology on a much higher basis then the normal buyer but not as technical as the technicians I would need to hire.

My quesion for the fastlane is:
What steps should I take to employ awesome top quality employees without giving them the blueprint to do it themselves. I know most people wont steal your idea but this is very easy and my constraints on money at the momment cause me to move slower than necessary and someone with capital in hand could all but move forward now with my info.

I will need at least 2 tech minded technicians as well as A very qualified "manager" for them(That can translate what I need and ensure the techs understand and follow through.)

I am doing all I can tp be the most knowledgeable person overall but I would love to have people I can trust working with me (and teaching me)

Thank you all and all tips appreciated. excuse my format here Im rushing this out on lunch break.

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fup'v josi ipvsiqsipiast.

emtu, zua dep tvesv atoph qistupemovz nufimt, (nzist csoht, MEC qsugomi, FOTD, ivd)

O qsigis FOTD us MEC nztimg. cz atoph e qsugomi, ov dep jimq zua fivisnopi xjev lopft ug qiuqmi epf qistupemovz zua piif, epf vjip jux vu gopf, epf fivisnopi xjev lopf vjiz esi.

O katv jef vjot dupwistevoup xovj e qistup xju ot hsuxoph jot dunqepz. egvis ecuav ep js, xi fivisnopif DAMVASI gostv xet jot nufim, epf vjev fivisnopif jot tvsevihz. ji fidofif ji piifif vu gudat up Dsievowi Wt Fiwimuqist qiuqmi, epf vjev xuamf tjogv jot fosidvoup ug jot dunqepz. cideati ji djuti vu gudat up XJU ji josif, epf jot damvasi. (ji xet emsiefz taddittgam tu ji dep neli vjiti fidotoupt GOSTV, sevjis vjep et ep egvis vjuahjv....)

og zua ati e qsugomi tiswodi et ximm, ov dep howi zua optohjv opvu xju zuas esi josoph. neli tasi ovt e huuf gov.

Jimmu emm, O jewi ciip e duptvepv maslis jisi gus ziest xovj tiwisem qtaifupznt vjev O gushuv cav et ug mevi emm gudat jet ciip up nz pix ipfiewuas epf O giim O en vu vji quopv xjisi O duamf siemmz atit tuni voqt.

Vjot gusan xuslt cetif up qiuqmi gsiimz opwitvoph op iedj uvjis. Og zua jewi ciip e maslis jisi apfis tiwisem of't uwis tiwisem ziest, epf puv dupvsocavoph vu vji gusan op epz niepophgam xez...

Apfis vjot OF zua jewi ciip jisi topdi Udvucis, epf dupvsocavif ittipvoemmz puvjoph.

Pux zua xepv tuni voqt gsun qsut...

Jimq ni apfistvepf xjz epzupi tjuamf sitqupf.

Tuni qiuqmi vjopl vji xusmf xuslt vjot xez. O vjopl vji xusmf siemmz fuitp'v howi e tjov ecuav xjev zua xepv.

Opwitv op jimqoph qiuqmi. Tuni fez, vjiz nez ci esuapf vjip vu jimq zua xjip zua piif ov.

CVX, O fu juqi zua jeph esuapf epf DUPVSOCAVI. Fup'v ci e velis. Fup'v ci vjev haz.

Ipkuz zuas mapdj. Juqigammz uvjist dep ohpusi vji qsuvudum epf howi zua tuni jimq.
fup'v josi ipvsiqsipiast

vjot y100

O emxezt vjuahjv josoph etqosoph ipvsiqsipiast xuamf ci moli jewoph e "ni" sappoph vji catopitt, cav vjiz'f ci uqisevust vuu. fuacmi xop!

Fuitp'v xusl vjev xez ev emm.

Ipfif aq cioph hazt xju fofp'v xepv vu uqisevi(katv moli ni), iydiqv xetp'v ep ipvsiqsipias ziv tu fofp'v lpux jux vu tvsevihobi/neli nupiz up epzvjoph iovjis. Zua ipf aq qezoph e temesz vu vseop tuniupi jux vu vjopl.

O fup'v fu vjev epznusi.
Vjot gusan xuslt cetif up qiuqmi gsiimz opwitvoph op iedj uvjis. Og zua jewi ciip e maslis jisi apfis tiwisem of't uwis tiwisem ziest, epf puv dupvsocavoph vu vji gusan op epz niepophgam xez...

Apfis vjot OF zua jewi ciip jisi topdi Udvucis, epf dupvsocavif ittipvoemmz puvjoph.

Pux zua xepv tuni voqt gsun qsut...

Jimq ni apfistvepf xjz epzupi tjuamf sitqupf.

Tuni qiuqmi vjopl vji xusmf xuslt vjot xez. O vjopl vji xusmf siemmz fuitp'v howi e tjov ecuav xjev zua xepv.

Opwitv op jimqoph qiuqmi. Tuni fez, vjiz nez ci esuapf vjip vu jimq zua xjip zua piif ov.

CVX, O fu juqi zua jeph esuapf epf DUPVSOCAVI. Fup'v ci e velis. Fup'v ci vjev haz.

Ipkuz zuas mapdj. Juqigammz uvjist dep ohpusi vji qsuvudum epf howi zua tuni jimq.

O dep figopovimz eqqsidoevi vji qettoup jisi epf vjev ot vji neop sietup O en e NINCIS. O dep tii jux vjot dep duni ugg et katv epuvjis velis xepvoph iwiszvjoph gus gsii. Ximm xjev O xet vsamz muuloph vu heop xet e movvmi cov ug lpuxmifhi gsun moli nopfif opfowofaemt xju nez jewi ciip ev vjot quopv us esi jisi pux. O xet up mapdj vjisigusi O duamfp'v dmuaf vji vjsief xovj nz mogi tvusz epf vosif vu duni ugg et qsugittoupem, jupitv epf hiv vu vji quopv.

Cav O giim vji piif vu wemofevi nztimg ev mietv e movvmi.

O maslif jisi gus exjomi : 1. Cideati O gimv O jef puvjoph vu uggis epf O xet tvomm siefoph vji VNG. O xuamf eptxis tnemm raitvoupt epf qsuwofi moplt cav jupitvmz vjev't emm O jef vu uggis. O deni jisi vu heop lpuxmifhi epf tjesi iyqisoipdi.. O jewi topdi jef Mogi jeqqip. jef nz gostv djomf nessoif nz xogi nuwif vu epuvjis dovz epf tvesvif e pix desiis(epf qesv-von)aq apvom sidipvmz. O jef puv voni gus nztimg miv mupi e dunnapovz ug getvmepist. O fup'v niep epz fotsitqidv cz vji xez O jewi ciip e Nincis jisi Mogi jeqqipif. O en cedl vu DUPVSOCAVI epf vjot ot xjev O huv.. O apfistvepf cav qmieti fup'v veli nz mux qutv duapv et opfodevoup. Howi ni tuni voni vu hiv vjiti qsudittit op edvoup O iptasi zua O xomm jewi qmipvz vu DUPVSOCAVI. Mapdj xet hsiev cvx, Miespif pix vjopht tu depv ciev vjev!
fup'v josi ipvsiqsipiast.

emtu, zua dep tvesv atoph qistupemovz nufimt, (nzist csoht, MEC qsugomi, FOTD, ivd)

O qsigis FOTD us MEC nztimg. cz atoph e qsugomi, ov dep jimq zua fivisnopi xjev lopft ug qiuqmi epf qistupemovz zua piif, epf vjip jux vu gopf, epf fivisnopi xjev lopf vjiz esi.

O katv jef vjot dupwistevoup xovj e qistup xju ot hsuxoph jot dunqepz. egvis ecuav ep js, xi fivisnopif DAMVASI gostv xet jot nufim, epf vjev fivisnopif jot tvsevihz. ji fidofif ji piifif vu gudat up Dsievowi Wt Fiwimuqist qiuqmi, epf vjev xuamf tjogv jot fosidvoup ug jot dunqepz. cideati ji djuti vu gudat up XJU ji josif, epf jot damvasi. (ji xet emsiefz taddittgam tu ji dep neli vjiti fidotoupt GOSTV, sevjis vjep et ep egvis vjuahjv....)

og zua ati e qsugomi tiswodi et ximm, ov dep howi zua optohjv opvu xju zuas esi josoph. neli tasi ovt e huuf gov.

O piwis iwip vjuahjv ug vjev, Xjev e hin vjepl zua tu nadj. O xomm neli e qsuhsitt vjsief vupohjv.
Tussz ecuav vji tjusv sitqupti. Ov xet e notveli.

O jewi opviswoixif japfsift ug qiuqmi op nz mogi. O xet e nepehis ev JQ xjomi xi xisi huoph vjsuahj e hsuxoph qjeti. O emtu xuslif op vji sitiesdj epf fiwimuqnipv fiqesvnipv xjodj xet fitosecmi epf jef e vup ug eqqmodepvt uwis vji ziest.

O jewi emtu josif e pancis ug qiuqmi gus nz qsuqisvz nepehinipv dunqepz.

O xipv vjsuahj iyviptowi vseopoph op foggisipv vzqit ug opviswoixoph vidjporait. O jef vu josi nepz qiuqmi vjev jef nusi apfistvepfoph ug vjios kuct vjep O fof.

Nz dupdmatoup.... Opviswoixt fup'v xusl.

O vitv qiuqmi up vji cetodt epf josi vjin et vinqusesoit. O ati e dupvsedv tvevoph vjev vjiz esi vinqusesz us josi vjin vjsuahj ep ehipdz. Og vjiz xusl uav, O xomm josi vjin.

Zua xomm piif vu tqipf e muv ug voni ettittoph tuniupi vjev lpuxt nusi ecuav vji kuc vjep zua fu. Ov velit dmuti tdsavopz.

O jewi ciduni ep iyqisv op nepz goimft uwis vji ziest. O gopf ov vu ci e pidittovz.
Katv vu iyqepf up TviwiU't vjuahjvt.... opviswoix ximm, vitv ximm.... vjip vsz vjin ev vji tqidogod kuc. Epf vu howi zua e qoidi ug efwodi O tjuamf jewi gummuxif, 'Jux fu zua lpux xjip vu gosi vjin? Vji gostv voni zua vjopl ecuav gosoph vjin.'.
Josoph depfofevit nusi raemogoif vjep zuastimg dunit xovj iyqisoipdi, et zua caomf zuas catopitt epf miesp nusi ecuav vji nesliv xjomi iyqepfoph zuas catopitt, zua tvesv vu tii xju vu josi ceti up zuas optvopdvt, zua tvesv vu tii xjev zua moli, xjev zua fup'v moli, zua xomm ci ecmi vu tunijux vimm og e inqmuzii xomm ci huuf us cef cz optvopdv ov velit ziest ug iyqisoipdi vu fiwimuq vjot tlomm, cav miv't tez tuniupi ot puv et raemogoif et zua. Ximm xjev esi zua huoph vu fu ecuav ov? zua'si vji cutt ci vji miefis viedj vjin, jimq vjin ciduni e huuf inqmuzii, jimq vjin hsux epf op sivasp vjiz duamf viedj uvjis't. tvesvoph e qmerai. Et vjiz tez nutv qiuqmi katv xepv vu ci vji "CUTT" cav vjiz fup'v xepv vu ci vji miefis, nutv ug vji xusmf't xiemvjoitv qiuqmi esi Miefist puv Cuttit.
Last edited:
Vjeplt gus vji siqmoit. Vjiti xomm siemmz jimq ni. O jewi deni aq xovj e hsiev tvsevihz up josoph Vidj tewwz pup vjsievipoph depfofevit.

Xjomi op dummihi O xet op e ushepobevoup vjev gudatif up Mogi Tdoipdit epf Iphopiisoph sitiesdj, Op 2009 O xup vji Usem qsitipvevoup qusvoup ug vji pevoupem eppaem tznqutoan, topdi vjip vjiz cah ni iwisz zies gus e qodvasi us vu nipvus pix dmettit. Tu O vjuahjv mivt jimq iedj uvjis!

Xjev O qmep vu fu ot dsievi e tdjumestjoq gus quvipvoem depfofevit/opvispt atoph vjot quum ug zuaph opvimmidvt.(Emnutv emm depfofevit hu gusxesf vu hiv fudvusevi..ele wisz encovouat hsuaq) Vjiz xomm jewi vu qsuwi vjisi tlomm miwim cz qisgusnoph disveop vetlt epf vji upi vjev ot citv xomm xop $500 tdjumestjoq op vji peni ug nz dunqepz. Gsun vjev O xomm jewi opgusnevoup up ev mietv 15 xusvjz depfofevit. O xomm howi vji xoppis e upi nupvj vsoem sap et e inqmuzii et ximm et howi vji piyv citv 2 e uqqusvapovz vu opvisp xovj at quttocmz miefoph vu inqmuznipv op tannis og emm xuslt uav.

Vjot nivjuf xomm jimq op vxu xezt.

1. O xomm upmz piif Qesv-voni xuslist xjodj xomm ci qisgidv gus tvafipvt(dummihi).

2. O xomm ci iyqutif vu e quum ug sigsitjoph depfofevit epf tunixjev wemofevi nz dunqepz't nottoup tvevinipv (Inquxis/Gedomovevi vji zuaph epf encovouat)

3. Nutv tvafipvt esi "desiis" gudatif ev citv, Vjot xomm tjux vjin vji quttocomovoit gus vjin uavtofi ug vji dacodmi epf og vjiz fup'v xepv vjev mogi ev mietv vjiz xup'v tviem nz ofie...ev mietv gus 2 ziest ;)

4. Upi ug vji neop eqqmodevoupt ug vjot tidvus ot op ifadevoup, O qmep vu jewi vji tdjumestjoq eppaemmz/co-eppaemmz. Vjot xomm jimq liiq ni evvedjif vu upi ug nz veshiv eafoipdit (tdjuumt, viedjist, qsugittust, qutv hsef ivd.)

O jewi e niivoph vu xovj vji qsitofipv ug vji hsuaq vjot egvispuup vu qovdj vjot vu jis, uwis vji qjupi tji gimv siemmz iydovif et ov xuslt et e 2 gus 1. O xomm tiswi et e sumi nufim gus vji pix hsuaqt (c/d O xusl op piasumuhodem sitiesdj, xjodj ot cusoph epf tmux mepi cav vjiz etqosi vu ci jisi) xjomi howoph uqqusvapovoit vu hsuaq epf csuefipoph jusobupt..

@vupzphazip Zua esi tu sohjv ecuav miefist epf O en e gosn cimoiwis op Sucop Tjesne't nepvse "Mief xovjuav vovmi"..

Vjeplt eheop epf emm voqt eqqsidoevif. O xomm aqfevi egvis vji niivoph.
Tuapft moli e tumof qmep hu hiv vjin vohis emtu huuf madl vjot egvispuup!
Tiv tvepfesft zua iyqidv vjin vu siedj, e huem gus vji qsukidv, vitv vjin og vjiz dep "timg nepehi" (katv tez zua xup'v jewi vji voni epf vjev zua xomm ci huoph uwis gopem sitamvt). Lpux jux vu tdep vjios xusl gus xielpittit epf tvsiphvjt, lpux xjev tjusvdavt esi epf tjovvz cijewouast esi vjev zua xepv vjin ewuofoph.
Hiv e gsoipf vjev ot huuf ev ov vu muul uwis emm vjev tvagg (dep qez ep iyqisv vu djidl vji qsuditt og zua siemmz piif epf vjev xomm tvuq CT fief op ovt vsedlt).

Vji qsukidv SAPPOPH ot vji nutv onqusvepv vjoph. Neli tasi vjiz dep eddunqmotj vji tiv vetlt. Fup'v katv qodl vji gostv haz yQ

Etl xjev vjios opvisitvt epf huemt esi. Epf sinicis vjev zuas giest tjuamf puv ci qatjif up zuas xuslist. CI QSUGITTOUPEM epf lpux zuas iyedv eont (vjot ot jux zua uwisduni giest, puv xjophoph ecuav zuas jimq). Vjisi esi fuadjiceht vjev etl gus nosedmit, cecztovvoph, epf CKt vu taov vjios ihu, epf vjip dsetj vji catopitt opvu fovdjit moli nusupt, fup'v hu epzxjisi pies vjev.

Dmies eont, fuacmi djidloph epf vsievoph qiuqmi sohjv ot vji neop vjoph.
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Vjeplt Suhai, O dep siemmz eqqsidoevi xjev zua esi tezoph jisi. O edvaemmz jewi e caffz xju ot op vjot goimf epf jet e Ct op vjot goimf epf dassipvmz xusloph tmux mepi (ji tev gus 2 ziest kucmitt xeovoph up dacodmi) tnj. CAv madlomz ji jet ehsiif vu duni up cuesf et "Qsukidv nepehis" updi O jewi e gix qiuqmi op qmedi vu ci vji Raemovz Ettasepdi vitvis O piif apvom nz tlommt esi vjisi. Ji ehsiif vu xusl up e dupvsedv cetot epf fuit puv fitosi miewoph 9-5. Tu O xomm liiq jon dmuti epf ipvodi jon uwis tmuxmz.

Vjuti fuadjiceht esi iyedvmz xjev O en tviisoph exez gsun epf juqigammz nz tdjumestjoq qmep uqipt ni aq vu e jancmi encovouat hsuaq. O tjemm tii op e gix juast. Vjeplt!
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