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Turning the keys on my Fastlane journey!

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Feb 26, 2023
The Netherlands
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Hello Reader!

With this post I want to introduce myself to The Fastlane Forum community, explain why the book had such an impact on me, and discuss the direction of my road. Having recently read The Millionaire Fastlane has allowed me to turn the key and ignite my engine. With this initial power-up, and this forum, I want to adjust my life, hit the Redline, and fully go Fastlane.

My name is Wessel, I'm a 21-year-old university student from the Netherlands. My bachelor is Information Science with a speciality in Data Science. Having come across The Millionaire Fastlane occasionally in online circles, I'm extremely grateful that I decided to buy and read it. I have been lucky enough to find it early in life, according to MJ DeMarco that means there is a lot of horsepower behind my actions. I have promised myself that I will make good use of this privage.

The reason why The Millionaire Fastlane had a profound impact on me is because, altough I'm still young, I had already subscribed to the Slowlane. This had multiple reason: societal dogma, the university exclusively focussing on producing employees, no exposure to Fastlane mathematics. The only math I had exposed myself to outside of school came from the book The Little Book of Common Sense Investing. This book goes in-depth into how the stockmarket can make you rich! Although a good book in it's own right, it was not emphatic that the wealth would come only with grey hair and backpain. I had already conceived my life's plan as the following: finish university quickly, obtain a job in this profitable sector, work work work 9-5 5/7 days a week, repay debts and invest 20-30% of my paycheck monthly, and after retirement I will be swimming in money! I now know that praying to the stockmarket for 40+ years is a gamble, it's also not effective for producing wealth quickly. Being so convinced by this classic mediocrity thinking and having no idea about an alternative, I'm quite confident that my life would end up this way had I not found The Millionaire Fastlane .

Now that my mindset had shifted and the car keys turned, action was needed. I took MJ. DeMarco's advice about the university of life seriously. I try to waste as little time as possible, that means no legacy media and no mindless social media scrolling. I never leave the house without a book and read on the bus, train and in evenings. Just yesterday I finished So Good They Can't Ignore You (recommended), it recommends working on rare and valuable skills. I'm doing this partly with university, but that's not enough. The next book I've started reading is The Entrepreneurial Revolution. Furthermore, I have printed out the GoalSumo 1/5/10 Goal Planner and use that daily. Later this week I'll attend an entrepreneurship event about start-ups. Now it's important to turn this motivation into a sustainable process for progress.

If anyone has made it this far into my post, thank you! You are kind to spend your valuable time reading my words. Let me know what you think!

Kind regards,

There’s a profound difference between interest and commitment. Interest reads a book; commitment applies the book 50 times.” ― M.J. DeMarco
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Jimmu Siefis!

Xovj vjot qutv O xepv vu opvsufadi nztimg vu Vji Getvmepi Gusan dunnapovz, iyqmeop xjz vji cuul jef tadj ep onqedv up ni, epf fotdatt vji fosidvoup ug nz suef. Jewoph sidipvmz sief Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi jet emmuxif ni vu vasp vji liz epf ohpovi nz iphopi. Xovj vjot opovoem quxis-aq, epf vjot gusan, O xepv vu efkatv nz mogi, jov vji Sifmopi, epf gammz hu Getvmepi.

Nz peni ot Xittim, O'n e 21-zies-umf apowistovz tvafipv gsun vji Pivjismepft. Nz cedjimus ot Opgusnevoup Tdoipdi xovj e tqidoemovz op Feve Tdoipdi. Jewoph duni edsutt Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi uddetoupemmz op upmopi dosdmit, O'n iyvsinimz hsevigam vjev O fidofif vu caz epf sief ov. O jewi ciip madlz ipuahj vu gopf ov iesmz op mogi, eddusfoph vu NK FiNesdu vjev niept vjisi ot e muv ug justiquxis cijopf nz edvoupt. O jewi qsunotif nztimg vjev O xomm neli huuf ati ug vjot qsowehi.

Vji sietup xjz Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi jef e qsuguapf onqedv up ni ot cideati, emvuahj O'n tvomm zuaph, O jef emsiefz tactdsocif vu vji Tmuxmepi. Vjot jef namvoqmi sietup: tudoivem fuhne, vji apowistovz iydmatowimz gudattoph up qsufadoph inqmuziit, pu iyqutasi vu Getvmepi nevjinevodt. Vji upmz nevj O jef iyqutif nztimg vu uavtofi ug tdjuum deni gsun vji cuul Vji Movvmi Cuul ug Dunnup Tipti Opwitvoph. Vjot cuul huit op-fiqvj opvu jux vji tvudlnesliv dep neli zua sodj! Emvjuahj e huuf cuul op ov't uxp sohjv, ov xet puv inqjevod vjev vji xiemvj xuamf duni upmz xovj hsiz jeos epf cedlqeop. O jef emsiefz dupdiowif nz mogi't qmep et vji gummuxoph: gopotj apowistovz raodlmz, ucveop e kuc op vjot qsugovecmi tidvus, xusl xusl xusl 9-5 5/7 fezt e xiil, siqez ficvt epf opwitv 20-30% ug nz qezdjidl nupvjmz, epf egvis sivosinipv O xomm ci txonnoph op nupiz! O pux lpux vjev qsezoph vu vji tvudlnesliv gus 40+ ziest ot e hencmi, ov't emtu puv iggidvowi gus qsufadoph xiemvj raodlmz. Cioph tu dupwopdif cz vjot dmettod nifoudsovz vjoploph epf jewoph pu ofie ecuav ep emvispevowi, O'n raovi dupgofipv vjev nz mogi xuamf ipf aq vjot xez jef O puv guapf Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi.

Pux vjev nz nopftiv jef tjogvif epf vji des lizt vaspif, edvoup xet piifif. O vuul NK. FiNesdu't efwodi ecuav vji apowistovz ug mogi tisouatmz. O vsz vu xetvi et movvmi voni et quttocmi, vjev niept pu mihedz nifoe epf pu nopfmitt tudoem nifoe tdsummoph. O piwis miewi vji juati xovjuav e cuul epf sief up vji cat, vseop epf op iwipopht. Katv zitvisfez O gopotjif Tu Huuf Vjiz Dep'v Ohpusi Zua (sidunnipfif), ov sidunnipft xusloph up sesi epf wemaecmi tlommt. O'n fuoph vjot qesvmz xovj apowistovz, cav vjev't puv ipuahj. Vji piyv cuul O'wi tvesvif siefoph ot Vji Ipvsiqsipiasoem Siwumavoup. Gasvjisnusi, O jewi qsopvif uav vji HuemTanu 1/5/10 Huem Qmeppis epf ati vjev feomz. Mevis vjot xiil O'mm evvipf ep ipvsiqsipiastjoq iwipv ecuav tvesv-aqt. Pux ov't onqusvepv vu vasp vjot nuvowevoup opvu e tatveopecmi qsuditt gus qsuhsitt.

Og epzupi jet nefi ov vjot ges opvu nz qutv, vjepl zua! Zua esi lopf vu tqipf zuas wemaecmi voni siefoph nz xusft. Miv ni lpux xjev zua vjopl!

Lopf sihesft,

Vjisi’t e qsuguapf foggisipdi civxiip opvisitv epf dunnovnipv. Opvisitv sieft e cuul; dunnovnipv eqqmoit vji cuul 50 vonit.” ― N.K. FiNesdu
Duphsevt nep. Opvisitvif vu gummux emuph xovj zuas kuaspiz. O'n dassipvmz motvipoph vu Tu Huuf Vjiz Dep'v Ohpusi Zua eafoucuul sohjv pux, muvt ug hsiev tvagg vjisi.
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