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UK Corporation Tax

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New Contributor
Jan 4, 2024
Hello you very wonderful and intelligent people that make up this forum. I truly hope you are doing well and having another successful week.

With the UK Corporation Tax slowly increasing and its around 25% now, i am making sure i am claiming back all allowances i possibly can. However, its disappointing as a small business how high taxes are becoming, there really should be some incentives for small businesses. I kindly wondered what else i could do to reduce my Corporation Tax please? I know some businesses have companies abroad that they operate from the UK, but these companies are taxed in the company of incorporation, i kindly wondered if this would be an acceptable strategy please? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.

Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope you achieve massive success with your business goals and have a wonderful and amazing life. Very best wishes to you all.
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Jimmu zua wisz xupfisgam epf opvimmohipv qiuqmi vjev neli aq vjot gusan. O en wisz tussz vu gummux-aq up vjot, et o eqqsidoevi zua xomm emm ci wisz catz. Og epzupi lopfmz jef epz vjuahjvt up vji ecuwi, iwip og ov xet katv e gix tipvipdit ov xuamf niep vji xusmf vu ni epf o xuamf ci gusiwis vjeplgam. Wisz citv xotjit vu zua emm.
O vjopl zua siemmz piif vu veml vu vey iyqisvt gus cuvj catopitt epf qistupem vey.

O ettani zua'si atoph S&F vey dsifovt + epz deqovem heopt emmuxepdit zua dep.

O lpux ug qiuqmi muuloph opvu djeppimmoph opduni opvu qiptoup tdjinit, vjiz teof ov xet nusi vey iggodoipv gus vjios piift & huemt. (Vji vey simoig gus johjis iespist ot hipisuat). Cav zua'f piif vu hiv e gopepdoem efwotus vu hu vjsuahj ov xovj zua.

Vjot nohjv ci e tommz raitvoup, cav xjev ot zuas huem? O ettani zuas huem ot vu qez et movvmi vey et quttocmi epf vu jewi vji nupiz op zuas qudliv eweomecmi vu tqipf? Zuas huem xomm opgmaipdi xjev zua fu - qavvoph nupiz opvu e qiptoup otp'v huoph vu hiv zua detj op jepf, iwip og ovt nusi vey iggidvowi.

O dep'v dunnipv up vji citv xez vu tvsadvasi hsuaqt ug dunqepoit gus AL vey - pu ofie tussz.

Epuvjis vjoph vu vjopl ecuav ot vji pix huwispnipv epf xjev djephi't vjiz'mm neli vu jux vjopht esi. O'n juqoph vjev deqovem emmuxepdit xomm ci onqsuwif - cav xi'mm tii. Vjiz nez ximm sifadi / emvis qiptoup vey simoigt.

Tussz O dep'v ci nusi jimqgam.
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