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Week 4: Good Week!

Anything related to matters of the mind

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This is a continuation from my journey of keeping myself accountable every week. You can see the last thread here. This last week I set myself 4 goals.

Goals: 3/4 Completed

Do Chemistry 2 hours a day - COMPLETE

This has been quality learning - been trying out the Pomodoro Technique. However, I'm not doing enough to be where I am comfortable. I'm upping this study time to four hours a day.

ChemStencil Product - EXCITING NEWS

So I was barking up every tree so I could to get this prototyped, and this really cool engineer guy I know has made the damn thing & its being sent to me now. I'm gobsmacked at this persons kindness & how fast this has been prototyped. Hopefully I'll get product V1 tested out in the next week!

Cold Emails - CHANGED!

Big up to @Martin Z for changing my mindset with cold emails. I did them in video format and sent out 24 in total. I got some thats interested come back! I've been finding it far easier to do & so much quicker.

I've changed my approach too - I'm not immediately selling my product, I'm just trying to get some time investment first to just talk about opening a range for them. This changed because of a two hour seminar hosted for sales. Its worked so far.

I will not lie either, this has been the thing I've feared the most (rejection/ judgement) & I really want to remove this goal. However, the thing I fear is the thing I must do the most. I'm keeping it.

Lex's 15 Day Copywriting Course
- dropped the ball.

This I need to pick back up on. I'm getting a lot of value from this course, but I got out of the habit. Aim is to finish this next week.

Pleased with this past week. Whats gone well is that I've kept myself accountable to these goals, what I need to do better is not to shift stuff that I know I need to do. Also need to get back on this damn forum! I've missed it.

Big thank you to @fl_architect & @heavy_industry last week for the support, it meant the world to me.

New Goals
- I want to post on LinkedIn once a day. I see myself in 10 years influencing a lot of people for the better & I need to learn social media skills now. I've already done this the past week!
- Four hours of chemistry everyday with Pomodoro.
- Finish Lex's Course!
- Do 50 reach outs next week. One set on Tuesday, One on Thursday & one Saturday.
- Rub my hands for the first stencil (hopefully its not awful!)
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