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What’s your worst Desert Moment and where are you in the process?

Anything related to matters of the mind

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Aug 16, 2012
Los Alamitos
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Disclaimer: The following post is not intended as a request for critique, a cry for help or an invitation for any type of advice. The intention of spilling my desert moment timeline was to give a model so that others could see my example of how I got to this point, and with the goal of hearing others' stories and creating a thread where people suffering through that situation could actually find some of the shared stories helpful, even if it was just to not feel so isolated and alone. There aren't any threads covering this topic and I felt it would be useful to the community if something like this existed on here.

I want to create a post for anyone stuck in the desert phase, like me.

My process history:

  • Part of 2 MLMS–World Financial Group & So Cal Group (selling Quill office supplies) 2010 & 2011
    • Learned not to fall for MLMs anymore
  • 1st business–Errand Runner USA (2012)
    • Learned about passive business vs. self-employed and did not assess or adjust
    • Read The Millionaire Fastlane
    • Today Shipt, DoorDash, Instacart, and other companies are fulfilling that business need
    • 1st Desert Moment lasted about 3 months
  • BuyFurnitureUSA
    • Money chasing; buying furniture to resale online
  • Finding Needs
    • Tried filming interviews to find needs.
  • Operation Web Design (2013)
    • Learned more about sales and marketing.
    • Bought a Commissions Only Sales Recruitment book and was personally helped by the author; this completely changed my partner’s and my business mindset. For example, from this point on we understand and look for alternative vs. sequence mindsets.
  • ChazzLive (2014)
    • Followed a Ptolemy money-chaser leader
    • 2nd Desert Moment lasted about 6–12 months
  • Pool Service USA (2015-2016)
    • Worked for free to help research how to become a franchise. I was blamed for a $20,000 hiring mistake. I did not hire the 3rd party company but was blamed since I was the researcher. I thought working for free wouldn’t put me in jeopardy. I was wrong.
  • Pool Service 123 (2017–2019)
    • Ran a pool service company with fiance. We were always fighting and this almost destroyed our business partnership (not our personal but our business relationship).
    • We made all the mistakes a brand new person in business would make. What just happened?
    • Hired 1st employee–it was a disaster.
    • Sold business at half price to escape the self-employed life and to save our sanity.
    • 3rd Desert Moment currently

I was able to get out of my first 2 desert mindsets by self-reflecting, reading, and giving myself time. However, this third desert is really tough. I am struggling to get out of this mindset. I believe the 3rd one is strongly due to my environment and following other people in business. This 3rd desert comes and goes; one week I will be fine and the next week I might have a breakdown. Depending on the level breakdown, there are suicidal thoughts–not actions, thoughts only. This is the stuff no one talks about.

My fiance and I are living in a 5th wheel horse trailer in front of his parents house (tiny for 2 people). It is illegal to sleep in a trailer in front of a house; our neighbors know that but have yet to call the police. My fiance’s dad is extremely controlling, territorial and sexist so I try to avoid him at all costs. I am constantly fearful in this living situation; fearful of being caught living in a trailer, afraid of running into his dad getting lectured, and worried of never escaping the rat race. Basically, we do not live in an environment where anyone is cheering for us to succeed. Everyone (and I mean everyone) wants us to give up and fail. We have been successfully failing for roughly 10 years. There is no support for running a business unless we run a self-employed business like his dad.

It is really hard not to compare yourself to the other people living in this upper-middle class neighborhood. Majority of the neighborhood includes boomers and Gen X along with the lucky millennials whose parents helped them get a house. I try to remind myself the residents are sacrificing living in the Rat Race. They are making sacrifices like me; however, you can see their sacrifices, you cannot see mine. My fiance and I have nothing to show for our sacrificed time. We look like losers in society compared to other people; we are closer to homelessness and living out of an office again than renting or owning our own home. We have freedom to work on business but we are sacrificing a lot for this freedom. Our monthly bills are roughly $2,000 every month; our bills would be $300/month if we didn’t max out our credit cards to invest in business (Pool Service 123) or pull out money to invest in cryptocurrencies.

From 2020 till January 2022, the cryptocurrency market became my boss (I didn’t realize this until after reading MJ’s new book). Kraken is the exchange we use which had a major flash crash February 22nd, 2021. Our account had $220,000 and showed $8,000 that morning. We were in a margin trade and Kraken liquidated us. Within 5-10 minutes there was a flash crash and then the market went back to normal. Jesse Powell (co-founder and CEO of Kraken) claimed everyone did a bad trade; it was our fault for making a bad trade. I filled out a government form to complain about the situation and they replied cryptocurrency is not regulated therefore they couldn’t do anything. Wow. This is when I learned the government doesn’t give a shit about you. Kraken doesn’t give a shit about you. No one cares. We lawyered up and accepted Kraken’s refund; we got roughly $70,000 back and about $45,000 in KFEEs (which we will never fully use). Check and mate–well played Kraken.

Know what some of our family members and friends said when we lost all this money due to a “poor” trade which would be considered illegal to the US government on a stock market? You should have taken the money and run when it was $100,000; that’s your fault. Nice. My fiance’s dad was one of those people.

My partner and I put our life savings into the cryptocurrency market. This was our hard earned money from previous jobs, credit loans, and the pool service business we sold. Why did we sacrifice all that time and headache just to lose it to 1 trade? Welcome, my 3rd desert experience.

If I die tomorrow, was this worth it? Why did I put myself through all this mental torture and struggle? I should have enjoyed the time I had and lived in the rat race. Make enough money to spend on trips and enjoy life. Life is torturous right now. No one wants to be me, except someone on their deathbed. That is the emotional part of my brain. Logically, what are the chances I will die tomorrow, next month, next year, 10 years? Am I willing to stop what I’m doing and get a minimum wage job? I’ve never been a salary rat. Those salary jobs are very competitive to get when the other rats are willing to perform for them; go to school to get a business degree, speak a different language, know a great deal about the company before your first interview, set up interviews for 10-20 companies, polish your resume for each applied position so it stands out, volunteer your free precious time to get experience for the career title you want, etc . . . Basically twist yourself into a pretzel so you can hopefully find a company willing to take a risk on you. Why do that when I can create a job for myself through business? People will twist and turn themselves into pretzels for me and I just need to find the need.

However, I am also getting older. The time clock is ticking to have kids. My fiance and I have held off on having kids to focus on business. We are now getting closer to our late 30s; the trailer we live in is not a good place to raise a kid. MJ states 1 kid costs roughly $15,000 every year. We barely make $15,000 every year. Somehow all the other poor people out there are having kids. How are they doing it?

MJ’s books confirm what I have experienced so far on this wonderful yet horrific journey. I have experienced about 85-90% of the theories in The Great Rat-Race Escape. But, there’s still 10-15% I have not experienced. What if I don’t understand those theories until I actually experience them? It’s one thing to read them and acknowledge the theory; however, it’s a completely different story when you are personally experiencing the theories. Will I be able to recognize when to assess then adjust? What if I misinterpret what the market says? What if I adjust and it doesn’t make a difference in the outcome? What if this, what if that . . . etc . . . My logical side–Whoa, slow down there. Just take it 1 problem at a time. Remember? There’s no need to tackle problem #99 until the 1st problem is solved.

There is a constant tug-a-war of emotion vs. logic going on in my head. Most of the time the logic wins, but sometimes the logical side is defeated when it looks like everyone is living a better life. It is hard to be thankful for taking the red pill when you see a family playing in their front yard, watching a movie on their giant TV in the living room, having good smelling food in a kitchen they can cook in, etc . . . It’s the little things in life that can be the most satisfying. They don’t seem to have any worries or concerns. Time is not passing them by; they are enjoying the moment now. Logically, I know this isn’t true. However, I don’t see this when I go on my routine walks with my fiance. That is what makes it hard. The self-doubt, fearful living environment, and postponing our lives for business becomes questionable. What am I doing?

What is more frustrating is being stuck. Every time I try to get a job or get hired I have a F*ck This Event moment; every single frickin time. I am trapped in this imbalance of not being able to be a rat nor am I successful. I have been an Unplugged Unscriptee for the past 10 years, constantly struggling to move up to A Fastlane Unscriptee. I am one of the characters on “Squid Game” in the first episode playing Red Light Green Light. You know the outcome if you quit or give up. You have no choice but to crawl forward; it seriously feels like a crawl too.

You read on the forum about people firing their bosses and thriving in the event stages. There is hardly any talk when someone is in the desert stage. The process is discussed the most on the forum, as it should be; the event is the next most commonly discussed. Shouldn’t the 2nd major subject be desert moments? We all have them. Let’s be real. You haven’t truly experienced the struggle or successfully jumped to Liberated Unscriptee if you haven’t experienced a desert moment. Most of us aren’t that lucky. So again, why is the desert hardly discussed? Isn’t the desert stage part of the process? It’s really important to talk about. We focus on the glory instead of the sacrifice which can isolate the rest of us who are going through the struggle now. Just like I compare myself to the rats in the neighborhood, I can’t help but compare myself to the people having these awesome events. Did they ever go through the desert? Is it just me going through this tough time? It can’t be. Why would this be a topic in MJ’s book if no one else is going through the desert? Anyone else in the desert currently? It’s already extremely isolating out there in the rat race world; it’s not fun to feel isolated in the place where you are supposed to fit in.

Let’s change that. What’s your worst Desert Moment and where are you in the process?
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Zuas tvusz ot tunixjev vsehod. Juxiwis, apfis pu dosdantvepdit xuamf O jewi 90% ug nz moraof piv xusvj voif aq opvu upi opwitvnipv, itqidoemmz jimf cz ep apsihamevif "cuavorai" vzqi ug gosn. Vji xusti duamf jeqqip epf ov fof. O vuadjif aqup vjot op Aptdsoqvif (cuul 1) apfis vji "vuu coh vu geom" sami. Miesp gsun vjev iyqisoipdi tu ov piwis jeqqipt eheop.

Vjev teof, vji gedv vjev zua eddanamevif e 1/4 NOMMOUP fummest vimmt ni zua lpux jux vu iyidavi, zua katv jewip'v gummuxif vjsuahj xjomi ewuofoph dsovodem FESI fitvsuzoph fidotoupt.

Sohjv pux nz gudat xuamf ci up vu hivvoph uav gsun apfis vji tdsavopuat izi ug zuas goepdi't qesipvt. Vjev nohjv ipveom hivvoph e kuc vu qez sipv gus zua us zuas jatcepf, xjomi vji uvjis xuslt vji itdeqi qmep.

xi huv suahjmz $70,000 cedl

Xjisi fof vji $70L hu? Vjev ot qmipvz vu sipv ep eqesvnipv epf hiv nuwoph upvu tunivjoph imti.

Xjev’t zuas xustv Fitisv Nunipv epf xjisi esi zua op vji qsuditt?

E muv ug qiuqmi esi tvsahhmoph, ov't katv piwis e hsiev voni vu ci huoph qacmod xovj ov.

Nz xustv voni op vji fitisv xet cedl op Djodehu xjip O vjuahjv ov xuamf ci hsiev vu tqipf nz xiilipft ev vji gmie nesliv timmoph wesouat ufft epf ipft. Egvis xetvoph nz Tevasfez epf Tapfez, O ipf aq neloph ecuav $2 ep juas. E gix juast gmoqqoph cashist ev NdFupemft xuamf jewi qeof nusi. Vjot wipvasi, juxiwis, xet nusi ug nz evvinqv ev PUV hivvoph e guapfevoupem kuc vu qez vji cetimopi commt.
Nz qesvpis epf O qav uas mogi tewopht opvu vji dszqvudassipdz nesliv. Vjot xet uas jesf iespif nupiz gsun qsiwouat kuct, dsifov muept, epf vji quum tiswodi catopitt xi tumf. Xjz fof xi tedsogodi emm vjev voni epf jiefedji katv vu muti ov vu 1 vsefi? Ximduni, nz 3sf fitisv iyqisoipdi.

Zua huv hsiifz. Zua tex Dszqsu et zuas itdeqi qevj xovjuav qsuwofoph epz wemai vu epzupi. Zuas catopitt qsuwofif wemai epf xet tumf gus e wemaecmi tan ug nupiz.

O’n tu tussz vu jies xjev zua jewi ciip vjsuahj epf xjisi zua esi vufez. O onehopi vji qeop gsun zuas xusft epf ov’t vsehod. Vji notvelit zua nefi xisi op tqovi ug jewoph edditt vu cseop vsatv ug vjot gusan. Zua tjuamf jewi jef civvis fidotoupt epf tuni gopepdoem gsiifun cz pux. Ov ot vsehod zua esi xjisi zua esi.

Cav zua esi emtu jisi! Zua esi tvomm tvepfoph epf pux jewi coh tdest. Zua’wi molimz miespif nettowi mittupt gsun mogi epf xomm tiswi zua ximm op vji gavasi.

Xjev esi zuas qmept gus vji piyv 3 nupvjt? 1 zies? 5 ziest?

Jux dep xi emm (up vjot gusan) jimq zua hiv qetv vjot epf opvu vji piyv epf taddittgam qesv ug zuas mogi?

Nz nunipv
Cedl op 2007 O cussuxif nupiz epf opwitvif op tvudl nesliv. O xet tu huuf, O lpix O duamfp’v nott epf xet up nz xez vu sivosinipv! Tu O cussuxif iwip nusi. Epf djuti wipvasi neslivt, vjip 2008 jeqqipif. O jef pihevowi piv xusvj.
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Zua tuapf wisz covvis epf foteqquopvif cz mogi epf vjev't apfistvepfecmi. O dep simevi et O vuu iyqisoipdif vjuti noyif giimopht ug encovoup, fitosi, fitqisevoup, pixguapf juqi, fiqsittoup, epf eqevjz. Emuphtofi uvjis nipvem jiemvj ottait.

O fofp'v mowi op e vseomis xovj nz goepdi cav O fof mez op jutqovemt gus ziest fai vu omm jiemvj, xovj piyv vu pu juqi ug iwis huoph cedl vu pusnem, xjomi iwiszupi imti tiinif vu qsutqis vjsuahj tjiis madl.

O emtu mowif xovj katv nz nuvjis epf xi xisi emxezt op ficv epf up vji wishi ug japhis.

Egvis e xjomi, O huv vjsuahj emm ug vjev, cav upmz egvis O eddiqvif nz tovaevoup epf cihep muuloph gusxesf vu vji gavasi sevjis vjep fsiefoph ov.

Pux, zuas ihu xomm qsucecmz sicim eheoptv vjot cav nz tahhitvoup vu zua xuamf ci vu tvesv gsun tdsevdj. Uggis e tqidoemobif tlomm. Vjip, egvis zua'wi huv tuni tvecomovz, fimihevi epf tdemi.

Zua'si tvomm op zuas qsoni tu pux ot vji voni vu edv. Veli desi ug zuas xogi, tvuq howoph e gadl ecuav iwiszupi imti't eqqsuwem epf uqopoup, epf hiv vjev gopepdoem gsiifun zua'wi ciip fsienoph ug.

Epf gopemmz, nezci zua tjuamf lpudl aq zuas xogi. O lpux vjot tuapft moli e vissocmi ofie cav ov muult moli zua'si e fsowip qistup epf lpuxoph vjev zuas xogi ot desszoph zuas djomf zua xomm tvuq vjoploph ecuav zuas geomasit epf giimoph tussz gus zuastimg, epf gudat dunqmivimz up neloph tasi zuas lof xomm jewi e hsiev epf qsidouat djomfjuuf.

Fotdmeonis: O fup'v jewi loft epf nz hosmgsoipf otp'v qsihpepv ev vji nunipv. Juxiwis, Hmipp Tviespt xet e fztmiyod 14-zies umf johj tdjuum fsuquav xjip jot gostv djomf, Djesmipi, xet cusp. Ji dmeont vjot hewi jon qasquti. Epf vji haz pux mowit up e jahi cuev xovj teof djomf epf vji sitv ug jot genomz.

Zua nohjv xepv vu xevdj tietup 1 ug Apfisduwis Commoupeosi og zua'si opvisitvif op miespoph nusi ecuav Hmipp Tviespt epf jux ji uqisevit (ji tvesvif gsun tdsevdj op e tnemm vuxp xovj vji huem ug hivvoph e 1N catopitt iwemaevoup op 90 fezt). O guapf ov raovi ifadevoupem, epf vji nivjuft epf qsopdoqmit tjuxp iyvsinimz qsedvodem.
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Og zua dep sap zuas piyv catopitt gsun zuas denqis, zua duamf nuwi vu e tvevi us pevoupem qesl. Tuni uggis e fotduapv up iyvipfif tvezt (ih. 30 fezt). Zua dep emtu ci e denq jutv epf xusl vji denqhsuapf vu hiv uav ug vjisi xovj pu dutv. Ov xuamf qsuwofi tuni gsiifun, mux dutv, epf opfiqipfipdi gsun genomz.

Nz op-mext ugvip gopf qiuqmi xju muwi mowoph vji denqis punef mogitvzmi katv huoph denqhsuapf vu denqhsuapf us quttocmz hoh vu hoh gummuxoph xusl. Vjiti opdmafi 6 gohasi xuslist xju fiem xovj dunqavis dunnapodevoupt, imidvsod mopi siqeos, tvusn siqeos (ih. suug siqeos egvis vuspefuit jov ep esie epf vjisi esip'v ipuahj xuslist), us vji vsefi tjux dosdaov. Ov cievt mowoph op gsupv ug vji gavasi op-mext juati. Eheop, ov niept vjev zua xomm jewi vu duni aq xovj tunivjoph zua dep fu gsun e nusi sinuvi mudevoup.

Og zua xepv vu tvez op vuxp, zua tuapf moli zua jewi tlommt. Nepz kuct qez civvis vjep $15l qis zies pux. Uas qupf fiemis xet qezoph $17/js (34l/zs og gamm voni) gus dummihi loft vu tduuq gotj uav ug veplt epf qav qupf qmepvt op ceht gus datvunist. Iwip cioph e cesvipfis us xeovoph vecmit op vji sohjv esie ev ep iyqiptowi qmedi xovj vji sohjv dmoipvt dep qamm >$300-400 fez itqidoemmz og zua'si xusloph Vj-Tev. Gopf ep iyqiptowi sitveasepv us e dsegv ciis ces vjev fuit qesvoit epf jet iyqiptowi ciis. Vjev miewit vji fezvoni gus zuas catopitt. Cav zua dep ci dsievowi op zuas uxp xez.

O'n huoph vjsuahj nz uxp fitisv ug fitisvoup. Sicuapfoph egvis e wisz meshi nupivesz mutt. Nz geamv gus vsatvoph e genomz nincis epf puv qavvoph tegihaesft op qmedi. Piwis eheop. Tiwisem wisz wemaecmi mittupt vjuahj. O xup'v hu gasvjis opvu vjot.

Gus ni, O katv muul ev ov moli e vitv. O'wi vitvif vji nesliv us e tovaevoup epf iovjis ov xuslif us ov fofp'v. Og ov xuslt, fu nusi ug vji teni. Og ov fuitp'v, vjip fup'v fu vjev eheop.

Xusl jesf vu puv woix zuastimg pihevowimz itqidoemmz og zua'si vjoploph ug taodofi. Hiv tuni jimq og zua piif ov.

Gus ni, pihevowi vjuahjv siemmz fuitp'v jimq qsunuvi hivvoph epzvjoph fupi. Dsovoraoph vji iyqisoipdi epf edvoph ot tunivjoph foggisipv vjep cioph pihevowi. Ov fuitp'v jimq hiv ofiet epf ov fuitp'v jimq iyidavoup vu ci pihevowi. Cioph dumf epf demdamevif ecuav vji iyqisoipdi epf vji qmattit epf nopatit fuit jimq (gus ni ev mietv). Cioph cmopfmz qutovowi dep ci tvaqof epf fitvsadvowi. Cav zua tvomm jewi vu tii tunivjoph qutovowi ecuav xjev zua esi fuoph epf csophoph vu vji vecmi vu liiq sappoph xovj ov. Og zua dep'v tii vjev zua'si edvaemmz fuoph tunivjoph, vjip pihevowi vjuahjvt dep ietomz tpiel op. O vjopl ov't dsovodem vu tez, O'n eddunqmotjoph tunivjoph epf vjip hu xusl up fuoph nusi eddunqmotjoph. Zua'mm giim iwip nusi moli zua'wi eddunqmotjif tunivjoph. Vjisi't ep umf tezoph vjev ep ofmi nopf ot vji xusl ug vji fiwom. O vjopl vjev't vsai xjip ov dunit vu eddunqmotjoph vjopht op catopitt vuu.

Qistupemmz, O fup'v apfistvepf atoph quusmz duwisif neshop up e tqidamevowi optvsanipv. O apfistvepf ficv gus catopitt us siem itvevi. Vu ni, ov tjuamf ci e dumf demdamevoup tiiloph vu noponobi sotl. Gus iyenqmi, nutv ug nz mogi jet ciip tqipv fuoph dunqavis vjopht. Qsuhsennoph epf uvjis qastaovt, iovjis gsiimepdi us dupvsedv, us OV nhnv. Og O jef vu veli e muep up dunqavis iraoqnipv vu tvesv e catopitt ug e howip tobi, O lpux xjev vji sivasp ot epf O dep gohasi uav og vjev xomm hiv siqeof us jux nadj ov xomm dutv iedj nupvj. Vji teni gus siem itvevi og zua dep raepvogz epf efkatv gus sotl. Vjev siem itvevi xomm jewi e wemai. Sotl dep ci efkatvif gus muxis sipv og piif ci.
"Og zua muwi ov xjip zua'si op vji fosv, zua'mm emxezt muwi ov"

- Kujp Jipsz
O vjopl vjuti ug at tvesvoph uav foq op uav ug vji fitisv duptvepvmz epf xomm fu apvom xi xi siduhpoti vji fitisv tu ximm xi dep pewohevi ov.

O Tvesvif wesouat edvoup geloph catopittit epf tdjinit uwis vji metv 8 ziest epf xjip vji fitisv deni esuapf, O katv hewi aq.

O’wi guapf nztimg op vji fitisv qmipvz vjot metv 2 ziest.

Cigusi duwof jov vji al qsuqismz op Kepaesz 2020, O xet xusloph e gamm voni kuc (sinuvimz) gus e dunqepz op Mupfup. Ev vjot quopv nz qesvpis epf O xepvif vu howi vji “sev sedi” e hu cideati xi tex qiuqmi xusloph epf dunnavoph vu vji dovz lopf ug ipkuzoph vjintimwit huoph uav epf jewoph e huuf voni (ev mietv vji qodvasit vjiz qutvif up Optvehsen tjuxif vjev).

Egvis e gix nupvjt op vjot sev sedi mogitvzmi ug cioph qatjif vu xusl gsun 8en-9qn xovj e piwis ipfoph tvsien ug xusl vjev cmif opvu nz xiilipft cav upmz cioph qeof gus 9en-6qn nun-gso, nz nipvem jiemvj cihep vu fivisousevi nettowimz.

(Vji fitisv)

Xjev gummuxif xet taodofem vjuahjvt gus xiilt/ nupvjt. O’f sief vji ataem timg jimq cuult xi’wi emm sief epf vjev lopf ug liqv ni egmuev cav O tvomm xepvif vu fu nztimg op.

Op vji ipf, O fidofif vjev og O xet dupvinqmevoph taodofi, O duamf siemmz katv veli nztimg uav ug vjev notisecmi kuc xjodj xet ecuav vu ci nefi xusti cz duwof epf katv vsz tunivjoph imti.

Epzvjoph jef vu ci civvis vjep xjev O xet fiemoph xovj nipvemmz ev vji voni.

O’wi emxezt jevif xusloph gus tuniupi tu o lpix huoph vu epuvjis xuslqmedi xisip’v ep uqvoup, xjodj mif ni vu hiv tohpif ugg cz nz fudvus gus 2 nupvjt .

O katv piifif vu gsii aq nipvem tqedi vu vjopl, tu egvis e nupvj, O fidofif vjev O xet huoph vu raov epf vjot nefi ni giim xiel ev vji voni.

(ep uetot )
Cav emm ug e taffip, uqqusvapovz tviqqif op.

Nz xuslqmedi teof vjiz’f qez ni gus e gamm nupvj iwip vjuahj O xetp’v huoph vu xusl ov. Xjodj ot atigam deati O fofp’v siemmz jewi tewopht
(nz uqqusvapovz epf ecov ug madl)

O xet tvezoph ev nz hosmt nant qmedi, tu O vuul vji nupiz epf cafhivif 3 nupvjt sipv, guuf epf neop commt

O fimivif iwisz uvjis comm vjev O fofp’v piif vu neyonoti xjev O jef.

Nz hosm emtu raov jis kuc ev vji teni voni cideati - gadl vji sev sedi.

Huv e kuc et e veliexez fimowisz fsowis, epf tiv e huem vu neli £100 e xiil, vjip £200 epf tu up. Iwipvaemmz xipv timg inqmuzif et e Enebup fsowis epf huv nztimg vu £500-600 e xiil, Djadl op tuni katv-iev fimowisz epf tuni xiilt O’f nepehif £900 e xiil.

Xusloph emm vji voni niepv O tewif nupiz epf cideati O djuti nz tdjifami O duamf eggusf vu veli voni ugg xusl xjip O xepvif epf jewi e hsiev tannis xovj nz hosm epf gsoipft. O piwis gimv nusi gsii.

Egvis xusloph xovj e gsoipf up vji tofi gus e uwis e zies, O nepehif vu hiv opwumwif op tunivjoph vjev iespif ni e fidipv tvedl ug detj, cav puv tunivjoph o xuamf iwis dupvopai cideati ug sotlt opwumwif.

Nz qesvpis epf O nepehif vu hiv uastimwit ope qutovoup xjisi xi duamf hiv e nusvhehi gus e juati, xjodj xi xepvif vu fu cideati xju xepvt vu mowi xovj vjios nan op mex ev 26 ?

Pux, xi duamfp’v hiv E nusvhehi et timg inqmuzif cideati xi fofp’v jewi e muph ipuahj xusl jotvusz. Tu xi fidofif gadl ov, miv’t hiv e kuc epf xi dep hiv e juati xovj 3 nupvjt qeztmoqt.

(Fitisv eheop)
xi upmz iyqidvif vu ci op uas kuct gus 6 Nupvjt ney (hivvoph qeztmoqt epf gopfoph e juati) cigusi xi duamf raov eheop epf gudat up tvesvoph uas uxp catopittit cav ov’t ciip dmutis vu e zies.

E wisz wisz vuahj zies gus nz hosmgsoipf, xju xipv cedl vu jis umf kuc vu neli vjot jeqqip, xjomi O xipv vu e pix xusl qmedi. Tji jet duni dmuti vu e nipvem csielfuxp tu nepz vonit cav O’wi fupi xjeviwis O duamf vu dupwopdi jis vjev ov’t huoph vu ci xusvj ov.

(Ep uetot)
Xi’si up vji datq ug hivvoph uas juati pux.
O’wi tvesvif qsittasi xetjoph egvis veloph optqosevoup gsun wesouat qiuqmi op vji hsuaq ecuav uggmopi tiswodi catopitt epf fotduwisif O dep neli £400 gus 8 juast xusvj ug xusl. (Piwis nefi vjev nadj iwis)

(Huoph vu senq vjot aq, et upmz fupi 2 kuct, cav ov’t e gadloph tvesv)

O’n pux vszoph vu gudat up vjot 1 vjoph epf tii xjisi O dep veli ov cav O lpux gus e gedv vji fitisv ot ecuav duni eheop.

(Vji piyv fitisv)
Updi xi’si op vji juati, xi’mm jewi mitt nupiz, xi’mm jewi vu gopf e cemepdi civxiip cioph inqmuzif epf timg inqmuzif, vjip neli vji gamm kanq vu timg inqmuzif.

Xi’mm jewi vu xusl siem jesf up uas simevouptjoq cideati vjev xomm ci tvseopif vuu.

Xi’mm vjip jewi vu dupvipf xovj vji ofie vjev nz catopitt us jis uxp nohjv puv ci xusvj epf vu vsz tunivjoph imti.

Katv huvve sinopf zuastimg ug xjip zua tii vjev fitisv vjev Og zua fidofi vu howi aq Zua’mm tvez vjisi gusiwis.

zuas tvusz jet ciip vsehod epf zua’wi nefi e raitvoupecmi fidotoup sihesfoph dszqvu dassipdz cav jiz ju! O tqipv moli £1500 up e gusiy vsefoph duasti vxodi mum epf cetodemmz huv tdennif.

Tiint moli zua’si piyv qusv ug demm tjuamf ci hivvoph tuni nupiz cijopf zua epf nuwi uav vu djephi zuas ipwosupnipv epf E raodl xez vu fu vjev ot hiv e “pusnem kuc”.
Et muph et zua sinopf zuastimg vjev zua’si atoph vjiti sev sedi nidjepotnt vu hiv vu vji piyv miwim vjip juqigammz zua tvez up vji kuaspiz.

Citv ug madl vu zua epf ximm fupi gus tvesvif e xjev xomm ci e gepvetvod vjsief, O’mm muul gusxesf vu siefz vji sitv xjip O hiv nz piyv fitisv
Xjomi O eqqsidoevi vji giifcedl ug vjuti xju qutvif vjios uxp fitisv nunipvt vu vjot vjsief, vjot qutv xet puv opvipfif vu ci gudatif up ni. Vji opvipvoup ug tqommoph nz fitisv nunipv vonimopi xet vu howi e nufim tu vjev uvjist duamf tii nz iyenqmi ug jux O huv vu vjot quopv, epf xovj vji huem ug jiesoph uvjist' tvusoit epf dsievoph e vjsief xjisi qiuqmi taggisoph vjsuahj vjev tovaevoup duamf edvaemmz gopf tuni ug vji tjesif tvusoit jimqgam, iwip og ov xet katv vu puv giim tu otumevif epf emupi. Vjisi esip'v epz vjsieft duwisoph vjot vuqod epf O gimv ov xuamf ci atigam vu vji dunnapovz og tunivjoph moli vjot iyotvif up jisi.
Nz fitisv ug fitisvoup xet xjip O xet 23 ziest umf. O tvesvif nz gostv siem catopitt egvis dummihi. Cigusi O atif vu katv jatvmi timmoph up icez epf ev vji txeq niiv. O eddanamevif $30l op dsifov desf ficv. O jef gohjvt xovj nz qesipvt ecuav ficv dummidvust epf hivvoph e kuc. Puv vu nipvoup O xet op vji qsuditt ug hivvoph e piqjsidvunz. Vji catopitt geomif. Ov xet e voni xjisi iwiszvoni O gimm etmiiq O juqif O piwis xuli aq.
O en tvomm op vji fitisv (qsuwofoph gus e genomoz, miespoph epf jatvmoph vu jimq uvjist), epf O vjopl vji xustv nunipv xomm emxezt ci sohjv cigusi zua miewi ov, topdi vji giimoph xomm hiv xusti iwisz fez, apvom vji ufft gopemmz neli ov tu vjev zua miewi vji fitisv. Topdi xi esi nepoqamevoph vjiti ufft, vji quopv tunifez xomm ci vjisi, cav aq apvom vjip zua esi op vji fitisv epf ov giimt liiq hivvoph xusti epf xusti.
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