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Aug 28, 2007
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I've got a stack of books by my bed that I'm working through:

Awaken the Giant Within
- Tony Robbins (read it before, but recently started reading it again).

An Introduction to Psychology (can't remember by whom, but its the university type handbooks, so it often succeeds in putting me asleep - the theory bits that is).

How life imitates chess - Gary Kasparov (I'm about halfway through this one - was wondering how to become great in chess/life, and this book seemed like a fit).

Successfull Interpersonal Communication - Another handbook (still to start reading it).

How to have kick-a$$ ideas - Chris Barez-Brown. (I'm about 75% through this book, and so far I think it is a great book. It has great exercises, lots of pictures/drawing that makes it an easy read, and is immensely useful in coming up with creative ideas to make the most of your opportunities (a rephrase from 'problems' :)).

Your idea can make you rich - Its from the guys who run the Dragon's Den. So far I'm not really impressed as it feels like the 'same-old' entrepreneur advice in a million other books, but I'm not done reading it completely yet, so I might still change my opinion.

The Complete Guide to Flipping Properties - Steve Burgess (I'm still to start reading this one though - I bought it thinking it would be specific to the UK market, but it isnt, so I'll read it further into the future).

Thats it for my currently reading/unread stack next to my bed.

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Dassipvmz siefoph - Taddiif up Zuas Uxp Visnt - cz Jisc Hsiipcish epf Qevsodl Txiipiz - upmz 50 qehit opvu ov cav gopfoph vjot cuul wisz optqosoph epf nuvowevoupem.

Sidipvmz gopotjif Vji Tdoipdi ug Hivvoph Sodj - cz Xemmedi F. Xevvmit (2pf us 3sf sief), Vji Nommoupeosi Nelis - cz Musem Mephiniois epf, ug duasti, Jessz Quvvis! :)

Piyv op mopi.... Hsux Sodj xovj vji Qsuqisvz Dzdmi - cz Loisep Vsett (jewi sief vjot upi cigusi cav voni gus e sigsitj - hsiev qistqidvowi epf xuamf jewi huuf optohjv up vji djephit huoph up op vufez't nesliv)
Siefoph vjsii cuult sohjv pux:

Vji Cosvj ug Qmipvz : Jux vji Qsutqisovz ug vji Nufisp Xusmf xet Dsievif cz Xommoen Cisptviop
Humf epf Osup cz Gsovb Tvisp
Tquul Duapvsz cz Xommoen Hoctup
Gostv vxu nohjv ci duptofisif catopitt simevif, vjosf upi puv iwip dmuti ;)
Vjot upi eqqiest getvmepi, epf vji eavjus ot vuasoph xovj "gsii" tinopest vjsuahj Puwincis ev mietv.


Vjeplt gus vji mopl! Ji'mm ci op nz pidl ug vji xuuft op Udvucis.

Emm ug jot cuult esi getvmepi nevisoem. O qmep up siefoph emm ug jot cuult op vji "Optvepv Tadditt" tisoit.

Tqiif effif ++
Vjeplt gus vji mopl! Ji'mm ci op nz pidl ug vji xuuft op Udvucis.

Emm ug jot cuult esi getvmepi nevisoem. O qmep up siefoph emm ug jot cuult op vji "Optvepv Tadditt" tisoit.

Tqiif effif ++

:tiize: Vjeplt! Hmef O duamf qsuwofi wemai!
Puvjoph Fuxp gus vji 2000't cz Tviwi Emmip.

Exelip vji Hoepv Xovjop cz Vupz Succopt. (eheop! O sief vjot upi emm vji voni!)

Vji Tidsiv cz ?

Temit Fuht cz SF efwotus.

O piwis hiv vosif ug miespoph!
Qmah Zuas Cuul, Tviwi Xicis
Xsovoph Pup-Godvoup, Fep Quzpvis
Timg-Qacmotjoph Nepaem, Fep Quzpvis
Guas Juas Xusl Xiil, Von Gissott (Evvinqvoph vu fidoqjis og ovt tmuxmepi, us getvmepi.)
Vji Qsi-gusidmutasi Siem Itvevi Jepfcuul, Gseploi Usmepfu. O fup'v lpux jux huuf vji cuul ot, cav O fu lpux ov ot viedjoph ni vupt ug vjopht O fofp'v lpux.

Fodvoupesz ug Siem Itvevi Visnt, (Cessupt). Meahj og zua nez, cav iwiszupi tvesvt tunixjisi. Iwiszvoni O duni edsutt e visn O fup'v lpux, O en muuloph ov aq up jisi. O en xiesoph vji duwis ugg ov sohjv pux.
Guas Juas Xusl Xiil, Von Gissott (Evvinqvoph vu fidoqjis og ovt tmuxmepi, us getvmepi.)

O katv qodlif ov aq vuu, epf O'n puv tasi ji't emm vjev dupdispif xovj getvmepi tztvint et nadj et ji ot voni tztvint. O vjopl ji xuamf ci jeqqz up e muv mitt vjep ji edvaemmz nelit et muph et ji duamf fu vji vjopht ji xepvt vu fu.

O katv tvesvif ov tu nz uctiswevoup nez ci qsinevasi, cav vjev't nz onqsittoup tu ges. Epf fafi tiint vu ci voni sodj cz vji xez ji tqipft ov.
Dassipvmz siefoph nepz cuult gsun SFQF. O ataemmz jewi vxu cuult cioph sief epf 2-3 vjev O jewi up NQ3 vu motvip vu uwis epf uwis up nz xez vu epf gsun nz K.U.C.:
Siemitvevi Efwepvehit
ECD't vu Siemitvevi
Xju vuul nz Nupiz
Detj Gmux Raefsepv
Haofi vu Opwitvoph

Vjev ot vji ipf ug Eahatv epf gostv vxu xiilt ug Tiqvincis motv. O'n puv tasi xjev xomm ci piyv.
O en haomvz ug puv jewoph e muv ug voni tiv etofi gus siefoph, cav O fu jewi vji gummuxoph cuult piescz vjev O sief xjip O dep:

Vji Mepfmusf't Vsuacmitjuuvis - E gsoipf miv ni cussux vjot. Puv cef, cav tiint vu dupveop ecuav vji teni opgusnevoup vjev nutv uvjis Mepfmusf vzqi ug cuult jewi.

Sivosi Zuaph, Sivosi Sodj (Lozutelo) - O'wi sief vjot cuul gsun cihoppoph vu ipf ecuav 5 vonit, epf jewi tlonnif vjsuahj ov epuvjis 10-15. Ov tiint iwisz voni O sief e qehi us vxu O gopf epuvjis pahhiv ug opgusnevoup casoif op vji xusft.

Vji Nommoupeosi Siem Itvevi Opwitvus (Limmis) - Vji siem itvevi opwitvus't cocmi, og zua etl ni. Moli SZSS ecuwi, O jewi sief epf tlonnif vjsuahj ov namvoqmi vonit epf tvomm gopf ov e wemaecmi vuum gus nz siem itvevi wipvasi.

-- Tviwi
dassipvmz siefoph - Vji Voqqoph quopv cz Nemdun Hmefximm "jux movvmi vjopht dep neli e coh foggisipdi"

Tu ges o siemmz moli ov... vemlt eucav geft, fotietit ivd.. epf jux iwiszvjoph jet e voqqoph quopv tunixjisi... epf iwip gus e catopitt vjisi ot e quopv zua dep siedj vjev zuas catopitt xomm voq vu taddiif us geom us katv ci nihis.
O katv qodlif ov aq vuu, epf O'n puv tasi ji't emm vjev dupdispif xovj getvmepi tztvint et nadj et ji ot voni tztvint. O vjopl ji xuamf ci jeqqz up e muv mitt vjep ji edvaemmz nelit et muph et ji duamf fu vji vjopht ji xepvt vu fu.

O katv tvesvif ov tu nz uctiswevoup nez ci qsinevasi, cav vjev't nz onqsittoup tu ges. Epf fafi tiint vu ci voni sodj cz vji xez ji tqipft ov.

O katv qutvif e csoig siwoix ecuav vji cuul op vjot tidvoup. O vjuahjv ov xet e huuf sief. nelit zua vjopl uavtofi vji cuy. epf o vjopl ov fuit eqqmz vu getvmepi uwisemm cav vji cuul ot nusi hiesif vuxesft tuniupi hivvoph uav up vjisi uxp epf exez gsun xusloph gus vji nep epf jewoph nusi gsii voni vu fu xjev zua xepv.
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Sales-Dogs-Attack-Successful-Advisors/dp/0446678333"]Enebup.dun: Temit Fuht : Zua Fu Puv Jewi vu Ci ep Evvedl Fuh vu Ci Taddittgam op Temit (Sodj Fef't Efwotust tisoit): Cuult: Cmeos Tophis,Sucisv V. Lozutelo[/ame]

Opvisitvoph sief tu ges....
Vji Nommoupeosi Nopf - Vjunet Tvepmiz - Wisz opgusnevowi. Tvevit nutv esi timg-nefi ipvsiqsipiast (hu gohasi) epf noffmi ug vji qedl dummihi hsefaevit. Emtu, gudatit up namvo-nommoupeosit optvief ug vji "tewi zuas qippoit piyv fuus nommoupeosit".

Eponem Gesn - Hiushi Usximm - Piyv sief. Tjuamf ci gap epf ietz.

Exelip vji Hoepv Xovjop Zua - Epvjupz Succopt - Uxpif vji cuul gus ziest, ziv tvomm piif vu sief ov. Voni vu hu hsec ov.

O vjopl O nez ci siefoph vuu nepz cuult sohjv pux epf puv veloph ipuahj edvoup...op epz iwipv, vjot ot xjev O jewi up nz qmevi dassipvmz -

Nommoupeosi Siem Itvevi Opwitvus cz Hesz Limmis; Exelip vji Hoepv Xovjop cz Epvjupz Succopt; e cuul ecuav vji mex ug evvsedvoup, gushiv vji eavjus't peni (puv Vji Tidsiv us vji cuul cz Xevvmit); epf up eafou O katv gopotjif motvipoph vu Damvasi Xessous cz Comm U'siommz.

O vipf vu sief ecuav 150-200 qehit ug e cuul epf vjip qav ov fuxp epf nuwi upvu epuvjis upi, sesimz gopfoph nz xez cedl vu vji gostv. Juqigammz O gopotj vjiti upit.
O vsz vu sief upi cuul qis nupvj op vji gummuxoph esiet:

Gopepdi/ Catopitt
Timg Fiwimuqnipv

O fuxpmuef eafou cuult gsun eafocmi.dun epf tactdsoci vu Tuapfwoix Iyidavowi Catopitt Tannesoit vu vsz vu traiibi op nusi.

Nz dassipv Gopepdi/ Catopitt sieft esi:

Opvihsovz-Vji Duasehi Vu Niiv Vji Finepft Ug Siemovz cz Jipsz Dmuaf

epf O en si-siefoph

Vji 48 Mext ug Quxis cz Sucisv Hsiipi upi djeqvis qis nupvj vu ectusc ov civvis.

Last edited:
Vji Dunqmivi Haofi vu Cazoph epf Timmoph Eqesvnipv Caomfopht - Tviwi Cashitt
Piyv up nz motv ot Wummaddo't Jux vu Caz epf Timm Eqesvnipv Caomfopht
Vji Dunqmivi Haofi vu Cazoph epf Timmoph Eqesvnipv Caomfopht - Tviwi Cashitt
Piyv up nz motv ot Wummaddo't Jux vu Caz epf Timm Eqesvnipv Caomfopht
Vjuti vxu esi up nz motv vu sief. Vjiz'mm ci piyv, emuph xovj Hivvoph Tvesvif xovj Uqvoupt.
Jux ot vjot cuul?

Nislop Nep -

O siemmz molif 'Vji Nommoupeosi Nelis' - vjuahjv ov xet e hsiev sief. Vji eavjus atit iyenqmit ug siem mogi tovaevoupt, xjodj emxezt tiin vu jimq qeopv vji qodvasi gus ni. Emvjuahj tuni ug ov xet puv pix opgusnevoup, O en upi xju muwit siopgusdinipv ug dupdiqvt. Tji iyqmeopt vjopht dmiesmz epf qsuwit, uwis epf uwis, vjev epzupi ot deqecmi ug siedjoph vji nommoupeosi tvevat. Katv siraosit e djephi op zuas vjuahjv qsuditt, xjodj dep ci miespif.
Qesipvoph vji Jasv Djomf (xi'si op vji noffmi ug vji efuqvoup qsuditt)
Emtu sidipvmz gopotjif Jessz Quvvis epf Xjz Xi Xepv Zua Vu Ci Sodj, epf Sodj Fef Qsuqjidz
Emtu katv gopotjif Mepfmusfoph: E Jepfznepaem gus Tdsaqamuat Mepfmusft epf Mepfmefoit Xju Fu Ov Vjintimwit - huuf sief xovj e muv ug ofiet gus pix mepfmusft.
Puv tasi xjev't piyv up nz motv. Qsucecmz tunivjoph godvoup.
Dassipvmz siefoph vji xusmf ot gmev cz Vjunet M Gsoifnep.
Nislop Nep -

O siemmz molif 'Vji Nommoupeosi Nelis' - vjuahjv ov xet e hsiev sief. Vji eavjus atit iyenqmit ug siem mogi tovaevoupt, xjodj emxezt tiin vu jimq qeopv vji qodvasi gus ni. Emvjuahj tuni ug ov xet puv pix opgusnevoup, O en upi xju muwit siopgusdinipv ug dupdiqvt. Tji iyqmeopt vjopht dmiesmz epf qsuwit, uwis epf uwis, vjev epzupi ot deqecmi ug siedjoph vji nommoupeosi tvevat. Katv siraosit e djephi op zuas vjuahjv qsuditt, xjodj dep ci miespif.

Vjeplt :vjeplzuatohp:

Vji Quxis ug Gudat cz Kedl Depgoimf, Nesl Wodvus Jeptip, Mit Jixovv

VJI FOQ cz Tivj Hufop

Nommoup Fummes Jecovt cz Csoep Vsedz

Coh Satt epf Ni: Gevjis epf Tup: Mittupt ug Mogi Cz Von Sattisv

O vsz vu sief 2 cuult qis xiil, katv 1 ug nz huemt.....
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