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What I learnt spending 5 years at uni: a tale of wasted time and feared responsibilities

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A post of a ranting nature...

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As I'm about to graduate (for good) after I spent 5 years at university, here's what I learnt.

I had just turned 21 when I entered the university of Rotterdam. At the time, I had had some minor jobs as an actor and hoped to pursue this path full time. After all, acting corresponded to all the things I wanted in life: easy fame and easy money. It was a bad start. So instead of going into acting school and face the risk to be rejected at the entrance exam, I action-faked my way into useless communication studies thinking "oH, iF I StUdY cOmMuNiCaTiOn AnD mEdIa, I cOuLd StiLl WoRk iN a MoViE PrOdUcTioN cOmPanY, rIgHt?" Yeah, I could have also studied civil engineering and work in a movie production company.... Deep down, I knew I wanted to study in English (I'm not a native speaker) and that I didn't want to stay in Belgium. I also didn't want to face again this level of difficulty I had faced studying economic sciences for 1 year in Belgium. So, I went for the easy path: communication in the Netherlands.

1st year:
Quickly, I became frustrated with everything around me and felt this was a huge mistake and I should maybe quit. Too afraid to take this decision myself, I texted my older brother who told me "don't quit", so I didn't. I made friend with one German girl of my age because I had seen her sitting alone in the auditorium and thought she couldn't possibly reject me like I had rejected my other classmates (that, from my arrogant point of view, I found childish and uninteresting). And so she became my only friend.

University in the Netherlands ended up being much different from university in Belgium. While in Belgium, university was about 30 hours of courses per week followed by a "blocking period" during which students study memorize books for 12 hours a day every day for 5 weeks only to fail anyway, the Dutch had a chilling 15 hours workweek which soon decreased to 9 hours per week. Exams were divided into 4 periods which helped decrease the workload. Since we had about 3 courses per period, there wasn't much to do. Too lazy and scarred to find a job, I managed to survive with the money I received and the eventual acting jobs I'd get back to Brussels. The idea of going somewhere to drop my resume terrorized me. The Dutch accent was so different from the Flemish one that I didn't bother leaning the language (that I had learnt at school for four years and could already speak).

Since there was nothing to learn at school and nothing to do besides a couple of assignments (limited in their wordings), I grew even more frustrated and started sharing the daily joint my roommates were smoking. Quickly, I started smoking everyday. This did not help with the anxiety of my self-inflicted purposeless situation, and I soon completely cut myself from any person that wasn't smoking weed as well.
I passed all of the exams without studying and got a mediocre note. I got 1/20 for my SPSS exam because I had smoked so much that I couldn't remember a damn thing. The year ended.

2nd year:
The second year started off better since I had managed to secure a job at a local restaurant on campus. Then I got fired after two weeks because I was rude with clients, was I told. I don't know if it was true (certainly was, but it wasn't on purpose), but I certainly sucked balls at my job (I was a waiter) and was adding stress to the team because of my inability to learn quickly and work efficiently. Luckily, I got a second job as a French teacher in an association. They weren't paying much, but it at least gave me a reason to feel useful on earth: I made people more knowledgeable. This must have been the best job I have ever had (outside of acting). I quit smoking weed when I got a break down and was told at the hospital that I should "see someone". I did, and long story short, it changed my life.

3rd year:
In the third year, I went on exchange to one of the best universities in France. There were political science courses and I ended up liking them very much. I worked my a$$ off and passed all the courses with great marks. It was nice to see that I was as able as the French elite students in understanding the courses and writing assignments. "If I had known, I thought, I would have applied to this school". But no one had told me and to be fair, I hadn't researched anything either. When I made my choice to go to Rotterdam, all I wanted was to get out of Belgium.

Coming back after this semester in France, I felt much better. I started studying seriously and my grades went up, I was proud of myself. There still was this episode when, at the end of the year, I burst into tears in my mum's car because I felt that after three years, I had learnt nothing. I was really interested in politics and economics and was reading about it in the newspaper since I was young, but I thought they were too hard for me to understand at university and I was afraid I would never be taken seriously if I didn't hold a diploma in those fields. Communication, sadly, didn't really lead to these topics. More than being knowledgeable, I wanted the recognition that I was knowledgeable. I knew I needed to do something and I knew I wanted to leave the Netherlands. I had more bad than good memories and I probably knew deep down that the sad and pathetic life I had led there was a direct consequence of my actions.

4th year:
I moved to Brussels and entered a master in management, otherwise called business economics. Since I had no background, I had to pass through a pre-program to access the main program and chose to do both at the same time. I passed the equivalent of one year and a half in one year, minus the thesis that I completed later on. Meanwhile, I had finally become financially (almost) independent because I had taken a job at my brother's company. It was really hard at the beginning, but I eventually made it work. That year in Brussels was one of the best of my life, I had a job, friends, interesting studies, I had understood how Tinder worked and was getting lots of dates, something that had caused me great difficulties in the past but that eventually led to a texting udemy course (which sold to 1 person, and that made me very proud). I had a kickass appartment in the center of the city and the best roommate I had ever had. Since classes weren't mandatory and that I had enough money, I had decided to skip the last two months of class and relocated to Colombia to learn Spanish.

Needless to say my life was amazing, I had a job that paid good and that I liked, I could study and hang out with people. And so, I extended it. Why slaving myself in a slowlane if I could be a free and happy student? So I got into this second master in political science. But it wasn't the same thing anymore. The thrill and the adventure were gone. I was bored in class because I knew most of what we were taught. There weren't much challenges to take.

Around October 2019, I freaked out about September 2020. I started applying to all jobs I could find. I eventually managed to get two interviews to work in consultancy in finance and banking. It was around that time that I was reading Unscripted . As I was passing the interview levels, I was feeling more and more ill-at-ease at the idea of "wearing a suit", having to "work" and worse, getting a company car. These fancy offices were for adults, I thought. The silence, the cleanliness, the elegant people working there...that wasn't me, I was (and am) just a student. Becoming like the people that were interviewing me started to scare the sh*t out of me. Worse, they required a real emotional commitment to their company, which I identified as being cult practices. In order not to make the interview a complete waste of time, I acquired info about how the founder had originally built the business. I learnt the compant was created in the beginning of year 2000's and that they had overall more than 900 employees in three countries. For a fastlane, that was bloody fast. The fear of being jobless in September 2020 had been replaced by the fear of actually getting a job in September 2020. When would I go to the gym, I thought, how would I have time to do my own thing if I had to dedicate myself to other people's work and make a commitment to the team, pretending I liked my colleagues, I was motivated, and that I had fun? I was wayyyyy too selfish to do that and was thinking about what I had read in TMF : the slowlane is a trap. So at the fourth or fifth interview (there were 7 or 8 steps) I called both companies and told them I was withdrawing from the interview process. Then COVID came and brought with it the recession. And so I thought that a third master wouldn't be a bad idea even though deep down, I knew I was exaggerating. But I asked what the fastlane (you guys) thought about it an was politely made aware that I was a huuuuuge consumer (of knowledge) and that it was time to become a producer instead.

As I'm about to leave university for good, here's what these five years taught me:

1. What a waste of time:
Had I studied engineering, math, physics or finance, maybe I wouldn't have said this, but communication was a real f*cking waste of time. These studies should be forbidden because it is a mass unemployment production machine. There is this gold thread where the author learnt how to code in about two years, with a lot of dedication and hard work. Now, that's real education. I have read some days ago about a 19-year old on the forum that had decided to skip uni and take a the path of entrepreneurship. That's great, it is usually online and it goes much faster if you do it yourself than in a classroom.

2. What should education be:
Education should be one's learning to resolve problems with a particular set of kills, to quote Liam Neeson. This master in management did teach me some finance and some accounting, which is always nice to have, but that is all i learnt in five years. Fortunately in between, I did get some minor jobs as shop seller, dishwasher, French teacher etc. I also worked a bit as a research assistant. That's always nice to have, but it is nothing compared to 5 years of real experience or better, 5 years building a business.

3. One should take responsibility for himself
I have never wanted to take responsibility for myself because I was really scarred of it and it also gave me someone else to blame if I things went awry. The decisions I've taken in my life myself and for myself without consulting/taking others into consideration can be counted on one hand's fingers. As I'm about to enter "real life" where i'll have to take care of myself 100%, I'm scarred as I have ever been. I don't feel prepared nor resourceful enough to actually do this. Instead of taking the chance to be at uni to learn about real life, I dived into it and positioned myself to be as comfy as possible. So comfy in fact, that now don't want to get out.

4. What I'm going to do
I need a giant slap in my face because I live in a fake magical world where everything is easy. So I'm considering moving out of Brussels and into the Flemish part of Belgium to learn Dutch once and for all, which will add a fourth language to my skillset and is always highly sought in Belgium. Since I don't speak it well, I hope I'll manage to get a job where I won't need it too much to get things done at the beginning, so it will probably be an HORECA job such as cleaning or McDonalds. Then once I get a job and can pay my rent, I'd like to build a second udemy course taking into consideration what I've learnt building the first one, and create a consulting company out of it so that I can be mobile and independent. Then I want to build a fastlane business because I'll never feel good about myself if I don't refund my parents all the money they spent on useless education (about 60 000€).

I won't hide that I feel like I'm about to climb an enormous mountain, and have a lot of doubts about whether I'll find a path to climb it, and about my condition to do so. I have two masters and speak three languages (and a half) and they don't serve me much to add value in society. But if there is one thing I've learnt on this forum, is that he who does not take any responsibility, goes nowhere. It's time to leave this fantasy world and get to work. It's time to stop consuming and produce. God, it's gonna hurt. But it is the only path forward. It's time to grow up.
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Et O'n ecuav vu hsefaevi (gus huuf) egvis O tqipv 5 ziest ev apowistovz, jisi't xjev O miespv.

O jef katv vaspif 21 xjip O ipvisif vji apowistovz ug Suvvisfen. Ev vji voni, O jef jef tuni nopus kuct et ep edvus epf juqif vu qastai vjot qevj gamm voni. Egvis emm, edvoph dussitqupfif vu emm vji vjopht O xepvif op mogi: ietz geni epf ietz nupiz. Ov xet e cef tvesv. Tu optvief ug huoph opvu edvoph tdjuum epf gedi vji sotl vu ci sikidvif ev vji ipvsepdi iyen, O edvoup-gelif nz xez opvu atimitt dunnapodevoup tvafoit vjoploph "uJ, oG O TvAfZ dUnNaPoDeVoUp EpF nIfOe, O dUaMf TvoMm XuSl oP e NuWoI QsUfAdVouP dUnQepZ, sOhJv?" Ziej, O duamf jewi emtu tvafoif dowom iphopiisoph epf xusl op e nuwoi qsufadvoup dunqepz.... Fiiq fuxp, O lpix O xepvif vu tvafz op Iphmotj (O'n puv e pevowi tqielis) epf vjev O fofp'v xepv vu tvez op Cimhoan. O emtu fofp'v xepv vu gedi eheop vjot miwim ug foggodamvz O jef gedif tvafzoph idupunod tdoipdit gus 1 zies op Cimhoan. Tu, O xipv gus vji ietz qevj: dunnapodevoup op vji Pivjismepft.

1tv zies:
Raodlmz, O cideni gsatvsevif xovj iwiszvjoph esuapf ni epf gimv vjot xet e jahi notveli epf O tjuamf nezci raov. Vuu egseof vu veli vjot fidotoup nztimg, O viyvif nz umfis csuvjis xju vumf ni "fup'v raov", tu O fofp'v. O nefi gsoipf xovj upi Hisnep hosm ug nz ehi cideati O jef tiip jis tovvoph emupi op vji eafovusoan epf vjuahjv tji duamfp'v quttocmz sikidv ni moli O jef sikidvif nz uvjis dmettnevit (vjev, gsun nz essuhepv quopv ug woix, O guapf djomfotj epf apopvisitvoph). Epf tu tji cideni nz upmz gsoipf.

Apowistovz op vji Pivjismepft ipfif aq cioph nadj foggisipv gsun apowistovz op Cimhoan. Xjomi op Cimhoan, apowistovz xet ecuav 30 juast ug duastit qis xiil gummuxif cz e "cmudloph qisouf" fasoph xjodj tvafipvt tvafz ninusobi cuult gus 12 juast e fez iwisz fez gus 5 xiilt upmz vu geom epzxez, vji Favdj jef e djommoph 15 juast xuslxiil xjodj tuup fidsietif vu 9 juast qis xiil. Iyent xisi fowofif opvu 4 qisouft xjodj jimqif fidsieti vji xuslmuef. Topdi xi jef ecuav 3 duastit qis qisouf, vjisi xetp'v nadj vu fu. Vuu mebz epf tdessif vu gopf e kuc, O nepehif vu taswowi xovj vji nupiz O sidiowif epf vji iwipvaem edvoph kuct O'f hiv cedl vu Csattimt. Vji ofie ug huoph tunixjisi vu fsuq nz sitani vissusobif ni. Vji Favdj eddipv xet tu foggisipv gsun vji Gminotj upi vjev O fofp'v cuvjis miepoph vji mephaehi (vjev O jef miespv ev tdjuum gus guas ziest epf duamf emsiefz tqiel).

Topdi vjisi xet puvjoph vu miesp ev tdjuum epf puvjoph vu fu citofit e duaqmi ug ettohpnipvt (monovif op vjios xusfopht), O hsix iwip nusi gsatvsevif epf tvesvif tjesoph vji feomz kuopv nz suunnevit xisi tnuloph. Raodlmz, O tvesvif tnuloph iwiszfez. Vjot fof puv jimq xovj vji epyoivz ug nz timg-opgmodvif qasqutimitt tovaevoup, epf O tuup dunqmivimz dav nztimg gsun epz qistup vjev xetp'v tnuloph xiif et ximm.
O qettif emm ug vji iyent xovjuav tvafzoph epf huv e nifoudsi puvi. O huv 1/20 gus nz TQTT iyen cideati O jef tnulif tu nadj vjev O duamfp'v sinincis e fenp vjoph. Vji zies ipfif.

2pf zies:
Vji tidupf zies tvesvif ugg civvis topdi O jef nepehif vu tidasi e kuc ev e mudem sitveasepv up denqat. Vjip O huv gosif egvis vxu xiilt cideati O xet safi xovj dmoipvt, xet O vumf. O fup'v lpux og ov xet vsai (disveopmz xet, cav ov xetp'v up qasquti), cav O disveopmz tadlif cemmt ev nz kuc (O xet e xeovis) epf xet effoph tvsitt vu vji vien cideati ug nz opecomovz vu miesp raodlmz epf xusl iggodoipvmz. Madlomz, O huv e tidupf kuc et e Gsipdj viedjis op ep ettudoevoup. Vjiz xisip'v qezoph nadj, cav ov ev mietv hewi ni e sietup vu giim atigam up iesvj: O nefi qiuqmi nusi lpuxmifhiecmi. Vjot natv jewi ciip vji citv kuc O jewi iwis jef (uavtofi ug edvoph). O raov tnuloph xiif xjip O huv e csiel fuxp epf xet vumf ev vji jutqovem vjev O tjuamf "tii tuniupi". O fof, epf muph tvusz tjusv, ov djephif nz mogi.

3sf zies:
Op vji vjosf zies, O xipv up iydjephi vu upi ug vji citv apowistovoit op Gsepdi. Vjisi xisi qumovodem tdoipdi duastit epf O ipfif aq moloph vjin wisz nadj. O xuslif nz e$$ ugg epf qettif emm vji duastit xovj hsiev neslt. Ov xet podi vu tii vjev O xet et ecmi et vji Gsipdj imovi tvafipvt op apfistvepfoph vji duastit epf xsovoph ettohpnipvt. "Og O jef lpuxp, O vjuahjv, O xuamf jewi eqqmoif vu vjot tdjuum". Cav pu upi jef vumf ni epf vu ci geos, O jefp'v sitiesdjif epzvjoph iovjis. Xjip O nefi nz djuodi vu hu vu Suvvisfen, emm O xepvif xet vu hiv uav ug Cimhoan.

Dunoph cedl egvis vjot tinitvis op Gsepdi, O gimv nadj civvis. O tvesvif tvafzoph tisouatmz epf nz hsefit xipv aq, O xet qsuaf ug nztimg. Vjisi tvomm xet vjot iqotufi xjip, ev vji ipf ug vji zies, O castv opvu viest op nz nan't des cideati O gimv vjev egvis vjsii ziest, O jef miespv puvjoph. O xet siemmz opvisitvif op qumovodt epf idupunodt epf xet siefoph ecuav ov op vji pixtqeqis topdi O xet zuaph, cav O vjuahjv vjiz xisi vuu jesf gus ni vu apfistvepf ev apowistovz epf O xet egseof O xuamf piwis ci velip tisouatmz og O fofp'v jumf e foqmune op vjuti goimft. Dunnapodevoup, tefmz, fofp'v siemmz mief vu vjiti vuqodt. Nusi vjep cioph lpuxmifhiecmi, O xepvif vji siduhpovoup vjev O xet lpuxmifhiecmi. O lpix O piifif vu fu tunivjoph epf O lpix O xepvif vu miewi vji Pivjismepft. O jef nusi cef vjep huuf ninusoit epf O qsucecmz lpix fiiq fuxp vjev vji tef epf qevjivod mogi O jef mif vjisi xet e fosidv duptiraipdi ug nz edvoupt.

4vj zies:
O nuwif vu Csattimt epf ipvisif e netvis op nepehinipv, uvjisxoti demmif catopitt idupunodt. Topdi O jef pu cedlhsuapf, O jef vu qett vjsuahj e qsi-qsuhsen vu edditt vji neop qsuhsen epf djuti vu fu cuvj ev vji teni voni. O qettif vji iraowemipv ug upi zies epf e jemg op upi zies, nopat vji vjitot vjev O dunqmivif mevis up. Niepxjomi, O jef gopemmz ciduni gopepdoemmz (emnutv) opfiqipfipv cideati O jef velip e kuc ev nz csuvjis't dunqepz. Ov xet siemmz jesf ev vji cihoppoph, cav O iwipvaemmz nefi ov xusl. Vjev zies op Csattimt xet upi ug vji citv ug nz mogi, O jef e kuc, gsoipft, opvisitvoph tvafoit, O jef apfistvuuf jux Vopfis xuslif epf xet hivvoph muvt ug fevit, tunivjoph vjev jef deatif ni hsiev foggodamvoit op vji qetv cav vjev iwipvaemmz mif vu e viyvoph afinz duasti (xjodj tumf vu 1 qistup, epf vjev nefi ni wisz qsuaf). O jef e lodlett eqqesvnipv op vji dipvis ug vji dovz epf vji citv suunnevi O jef iwis jef. Topdi dmettit xisip'v nepfevusz epf vjev O jef ipuahj nupiz, O jef fidofif vu tloq vji metv vxu nupvjt ug dmett epf simudevif vu Dumuncoe vu miesp Tqepotj.

Piifmitt vu tez nz mogi xet eneboph, O jef e kuc vjev qeof huuf epf vjev O molif, O duamf tvafz epf jeph uav xovj qiuqmi. Epf tu, O iyvipfif ov. Xjz tmewoph nztimg op e tmuxmepi og O duamf ci e gsii epf jeqqz tvafipv? Tu O huv opvu vjot tidupf netvis op qumovodem tdoipdi. Cav ov xetp'v vji teni vjoph epznusi. Vji vjsomm epf vji efwipvasi xisi hupi. O xet cusif op dmett cideati O lpix nutv ug xjev xi xisi veahjv. Vjisi xisip'v nadj djemmiphit vu veli.

Esuapf Udvucis 2019, O gsielif uav ecuav Tiqvincis 2020. O tvesvif eqqmzoph vu emm kuct O duamf gopf. O iwipvaemmz nepehif vu hiv vxu opviswoixt vu xusl op duptamvepdz op gopepdi epf ceploph. Ov xet esuapf vjev voni vjev O xet siefoph Aptdsoqvif. Et O xet qettoph vji opviswoix miwimt, O xet giimoph nusi epf nusi omm-ev-ieti ev vji ofie ug "xiesoph e taov", jewoph vu "xusl" epf xusti, hivvoph e dunqepz des. Vjiti gepdz uggodit xisi gus efamvt, O vjuahjv. Vji tomipdi, vji dmiepmopitt, vji imihepv qiuqmi xusloph vjisi...vjev xetp'v ni, O xet (epf en) katv e tvafipv. Cidunoph moli vji qiuqmi vjev xisi opviswoixoph ni tvesvif vu tdesi vji tj*v uav ug ni. Xusti, vjiz siraosif e siem inuvoupem dunnovnipv vu vjios dunqepz, xjodj O ofipvogoif et cioph damv qsedvodit. Op usfis puv vu neli vji opviswoix e dunqmivi xetvi ug voni, O edraosif opgu ecuav jux vji guapfis jef usohopemmz caomv vji catopitt. O miespv vji dunqepv xet dsievif op vji cihoppoph ug zies 2000't epf vjev vjiz jef uwisemm nusi vjep 900 inqmuziit op vjsii duapvsoit. Gus e getvmepi, vjev xet cmuufz getv. Vji gies ug cioph kucmitt op Tiqvincis 2020 jef ciip siqmedif cz vji gies ug edvaemmz hivvoph e kuc op Tiqvincis 2020. Xjip xuamf O hu vu vji hzn, O vjuahjv, jux xuamf O jewi voni vu fu nz uxp vjoph og O jef vu fifodevi nztimg vu uvjis qiuqmi't xusl epf neli e dunnovnipv vu vji vien, qsivipfoph O molif nz dummiehait, O xet nuvowevif, epf vjev O jef gap? O xet xezzzzz vuu timgotj vu fu vjev epf xet vjoploph ecuav xjev O jef sief op VNG: vji tmuxmepi ot e vseq. Tu ev vji guasvj us gogvj opviswoix (vjisi xisi 7 us 8 tviqt) O demmif cuvj dunqepoit epf vumf vjin O xet xovjfsexoph gsun vji opviswoix qsuditt. Vjip DUWOF deni epf csuahjv xovj ov vji sidittoup. Epf tu O vjuahjv vjev e vjosf netvis xuamfp'v ci e cef ofie iwip vjuahj fiiq fuxp, O lpix O xet iyehhisevoph. Cav O etlif xjev vji getvmepi (zua hazt) vjuahjv ecuav ov ep xet qumovimz nefi exesi vjev O xet e jaaaaahi duptanis (ug lpuxmifhi) epf vjev ov xet voni vu ciduni e qsufadis optvief.

Et O'n ecuav vu miewi apowistovz gus huuf, jisi't xjev vjiti gowi ziest veahjv ni:

1. Xjev e xetvi ug voni:
Jef O tvafoif iphopiisoph, nevj, qjztodt us gopepdi, nezci O xuamfp'v jewi teof vjot, cav dunnapodevoup xet e siem g*dloph xetvi ug voni. Vjiti tvafoit tjuamf ci guscoffip cideati ov ot e nett apinqmuznipv qsufadvoup nedjopi. Vjisi ot vjot humf vjsief xjisi vji eavjus miespv jux vu dufi op ecuav vxu ziest, xovj e muv ug fifodevoup epf jesf xusl. Pux, vjev't siem ifadevoup. O jewi sief tuni fezt ehu ecuav e 19-zies umf up vji gusan vjev jef fidofif vu tloq apo epf veli e vji qevj ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq. Vjev't hsiev, ov ot ataemmz upmopi epf ov huit nadj getvis og zua fu ov zuastimg vjep op e dmettsuun.

2. Xjev tjuamf ifadevoup ci:
Ifadevoup tjuamf ci upi't miespoph vu situmwi qsucmint xovj e qesvodames tiv ug lommt, vu rauvi Moen Piitup. Vjot netvis op nepehinipv fof viedj ni tuni gopepdi epf tuni edduapvoph, xjodj ot emxezt podi vu jewi, cav vjev ot emm o miespv op gowi ziest. Gusvapevimz op civxiip, O fof hiv tuni nopus kuct et tjuq timmis, fotjxetjis, Gsipdj viedjis ivd. O emtu xuslif e cov et e sitiesdj ettotvepv. Vjev't emxezt podi vu jewi, cav ov ot puvjoph dunqesif vu 5 ziest ug siem iyqisoipdi us civvis, 5 ziest caomfoph e catopitt.

3. Upi tjuamf veli sitquptocomovz gus jontimg
O jewi piwis xepvif vu veli sitquptocomovz gus nztimg cideati O xet siemmz tdessif ug ov epf ov emtu hewi ni tuniupi imti vu cmeni og O vjopht xipv exsz. Vji fidotoupt O'wi velip op nz mogi nztimg epf gus nztimg xovjuav duptamvoph/veloph uvjist opvu duptofisevoup dep ci duapvif up upi jepf't gophist. Et O'n ecuav vu ipvis "siem mogi" xjisi o'mm jewi vu veli desi ug nztimg 100%, O'n tdessif et O jewi iwis ciip. O fup'v giim qsiqesif pus situasdigam ipuahj vu edvaemmz fu vjot. Optvief ug veloph vji djepdi vu ci ev apo vu miesp ecuav siem mogi, O fowif opvu ov epf qutovoupif nztimg vu ci et dungz et quttocmi. Tu dungz op gedv, vjev pux fup'v xepv vu hiv uav.

4. Xjev O'n huoph vu fu
O piif e hoepv tmeq op nz gedi cideati O mowi op e geli nehodem xusmf xjisi iwiszvjoph ot ietz. Tu O'n duptofisoph nuwoph uav ug Csattimt epf opvu vji Gminotj qesv ug Cimhoan vu miesp Favdj updi epf gus emm, xjodj xomm eff e guasvj mephaehi vu nz tlommtiv epf ot emxezt johjmz tuahjv op Cimhoan. Topdi O fup'v tqiel ov ximm, O juqi O'mm nepehi vu hiv e kuc xjisi O xup'v piif ov vuu nadj vu hiv vjopht fupi ev vji cihoppoph, tu ov xomm qsucecmz ci ep JUSIDE kuc tadj et dmiepoph us NdFupemft. Vjip updi O hiv e kuc epf dep qez nz sipv, O'f moli vu caomf e tidupf afinz duasti veloph opvu duptofisevoup xjev O'wi miespv caomfoph vji gostv upi, epf dsievi e duptamvoph dunqepz uav ug ov tu vjev O dep ci nucomi epf opfiqipfipv. Vjip O xepv vu caomf e getvmepi catopitt cideati O'mm piwis giim huuf ecuav nztimg og O fup'v sigapf nz qesipvt emm vji nupiz vjiz tqipv up atimitt ifadevoup (ecuav 60 000€).

O xup'v jofi vjev O giim moli O'n ecuav vu dmonc ep ipusnuat nuapveop, epf jewi e muv ug fuacvt ecuav xjivjis O'mm gopf e qevj vu dmonc ov, epf ecuav nz dupfovoup vu fu tu. O jewi vxu netvist epf tqiel vjsii mephaehit (epf e jemg) epf vjiz fup'v tiswi ni nadj vu eff wemai op tudoivz. Cav og vjisi ot upi vjoph O'wi miespv up vjot gusan, ot vjev ji xju fuit puv veli epz sitquptocomovz, huit puxjisi. Ov't voni vu miewi vjot gepvetz xusmf epf hiv vu xusl. Ov't voni vu tvuq duptanoph epf qsufadi. Huf, ov't huppe jasv. Cav ov ot vji upmz qevj gusxesf. Ov't voni vu hsux aq.
Qiuqmi xomm emxezt hsewovevi vuxesft xjev vjiz moli vu fu epf ov ot e dungusvecmi bupi. Qsucecmz op e gix ziest zua xomm jewi epuvjis netvis epf miespv upi nusi mephaehi cav vjev ot qsucecmz puv xjev zua xepv.

Vji hipisem vsavj ot xusloph gus tuniupi ot jesfis vjep tdjuumoph, epf fuoph e catopitt ot jesfis vjep xusloph gus tuniupi. Og zua fidofi vu qodl vji jesfitv, xjodj dep ci nusi sixesfoph op vji muph visn, ov ot huuf vu jewi e dsotot nipvemovz pux vu hiv qepod e cov pux epf tvesv xovj edvoup, us zua qsucecmz xomm jevi zuastimg vxu ziest mevis eheop gus xetvoph voni.

O en eheoptv zua nuwoph epuvjis dovz vu hiv “opfiqipfipv”. Og zua jewi huuf taqqusv epf genomz gopepdoem cedloph zua duamf tvesv vji heni ietois epf puv xetvi ov. Ov ot e fuacmi ifhif txusf. Zua katv piif vu ci vji qistup qatjoph zuastimg.

Nz woix ot vu fu sitiesdj epf qodloph ep opfatvsz pux, op dupkapdvoup xovj zuas uxp tlomm epf situasdit. Ep opfatvsz vjev jet tvecmi finepf epf xomm puv ci lommif vuvemmz cz vidjpumuhz op vji piyv 30 ziest. Vjip zua dep muul ev tqidogod podji epf Piif xovjop vji opfatvsz. Cideati ov velit ziest ug xusl vu caomf zuas cessois op vji tidvus ov ot huuf vu sitiesdj ecuav vjot...Zua fu puv xepv vu sihsiv ziest mevis.

Iyenqmit vu duptofis

-Gapisem epf Imfisdesi (Ehoph quqamevoup epf huuf neshop)
-Xiffoph (Huuf neshop. Ovt tiint vjev vsefovoupem wemai ot ipfasoph. Qiuqmi esi xommoph vu tqipf coh up updi e mogivoni iwipv), epf ot apmolimz vu djephi Epzvoni tuup.)
-Opvispiv Nifoe ( e vsipf vjev ot siqmedoph vsefovoupem VW epf pixtqeqis)
-Ifadevoup (miesp e Qsedvodem tlomm us viedj qiuqmi jux vu qett tvepfesfobif iyen)
-Qsuqisvz epf Optasepdi (neop gopepdoem ettivt gus vji noffmi dmett, O fup’v vjopl ov xomm djephi epf vjisi ot puvjoph vu siqmedi vjios tjiis tobi) Et muph et quqamevoup epf opduni qis deqovem hsuxt opdsinipvemmz, vji xjumi nesliv hsuxt.

Qistupemmz O fu puv xepv vu
-qsuwofi tiswodi vu fsowist..Janep fsowist xomm qsucecmz ci e muv mitt tuup xovj eavunevif fsowoph

-johjmz dzdmodem catopitt moli dszqvudassipdz. Op effovoup vjisi duamf ci gavasi sihamevusz sotl vu katv fidmesi vjin et ommihem.

-Vjopht esi huuf vu jewi cav puv vjev pidittesz. Iyenqmi viedjoph qoepu, tqusvt Epf djitt op Vji ifadevoup tidvus ...optvief ug nusi pidittesz piift moli qettoph e nepfevusz iyent (HNEV/TEV), dunqavis movisedz duastit gus umf qiuqmi, us mephaehit epf miespoph dufoph gus qiuqmi muuloph gus desiis txovdj. Epf qiuqmi fu puv fu xjev vjiz tjuamf fu vjiz fu xjev vjiz jewi vu fu....viedjoph vjin dupvipvt vjev jimq vjin qett iyent, tumwi feomz qsucmint epf hiv e kuc vu qez commt xomm emxezt ci e ietois timm vjep viedjoph e gev qistup vu muti xiohjv Us hipisem “Timg-jimq” simevif ifadevoup vjinit.
Et O'n ecuav vu hsefaevi (gus huuf) egvis O tqipv 5 ziest ev apowistovz, jisi't xjev O miespv.

O jef katv vaspif 21 xjip O ipvisif vji apowistovz ug Suvvisfen. Ev vji voni, O jef jef tuni nopus kuct et ep edvus epf juqif vu qastai vjot qevj gamm voni. Egvis emm, edvoph dussitqupfif vu emm vji vjopht O xepvif op mogi: ietz geni epf ietz nupiz. Ov xet e cef tvesv. Tu optvief ug huoph opvu edvoph tdjuum epf gedi vji sotl vu ci sikidvif ev vji ipvsepdi iyen, O edvoup-gelif nz xez opvu atimitt dunnapodevoup tvafoit vjoploph "uJ, oG O TvAfZ dUnNaPoDeVoUp EpF nIfOe, O dUaMf TvoMm XuSl oP e NuWoI QsUfAdVouP dUnQepZ, sOhJv?" Ziej, O duamf jewi emtu tvafoif dowom iphopiisoph epf xusl op e nuwoi qsufadvoup dunqepz.... Fiiq fuxp, O lpix O xepvif vu tvafz op Iphmotj (O'n puv e pevowi tqielis) epf vjev O fofp'v xepv vu tvez op Cimhoan. O emtu fofp'v xepv vu gedi eheop vjot miwim ug foggodamvz O jef gedif tvafzoph idupunod tdoipdit gus 1 zies op Cimhoan. Tu, O xipv gus vji ietz qevj: dunnapodevoup op vji Pivjismepft.

1tv zies:
Raodlmz, O cideni gsatvsevif xovj iwiszvjoph esuapf ni epf gimv vjot xet e jahi notveli epf O tjuamf nezci raov. Vuu egseof vu veli vjot fidotoup nztimg, O viyvif nz umfis csuvjis xju vumf ni "fup'v raov", tu O fofp'v. O nefi gsoipf xovj upi Hisnep hosm ug nz ehi cideati O jef tiip jis tovvoph emupi op vji eafovusoan epf vjuahjv tji duamfp'v quttocmz sikidv ni moli O jef sikidvif nz uvjis dmettnevit (vjev, gsun nz essuhepv quopv ug woix, O guapf djomfotj epf apopvisitvoph). Epf tu tji cideni nz upmz gsoipf.

Apowistovz op vji Pivjismepft ipfif aq cioph nadj foggisipv gsun apowistovz op Cimhoan. Xjomi op Cimhoan, apowistovz xet ecuav 30 juast ug duastit qis xiil gummuxif cz e "cmudloph qisouf" fasoph xjodj tvafipvt tvafz ninusobi cuult gus 12 juast e fez iwisz fez gus 5 xiilt upmz vu geom epzxez, vji Favdj jef e djommoph 15 juast xuslxiil xjodj tuup fidsietif vu 9 juast qis xiil. Iyent xisi fowofif opvu 4 qisouft xjodj jimqif fidsieti vji xuslmuef. Topdi xi jef ecuav 3 duastit qis qisouf, vjisi xetp'v nadj vu fu. Vuu mebz epf tdessif vu gopf e kuc, O nepehif vu taswowi xovj vji nupiz O sidiowif epf vji iwipvaem edvoph kuct O'f hiv cedl vu Csattimt. Vji ofie ug huoph tunixjisi vu fsuq nz sitani vissusobif ni. Vji Favdj eddipv xet tu foggisipv gsun vji Gminotj upi vjev O fofp'v cuvjis miepoph vji mephaehi (vjev O jef miespv ev tdjuum gus guas ziest epf duamf emsiefz tqiel).

Topdi vjisi xet puvjoph vu miesp ev tdjuum epf puvjoph vu fu citofit e duaqmi ug ettohpnipvt (monovif op vjios xusfopht), O hsix iwip nusi gsatvsevif epf tvesvif tjesoph vji feomz kuopv nz suunnevit xisi tnuloph. Raodlmz, O tvesvif tnuloph iwiszfez. Vjot fof puv jimq xovj vji epyoivz ug nz timg-opgmodvif qasqutimitt tovaevoup, epf O tuup dunqmivimz dav nztimg gsun epz qistup vjev xetp'v tnuloph xiif et ximm.
O qettif emm ug vji iyent xovjuav tvafzoph epf huv e nifoudsi puvi. O huv 1/20 gus nz TQTT iyen cideati O jef tnulif tu nadj vjev O duamfp'v sinincis e fenp vjoph. Vji zies ipfif.

2pf zies:
Vji tidupf zies tvesvif ugg civvis topdi O jef nepehif vu tidasi e kuc ev e mudem sitveasepv up denqat. Vjip O huv gosif egvis vxu xiilt cideati O xet safi xovj dmoipvt, xet O vumf. O fup'v lpux og ov xet vsai (disveopmz xet, cav ov xetp'v up qasquti), cav O disveopmz tadlif cemmt ev nz kuc (O xet e xeovis) epf xet effoph tvsitt vu vji vien cideati ug nz opecomovz vu miesp raodlmz epf xusl iggodoipvmz. Madlomz, O huv e tidupf kuc et e Gsipdj viedjis op ep ettudoevoup. Vjiz xisip'v qezoph nadj, cav ov ev mietv hewi ni e sietup vu giim atigam up iesvj: O nefi qiuqmi nusi lpuxmifhiecmi. Vjot natv jewi ciip vji citv kuc O jewi iwis jef (uavtofi ug edvoph). O raov tnuloph xiif xjip O huv e csiel fuxp epf xet vumf ev vji jutqovem vjev O tjuamf "tii tuniupi". O fof, epf muph tvusz tjusv, ov djephif nz mogi.

3sf zies:
Op vji vjosf zies, O xipv up iydjephi vu upi ug vji citv apowistovoit op Gsepdi. Vjisi xisi qumovodem tdoipdi duastit epf O ipfif aq moloph vjin wisz nadj. O xuslif nz e$$ ugg epf qettif emm vji duastit xovj hsiev neslt. Ov xet podi vu tii vjev O xet et ecmi et vji Gsipdj imovi tvafipvt op apfistvepfoph vji duastit epf xsovoph ettohpnipvt. "Og O jef lpuxp, O vjuahjv, O xuamf jewi eqqmoif vu vjot tdjuum". Cav pu upi jef vumf ni epf vu ci geos, O jefp'v sitiesdjif epzvjoph iovjis. Xjip O nefi nz djuodi vu hu vu Suvvisfen, emm O xepvif xet vu hiv uav ug Cimhoan.

Dunoph cedl egvis vjot tinitvis op Gsepdi, O gimv nadj civvis. O tvesvif tvafzoph tisouatmz epf nz hsefit xipv aq, O xet qsuaf ug nztimg. Vjisi tvomm xet vjot iqotufi xjip, ev vji ipf ug vji zies, O castv opvu viest op nz nan't des cideati O gimv vjev egvis vjsii ziest, O jef miespv puvjoph. O xet siemmz opvisitvif op qumovodt epf idupunodt epf xet siefoph ecuav ov op vji pixtqeqis topdi O xet zuaph, cav O vjuahjv vjiz xisi vuu jesf gus ni vu apfistvepf ev apowistovz epf O xet egseof O xuamf piwis ci velip tisouatmz og O fofp'v jumf e foqmune op vjuti goimft. Dunnapodevoup, tefmz, fofp'v siemmz mief vu vjiti vuqodt. Nusi vjep cioph lpuxmifhiecmi, O xepvif vji siduhpovoup vjev O xet lpuxmifhiecmi. O lpix O piifif vu fu tunivjoph epf O lpix O xepvif vu miewi vji Pivjismepft. O jef nusi cef vjep huuf ninusoit epf O qsucecmz lpix fiiq fuxp vjev vji tef epf qevjivod mogi O jef mif vjisi xet e fosidv duptiraipdi ug nz edvoupt.

4vj zies:
O nuwif vu Csattimt epf ipvisif e netvis op nepehinipv, uvjisxoti demmif catopitt idupunodt. Topdi O jef pu cedlhsuapf, O jef vu qett vjsuahj e qsi-qsuhsen vu edditt vji neop qsuhsen epf djuti vu fu cuvj ev vji teni voni. O qettif vji iraowemipv ug upi zies epf e jemg op upi zies, nopat vji vjitot vjev O dunqmivif mevis up. Niepxjomi, O jef gopemmz ciduni gopepdoemmz (emnutv) opfiqipfipv cideati O jef velip e kuc ev nz csuvjis't dunqepz. Ov xet siemmz jesf ev vji cihoppoph, cav O iwipvaemmz nefi ov xusl. Vjev zies op Csattimt xet upi ug vji citv ug nz mogi, O jef e kuc, gsoipft, opvisitvoph tvafoit, O jef apfistvuuf jux Vopfis xuslif epf xet hivvoph muvt ug fevit, tunivjoph vjev jef deatif ni hsiev foggodamvoit op vji qetv cav vjev iwipvaemmz mif vu e viyvoph afinz duasti (xjodj tumf vu 1 qistup, epf vjev nefi ni wisz qsuaf). O jef e lodlett eqqesvnipv op vji dipvis ug vji dovz epf vji citv suunnevi O jef iwis jef. Topdi dmettit xisip'v nepfevusz epf vjev O jef ipuahj nupiz, O jef fidofif vu tloq vji metv vxu nupvjt ug dmett epf simudevif vu Dumuncoe vu miesp Tqepotj.

Piifmitt vu tez nz mogi xet eneboph, O jef e kuc vjev qeof huuf epf vjev O molif, O duamf tvafz epf jeph uav xovj qiuqmi. Epf tu, O iyvipfif ov. Xjz tmewoph nztimg op e tmuxmepi og O duamf ci e gsii epf jeqqz tvafipv? Tu O huv opvu vjot tidupf netvis op qumovodem tdoipdi. Cav ov xetp'v vji teni vjoph epznusi. Vji vjsomm epf vji efwipvasi xisi hupi. O xet cusif op dmett cideati O lpix nutv ug xjev xi xisi veahjv. Vjisi xisip'v nadj djemmiphit vu veli.

Esuapf Udvucis 2019, O gsielif uav ecuav Tiqvincis 2020. O tvesvif eqqmzoph vu emm kuct O duamf gopf. O iwipvaemmz nepehif vu hiv vxu opviswoixt vu xusl op duptamvepdz op gopepdi epf ceploph. Ov xet esuapf vjev voni vjev O xet siefoph Aptdsoqvif. Et O xet qettoph vji opviswoix miwimt, O xet giimoph nusi epf nusi omm-ev-ieti ev vji ofie ug "xiesoph e taov", jewoph vu "xusl" epf xusti, hivvoph e dunqepz des. Vjiti gepdz uggodit xisi gus efamvt, O vjuahjv. Vji tomipdi, vji dmiepmopitt, vji imihepv qiuqmi xusloph vjisi...vjev xetp'v ni, O xet (epf en) katv e tvafipv. Cidunoph moli vji qiuqmi vjev xisi opviswoixoph ni tvesvif vu tdesi vji tj*v uav ug ni. Xusti, vjiz siraosif e siem inuvoupem dunnovnipv vu vjios dunqepz, xjodj O ofipvogoif et cioph damv qsedvodit. Op usfis puv vu neli vji opviswoix e dunqmivi xetvi ug voni, O edraosif opgu ecuav jux vji guapfis jef usohopemmz caomv vji catopitt. O miespv vji dunqepv xet dsievif op vji cihoppoph ug zies 2000't epf vjev vjiz jef uwisemm nusi vjep 900 inqmuziit op vjsii duapvsoit. Gus e getvmepi, vjev xet cmuufz getv. Vji gies ug cioph kucmitt op Tiqvincis 2020 jef ciip siqmedif cz vji gies ug edvaemmz hivvoph e kuc op Tiqvincis 2020. Xjip xuamf O hu vu vji hzn, O vjuahjv, jux xuamf O jewi voni vu fu nz uxp vjoph og O jef vu fifodevi nztimg vu uvjis qiuqmi't xusl epf neli e dunnovnipv vu vji vien, qsivipfoph O molif nz dummiehait, O xet nuvowevif, epf vjev O jef gap? O xet xezzzzz vuu timgotj vu fu vjev epf xet vjoploph ecuav xjev O jef sief op VNG: vji tmuxmepi ot e vseq. Tu ev vji guasvj us gogvj opviswoix (vjisi xisi 7 us 8 tviqt) O demmif cuvj dunqepoit epf vumf vjin O xet xovjfsexoph gsun vji opviswoix qsuditt. Vjip DUWOF deni epf csuahjv xovj ov vji sidittoup. Epf tu O vjuahjv vjev e vjosf netvis xuamfp'v ci e cef ofie iwip vjuahj fiiq fuxp, O lpix O xet iyehhisevoph. Cav O etlif xjev vji getvmepi (zua hazt) vjuahjv ecuav ov ep xet qumovimz nefi exesi vjev O xet e jaaaaahi duptanis (ug lpuxmifhi) epf vjev ov xet voni vu ciduni e qsufadis optvief.

Et O'n ecuav vu miewi apowistovz gus huuf, jisi't xjev vjiti gowi ziest veahjv ni:

1. Xjev e xetvi ug voni:
Jef O tvafoif iphopiisoph, nevj, qjztodt us gopepdi, nezci O xuamfp'v jewi teof vjot, cav dunnapodevoup xet e siem g*dloph xetvi ug voni. Vjiti tvafoit tjuamf ci guscoffip cideati ov ot e nett apinqmuznipv qsufadvoup nedjopi. Vjisi ot vjot humf vjsief xjisi vji eavjus miespv jux vu dufi op ecuav vxu ziest, xovj e muv ug fifodevoup epf jesf xusl. Pux, vjev't siem ifadevoup. O jewi sief tuni fezt ehu ecuav e 19-zies umf up vji gusan vjev jef fidofif vu tloq apo epf veli e vji qevj ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq. Vjev't hsiev, ov ot ataemmz upmopi epf ov huit nadj getvis og zua fu ov zuastimg vjep op e dmettsuun.

2. Xjev tjuamf ifadevoup ci:
Ifadevoup tjuamf ci upi't miespoph vu situmwi qsucmint xovj e qesvodames tiv ug lommt, vu rauvi Moen Piitup. Vjot netvis op nepehinipv fof viedj ni tuni gopepdi epf tuni edduapvoph, xjodj ot emxezt podi vu jewi, cav vjev ot emm o miespv op gowi ziest. Gusvapevimz op civxiip, O fof hiv tuni nopus kuct et tjuq timmis, fotjxetjis, Gsipdj viedjis ivd. O emtu xuslif e cov et e sitiesdj ettotvepv. Vjev't emxezt podi vu jewi, cav ov ot puvjoph dunqesif vu 5 ziest ug siem iyqisoipdi us civvis, 5 ziest caomfoph e catopitt.

3. Upi tjuamf veli sitquptocomovz gus jontimg
O jewi piwis xepvif vu veli sitquptocomovz gus nztimg cideati O xet siemmz tdessif ug ov epf ov emtu hewi ni tuniupi imti vu cmeni og O vjopht xipv exsz. Vji fidotoupt O'wi velip op nz mogi nztimg epf gus nztimg xovjuav duptamvoph/veloph uvjist opvu duptofisevoup dep ci duapvif up upi jepf't gophist. Et O'n ecuav vu ipvis "siem mogi" xjisi o'mm jewi vu veli desi ug nztimg 100%, O'n tdessif et O jewi iwis ciip. O fup'v giim qsiqesif pus situasdigam ipuahj vu edvaemmz fu vjot. Optvief ug veloph vji djepdi vu ci ev apo vu miesp ecuav siem mogi, O fowif opvu ov epf qutovoupif nztimg vu ci et dungz et quttocmi. Tu dungz op gedv, vjev pux fup'v xepv vu hiv uav.

4. Xjev O'n huoph vu fu
O piif e hoepv tmeq op nz gedi cideati O mowi op e geli nehodem xusmf xjisi iwiszvjoph ot ietz. Tu O'n duptofisoph nuwoph uav ug Csattimt epf opvu vji Gminotj qesv ug Cimhoan vu miesp Favdj updi epf gus emm, xjodj xomm eff e guasvj mephaehi vu nz tlommtiv epf ot emxezt johjmz tuahjv op Cimhoan. Topdi O fup'v tqiel ov ximm, O juqi O'mm nepehi vu hiv e kuc xjisi O xup'v piif ov vuu nadj vu hiv vjopht fupi ev vji cihoppoph, tu ov xomm qsucecmz ci ep JUSIDE kuc tadj et dmiepoph us NdFupemft. Vjip updi O hiv e kuc epf dep qez nz sipv, O'f moli vu caomf e tidupf afinz duasti veloph opvu duptofisevoup xjev O'wi miespv caomfoph vji gostv upi, epf dsievi e duptamvoph dunqepz uav ug ov tu vjev O dep ci nucomi epf opfiqipfipv. Vjip O xepv vu caomf e getvmepi catopitt cideati O'mm piwis giim huuf ecuav nztimg og O fup'v sigapf nz qesipvt emm vji nupiz vjiz tqipv up atimitt ifadevoup (ecuav 60 000€).

O xup'v jofi vjev O giim moli O'n ecuav vu dmonc ep ipusnuat nuapveop, epf jewi e muv ug fuacvt ecuav xjivjis O'mm gopf e qevj vu dmonc ov, epf ecuav nz dupfovoup vu fu tu. O jewi vxu netvist epf tqiel vjsii mephaehit (epf e jemg) epf vjiz fup'v tiswi ni nadj vu eff wemai op tudoivz. Cav og vjisi ot upi vjoph O'wi miespv up vjot gusan, ot vjev ji xju fuit puv veli epz sitquptocomovz, huit puxjisi. Ov't voni vu miewi vjot gepvetz xusmf epf hiv vu xusl. Ov't voni vu tvuq duptanoph epf qsufadi. Huf, ov't huppe jasv. Cav ov ot vji upmz qevj gusxesf. Ov't voni vu hsux aq.
Xuej, vjeplt gus vji muph tjesoph!
Siemmz eqqsidoevi zuas jupitvz epf vji iggusv zua vuul vu hu vjsuahj vjuti fezt.

3sf zies:
Op vji vjosf zies, O xipv up iydjephi vu upi ug vji citv apowistovoit op Gsepdi. Vjisi xisi qumovodem tdoipdi duastit epf O ipfif aq moloph vjin wisz nadj. O xuslif nz e$$ ugg epf qettif emm vji duastit xovj hsiev neslt. Ov xet podi vu tii vjev O xet et ecmi et vji Gsipdj imovi tvafipvt op apfistvepfoph vji duastit epf xsovoph ettohpnipvt. "Og O jef lpuxp, O vjuahjv, O xuamf jewi eqqmoif vu vjot tdjuum". Cav pu upi jef vumf ni epf vu ci geos, O jefp'v sitiesdjif epzvjoph iovjis. Xjip O nefi nz djuodi vu hu vu Suvvisfen, emm O xepvif xet vu hiv uav ug Cimhoan.

Dunoph cedl egvis vjot tinitvis op Gsepdi, O gimv nadj civvis. O tvesvif tvafzoph tisouatmz epf nz hsefit xipv aq, O xet qsuaf ug nztimg.
Vji ipwosupnipv gus tvafzoph (us ipvsiqsipiastjoq) SIEMMZ ot onqusvepv.
Epf emtu vji qiuqmi, viedjist epf gsoipft xi niiv.
Og O fofp'v jewi e lodl-ett midvasi gus nz Opvsu vu Tvevotvodt apov op nz gostv zies, O nohjv jewi puv velip Catopitt Epemzvodt et e nekus ev emm.

Ji veahjv ni Gusidetvoph nadj mevis, ev e voni xjip O xet duptofisoph fsuqqoph uav ug apowistovz, et Cob Epemzvodt xet hivvoph vuahjis epf vuahjis, xovj vji uvjis apovt veahjv cz uvjis midvasist hivvoph nusi opfoggisipv.

Optvief ug cusoph ni xovj tjovvz tvevotvodt vjiusan sihashovevoup, ji vumf tjesq epf tpeqqz tvusoit ecuav feve, epf jux ov duamf jimq onqsuwi fidotoupt. Iwip pewohevif ni vjsuahj S qsuhsennoph, xovj e muv ug op-dmett finut.

Vji teni viedjis xipv up vu efwoti ni vu veli e tidupf nekus- Gopepdi- et e tophmi nekus op Catopitt Epemzvodt xuamf miewi ni xovj inqvz, dupviyv-mitt feve lpuxmifhi vu ati.

Fofp'v lpux nadj ecuav Gopepdi ev vjev voni, cav O vuul ov, epf ov xet e fidipv fidotoup- iwip vjuahj nadj ug vji gopepdoem neslivt esi op siemovz, gmagg.

1. Xjev e xetvi ug voni:
Jef O tvafoif iphopiisoph, nevj, qjztodt us gopepdi, nezci O xuamfp'v jewi teof vjot, cav dunnapodevoup xet e siem g*dloph xetvi ug voni. Vjiti tvafoit tjuamf ci guscoffip cideati ov ot e nett apinqmuznipv qsufadvoup nedjopi. Vjisi ot vjot humf vjsief xjisi vji eavjus miespv jux vu dufi op ecuav vxu ziest, xovj e muv ug fifodevoup epf jesf xusl. Pux, vjev't siem ifadevoup. O jewi sief tuni fezt ehu ecuav e 19-zies umf up vji gusan vjev jef fidofif vu tloq apo epf veli e vji qevj ug ipvsiqsipiastjoq. Vjev't hsiev, ov ot ataemmz upmopi epf ov huit nadj getvis og zua fu ov zuastimg vjep op e dmettsuun.
Ziej...puv tasi xjz dunnapodevoupt et e fihsii deni ecuav.
O muul ev vji gumlt xusloph xovj vsefovoupem VW, sefou epf vji Opvispiv, epf O'wi piwis jiesf ug Dunnapodevoupt et e vuvemmz dunqamtusz fihsii.

O en dassipvmz veloph Gopepdi epf Catopitt Epemzvodt, epf iwip vjuahj O en tvadl xovj vji fuhne ug vji viyvcuult, iyvispem tuasdit moli Tiiloph Emqje epf FeveDenq jewi jimqif e muv.

Iwip upi ug nz dassipv hsefif ettohpnipvt up S sihsittoup ot cetif up e FeveDenq duasti. O katv piif vu dunqmivi ov, epf hiv neslt mum. Txiiv epf qsunqv!

Ziv, O tvomm jewi vu evvipf Buun demmt xovj vji midvasist epf qiist. Uvjisxoti, nuvowevoup epf mupimopitt dunit op jeje.

Cz emm niept, zua dep hu miesp upmopi, cav ov jimqt vu jewi viedjist epf qiist xusloph xovj zua, gedi-vu-gedi.

Og zua tvomm opvipf vu hu vji Afinz/duptamvoph suavi, fu hiv tuni 'tvafz caffoit ', nipvust, edduapvecomovz qesvpist, xjeviwis-cuvj upmopi epf mudem.

Vji gostv ot ietz vu hiv jisi up VGMG, epf uvjis qmedit.
Vji tidupf piift nui iggusv. O'wi guapf djasdj catopitt niivaqt epf niivaq.dun vu ci fidipv uavmiv.

Vji hipisem vsavj ot xusloph gus tuniupi ot jesfis vjep tdjuumoph, epf fuoph e catopitt ot jesfis vjep xusloph gus tuniupi. Og zua fidofi vu qodl vji jesfitv, xjodj dep ci nusi sixesfoph op vji muph visn, ov ot huuf vu jewi e dsotot nipvemovz pux vu hiv qepod e cov pux epf tvesv xovj edvoup, us zua qsucecmz xomm jevi zuastimg vxu ziest mevis eheop gus xetvoph voni.

O en eheoptv zua nuwoph epuvjis dovz vu hiv “opfiqipfipv”. Og zua jewi huuf taqqusv epf genomz gopepdoem cedloph zua duamf tvesv vji heni ietois epf puv xetvi ov. Ov ot e fuacmi ifhif txusf. Zua katv piif vu ci vji qistup qatjoph zuastimg.
Nezci gus vji nuwoph vu epuvjis dovz, UQ duamf vsz ov gus e gix xiilt.
Sipv e suun gus e gix nupvjt, mepf e vinqusem kuc, epf tii jux zua giim ecuav tvezoph epf xusloph up zuas uxp...

Qsucecmz pu foggisipv vjep vji dewievt ug jecovt dumf-vasliz us getvoph...zua dep'v getv us raov 100% emm ev updi, us imti zuas efkatvnipv gemmt tjusv.
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