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Read Fastlane!
May 27, 2015
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User Power: 273%
While reading Hal Elrod's 'The Miracle Morning' after MJ recommended it in a thread, there was one sentence that made a light bulb go on in my head. You know that feeling of reading something and realizing that you never thought about it this way, no matter how obvious it actually is? That's the feeling I had. Now what did he write? It was a quote he mentioned in the beginning:

“Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development” — Jim Rohn

But what does that actually mean?
Disclaimer: Before I get started, please note that I won't go into his whole Miracle Morning thing, yes I love the book and yes I enjoyed every Miracle Morning I did so far.

"Your level of success...
How would you rate your level of success at the moment? On a scale from 1-10, or on a scale from "I just finished reading TMF " to a MJ, Bio, Vig, Kak, etc. You're probably somewhere between. Of course it's a thing of perception, for some it's a level 8 success if you earn $3000 a month in a job after college. For me a Slowlane life is a level 1 success, no matter the salary. Everyone has to set their goals for themselves.

... will rarely exceed your level of personal development"
But no matter your goal, if you haven't reached it yet, it's time to ask yourself what level of personal development you are on at the moment. Let's just use an example. Your level of personal development is a 3-4.

Now let's play with some numbers:
level of success goal: 9-10
current level of success: 1-2
current level of personal development: 3-4

Now keep the above quote in mind. If your level of success probably won't exceed your level of personal development (3-4), how can you reach your goal of a level 9-10 success? Maybe it's time to change..

Let me use another quote, a pretty famous one, before I move on:

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein

Most people do the same thing over and over again, they want a level 9-10 success but still do the same things that keep them their level 1-2 success. With reading, understanding and accepting the things said in TMF you now have the knowledge to break out of this vicious cycle of insanity, the majority is in. But let me hit you with the blunt truth, just because you read a book and understand what is written in this book, doesn't make you reach a higher level of success. You have to put this knowledge into action, into the right action!

But how can you reach a higher level of success if you are still the lazy guy that loves watching 5 episodes of Game of Thrones in a row? Breaking news: you can't. If you stay the same, you will always get the same results, and therefore you will stay at the same level of success.

I'm honest with you, I can't tell you how to do it. It's something everyone gotta figure out for themselves, one step is to accept the advice given by people who already achieved what you want to achieve, listen to people who are on the level you want to be on. Accept and interalize their mindsets. In other words, put into action what you read in TMF and on here.

I can't tell you how to get to the level 9-10 success, simply because I'm not there yet. But I can tell you how I almost f*cked up everything just because I was not willing to change and hopefully make you avoid this detour of 4 years.

Yes I know, 4 years is not too much if you consider that some spent decades in the Slowlane before even reading TMF. But what if I tell you that I read TMF before this detour of 4 years started? The first time I got my hands on TMF was in 2011 but it took me 4 years until I really started taking action in 2015.

When I first read TMF in 2011 I loved it from the first word on, I read the first part on the Sidewalk, then the second part on the Slowlane and then.. then I stopped. I don't know why. I just stopped reading it, I guess doing other stuff was more exciting than reading a book. Duh.. I know, could slap myself for that, I stopped reading the book before it got to the most important part, the Fastlane part. It needed a vacation to California that made me open the book again and reading the rest of it, that vacation was in March 2015. If you're asking yourself "the F*ck did he do the last 4 years?" that's not hard to explain. In one word: nothing.

No matter that I knew about the Sidewalk and the Slowlane, and of course that the Fastlane exists (just without the details, since I didn't read that part until 2015) I didn't change my choices and therefore I didn't change my actions AND THEREFORE I didn't change my level of success. I kept repeating what I did before reading TMF: watching tv, playing PS3, sleeping, taking naps, eating shit (not literally), surfing the web for nonsense, playing minecraft on my phone, laying there for hours doing nothing and of course, while doing all this, dreaming about getting rich and successful. I even started a business with a friend and a friend of him after I recommended him reading TMF. I actually worked on the company in the beginning. In the beginning... after the first motivation was gone, I fell back into my old routines, risking my friendship to one of my best friends due to my lack of interest in our company.

I wasn't able to make better choices, simply because I didn't want to. It was so much easier to lay on my couch watching half a season of Breaking Bad in one day, then doing the stuff I did't enjoy like working on our company. I fell back into the normal job life, trying to be good at my newest job, trying to enjoy the time at the job. I lost my desire for the Fastlane life, just because I didn't want to change myself. I also gained 25kg over those years and spend every cent of my salary every month. I almost f*cked up everything that I dreamed of since reading the first words of TMF.

Then came March 2015 and me and my best friends went to the US Westcoast (SF, LA, San Diego, Vegas). We lived the life I always dreamed of, I never felt that free and happy before. Coming from a kinda small town in Germany, I never really met a multi millionaire, not to mention seeing one Ferrari and Lambo after the other. This vacation brought me back to life, I saw and felt what is possible in life. After we came home, I grabbed TMF and finished reading it. I realized I had to change myself if I don't want to waste the next 4 years like I did the last 4. I knew that I had to change my whole mindset and behavior. I needed to get rid of the old me, the lazy me, the 'I don't want to change' me. I knew that the 'old' me will never be successful. I will never be successful if I continue doing the things over and over again that I did for all those years.

Now I know that you can't reach the level 9 or 10 success, without first changing yourself. If you are not willing to spend hours doing something you may not enjoy, and to sacrifice doing the things you enjoy doing, your level of success will never exceed that low level of your personal development.

It took me 4 years until I realized I need to change myself and start taking action, if this thread makes only one of you avoid this detour, it was already worth my time writing it.
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“Zuas miwim ug tadditt xomm sesimz iydiif zuas miwim ug qistupem fiwimuqnipv” — Kon Sujp
Vjot gsun upi qistqidvowi jet puvjoph fu xovj zuas gopepdoem tadditt, topdi tadditt xovj nupiz dunit gsun qistupem fiwimuqnipv. Og zua fup'v jewi vji sohjv nopftiv, zua qsivvz nadj dep gushiv ecuav ov. Zua dep jewi vji sohjv nopftiv cav ci ev epz miwim up tudoem tvevat. Ov't qesv ug vji qsuditt gus nepz vu qistupemmz fiwimuq epf eqqmz. Iwisz tudoem dmett jet e foggisipv nopftiv. Qistupem fiwimuqnipv ot veahjv op foggisipv xezt. Xju esi zua motvipoph vuu? Xjev iyqisoipdi fu vjiz jewi? Ot vjios efwodi uav ug ohpusepdi?

Tuniupi nohjv vjopl vjiz'si e vip, cav fup'v jewi vji sohjv nopf tiv. Dupgmodvoph cimoigt gsun xjev vjiz'si veahjv ecuav nupiz, wistat cioph sodj epf taddittgam. Ot ov ivjodemmz, nusemmz, epf huuf vu ci sodj. Nepz qiuqmi tvsahhmi xovj xjev cimoigt vjiz jewi ecuav nupiz, epf iwip xjip vjiz fu hiv vjisi tvesv raitvoupoph vjintimwit epf howi ov exez us tecuvehi vjintimwit.
Tu katv op cimoigt ecuav nupiz ot upi ewipai ug qistupem fiwimuqnipv. Xjev fu zua cimoiwi ecuav nupiz? Xjev fu zua cimoiwi ecuav sodj qiuqmi? Pihevowi giifcedl zua'wi jiesf gsun tudoivz, genomz, simohoup/tqosovaem, gsoipft, du-xuslist, us uvjis tohpogodepv qiuqmi op zuas mogi.

Jux nepz qiuqmi fu zua tii xop vji muvvisz, us ciduni genuat epf fup'v jewi vji sohjv nopftiv. Vjiz gemm fuxpjomm us hiv deahjv op vji vseq tuni lopf ug effodvoup.

Xjev ot qistupem fiwimuqnipv?

Djephoph vjuahjvt/Djephoph Jecovt
Csieloph effodvoupt
Inuvoupem & Nipvem fivedjnipv ug puv neloph vjopht qistupem epf ecuav zua. Vji xusmf fuitp'v siwumwi esuapf ni. Ov't puv ecuav ni. Ov't emxezt ecuav zua, zuas iyqisoipdi, jux zua vjopl, jux zua giim, epf jux zua qisdiowi vji xusmf. Epf xjev ot ov vjev ot jeqqipoph op zuas iyqisoipdi.
Sihamevoph Inuvoupt
Gudatoph vjuahjvt epf puv cioph fotvsedvif
Edvowi motvipoph
Miesp iggidvowi dunnapodevoup wiscemmz epf qjztodemmz. Pup-woumipv wt. Woumipv eqqsuedj
Miespoph vu veli uxpistjoq ug zuas qesv epf sumi. Vji deati epf iggidv ug vjuahjvt, edvoupt, epf xusft
Veloph eqqsuqsoevi edvoupt. Fuoph tunivjoph foggisipv optvief ug cioph deahjv op e pihevowi timg-figievoph dzdmi.
Jiemoph oppis xuapft gsun qetv, mivvoph ov hu, epf neloph qiedi xovj ov. Gushowoph.
Miespoph inuvoupem epf nipvem vsohhis quopvt epf tvezoph piavsem
Miespoph vu ci vji uctiswis epf veloph op zuas tassuapfopht xovj emm gowi tiptit, cioph emisv, cioph exesi, cioph ifadevif.
Timg-simoepv, opfiqipfipv, opvisfiqipfipv. Fsuq vji du-fiqipfipv wodvon nipvemovz

Vjisi't vupt ug tviqt op qistupem fiwimuqnipv. Xjisi esi zua us xjev miwim? Vjev't foggisipv gus iwiszupi. Tuni qiuqmi veli ziest katv vu gohasi uav vjiz fup'v piif vu qmez wodvon epf ci du-fiqipfipv. Vji exesipitt vjev effodvoupt nehpogz vjios pihevowi nopftiv. Tuni qiuqmi piwis miesp ev emm epf foi cideati vjiz fup'v jewi e qsucmin. Qtzdjumuhz, qistupem fiwimuqnipv, us xjeviwis nivjuf otp'v atigam, epf xju piift ov? Ov't nusi onqusvepv vu jofi cijopf effodvoupt epf jecovt, vjep vu taddiif us jewi jiemvjz simevouptjoqt. Vji vjoph ot zua dep ci taddittgam, cav ci e xuslejumod us ati qisgidvoupotn vu sap exez gsun tvagg op mogi.

Apvom zua'wi siedjif Timg-edvaemobevoup zua'si siemmz cimux gowi. Gowi epf aq ot e xjumi foggisipv cemm heni. Vjev huit xez cizupf vip. Vjiz'si puv cevvmoph xovj emm vji muxis duptdouat vjoploph egvis gowi. Op uvjis xusft uav ug vji nevsoy epf jewi tuni nivjuf ug liiqoph vjintimwit up vsedl epf op cemepdi. Tu xjev miwim zua'si ev fiqipft up jux nadj xusl epf opwitvnipv zua qav opvu zuastimg.
Tuniupi updi vumf ni vjev catopitt ot vji vsaitv gusn ug timg iyqsittoup. O vjopl vjev't qsucecmz tvsivdjoph ov, cav ov dep'v ci ges ugg. Xi'si fiemoph xovj nupiz egvis emm, epf uas simevouptjoq vu nupiz tezt e muv ecuav at.

Katv tqieloph gus nztimg, O vjopl vji hsuxvj ug nz catopitt sigmidvt vji hsuxvj ug ni et e qistup.

Epf nz apfistvepfoph ug nupiz djephif xovj vji jimq ug NK epf vjot gusan, epf dmodlif xjip O jiesf vji mopi "Nupiz ot qsuug zua jimqif zuas gimmux nep."

Vjeplt gus e hsiev tvusz epf vjuahjv qsuwuloph qutv @Taqe, epf @Nevvoe.
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