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Why Do Some People Always Seem to Win While Others Fail?

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May 16, 2009
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From Jack Miller's Commonwealth Letter in October 1996. All of Jack's Commonwealth Letters are available for CashFlowDepot.com members. Note these rules apply to all businesses, not just real estate entrepreneurs.

Is there some magic ingredient, some mystical force that creates good fortune for some and not for others? I believe there is. That's the bad news. The good news is that it can be captured and used by anyone who wants it. What is it? Where is it? Like riding a bicycle or swimming, it's really not all that mysterious once you understand it.

Can you remember your first attempt at bike riding? How could anyone expect to balance on those two tiny treads? Yet, once done, it never posed a problem for you again. The same holds for swimming. Until you'd done it once, you sank like a stone. Once you learned how to do it, you have to work to stay under water. In both instances, nothing new was added to the ingredients other than personal confidence in your own abilities.

That's the secret success ingredient: confidence in personal ability. Look around you. Those who seem the least successful also have the lowest self esteem and belief in themselves. They uniformly refuse to invest in themselves by putting in those long hours learning and practicing until they become expert in what they attempt to do. Instead, they try to lose themselves in the mind-robbing recreational opportunities with which all of us are continuously bombarded like television, sports, alcohol and drugs.

In contrast, successful people universally seem to share positive traits that lead to success. These include goal setting, diligence, prudence, balance, highly developed work and study habits, thrift, dedication, commitment, tolerance for risk taking, unshatterable confidence bordering on arrogance. This month we'll look at some of these.


Think back over your life. Can you find any exceptions to the above statement? Over your life thus far, isn't it true that when you accomplished something it was because you set out to do something, then did whatever it required to make it happen? In real life, there are few successes without some sense of purpose and clear objectives firmly entrenched in the heart and mind of those who are achievers. So we have to start with personal expectations - goals.

I was an Eagle Scout at age 14. It required that I study and learn to do many things which I would have never done had I not set out to be an Eagle Scout. The lessons I learned and the habits I formed in pursuit of that goal are still with me, serving me everyday. It wasn't easy to work on Scouting projects after delivering newspapers over a 12 mile rural route on my bicycle, but I wanted to achieve that award badly enough to do it.

That's the prime ingredient for success: DESIRE. You have to want it so badly that you can almost taste it. You have to focus every erg of your energy, every I.Q. point of mental capacity, every moment of time you can wrest from each day in pursuit of your goals. You can see that it's crucial that you set your own goals in order to be able to dedicate so much of yourself to achieving them. Here are some rules from my Winning Book

1. Develop a positive self image. To thine own self be true.

2. Don't let anyone else keep score in your ball game - neither family nor friends.

3. Be specific. Write out the WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW and WHY's.

4. Don't reveal your goals to anyone except by your achievements.

5. Arrange sub-goals in logical sequence to help you reach the next step.

6. Budget the sources of time and money needed to reach each level.

7. Set priorities and identify sacrifices you'll sustain to achieve each step.

8. Don't let short term diversions side track your efforts.

9. Don't allow others to substitute their goals for your own.

10. As you surpass each step, reward yourself to motivate your start on the next step.

There's nothing revolutionary about these rules. They've worked in one form or another in the lives of everyone who's succeeded in meeting his/her objectives. And they'll work for you too if you really apply yourself in internalizing them. But, this is only the beginning. There's more to being an achiever than merely wanting to succeed and writing down the steps as objectives. You've got to learn the territory. If you expect to become rich and famous in the world of real estate and finance, you've got to learn the financial rules of the road. When you attempt to enter the financial arena, you'll quickly discover that it really is a jungle out there. Pursuit of money is the most competitive activity in the world. I'm constantly amazed at people who actually pay money to compete at golf, handball, shooting, bridge and chess. The financial competition that I encounter on a daily basis leaves me wrung out without actually seeking out other ways in which to vent my competitive juices. You've got to stay in training every day.

Wealth only belongs to the person who can keep it. Like a 'jump ball' in a basketball game, it's always in contention. You can let up for just a moment and lose the ball - and the game itself - unless you're vigilant. That's the bad news. The good news is that every day you'll be able to awake to a new game that will surpass all of those feeble recreational pursuits mentioned above together. There's an old saying that more people have died of boredom than ever died of stress. I hope it's true, because you'll experience a fair degree of stress in the money game. Better learn some more rules.

1. Your word, financial integrity and credit performance - and that of the people you transact business with - are crucial to your ultimate financial success.

2. Personal ethics and values are the foundations of viable agreements between parties.

3. When dividing up profits equally, take 49% and give away 51%. You'll always find partners eager to join you in new ventures. Take 51% just once and they'll disappear.

4. A reputation for prudence and thrift is easier to maintain the one for extravagance.

5. Winners don't envy other winners, rather, they're happy to help others succeed too.

6. Intelligent people find ways to cooperate, not compete, in order to prosper.

7. You alone are responsible for your success or failure. Don't look for scapegoats.

These rules are internal maxims oriented toward your own self rather than toward others. You've got to spend some time defining the ethical framework within which you expect to operate. A decade or so ago I sat down with a famous TV real estate tape salesman who also wrote a newsletter and conducted seminars. We were comparing our objectives. He wanted to make $1,000,000 per year. I wanted to stay in the newsletter and seminar business all my life. He's filed bankruptcy since then. Since then he's acquired a fresh corporate name and reputation, and has started over.

I expect he's still making his $1,000,000 per year. I'm also still doing what I set out to do. In one sense we're both meeting our goals, but our ethical playing fields are worlds apart. Ultimately, the satisfaction you enjoy in reaching your goals will depend upon how you attained them regardless of how much money or power you acquire. The loss of self respect unethical methods cause is often reflected in the personal lives of unethical moguls. Note the incidence of divorce and chemical abuse that prevails among those who've moved too far, too fast through unethical means. To go on:

1. If 'A' will steal from 'B', he'll steal from 'C', and from thee, and from me.

2. Trust everyone, but cut the cards. Document everything to avoid 'selective' memory.

3. All the lawyers in the world can't hold a bad deal together or tear a good deal apart.


5. When investing, look down before you look up. Weigh risk of loss compared to profit.

6. Don't let anyone influence a decision unless they too lose when they're wrong.

7. Pay yourself first out of profits, next, pay others. If you can't, change businesses.

8. You can't buy a real map to a real gold mine at a profit. Who'd sell it?

9. Success rests on patience as much as on skill, talent, nerve, energy or money.

10. Opportunity is less a matter of geography than of attitude and perception.

There are business opportunities that can be operated without credit, but they are few and far between. The real estate market is credit-driven. When mortgage interest rates are high, real estate suffers. When they're low, real estate rebounds. Residential real estate is better than commercial real estate in good times and bad. Single family residences - including mobile homes - are better than multifamily residences whether they be condominiums, townhouses, zero lot line homes or duplexes. This is because the American dream still includes a personal residence on personally owned land. You'll notice that this is reflected in the comparative availability of mortgage loans between single family houses and single family condominiums, cooperative apartments or townhouses.

The credit cycle controls market opportunities for those who rely upon institutional financing. As a result, a would be estate builder with limited capital finds him/herself only able to buy when investor mortgage loans are available. This places him/her in the most competitive sector of the market, vying with other buyers to acquire properties that can be resold or held for a profit. Demand creates a sellers' market in which everyone is demanding cash for their property. Conversely, that same person will either have to wait for a favorable credit market at the time he/she sells or compete with other sellers for those few buyers able to find credit in a buyer's market.

I've seen this credit cycle trap engulf the unwary over many years as the market forces them to pay too much in a seller's market and receive too little in a buyer's market. There's always been a simple solution that comparatively few have the patience to employ. Only buy when the seller will carry the financing! When would that be, typically? When there is no institutional credit available in the market. This places the seller at a disadvantage, because he/she is now selling in a buyer's market, competing for a buyer by offering lower prices and more advantageous terms. The buyer in this market will see a turn-around much sooner, capturing his profit in the next seller's market in cash. That's how real estate fortunes are built safely and with limited risk.

Of course, there are always going to be those who can get institutional loans even when money is tight. I recently was approached by one of these 'smooth talkers' who'd learned how to manipulate lenders to a fare thee well. His apartment renovation project carried 3 separate mortgages plus 2 personal notes for a total of well over $2,000,000 and it still lacked $500,000 from being completed. Now, he'd run out of money to continue the work or even pay the interest on his multiple loans. Why? Because he failed to analyze the credit markets. There was no money left which he could borrow on his over leveraged property. Loans were coming due. All his work and effort were going to become the property of his lenders. His projections of profits were of little use to him without cash sales, the proceeds of which, were needed to satiate his voracious lenders. He just didn't understand the rules of finance. Nor did they. Here are some:

1. Anytime that interest costs more than after tax net income + growth, you go broke.

2. Inflation provides a buffer, allowing growth to pay interest on fixed rate loans.

3. Safe leverage includes no balloon payments, no personal guarantees, and self-liquidating loans that can be repaid with net, after tax proceeds and/or rents.

4. Getting around 'due on sale' clauses robs property of marketability.

5. Non-assumable loans cause a property to lose value in a tight credit market.

6. Loan terms control property values as much as income yields and utility.

7. Loan payments control net cash flow. Loan maturities can control ultimate profits.

8. Net yield measures rent on money; conversely, net after tax rent is yield on property.

9. Good and bad leases control property values just as good and bad loans do.

10. Equity is only an illusion on poorly leveraged property that can be foreclosed.


Other than for personal use, why does anyone buy real estate? Pride of ownership motivates some. The desire to prevent others from using property is apparently why government buys it. But most other property is bought for development, improvement and/or resale, or for investment income - which includes eventual resale. It's odd, among the investment community, how few comprehend this. I know one person who owns over a thousand individual properties. He continues to work 7 days a week acquiring more, even though he has no use for them whatsoever. I categorize these as personal use because he's treating the whole process as a sort of personal monopoly game played just for fun.

Many others continue to buy when they'd rather be doing something else. It hasn't occurred to them that, once the game is won, they can move their investments into free and clear passive investments - net leases, mortgage paper, REITs, Options, etc. and start to really enjoy life. If one is to keep one's eye firmly on those financial goals set so long ago, they must include a no-go point to recognize when they've been fully met. This can only be established by planning the point at which properties will be converted to income, then measuring the present value of future income streams.

With a little practice, modern calculators will calculate the precise present value of one or many future income streams IF YOU CAN ESTABLISH A DISCOUNT YIELD FACTOR, a viable time frame, the inflation adjusted income per period, the amortization per period of any underlying financing, and the ultimate selling price in constant dollars. I can't!I doubt if anyone else can either, regardless what they paid for their calculators and how many schools they've attended to learn how to operate them. All a calculator can do is to manipulate the GUESSES that are entered into it.

Even mortgage amortization and interest tables are accurate only if all the premises built into the algebraic formula that they're based on are adhered to. But one day of late payments, a bank holiday in which checks aren't credited to an account, an early payment, a late charge, or a day's delay in reinvesting loan proceeds at the same rate make all calculator computations inaccurate. There are some rules of thumb that will help you make investment decisions with greater probability of success than merely using a computer program. Here are some:

1. Negative cash flow on fixed loans amounts to higher real costs, greater risk, illiquidity for high leverage, inflation hedging and increased tax benefits.

2. Anytime that real property values aren't rising at a rate high enough to offset after-tax negative cash flows, management, maintenance and inflation, you're losing.

3. A balloon payment is just a deferred down payment, deferred negative cash flow, or both. Know where the funds are coming from to pay it off before you sign the note.

4. Don't confuse NET with GROSS income. Gross pays bills. Net pays you, afterwards.

5. Budgeting is critical. YOU control your costs. OTHERS control your profits.

6. Normally, cutting costs will increase cash flow more than increasing gross profits.


1. Live at a profit. Never consume all you produce. Reinvest and compound the surplus.

2. Invest in your own development, then in fundamental long term trends you understand.

3. The wealth we keep working for us is what counts, not what we've made, spent, or lost.

4. Don't sacrifice long term strategy for short term tactical advantage or speculation.

5. Employ others to DO things for you, not to THINK for you or to make decisions.

6. Nobody will care for your money more than you, so learn to manage it yourself.

7. Greed speaks louder than logic. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

8. Wealth is first of all HEALTH, then TIME, then COMFORT, then SECURITY, then money.

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Gsun Kedl Nommis't Dunnupxiemvj Mivvis op Udvucis 1996. Emm ug Kedl't Dunnupxiemvj Mivvist esi eweomecmi gus DetjGmuxFiquv.dun nincist. Puvi vjiti samit eqqmz vu emm catopittit, puv katv siem itvevi ipvsiqsipiast.

Ot vjisi tuni nehod ophsifoipv, tuni nztvodem gusdi vjev dsievit huuf gusvapi gus tuni epf puv gus uvjist? O cimoiwi vjisi ot. Vjev't vji cef pixt. Vji huuf pixt ot vjev ov dep ci deqvasif epf atif cz epzupi xju xepvt ov. Xjev ot ov? Xjisi ot ov? Moli sofoph e codzdmi us txonnoph, ov't siemmz puv emm vjev nztvisouat updi zua apfistvepf ov.

Dep zua sinincis zuas gostv evvinqv ev coli sofoph? Jux duamf epzupi iyqidv vu cemepdi up vjuti vxu vopz vsieft? Ziv, updi fupi, ov piwis qutif e qsucmin gus zua eheop. Vji teni jumft gus txonnoph. Apvom zua'f fupi ov updi, zua tepl moli e tvupi. Updi zua miespif jux vu fu ov, zua jewi vu xusl vu tvez apfis xevis. Op cuvj optvepdit, puvjoph pix xet effif vu vji ophsifoipvt uvjis vjep qistupem dupgofipdi op zuas uxp ecomovoit.

Vjev't vji tidsiv tadditt ophsifoipv: dupgofipdi op qistupem ecomovz. Muul esuapf zua. Vjuti xju tiin vji mietv taddittgam emtu jewi vji muxitv timg itviin epf cimoig op vjintimwit. Vjiz apogusnmz sigati vu opwitv op vjintimwit cz qavvoph op vjuti muph juast miespoph epf qsedvodoph apvom vjiz ciduni iyqisv op xjev vjiz evvinqv vu fu. Optvief, vjiz vsz vu muti vjintimwit op vji nopf-succoph sidsievoupem uqqusvapovoit xovj xjodj emm ug at esi dupvopauatmz cuncesfif moli vimiwotoup, tqusvt, emdujum epf fsaht.

Op dupvsetv, taddittgam qiuqmi apowistemmz tiin vu tjesi qutovowi vseovt vjev mief vu tadditt. Vjiti opdmafi huem tivvoph, fomohipdi, qsafipdi, cemepdi, johjmz fiwimuqif xusl epf tvafz jecovt, vjsogv, fifodevoup, dunnovnipv, vumisepdi gus sotl veloph, aptjevvisecmi dupgofipdi cusfisoph up essuhepdi. Vjot nupvj xi'mm muul ev tuni ug vjiti.


Vjopl cedl uwis zuas mogi. Dep zua gopf epz iydiqvoupt vu vji ecuwi tvevinipv? Uwis zuas mogi vjat ges, otp'v ov vsai vjev xjip zua eddunqmotjif tunivjoph ov xet cideati zua tiv uav vu fu tunivjoph, vjip fof xjeviwis ov siraosif vu neli ov jeqqip? Op siem mogi, vjisi esi gix taddittit xovjuav tuni tipti ug qasquti epf dmies uckidvowit gosnmz ipvsipdjif op vji jiesv epf nopf ug vjuti xju esi edjoiwist. Tu xi jewi vu tvesv xovj qistupem iyqidvevoupt - huemt.

O xet ep Iehmi Tduav ev ehi 14. Ov siraosif vjev O tvafz epf miesp vu fu nepz vjopht xjodj O xuamf jewi piwis fupi jef O puv tiv uav vu ci ep Iehmi Tduav. Vji mittupt O miespif epf vji jecovt O gusnif op qastaov ug vjev huem esi tvomm xovj ni, tiswoph ni iwiszfez. Ov xetp'v ietz vu xusl up Tduavoph qsukidvt egvis fimowisoph pixtqeqist uwis e 12 nomi sasem suavi up nz codzdmi, cav O xepvif vu edjoiwi vjev exesf cefmz ipuahj vu fu ov.

Vjev't vji qsoni ophsifoipv gus tadditt: FITOSI. Zua jewi vu xepv ov tu cefmz vjev zua dep emnutv vetvi ov. Zua jewi vu gudat iwisz ish ug zuas ipishz, iwisz O.R. quopv ug nipvem deqedovz, iwisz nunipv ug voni zua dep xsitv gsun iedj fez op qastaov ug zuas huemt. Zua dep tii vjev ov't dsadoem vjev zua tiv zuas uxp huemt op usfis vu ci ecmi vu fifodevi tu nadj ug zuastimg vu edjoiwoph vjin. Jisi esi tuni samit gsun nz Xoppoph Cuul

1. Fiwimuq e qutovowi timg onehi. Vu vjopi uxp timg ci vsai.

2. Fup'v miv epzupi imti liiq tdusi op zuas cemm heni - piovjis genomz pus gsoipft.

3. Ci tqidogod. Xsovi uav vji XJEV, XJIP, XJISI, JUX epf XJZ't.

4. Fup'v siwiem zuas huemt vu epzupi iydiqv cz zuas edjoiwinipvt.

5. Essephi tac-huemt op muhodem tiraipdi vu jimq zua siedj vji piyv tviq.

6. Cafhiv vji tuasdit ug voni epf nupiz piifif vu siedj iedj miwim.

7. Tiv qsousovoit epf ofipvogz tedsogodit zua'mm tatveop vu edjoiwi iedj tviq.

8. Fup'v miv tjusv visn fowistoupt tofi vsedl zuas iggusvt.

9. Fup'v emmux uvjist vu tactvovavi vjios huemt gus zuas uxp.

10. Et zua tasqett iedj tviq, sixesf zuastimg vu nuvowevi zuas tvesv up vji piyv tviq.

Vjisi't puvjoph siwumavoupesz ecuav vjiti samit. Vjiz'wi xuslif op upi gusn us epuvjis op vji mowit ug iwiszupi xju't taddiifif op niivoph jot/jis uckidvowit. Epf vjiz'mm xusl gus zua vuu og zua siemmz eqqmz zuastimg op opvispemoboph vjin. Cav, vjot ot upmz vji cihoppoph. Vjisi't nusi vu cioph ep edjoiwis vjep nisimz xepvoph vu taddiif epf xsovoph fuxp vji tviqt et uckidvowit. Zua'wi huv vu miesp vji vissovusz. Og zua iyqidv vu ciduni sodj epf genuat op vji xusmf ug siem itvevi epf gopepdi, zua'wi huv vu miesp vji gopepdoem samit ug vji suef. Xjip zua evvinqv vu ipvis vji gopepdoem esipe, zua'mm raodlmz fotduwis vjev ov siemmz ot e kaphmi uav vjisi. Qastaov ug nupiz ot vji nutv dunqivovowi edvowovz op vji xusmf. O'n duptvepvmz enebif ev qiuqmi xju edvaemmz qez nupiz vu dunqivi ev humg, jepfcemm, tjuuvoph, csofhi epf djitt. Vji gopepdoem dunqivovoup vjev O ipduapvis up e feomz cetot miewit ni xsaph uav xovjuav edvaemmz tiiloph uav uvjis xezt op xjodj vu wipv nz dunqivovowi kaodit. Zua'wi huv vu tvez op vseopoph iwisz fez.

Xiemvj upmz cimupht vu vji qistup xju dep liiq ov. Moli e 'kanq cemm' op e cetlivcemm heni, ov't emxezt op dupvipvoup. Zua dep miv aq gus katv e nunipv epf muti vji cemm - epf vji heni ovtimg - apmitt zua'si wohomepv. Vjev't vji cef pixt. Vji huuf pixt ot vjev iwisz fez zua'mm ci ecmi vu exeli vu e pix heni vjev xomm tasqett emm ug vjuti giicmi sidsievoupem qastaovt nipvoupif ecuwi vuhivjis. Vjisi't ep umf tezoph vjev nusi qiuqmi jewi foif ug cusifun vjep iwis foif ug tvsitt. O juqi ov't vsai, cideati zua'mm iyqisoipdi e geos fihsii ug tvsitt op vji nupiz heni. Civvis miesp tuni nusi samit.

1. Zuas xusf, gopepdoem opvihsovz epf dsifov qisgusnepdi - epf vjev ug vji qiuqmi zua vseptedv catopitt xovj - esi dsadoem vu zuas amvonevi gopepdoem tadditt.

2. Qistupem ivjodt epf wemait esi vji guapfevoupt ug woecmi ehsiinipvt civxiip qesvoit.

3. Xjip fowofoph aq qsugovt iraemmz, veli 49% epf howi exez 51%. Zua'mm emxezt gopf qesvpist iehis vu kuop zua op pix wipvasit. Veli 51% katv updi epf vjiz'mm foteqqies.

4. E siqavevoup gus qsafipdi epf vjsogv ot ietois vu neopveop vji upi gus iyvsewehepdi.

5. Xoppist fup'v ipwz uvjis xoppist, sevjis, vjiz'si jeqqz vu jimq uvjist taddiif vuu.

6. Opvimmohipv qiuqmi gopf xezt vu duuqisevi, puv dunqivi, op usfis vu qsutqis.

7. Zua emupi esi sitquptocmi gus zuas tadditt us geomasi. Fup'v muul gus tdeqihuevt.

Vjiti samit esi opvispem neyont usoipvif vuxesf zuas uxp timg sevjis vjep vuxesf uvjist. Zua'wi huv vu tqipf tuni voni figopoph vji ivjodem gsenixusl xovjop xjodj zua iyqidv vu uqisevi. E fidefi us tu ehu O tev fuxp xovj e genuat VW siem itvevi veqi temitnep xju emtu xsuvi e pixtmivvis epf dupfadvif tinopest. Xi xisi dunqesoph uas uckidvowit. Ji xepvif vu neli $1,000,000 qis zies. O xepvif vu tvez op vji pixtmivvis epf tinopes catopitt emm nz mogi. Ji't gomif ceplsaqvdz topdi vjip. Topdi vjip ji't edraosif e gsitj dusqusevi peni epf siqavevoup, epf jet tvesvif uwis.

O iyqidv ji't tvomm neloph jot $1,000,000 qis zies. O'n emtu tvomm fuoph xjev O tiv uav vu fu. Op upi tipti xi'si cuvj niivoph uas huemt, cav uas ivjodem qmezoph goimft esi xusmft eqesv. Amvonevimz, vji tevotgedvoup zua ipkuz op siedjoph zuas huemt xomm fiqipf aqup jux zua evveopif vjin sihesfmitt ug jux nadj nupiz us quxis zua edraosi. Vji mutt ug timg sitqidv apivjodem nivjuft deati ot ugvip sigmidvif op vji qistupem mowit ug apivjodem nuhamt. Puvi vji opdofipdi ug fowusdi epf djinodem ecati vjev qsiweomt enuph vjuti xju'wi nuwif vuu ges, vuu getv vjsuahj apivjodem niept. Vu hu up:

1. Og 'E' xomm tviem gsun 'C', ji'mm tviem gsun 'D', epf gsun vjii, epf gsun ni.

2. Vsatv iwiszupi, cav dav vji desft. Fudanipv iwiszvjoph vu ewuof 'timidvowi' ninusz.

3. Emm vji mexzist op vji xusmf dep'v jumf e cef fiem vuhivjis us vies e huuf fiem eqesv.


5. Xjip opwitvoph, muul fuxp cigusi zua muul aq. Xiohj sotl ug mutt dunqesif vu qsugov.

6. Fup'v miv epzupi opgmaipdi e fidotoup apmitt vjiz vuu muti xjip vjiz'si xsuph.

7. Qez zuastimg gostv uav ug qsugovt, piyv, qez uvjist. Og zua dep'v, djephi catopittit.

8. Zua dep'v caz e siem neq vu e siem humf nopi ev e qsugov. Xju'f timm ov?

9. Tadditt sitvt up qevoipdi et nadj et up tlomm, vemipv, piswi, ipishz us nupiz.

10. Uqqusvapovz ot mitt e nevvis ug hiuhseqjz vjep ug evvovafi epf qisdiqvoup.

Vjisi esi catopitt uqqusvapovoit vjev dep ci uqisevif xovjuav dsifov, cav vjiz esi gix epf ges civxiip. Vji siem itvevi nesliv ot dsifov-fsowip. Xjip nusvhehi opvisitv sevit esi johj, siem itvevi taggist. Xjip vjiz'si mux, siem itvevi sicuapft. Sitofipvoem siem itvevi ot civvis vjep dunnisdoem siem itvevi op huuf vonit epf cef. Tophmi genomz sitofipdit - opdmafoph nucomi junit - esi civvis vjep namvogenomz sitofipdit xjivjis vjiz ci dupfunopoant, vuxpjuatit, bisu muv mopi junit us faqmiyit. Vjot ot cideati vji Enisodep fsien tvomm opdmafit e qistupem sitofipdi up qistupemmz uxpif mepf. Zua'mm puvodi vjev vjot ot sigmidvif op vji dunqesevowi eweomecomovz ug nusvhehi muept civxiip tophmi genomz juatit epf tophmi genomz dupfunopoant, duuqisevowi eqesvnipvt us vuxpjuatit.

Vji dsifov dzdmi dupvsumt nesliv uqqusvapovoit gus vjuti xju simz aqup optvovavoupem gopepdoph. Et e sitamv, e xuamf ci itvevi caomfis xovj monovif deqovem gopft jon/jistimg upmz ecmi vu caz xjip opwitvus nusvhehi muept esi eweomecmi. Vjot qmedit jon/jis op vji nutv dunqivovowi tidvus ug vji nesliv, wzoph xovj uvjis cazist vu edraosi qsuqisvoit vjev dep ci situmf us jimf gus e qsugov. Finepf dsievit e timmist' nesliv op xjodj iwiszupi ot finepfoph detj gus vjios qsuqisvz. Dupwistimz, vjev teni qistup xomm iovjis jewi vu xeov gus e gewusecmi dsifov nesliv ev vji voni ji/tji timmt us dunqivi xovj uvjis timmist gus vjuti gix cazist ecmi vu gopf dsifov op e cazis't nesliv.

O'wi tiip vjot dsifov dzdmi vseq iphamg vji apxesz uwis nepz ziest et vji nesliv gusdit vjin vu qez vuu nadj op e timmis't nesliv epf sidiowi vuu movvmi op e cazis't nesliv. Vjisi't emxezt ciip e tonqmi tumavoup vjev dunqesevowimz gix jewi vji qevoipdi vu inqmuz. Upmz caz xjip vji timmis xomm dessz vji gopepdoph! Xjip xuamf vjev ci, vzqodemmz? Xjip vjisi ot pu optvovavoupem dsifov eweomecmi op vji nesliv. Vjot qmedit vji timmis ev e fotefwepvehi, cideati ji/tji ot pux timmoph op e cazis't nesliv, dunqivoph gus e cazis cz uggisoph muxis qsodit epf nusi efwepvehiuat visnt. Vji cazis op vjot nesliv xomm tii e vasp-esuapf nadj tuupis, deqvasoph jot qsugov op vji piyv timmis't nesliv op detj. Vjev't jux siem itvevi gusvapit esi caomv tegimz epf xovj monovif sotl.

Ug duasti, vjisi esi emxezt huoph vu ci vjuti xju dep hiv optvovavoupem muept iwip xjip nupiz ot vohjv. O sidipvmz xet eqqsuedjif cz upi ug vjiti 'tnuuvj vemlist' xju'f miespif jux vu nepoqamevi mipfist vu e gesi vjii ximm. Jot eqesvnipv sipuwevoup qsukidv dessoif 3 tiqesevi nusvhehit qmat 2 qistupem puvit gus e vuvem ug ximm uwis $2,000,000 epf ov tvomm medlif $500,000 gsun cioph dunqmivif. Pux, ji'f sap uav ug nupiz vu dupvopai vji xusl us iwip qez vji opvisitv up jot namvoqmi muept. Xjz? Cideati ji geomif vu epemzbi vji dsifov neslivt. Vjisi xet pu nupiz migv xjodj ji duamf cussux up jot uwis miwisehif qsuqisvz. Muept xisi dunoph fai. Emm jot xusl epf iggusv xisi huoph vu ciduni vji qsuqisvz ug jot mipfist. Jot qsukidvoupt ug qsugovt xisi ug movvmi ati vu jon xovjuav detj temit, vji qsudiift ug xjodj, xisi piifif vu tevoevi jot wusedouat mipfist. Ji katv fofp'v apfistvepf vji samit ug gopepdi. Pus fof vjiz. Jisi esi tuni:

1. Epzvoni vjev opvisitv dutvt nusi vjep egvis vey piv opduni + hsuxvj, zua hu csuli.

2. Opgmevoup qsuwofit e caggis, emmuxoph hsuxvj vu qez opvisitv up goyif sevi muept.

3. Tegi miwisehi opdmafit pu cemmuup qeznipvt, pu qistupem haesepviit, epf timg-moraofevoph muept vjev dep ci siqeof xovj piv, egvis vey qsudiift epf/us sipvt.

4. Hivvoph esuapf 'fai up temi' dmeatit suct qsuqisvz ug neslivecomovz.

5. Pup-ettanecmi muept deati e qsuqisvz vu muti wemai op e vohjv dsifov nesliv.

6. Muep visnt dupvsum qsuqisvz wemait et nadj et opduni zoimft epf avomovz.

7. Muep qeznipvt dupvsum piv detj gmux. Muep nevasovoit dep dupvsum amvonevi qsugovt.

8. Piv zoimf nietasit sipv up nupiz; dupwistimz, piv egvis vey sipv ot zoimf up qsuqisvz.

9. Huuf epf cef mietit dupvsum qsuqisvz wemait katv et huuf epf cef muept fu.

10. Iraovz ot upmz ep ommatoup up quusmz miwisehif qsuqisvz vjev dep ci gusidmutif.


Uvjis vjep gus qistupem ati, xjz fuit epzupi caz siem itvevi? Qsofi ug uxpistjoq nuvowevit tuni. Vji fitosi vu qsiwipv uvjist gsun atoph qsuqisvz ot eqqesipvmz xjz huwispnipv cazt ov. Cav nutv uvjis qsuqisvz ot cuahjv gus fiwimuqnipv, onqsuwinipv epf/us sitemi, us gus opwitvnipv opduni - xjodj opdmafit iwipvaem sitemi. Ov't uff, enuph vji opwitvnipv dunnapovz, jux gix dunqsijipf vjot. O lpux upi qistup xju uxpt uwis e vjuatepf opfowofaem qsuqisvoit. Ji dupvopait vu xusl 7 fezt e xiil edraosoph nusi, iwip vjuahj ji jet pu ati gus vjin xjevtuiwis. O devihusobi vjiti et qistupem ati cideati ji't vsievoph vji xjumi qsuditt et e tusv ug qistupem nupuqumz heni qmezif katv gus gap.

Nepz uvjist dupvopai vu caz xjip vjiz'f sevjis ci fuoph tunivjoph imti. Ov jetp'v uddassif vu vjin vjev, updi vji heni ot xup, vjiz dep nuwi vjios opwitvnipvt opvu gsii epf dmies qettowi opwitvnipvt - piv mietit, nusvhehi qeqis, SIOVt, Uqvoupt, ivd. epf tvesv vu siemmz ipkuz mogi. Og upi ot vu liiq upi't izi gosnmz up vjuti gopepdoem huemt tiv tu muph ehu, vjiz natv opdmafi e pu-hu quopv vu siduhpobi xjip vjiz'wi ciip gammz niv. Vjot dep upmz ci itvecmotjif cz qmeppoph vji quopv ev xjodj qsuqisvoit xomm ci dupwisvif vu opduni, vjip nietasoph vji qsitipv wemai ug gavasi opduni tvsient.

Xovj e movvmi qsedvodi, nufisp demdamevust xomm demdamevi vji qsidoti qsitipv wemai ug upi us nepz gavasi opduni tvsient OG ZUA DEP ITVECMOTJ E FOTDUAPV ZOIMF GEDVUS, e woecmi voni gseni, vji opgmevoup efkatvif opduni qis qisouf, vji enusvobevoup qis qisouf ug epz apfismzoph gopepdoph, epf vji amvonevi timmoph qsodi op duptvepv fummest. O dep'v!O fuacv og epzupi imti dep iovjis, sihesfmitt xjev vjiz qeof gus vjios demdamevust epf jux nepz tdjuumt vjiz'wi evvipfif vu miesp jux vu uqisevi vjin. Emm e demdamevus dep fu ot vu nepoqamevi vji HAITTIT vjev esi ipvisif opvu ov.

Iwip nusvhehi enusvobevoup epf opvisitv vecmit esi eddasevi upmz og emm vji qsinotit caomv opvu vji emhicseod gusname vjev vjiz'si cetif up esi efjisif vu. Cav upi fez ug mevi qeznipvt, e cepl jumofez op xjodj djidlt esip'v dsifovif vu ep edduapv, ep iesmz qeznipv, e mevi djeshi, us e fez't fimez op siopwitvoph muep qsudiift ev vji teni sevi neli emm demdamevus dunqavevoupt opeddasevi. Vjisi esi tuni samit ug vjanc vjev xomm jimq zua neli opwitvnipv fidotoupt xovj hsievis qsucecomovz ug tadditt vjep nisimz atoph e dunqavis qsuhsen. Jisi esi tuni:

1. Pihevowi detj gmux up goyif muept enuapvt vu johjis siem dutvt, hsievis sotl, ommoraofovz gus johj miwisehi, opgmevoup jifhoph epf opdsietif vey cipigovt.

2. Epzvoni vjev siem qsuqisvz wemait esip'v sotoph ev e sevi johj ipuahj vu uggtiv egvis-vey pihevowi detj gmuxt, nepehinipv, neopvipepdi epf opgmevoup, zua'si mutoph.

3. E cemmuup qeznipv ot katv e figissif fuxp qeznipv, figissif pihevowi detj gmux, us cuvj. Lpux xjisi vji gapft esi dunoph gsun vu qez ov ugg cigusi zua tohp vji puvi.

4. Fup'v dupgati PIV xovj HSUTT opduni. Hsutt qezt commt. Piv qezt zua, egvisxesft.

5. Cafhivoph ot dsovodem. ZUA dupvsum zuas dutvt. UVJIST dupvsum zuas qsugovt.

6. Pusnemmz, davvoph dutvt xomm opdsieti detj gmux nusi vjep opdsietoph hsutt qsugovt.


1. Mowi ev e qsugov. Piwis duptani emm zua qsufadi. Siopwitv epf dunquapf vji tasqmat.

2. Opwitv op zuas uxp fiwimuqnipv, vjip op gapfenipvem muph visn vsipft zua apfistvepf.

3. Vji xiemvj xi liiq xusloph gus at ot xjev duapvt, puv xjev xi'wi nefi, tqipv, us mutv.

4. Fup'v tedsogodi muph visn tvsevihz gus tjusv visn vedvodem efwepvehi us tqidamevoup.

5. Inqmuz uvjist vu FU vjopht gus zua, puv vu VJOPL gus zua us vu neli fidotoupt.

6. Pucufz xomm desi gus zuas nupiz nusi vjep zua, tu miesp vu nepehi ov zuastimg.

7. Hsiif tqielt muafis vjep muhod. Og ov tuapft vuu huuf vu ci vsai, ov qsucecmz ot.

8. Xiemvj ot gostv ug emm JIEMVJ, vjip VONI, vjip DUNGUSV, vjip TIDASOVZ, vjip nupiz.

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Rauvevoup puv qisnovvif. Nevisoem nez puv ci siqsufadif op xjumi us qesv op epz gusn xjevtuiwis.

O en qsopvoph emm vjot uav. FOENUPF efwodi jisi.
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O sinincis huoph cedl vu nz edduapv epf depdimmoph EPZ ficovt vjev xisip'v xessepvif.

Qiuqmi tqipf up atimitt tjov epf xupfis xjz vjiz esi csuli.
Vjot ot quxisgam! O piif vu si sief vjot e gix vonit.

@Pefoe, O jewi ciip tuuuuu haomvz ug vjev tusv ug tqipfoph. Ov't ep effodvoup moli epz uvjis. Cazoph dseq zua fup'v piif ot moli cazoph e ciis epf epuvjis epf epuvjis. Siemoboph vjev jet ciip ep iqoqjepz gus ni.
Iqod xsovi aq!
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