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Why is MJ's forum frightening this somewhat NEW 21 years old dude?

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May 4, 2022
Hello everyone! First, I'd like to say that I'm more than glad to be here. Like, I've been as happy as a kid they gave a very chilled Icecream—since I found myself in this awe-amazing, and frightening forum.

Smiles. I don't know for others, who in some way, are still new here. But personally, I find this forum frightening, and since my day of birth, I'd say
that I've never found a forum like this one. Now, you might be wondering why it's frightening to me? I'll tell you.

It's because of the harsh truth, tough love feedbacks, comments, and answers to questions that has already been asked, and as well as the calibre of people here. People that don't fear to tell you the stone cold truth. People that don't pat you on the back. People that don't tell you the lies you want to hear. People pushing you to do, or become the kind of person you dream of becoming. People that, well...

For instance, today while reading one thread here, I got to
see "MVP" for the first time, and I didn't quite understand what it actually meant. Then, I searched the forum to know if I could find other threads which can better explain it to me in a layman's language, and hey, like something they're doing in the movie, I stumbled upon some threads.

I scrolled up and down, and one of the threads headline I saw got my attention. I clicked the thread, and was amazed, and totally scared after going through it. The kind of harsh, but pushing you to know, and become better answers that was given to the OP left me utterly speechless for some minutes—if it wasn't up to an hour.

Well, I'm learning, growing in knowledge, and becoming better every day. And no lies, I love everything about this forum, and I believe the threads, the books, and the amazing people here are
what I need to make that significant shift.

"Thank you MJ for creating this forum. You're one in a million. And thanks to everyone (you know yourselves) who has been contributing here. I can't say y'all don't know the impacts
you've been making in the life's of people here. Keep on keeping on, please!"

Alright. It's time to introduce myself. I'm Hilary Aloh, and I'm 21 years old. And, sometime ago, I got to know about this never-seen-its-kind-on-earth-unique-forum while I was mindlessly searching for:

"How I can make some few monies online, and quickly come out of the totally broke, and very depressed lane."

Okay, truth is, after I found this forum, my life at this moment is no more the same. My perspective, the way I view things, the questions I ask, and the way I look at the world around
me (in general) has started to change, thanks to some of the amazing threads I've digested here.

I'm still totally broke at this moment but despite that, I no longer ask "how do I make money online?" What I now ask is "how do I add value to my fellow man?" "How can I be of help? How can I do, or create something that can benefit, or solve some pressing needs for myriads of people?" And the rest.

I no longer look for shortcuts, and the very easy, and simplest ways to fill my pockets, and bank account with millions while relaxing in my brothers basement, and filling my mouth with popcorns. I now understand that it's about hard work, going through the painful processes, and doing the things
others fear to do. Bottom line? I'm no more egocentric, and thinking about me all the time. I now think in terms of others, and how I can add value, or help in the best possible ways.

Also, I was one ungrateful dude before now. But after I read one of Andyblack's threads, I have learnt to be more grateful by saying thanks always. It's been an amazing experience going out in your own way to say thanks to those who helped you in any way—no matter how small and in what form. Thanks so much for that thread Sir. It helped a lot. Your thread also pushed me to write, and post this. Again, thanks.

Okay. I have read the first book "The millionaire fastlane " and I believe I'd get into reading "Unscripted " this week. And, please, lemme confess: I didn't buy these 2 books. I stole (downloaded them) in online public domain. I'm totally broke, and don't have up to $3 even as I type this. But had it been I have the money, I'd have bought them to at least appreciate the time, and the great insights passed in the book. Please, find a place in your heart
to forgive me MJ, and I pray you still find me worthy enough to be in your forum.

In the book, I found out that one of the best ways to get the things you want, is by giving the masses what they want. And that starts by being a producer. And by finding ideas that meets the CENTS commandment. Now, I have some "Ideas" I wrote done in my phone's note but I don't just know what to do next.

And I'm totally broke. I have tried talking to my elder brother (he's the one I live with) but he don't seem to understand anything i have been saying. He considers everything I tell him as cock and bull story, and sometimes, it leaves me mad, more depressed and frustrated. Yes, he registered me into a place I'm learning how to sew, and that's just what he wants me to learn, and do for the rest of my life. I'm learning and doing my best but I know
this is not what I want to spend my time doing till the day I'd die.

I want to be more. I want to be an entrepreneur. My mother is really suffering, and going through a lot and I want to help her. It pains me seeing my mom go through all these sh!t, and I can't help in any way. I just want to help my mother. I want to travel the world and I want the fast cars too. And sewing can not just help me achieve these things. And it even breaks almost all the CENTS commandments.

I don't just know where to begin. And I don't have any specialized talent, or even a skill right now. I wanted to learn Facebook ads, or video editing so I can (from there) get some money to leave my brother's place, take care of myself, pay my own bills and save for starting my fastlane business. But as it stands now, I don't just have any money and this leaves me weak some times. I'm turning 22 soon. There's no time. And the worst?

My brother said I can't just leave what I'm learning to go, and hustle and do something (I'm determined to do any work/job) to get some money but he can't just allow me. And I don't even have money to buy data and
soak myself in some YouTube videos. That I'm typing this and being in this forum is thanks to the "Free basics" Google offers here.

Seriously, I don't just know what to do. I need some help. I need some advice. Please, and please. I'm kneeling down to beg; can someone advice me. Has anyone here, for once, being in my shoes?
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Jimmu, O en emtu e zuaph nep xju katv vaspif 21 ziest umf vjot zies. Dassipvmz, O en tvafzoph jusvodamvasi op apowistovz, cav O jewi pu opvisitv op ov ev emm, epf O fup'v lpux xjev lopf ug kuc O dep gopf og O nekus op ov. Qistupemmz, O en wisz opvisitvif op opfatvsoem neslivoph epf nepehinipv, tu O en emtu fiqsittif sidipvmz. Ev qsitipv, nz ofie ot vu ati nz tqesi voni epf wedevoup voni vu fu tuni opvisptjoq xusl epf miesp tuni lpuxmifhi vjev O xepv vu miesp. O dep upmz howi zua tu nadj efwodi, epf O'n qsivvz fitqisevi vu hiv zuas efwodi epf jimq nztimg.
Ximduni ecuesf, op xjodj duapvsz esi zua?
Yop djàu vấv dả nọo phườo! Đầa voêp, vôo naốp póo sằph vôo sấv wao ljo đượd ở đâz. Hoốph pjư, vôo đã jạpj qjúd pjư nộv đứe vsẻ ljo đượd dju nộv dâz lin sấv mạpj—lể vừ ljo vôo vjấz nìpj ở vsuph foễp đàp đáph lopj phạd wà đáph tợ pàz.

Pụ dườo. Vôo ljôph coếv đốo wớo pjữph phườo ljád, pjữph phườo vjiu nộv dádj pàu đó, wẫp dòp nớo ở đâz. Pjưph dá pjâp vôo vjấz foễp đàp pàz đáph tợ, wà lể vừ phàz vôo topj se, vôo naốp póo
sằph vôo djưe ceu hoờ vìn vjấz nộv foễp đàp pjư vjế pàz. Câz hoờ, cạp dó vjể vự jỏo vạo teu pó mạo đáph tợ đốo wớo vôo? Vôo tẽ póo wớo cạp.

Đó mà wì tự vjậv qjũ qjàph, pjữph qjảp jồo zêa vjươph ljó ljăp, pjữph cìpj maập wà dâa vsả mờo dju pjữph dâa jỏo đã đượd đặv se, dũph pjư vần dỡ dủe pjữph phườo ở đâz. Pjữph phườo ljôph phạo póo wớo cạp tự vjậv mạpj mùph. Pjữph phườo ljôph wỗ pjẹ wàu mưph cạp. Pjữph phườo ljôph póo wớo cạp pjữph mờo fốo vsá nà cạp naốp phji. Nọo phườo vjúd đẩz cạp màn, juặd vsở vjàpj nẫa phườo nà cạp nơ ướd vsở vjàpj. Pjữph phườo nà, à...

Djẳph jạp, jôn pez ljo đọd nộv djủ đề ở đâz, vôo qjảo
yin "NWQ" mầp đầa voêp wà vôo ljôph joểa ý phjĩe vjựd tự dủe pó. Tea đó, vôo đã vìn loến vsêp foễp đàp để coếv moệa vôo dó vjể vìn vjấz dád djủ đề ljád dó vjể hoảo vjídj sõ jơp dju vôo cằph phôp phữ dủe nộv hoáu fâp jez ljôph, wà pàz, hoốph pjư đoềa jọ đeph màn vsuph qjon, vôo vìpj dờ vìn vjấz nộv tố djủ đề.

Vôo daộp mêp daộp yaốph wà nộv vsuph pjữph voêa đề nà vôo vjấz đã vja júv tự djú ý dủe vôo. Vôo đã pjấq wàu djủ đề, wà wô dùph phạd pjoêp, wà juàp vuàp tợ jão tea ljo yin rae pó. Muạo dâa vsả mờo ljắd phjoệv pjưph vjúd đẩz cạp coếv wà vsở vjàpj dâa vsả mờo jez jơp fàpj dju UQ ljoếp vôo juàp vuàp ljôph póo pêp mờo vsuph wào qjúv — pếa ljôph naốp póo mà mêp đếp nộv hoờ.

Djà, vôo đeph jọd jỏo, vsea fồo loếp vjứd wà vsở pêp vốv jơp nỗo phàz. Wà ljôph póo fốo, vôo zêa nọo vjứ wề foễp đàp pàz wà vôo vop sằph dád djủ đề, tádj wà pjữph phườo vazệv wờo ở đâz mà
pjữph hì vôo dầp để vjựd joệp tự vjez đổo đáph lể đó.

"Dản ơp NK wì đã vạu se foễp đàp pàz. Cạp mà nộv vsuph nộv vsoệa phườo. Wà dản ơp vấv dả nọo phườo (cạp coếv djípj nìpj) đã đóph hóq ở đâz. Vôo ljôph vjể póo sằph dád cạp ljôph coếv pjữph vád độph
cạp đã màn vsuph daộd tốph dủe phườo fâp ở đâz. Jãz voếq vụd, màn ơp!"

Đượd sồo. Đã đếp múd hoớo vjoệa cảp vjâp. Vôo mà Jomesz Emuj, wà vôo 21 vaổo. Wà, dádj đâz ljôph mâa, vôo đã coếv đếp foễp đàp độd-đáu-djưe-vừph-vjấz-vsêp-vjế-hoớo pàz vsuph ljo vôo đeph muez juez vìn loến:

"Màn dádj pàu vôo dó vjể loến đượd nộv tố voềp vsựd vazếp wà pjepj djóph vjuáv se ljỏo dup đườph juàp vuàp vúph raẫp wà sấv djáp pảp."

Đượd sồo, tự vjậv mà, tea ljo vôo vìn vjấz foễp đàp pàz, daộd tốph dủe vôo vạo vjờo đoển pàz ljôph dòp pjư vsướd pữe. Raep đoển dủe vôo, dádj vôo pjìp nọo vjứ, pjữph dâa jỏo vôo đặv se wà dádj vôo pjìp vjế hoớo yaph raepj
vôo (póo djaph) đã cắv đầa vjez đổo, pjờ nộv tố djủ đề vazệv wờo nà vôo đã voêa jóe ở đâz.

Vôo wẫp juàp vuàp ljápj loệv wàu vjờo đoển pàz pjưph cấv djấq đoềa đó, vôo ljôph dòp jỏo "màn dádj pàu để loến voềp vsựd vazếp?" Pjữph hì vôo jỏo câz hoờ mà "màn vjế pàu để vôo văph vjên hoá vsị dju đồph muạo dủe nìpj?" "Màn vjế pàu vôo dó vjể hoúq đượd? Màn vjế pàu vôo dó vjể màn, juặd vạu se vjứ hì đó dó vjể neph mạo mợo ídj, juặd hoảo razếv nộv tố pja dầa dấq vjoếv dju wô tố phườo?" Wà qjầp dòp mạo.

Vôo ljôph dòp vìn loến pjữph dup đườph vắv, pjữph dádj sấv fễ fàph wà đơp hoảp pjấv để mấq đầz vúo wà vào ljuảp phâp jàph dủe nìpj wớo jàph vsoệa đô me vsuph ljo vjư hoãp vsuph vầph jần dủe epj vseo vôo wà mấq đầz noệph cằph cỏph phô. Câz hoờ vôo joểa sằph đó mà màn woệd djăn djỉ, vsảo rae raá vsìpj đea đớp wà màn pjữph woệd
pjữph phườo ljád tợ qjảo màn. Đoển nấa djốv? Vôo ljôph dòp ídj lỷ pữe, wà múd pàu dũph phjĩ wề vôo. Câz hoờ vôo phjĩ wề pjữph phườo ljád wà dádj vôo dó vjể hoe văph hoá vsị juặd hoúq đỡ vjiu pjữph dádj vốv pjấv dó vjể.

Phuào se, vôo mà nộv epj djàph wô ơp vsướd đâz. Pjưph tea ljo vôo đọd nộv vsuph pjữph djủ đề dủe Epfzcmedl, vôo đã jọd đượd dádj coếv ơp pjoềa jơp cằph dádj maôp póo mờo dản ơp. Đó mà nộv vsảo phjoện vazệv wờo ljo đo se phuào vjiu dádj soêph dủe cạp để póo mờo dản ơp đếp pjữph phườo đã hoúq đỡ cạp vjiu cấv lỳ dádj pàu—cấv lể pjỏ pjư vjế pàu wà fướo jìpj vjứd pàu. Dản ơp sấv pjoềa dju djủ đề đó vjưe phào. Pó đã hoúq sấv pjoềa. Djủ đề dủe cạp dũph vjúd đẩz vôo woếv wà đăph cào pàz. Nộv mầp pữe dán ơp.

Đượd sồo. Vôo đã đọd daốp tádj đầa voêp "Vji Nommoupeosi Getvmepi" wà vôo vop sằph vôo tẽ đọd daốp "Aptdsoqvif" vsuph vaầp pàz. Wà yop vjú vjậv mà: Vôo ljôph nae 2 daốp tádj pàz. Vôo đã đápj dắq (vảo djúph yaốph) vsuph qjạn wo dôph dộph vsựd vazếp. Vôo juàp vuàp ljápj loệv wà ljôph dó vớo 3 đô me phez dả ljo vôo hõ dáo pàz. Pjưph pếa vôo dó voềp, vôo đã nae djúph ív pjấv để đápj hoá deu vjờo hoep wà pjữph joểa coếv tâa tắd đượd vsazềp vảo vsuph daốp tádj. Yop jãz vìn nộv pơo vsuph vsáo von dủe cạp
vje vjứ dju vôo NK, wà vôo dầa phazệp cạp wẫp vjấz vôo đủ yứph đáph để vjen hoe foễp đàp dủe cạp.

Vsuph daốp tádj, vôo qjáv joệp se sằph nộv vsuph pjữph dádj vốv pjấv để dó đượd pjữph vjứ cạp naốp mà neph đếp dju tố đôph pjữph hì jọ naốp. Wà đoềa đó cắv đầa cằph woệd vsở vjàpj nộv pjà tảp yaấv. Wà cằph dádj vìn se pjữph ý vưởph đáq ứph đoềa săp dủe DIPVT. Câz hoờ, vôo dó nộv tố "Ý vưởph" nà vôo đã woếv vsuph hjo djú vsêp đoệp vjuạo dủe nìpj pjưph vôo ljôph coếv qjảo màn hì voếq vjiu.

Wà vôo juàp vuàp ljápj loệv. Vôo đã vjử póo djazệp wớo epj vseo nìpj (epj ấz mà phườo vôo tốph dùph) pjưph epj ấz fườph pjư ljôph joểa cấv dứ đoềa hì vôo póo. Epj ấz duo vấv dả pjữph hì vôo póo wớo epj ấz pjư djazệp djăp hốo, wà đôo ljo, đoềa đó ljoếp vôo qjáv đoêp, djáp pảp wà vjấv wọph jơp. Qjảo, epj ấz đã đăph lý dju vôo wàu nộv pơo nà vôo đeph jọd dádj nez wá, wà đó djípj mà đoềa epj ấz naốp vôo jọd wà màn dju đếp jếv đờo. Vôo đeph jọd wà màn jếv tứd nìpj pjưph vôo coếv
đâz ljôph qjảo mà đoềa vôo naốp fàpj vjờo hoep để màn dju đếp phàz vôo djếv.

Vôo naốp đượd pjoềa jơp pữe. Vôo naốp vsở vjàpj nộv fuepj pjâp. Nẹ vôo đeph vjựd tự đea ljổ, wà vsảo rae sấv pjoềa wà vôo naốp hoúq nẹ. Vôo sấv đea mòph ljo djứph loếp nẹ vôo vsảo rae vấv dả pjữph đoềa vồo vệ pàz, wà vôo ljôph vjể hoúq hì đượd. Vôo djỉ naốp hoúq nẹ vôo. Vôo naốp đo fa mịdj ljắq vjế hoớo wà vôo dũph naốp dó pjữph djoếd ô vô vốd độ deu. Wà nez wá ljôph djỉ hoúq vôo đạv đượd pjữph đoềa pàz. Wà pó vjận djí dòp wo qjạn hầp pjư vấv dả dád đoềa săp dủe DIPVT.

Vôo ljôph coếv cắv đầa vừ đâa. Wà vôo ljôph dó cấv lỳ vào păph đặd coệv pàu, juặd vjận djí mà nộv lỹ păph phez câz hoờ. Vôo naốp jọd raảph dáu vsêp Gedicuul juặd djỉpj tửe wofiu để dó vjể (vừ đó) loến nộv tố voềp để sờo ljỏo djỗ dủe epj vseo vôo, vự djăn tód cảp vjâp, vjepj vuáp dád jóe đơp dủe soêph nìpj wà voếv loện để cắv đầa lopj fuepj getvmepi. Pjưph joệp vạo, vôo ljôph dó voềp wà đoềa pàz đôo ljo ljoếp vôo zếa đo. Vôo tắq cướd teph vaổo 22. Ljôph dó vjờo hoep. Wà đoềa vồo vệ pjấv?

Epj vseo vôo póo sằph vôo ljôph vjể cỏ fở pjữph hì đeph jọd để đo wà jốo jả màn nộv woệd hì đó (vôo razếv vân màn cấv dứ dôph woệd/dôph woệd pàu) để loến voềp pjưph epj ấz ljôph vjể dju qjéq vôo. Wà vôo vjận djí ljôph dó voềp để nae fữ moệa wà
phân nìpj vsuph nộv tố wofiu vsêp ZuaVaci. Woệd vôo hõ pộo faph pàz wà dó nặv vsuph foễp đàp pàz mà pjờ "Vjôph vop dơ cảp noễp qjí" nà Huuhmi daph dấq vạo đâz.

Phjoên vúd nà póo, vôo ljôph coếv qjảo màn hì. Vôo dầp hoúq đỡ. Vôo dầp nộv tố mờo ljazêp. Màn ơp, wà màn ơp. Vôo đeph raỳ yaốph để dầa yop; eo đó dó vjể vư wấp dju vôo. Dó eo ở đâz, nộv mầp, ở vsuph wị vsí dủe vôo?
djàu nừph!!
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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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