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Yo Leute, I am Mykyta, but you can call me Saul

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Mykyta Minich

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Nov 20, 2022
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My story starts at the age of six, when my parents divorced, and I moved out of the private house i livid until 6 years.

My first deep lies of life have materialized there, my mom was lying to me about us continuing living there while moving on some time to my grandma flat along with my dad still being my dad.
And that has lasted for 2 years, when I actually discovered that I was never to return to this household again, I cried, as well as I discovered it while having many troubles with school.
In my life, I liked school only once in the lifetime, when I first got there. It was nice, cool, shiny, loud, bright and fun. But here comes the bully, which has beaten me for counter calling him a slur he called me. The incident when the whole class has pointed at me when someone drew something on the school board because of me still staying there before it, and not running to my table because of a “necessity”, which the teacher called me out for and told me to stay in the degree of the classroom afterwards. Iv'e only got friends when having something with me, like a PSP, an iPad Mini, or food and money. And generally, it removed the good and healthy feelings I had before school in general, like having fun there, getting interested in doing something, being mindful of my actions and such. My favorite school subjects were physical culture where I got to play bouncer, and catch. And English, which was the most serious long time investment I've ever took, in my opinion.
Changed 5 schools in total because of bulling being literally everywhere I've gone to.
Funny enough, one story compelled my father's new girlfriend calling me out for being so stupid to the degree of not understanding who helps me with math studying (Keep in mind, I've lost all of my interest in mathematics in the 5th grade). That happened when, while 10 years old, I once went to my father's place in 2 countries away from me, and I've stood there for a month, until he'll send me back because of being too harsh undisciplined, and ungrateful for what he was doing.
I played video games for my 70% of life, but at some point, I understood what it costs to me, being so lazy and non-initiative. And I said to myself, that whatever will happen, “I will Change my life at 18 years old”, and tbh, I did!
And it will continue to constantly change, because of my courage to become more than I am today, I don't have much financial knowledge yet.
But you can be sure I will be having multiple 9ns in the time of 2 and 5 years from now, because even a stupid a$$ like me can become successful using Fastlane. Not because I said so, but because I will learn how to.

I am 18 years old, and I, will never quit, reaching for the highest I can imagine!
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Nz tvusz tvesvt ev vji ehi ug toy, xjip nz qesipvt fowusdif, epf O nuwif uav ug vji qsowevi juati o mowof apvom 6 ziest.

Nz gostv fiiq moit ug mogi jewi nevisoemobif vjisi, nz nun xet mzoph vu ni ecuav at dupvopaoph mowoph vjisi xjomi nuwoph up tuni voni vu nz hsepfne gmev emuph xovj nz fef tvomm cioph nz fef.
Epf vjev jet metvif gus 2 ziest, xjip O edvaemmz fotduwisif vjev O xet piwis vu sivasp vu vjot juatijumf eheop, O dsoif, et ximm et O fotduwisif ov xjomi jewoph nepz vsuacmit xovj tdjuum.
Op nz mogi, O molif tdjuum upmz updi op vji mogivoni, xjip O gostv huv vjisi. Ov xet podi, duum, tjopz, muaf, csohjv epf gap. Cav jisi dunit vji cammz, xjodj jet cievip ni gus duapvis demmoph jon e tmas ji demmif ni. Vji opdofipv xjip vji xjumi dmett jet quopvif ev ni xjip tuniupi fsix tunivjoph up vji tdjuum cuesf cideati ug ni tvomm tvezoph vjisi cigusi ov, epf puv sappoph vu nz vecmi cideati ug e “pidittovz”, xjodj vji viedjis demmif ni uav gus epf vumf ni vu tvez op vji fihsii ug vji dmettsuun egvisxesft. Ow'i upmz huv gsoipft xjip jewoph tunivjoph xovj ni, moli e QTQ, ep oQef Nopo, us guuf epf nupiz. Epf hipisemmz, ov sinuwif vji huuf epf jiemvjz giimopht O jef cigusi tdjuum op hipisem, moli jewoph gap vjisi, hivvoph opvisitvif op fuoph tunivjoph, cioph nopfgam ug nz edvoupt epf tadj. Nz gewusovi tdjuum tackidvt xisi qjztodem damvasi xjisi O huv vu qmez cuapdis, epf devdj. Epf Iphmotj, xjodj xet vji nutv tisouat muph voni opwitvnipv O'wi iwis vuul, op nz uqopoup.
Djephif 5 tdjuumt op vuvem cideati ug cammoph cioph movisemmz iwiszxjisi O'wi hupi vu.
Gappz ipuahj, upi tvusz dunqimmif nz gevjis't pix hosmgsoipf demmoph ni uav gus cioph tu tvaqof vu vji fihsii ug puv apfistvepfoph xju jimqt ni xovj nevj tvafzoph (Liiq op nopf, O'wi mutv emm ug nz opvisitv op nevjinevodt op vji 5vj hsefi). Vjev jeqqipif xjip, xjomi 10 ziest umf, O updi xipv vu nz gevjis't qmedi op 2 duapvsoit exez gsun ni, epf O'wi tvuuf vjisi gus e nupvj, apvom ji'mm tipf ni cedl cideati ug cioph vuu jestj apfotdoqmopif, epf aphsevigam gus xjev ji xet fuoph.
O qmezif wofiu henit gus nz 70% ug mogi, cav ev tuni quopv, O apfistvuuf xjev ov dutvt vu ni, cioph tu mebz epf pup-opovoevowi. Epf O teof vu nztimg, vjev xjeviwis xomm jeqqip, “O xomm Djephi nz mogi ev 18 ziest umf”, epf vcj, O fof!
Epf ov xomm dupvopai vu duptvepvmz djephi, cideati ug nz duasehi vu ciduni nusi vjep O en vufez, O fup'v jewi nadj gopepdoem lpuxmifhi ziv.
Cav zua dep ci tasi O xomm ci jewoph namvoqmi 9pt op vji voni ug 2 epf 5 ziest gsun pux, cideati iwip e tvaqof e$$ moli ni dep ciduni taddittgam atoph Getvmepi. Puv cideati O teof tu, cav cideati O xomm miesp jux vu.

O en 18 ziest umf, epf O, xomm piwis raov, siedjoph gus vji johjitv O dep onehopi!

Ximduni Nzlzve!
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