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Have you yet realized that you are already doing...those things you say you want to be doing "someday"?
It's actually true when you dig down deep enough...
I had a major breakthrough with literally all my clients/friends yesterday.
For those that don't know what I do...I guide a person to dig DEEEP into a their unconscious mind, and help them discover what they really want, and get to where they want to be.
There's an interesting way I do things, because I don't give advice. I never give an answer. I simply am a tour guide to your own unconscious mind. I get people in touch with their unconscious and show them how to use their brain the way they never thought they could before.
From there, the answers reveal themselves to you.
...but that all means that the answers you are looking for, are already there and you are in full control of where you choose to take your life.
At one point of my journey, I learned how to break through their limiting beliefs, fears, I discovered what specifically motivates them, and what gets them to take action.
It took a couple of months with each one...but it was yesterday the I realized all the things I once thought I needed to learn weren't necessary to getting results.
What I discovered in each and every single one of these (previously) struggling entrepreneurs...is this.
They were already living the life they (truly) want to live.
One friend of mine works long hard days on his business. He never gets in that flow state and every single thing he does drains him of his energy.
At the end of the day, he can finally unwind and do nothing.
He was frustrated on not only where business, but life has taken him. It was like he was fighting an uphill battle.
When he said he worked "long hard days" on his business, I immediately believed it....but when he really thought about it..he wasn't working on the important parts of his business.
He was toying around, doing things that didn't really matter, and pretty much was doing nothing.
He was feeling stuck, and making no progress.
So I asked him what his goals are.
"High-rise apartment by the beach, hot wife, family, nice cars.", He said.
"But why do you want all that? Why do you want to have success in business."
He thought...
"Pretty much, I want to sit around and do nothing." He said firmly.
This is when it hit me.
You are already living the life you want to live. My friend was doing nothing...and he remained comfortably in that reality he was living in....by doing nothing all day on his business
I used to want to do nothing as my end goal, projecting it years later..but in reality, in that present moment...now...I was doing...nothing.
Is your goal passive income so you don't have to work?
How's that working out for you? (I already know the answer).
There is a reason why billionaires work until they day they die. They choose growth, progress, and creating business systems that work around the clock...they don't choose "passive income doing nothing".
If you want passive income so you can play video games all day...you can do play video games all day now. But that is not the goal to set if you want to have a large business.
The secret to success is to see the world for what you want it to be...already happening.
"I am already growing a company that solves problems for new parents, and is massively successful"
"I am recording for my video blog that is helping others overcome poor eating habits."
In the unconscious mind, there is no such thing as time. It literally doesn't exist in there.
In NLP, they say that perception is projection. Where the things that lay in your unconscious mind...are projected out like a movie projector at the movie theater...into your perception of the world.
What you see in others, is actually an indication from your deep unconscious...that you are actually seeing in that person...something you need to see, in yourself.
I used to think when I removed a limiting belief, it would only make it easier to take the action towards my goals....but it goes much more literal than that. If those beliefs in our unconscious are projections, doesn't this explain why our expectations and beliefs turn into self-fulfilling prophecies?
Everything you believe to be true in this world - you will look for evidence for support it (and you'll find it).
Do you ever find yourself pointing to "evidence" from the past, and current to support a belief you have about yourself?
But what if you could change those into positive beliefs? Instead of seeing rejection on the cold calls today, see a few successes.
Kind of the same thing, but in spiritual circles, they say everything in the universe is one..and that we are all connected.
I picture this as a big power plant representing that area behind the unconscious, the wires and telephone lines throughout the city as your unconscious, and then each house that is lit up at night is person.
And those houses are all connected through the power plant.
So when you do something to another living being, they say it is also you giving that same kind of "energy" to yourself.
So if you approach your business from a mindset of GIVING the best possible product or service you can offer another person, and do that at a massive scale, the spiritual communities say that energy is 100% guaranteed to come back to you (in the form of a lot of money).
What you give,is what you get.
Then they begin to introduce the idea that our entire reality is one big hologram, and you are actually that power plant that controls every aspect of the hologram around you.
If you're connected, you can theoretically control the actions of others, and the events that happen around "to" you...can you?
When I was going through my second business "failure", I was told by others who have been there before that things don't happen TO you, they happen FOR you. And every experience is whatever you label it to be.
They said to me that "Those hard times you are going through now are there to help move you in the direction of where you will one day, already be (living your goals)".
But I always used to view things from a psychological perspective.
In psychology, the fact remains that time is not real in the unconscious mind, and we project our reality from the unconscious BEFORE it gets to our conscious awareness.
Perception is projection.
And also, our unconscious cannot process a negative.
"I don't want to be broke"
"I don't want to get rejected on this cold-email"
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
So coming back to the main point of this article...
What you see to be true...is true...in your reality.
And since time is not real (in our unconscious mind), the secret to living the life you want to live is this:
1. Think about EXACTLY what you DO want (think of my story where my friend "Didn't want to do anything." - he could change that up to "I am writing a best-selling book"). Make sure whatever it is you want to be doing and experiencing in your life, is what you really do want.
2. When you really decide what you do want, begin to look for signs in the universe that the life you said you wanted...is already here.
3. You are already living the life you chose to live. If you want a change in your life, choose to focus and really tune your conscious awareness on the things in your world that support the idea of you "already living the life you want to be living"
One of the biggest objections is this:
"I want to be a millionaire, but I don't have $1,000,000 in my bank account."
My best analogy is this - It's like going on vacation. You are going on vacation the very moment you buy that plane ticket, and not when you get to your destination.
You're just in the early stages of having it.
Most people never get past the early stages of already being successful...because they don't see their BIG end goal immediately..so they set another goal and give up at the early stages again.
If you want to have success in business, keep pushing forward through those early stages were you don't see the material results yet.
A few weeks ago, I decided to focus in on what I really am driven to do in this life. I said "I want to live in the mountains for a bit and write book for a few weeks straight".
Two days ago, I chose to make the life I want to live a reality. There were circumstances outside of me that made most people say "I'll chose to chase my dreams someday..the time is not convenient now."
After I took that leap and decided to do what made me happy....everything stated falling into place.
Anyhow, the main points of this article are to look beyond the material things you say you want, and really determine the type of life you want to be living.
Because when you do that...you'll notice that you're already living it.
And that gives you control to choose to live any life you want to live.
Choose what you want, and see it here now.
It's actually true when you dig down deep enough...
I had a major breakthrough with literally all my clients/friends yesterday.
For those that don't know what I do...I guide a person to dig DEEEP into a their unconscious mind, and help them discover what they really want, and get to where they want to be.
There's an interesting way I do things, because I don't give advice. I never give an answer. I simply am a tour guide to your own unconscious mind. I get people in touch with their unconscious and show them how to use their brain the way they never thought they could before.
From there, the answers reveal themselves to you.
...but that all means that the answers you are looking for, are already there and you are in full control of where you choose to take your life.
At one point of my journey, I learned how to break through their limiting beliefs, fears, I discovered what specifically motivates them, and what gets them to take action.
It took a couple of months with each one...but it was yesterday the I realized all the things I once thought I needed to learn weren't necessary to getting results.
What I discovered in each and every single one of these (previously) struggling entrepreneurs...is this.
They were already living the life they (truly) want to live.
One friend of mine works long hard days on his business. He never gets in that flow state and every single thing he does drains him of his energy.
At the end of the day, he can finally unwind and do nothing.
He was frustrated on not only where business, but life has taken him. It was like he was fighting an uphill battle.
When he said he worked "long hard days" on his business, I immediately believed it....but when he really thought about it..he wasn't working on the important parts of his business.
He was toying around, doing things that didn't really matter, and pretty much was doing nothing.
He was feeling stuck, and making no progress.
So I asked him what his goals are.
"High-rise apartment by the beach, hot wife, family, nice cars.", He said.
"But why do you want all that? Why do you want to have success in business."
He thought...
"Pretty much, I want to sit around and do nothing." He said firmly.
This is when it hit me.
You are already living the life you want to live. My friend was doing nothing...and he remained comfortably in that reality he was living in....by doing nothing all day on his business
I used to want to do nothing as my end goal, projecting it years later..but in reality, in that present moment...now...I was doing...nothing.
Is your goal passive income so you don't have to work?
How's that working out for you? (I already know the answer).
There is a reason why billionaires work until they day they die. They choose growth, progress, and creating business systems that work around the clock...they don't choose "passive income doing nothing".
If you want passive income so you can play video games all day...you can do play video games all day now. But that is not the goal to set if you want to have a large business.
The secret to success is to see the world for what you want it to be...already happening.
"I am already growing a company that solves problems for new parents, and is massively successful"
"I am recording for my video blog that is helping others overcome poor eating habits."
In the unconscious mind, there is no such thing as time. It literally doesn't exist in there.
In NLP, they say that perception is projection. Where the things that lay in your unconscious mind...are projected out like a movie projector at the movie theater...into your perception of the world.
What you see in others, is actually an indication from your deep unconscious...that you are actually seeing in that person...something you need to see, in yourself.
I used to think when I removed a limiting belief, it would only make it easier to take the action towards my goals....but it goes much more literal than that. If those beliefs in our unconscious are projections, doesn't this explain why our expectations and beliefs turn into self-fulfilling prophecies?
Everything you believe to be true in this world - you will look for evidence for support it (and you'll find it).
Do you ever find yourself pointing to "evidence" from the past, and current to support a belief you have about yourself?
But what if you could change those into positive beliefs? Instead of seeing rejection on the cold calls today, see a few successes.
Kind of the same thing, but in spiritual circles, they say everything in the universe is one..and that we are all connected.
I picture this as a big power plant representing that area behind the unconscious, the wires and telephone lines throughout the city as your unconscious, and then each house that is lit up at night is person.
And those houses are all connected through the power plant.
So when you do something to another living being, they say it is also you giving that same kind of "energy" to yourself.
So if you approach your business from a mindset of GIVING the best possible product or service you can offer another person, and do that at a massive scale, the spiritual communities say that energy is 100% guaranteed to come back to you (in the form of a lot of money).
What you give,is what you get.
Then they begin to introduce the idea that our entire reality is one big hologram, and you are actually that power plant that controls every aspect of the hologram around you.
If you're connected, you can theoretically control the actions of others, and the events that happen around "to" you...can you?
When I was going through my second business "failure", I was told by others who have been there before that things don't happen TO you, they happen FOR you. And every experience is whatever you label it to be.
They said to me that "Those hard times you are going through now are there to help move you in the direction of where you will one day, already be (living your goals)".
But I always used to view things from a psychological perspective.
In psychology, the fact remains that time is not real in the unconscious mind, and we project our reality from the unconscious BEFORE it gets to our conscious awareness.
Perception is projection.
And also, our unconscious cannot process a negative.
"I don't want to be broke"
"I don't want to get rejected on this cold-email"
Self-fulfilling prophecy.
So coming back to the main point of this article...
What you see to be true...is true...in your reality.
And since time is not real (in our unconscious mind), the secret to living the life you want to live is this:
1. Think about EXACTLY what you DO want (think of my story where my friend "Didn't want to do anything." - he could change that up to "I am writing a best-selling book"). Make sure whatever it is you want to be doing and experiencing in your life, is what you really do want.
2. When you really decide what you do want, begin to look for signs in the universe that the life you said you wanted...is already here.
3. You are already living the life you chose to live. If you want a change in your life, choose to focus and really tune your conscious awareness on the things in your world that support the idea of you "already living the life you want to be living"
One of the biggest objections is this:
"I want to be a millionaire, but I don't have $1,000,000 in my bank account."
My best analogy is this - It's like going on vacation. You are going on vacation the very moment you buy that plane ticket, and not when you get to your destination.
You're just in the early stages of having it.
Most people never get past the early stages of already being successful...because they don't see their BIG end goal immediately..so they set another goal and give up at the early stages again.
If you want to have success in business, keep pushing forward through those early stages were you don't see the material results yet.
A few weeks ago, I decided to focus in on what I really am driven to do in this life. I said "I want to live in the mountains for a bit and write book for a few weeks straight".
Two days ago, I chose to make the life I want to live a reality. There were circumstances outside of me that made most people say "I'll chose to chase my dreams someday..the time is not convenient now."
After I took that leap and decided to do what made me happy....everything stated falling into place.
Anyhow, the main points of this article are to look beyond the material things you say you want, and really determine the type of life you want to be living.
Because when you do that...you'll notice that you're already living it.
And that gives you control to choose to live any life you want to live.
Choose what you want, and see it here now.
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