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You Are One Call Away From Living Your Dream Life + Biz⚡ LightHouse’s 1:1 Accountability Coaching Program [2024]

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Do you keep setting goals and writing endless tasks down every day that never get done even though you are "busy"?

Are you tired of spinning in circles and not feeling accomplished at the end of the week, month, and year?

Are you struggling to make sales, sign clients, or grow your team?


I know exactly how you feel.

What you are experiencing is not unique.

Every entrepreneur struggles with these same issues (even myself at times) and not everyone gets the right tools in order to fix it.

So… how would it feel to…

→ stop procrastinating
→ develop laser-like focus
→ know what to focus on each week

…and get those results you are desperate for?

Let me first give you the key behind your struggle

*The thing you are missing* is getting very clear in what you want, setting the right targets, and being accountable for your work, consistently.

This seems obvious, right?

I bet you have heard it all before, but you still haven’t taken any action on it?

Which is likely because, while it sounds obvious, you do not know where to start or what you need to focus on…

…instead, you just feel overwhelmed.

How do you solve it?

Q: What do you do when you KNOW what you need to do, but just CAN'T get it moving?

A: You get someone to walk you through the process of getting clarity on where things are in your life & business, where you are actually going, then build the plan of how to connect the two.

You work with them to learn how to set proper measurable and actionable goals, and you make sure they hold your feet to the fire, consistently....

Who is that person, you ask?

An Executive Accountability Coach, and you guessed it! I am your guy.

Who am I, and how can I solve your problems?

I'm Chris, a professional Executive Accountability and peak performance Coach....

As an entrepreneur, father, manager, leader, and volunteer I struggled with the same exact things that you do. Until I figured out the key to smashing through my goals and getting things done day in and day out, CONSISTENTLY.

I have been in business almost 20 years, having built 10 companies and sold 4 of them.

For the past 6+ years, I have worked with 100’s of entrepreneurs, founders, executives and business leaders around the world growing their businesses at lightning speed and gaining…

→more confidence
→more self esteem
→more fulfilling relationships

...and ultimately driving towards their biggest dreams in life with less overwhelm and less frustration.

Now I will help you do the same...

I created a 6 month High-Performance Accountability program that will redesign and rewire your mind to have greater clarity, more focus, and ultimately achieve your business and personal goals.

(40+ fastlane members can confirm this, see the long list of testimonials below)

We will also seek to root out the main causes of why you are not getting things done and incrementally improve them until you are in peak condition every day.

Whether you are in startup mode (and have revenue) or are running a med - large business, we will work together to set the right goals week by week, with the right priorities, and be accountable for delivering.

Some of my clients have started with a simple idea that he got off the ground, and with my background in business, we were able to identify a target and get an income stream that provided 5 figures in monthly income in a mere 3 months
(Yes you read that right, the testimonial is in this thread)

The majority are in the process of scaling their business in the single and double digit millions. Scale is what I know.

My process is intense and intended only for individuals ready to commit to the 6 month process, ready for change, and ready to invest the time and resources needed to get to the next level.

(2/3rds of my clients stay on longer to continue that growth over time.)

Here is how it works:

First, I am going to help get you very clear on what you want, what it takes to get there, and how to set the right goals weekly/quarterly/yearly to achieve them.

Then we are going to track progress and adjust together, every week. We will complete a continual feedback loop ➿

If you want to enjoy this adventure you are on and design a life that you dreamed of, it all starts here..

What you can expect….

  • Confidentiality: Your life is your private data. The first thing we will discuss is 100% confidentiality between you and I.
  • Clarity: We are going to make sure you are very clear on what your vision is for your business, your life, and how you are going to get there.
  • Weekly (or Bi-Weekly) 1:1 Calls: Each week we are going to get on a call and discuss your prior week's performance. We are going to deconstruct any challenges and rebuild them incrementally.
  • Precise Goal Setting: Over the first few weeks, I am going to train you to set goals correctly and guide you to choose the most impactful targets.
  • Weekly Journal (Evernote): You will maintain a structured weekly journal of week overviews and goals in Evernote that is shared directly to me.
  • Quarterly or Semi-Annual Evaluations: On a schedule we are going to make sure your goals and your weekly work aligns with your future vision.
  • 1:1 Support: The most coveted benefit of all, having someone there to support your journey on this lonely path.
  • Fun Stuff: Don't think this is just boring paperwork, we are going to have fun as well. Your journey isn't just work, it's an adventure.

What does it cost?

No silly pitch tricks here.

I offer a few options to fit the program to the needs of the individual. This is 1:1 Executive Coaching so you will need to be willing to invest the time, money, and resources to get the best results.

As you can see by the miles long list of testimonials, you can not afford not to get coaching that changes your life from a fundamental level.

But wait..... there's more.....

Before you even pay me a dime…

I want you to schedule a “no strings” confidential discovery call with me

We will get a sense for where you are , what you are aiming for, and if you are a fit for the program.

Then you will get familiar with my process and my background.

You will decide after the call if it is right for you, in your own pressure-free environment.

Interested? Do this right away…

#1 - Decide that you are committed to the change needed to get the results you dream of.

#2 - Click the link below, enter your name and email, pick a date/time that works for you, and I will take it from there.

I am not in the game of high pressure sales.

This is a discovery call, not a sales pitch.

I guarantee that you will get value. If you feel like you haven't gotten your first month's payment back in value in the first 30 days, I will give it back to you. I have been on TFLF for 16+ years, the proof is there :)


Here is a sample of testimonials from former & current clients…

@Ravens_Shadow says…

Writing a recommendation for @LightHouse. We're part of the same IRL entrepreneur circle and we were on a group retreat of sorts in Mexico a few years ago. I was talking to Chris about the challenges of building my business and he told me his theories of an executive needing a manager too. "Sure, you manage the company, but who manages you?". It stuck with me well enough to start paying him for his weekly executive coaching services. Nearly 4 years later, he's helped me through many tumultuous periods, given me rock solid advice based on his own experience running companies, and is always there when I'm in deep trouble or need clarity. I'd highly recommend working with him. If you feel overburdened, he's able to take some of that weight off and send you in the right direction. Not only is he my coach at this point, but a trusted friend and I can't thank him enough! A large part of having my success is due to his continued guidance.

If you need clarity, direction, weekly advice, accountability, and more Chris is your man!

@Esquire says…

When I saw @LightHouse had an opening available on his accountability schedule it did not take me more than a New York minute to decide I was on board. Chris has been fantastic. Our weekly calls helped me self-reflect and get a clearer vision of where my life’s priorities are. He also had some great tips and insights to share based on his own experiences as an entrepreneur that were very helpful. Great person to brainstorm ideas with. And candidly, knowing that weekly phone call was coming up motivated me to get things done at a faster pace. Which is always a big plus. If you are on the fence and considering his services, as M.J. likes to say: stop action faking and start action taking. There is nothing to think about. Just do it. You’ll be glad you did.

@GlobalWealth says...

Chris and I have been doing this for the past year or so.

It has been a huge help for me to stay on track and keep me accountable on my weekly and quarterly goals.

I can definitely say my productivity has increased exponentially in the past year.

@Vigilante says...

I can tell you that he has changed my business, and helped me position it for sale using a process similar to what he is offering here. I'm a fan, and believe that for the right people who want a coach who can equip them with the tools of success... this would be a worthwhile program.

@amp0193 says...

Did a few months with @LightHouse and can honestly say I'm in a different place because of it.

I thought I was going to get more productive on my business stuff... but what happened was a lot more than that

Chris laid out the importance of setting weekly (and quarterly) targets for all areas of my life. Business, health, family/friends.

Health and family were always important to me, and I had aspirations for that, but never actually sat down and made goals for them before. And it was tough!

Trying to think of something out of the ordinary to do for my wife once a week is harder than it sounds. But I stuck to it, and our relationship went from a 3 to an 8 in a few months, and we just recently got back from a 3 night trip to Santa Fe... sans kids! It was amazing watching the way she acted towards me over the course of the weeks. It doesn't take much guys!

Health and fitness immediately jumped up to the next level and I was making a lot of progress, until a deadlift injury derailed me. Whoops.

Business made some improvement. I often didn't reach my targets, because I was so un-used to setting goals that I usually bit off more than I could chew. Chris drilled the importance of figuring out what that "one thing" to get done needed to be, and make sure you at least get that done. Which I did almost every week. He gave me strategies for managing time throughout the day. And while I wasn't always successful at executing, I had some days where I felt like a superhuman, knocking out huge tasks in a day that normally might have taken me a week.

Beyond just the tactical stuff (which was helpful) Chris has a lot of wisdom, and just getting his thoughts on some of the stuff I was dealing with was invaluable. Also, knowing that he was going to be checking in on the weekly call, put pressure on me to actually have goals set. I didn't want to be unprepared.

The only reason I had to back out, was that I'm in a pretty tough financial spot, and had to cut out any expense in my life that wasn't directly related to fulfilling orders or keeping the lights on.

If you're on the fence... I'd suggest you give it a go. It will be money well spent.

@EngineerThis says…

Had my call with @LightHouse 2 weeks ago, to be honest, I had mixed feelings… however! This turned out to be a great thing… Lighthouse listened to my business problems throughly, and basically deduced my problems stemmed from my business not being a great idea, and my lack of forward progress was also due because it was out of my element… this left me a bit miffed originally…. HOWEVER, I started to work more on my freelance engineering business, it doesn’t really follow CENTS, that’s why I never pushed hard on it… But I’m definitely much more in my element, and have 7 years of Knowledge and experience!… So I dove in! Rebranded as EngineerThis and Long story short, that business picked way up! I’m getting the best feedback I’ve ever had in my life! I absolutely love it! And I do have ideas how to get closer to the CENTS framework! So I’m really appreciative of Lighthouse, for smacking me straight, and setting me on the path I should’ve been on this whole time! It’s so obvious now! Haha.

@FillyCheez says…

I came to @LightHouse at the beginning of 2023 with 2 main challenges; I had a lot of negative self-talk that prevented me from taking action, and I had a tough time determining what to focus on to move my business forward.

Working with Chris has given me two very important things: an ability to focus on needle-moving activities, and a mental toolkit to stop debilitating negative mental spirals.

As far as results go, I've gone from 1 employee to 5 this year, and my revenue has 2xed. I've removed myself from working "in the business", and only focus on administrative and sales tasks.

Through my work with Chris, my business is now in an incredible position to grow 4x or more this year. In short order, my business will finally be providing me with the time and money freedom that made me start the business in the first place.

Hop on a call with Chris, you'll be so glad you did!

@The Racing Driver says…

I just spoke with @LightHouse yesterday and wow...the very issues, overwhelm, and mental blocks I was facing. Chris picked up immediately and got straight to the core of them. On our very first call, he clearly identified my current position in terms of my entrepreneurial mindset and helped me map out an overall strategy with solid targets to aim for with my new venture.

Anyone who is committed to improving their business and results, and lacking clarity should definitely get in touch with Chris, because I have probably saved myself weeks or even months of going in the wrong direction! I'm incredibly grateful for having spoken to him and I'm sure you'll be too.

@therealmark says...

Warning! If you like F*cking off and hiding behind excuses then don’t even think about hiring @LightHouse

When Chris first made this thread I saw it and thought that maybe I could get him to help me get some more done. I mean, this is the dude that brought us the GSD board…

Six months later ... I have a laundry list of achievements.

I hired an accountability coach but got so much more...

Chris has helped me to realize my big whys. He’s helped me to set real, actionable, goals. He’s helped me to eliminate goals that don’t serve my ultimate purpose.

He doesn’t just help you get shit done. He cares enough to work with you to get the right shit done.

And his business advice and mentorship is worth 10x what he charges. If he charged 10x for this service it would still be a steal.

In the last six months:

My health is better than it has been in the last 10 years.

My business is bringing on new clients at an explosive rate

My relationships are stronger than ever.

Chris was integral in helping me achieve all of it.

Of course you are only going to get out what you put into a relationship like this. But Chris isn’t going to let you waste his time with B.S. and excuses.

I just wanted to pop in here and let everyone who decided not to sign up for his accountability program know what they missed out on. If he ever takes on more people you would be stupid not to sign up.

@milehinocmply says...

I traditionally haven't trusted in the "productivity/accountability" industry or whatever you want to call it, but I felt compelled to come in here after a truly life-changing week.

Chris helped me see some pretty obvious opportunities that were right in front of me, and held me accountable for making concrete plans to go after them. I'm a Facebook Ads Manager and Marketing Manager at a company called Agora and have wanted to branch out and build my own agency for a while now.

I've signed 2 clients already (seriously, in one week) and have already received an upfront retainer from one. I'm really riding the momentum now and can't believe how fast things can change.

Just wanted to pop in here and give credit where credit is due.


@Kruiser says...

I just want to give a shout out to Chris to thank him for the help he’s given me over the past 6 months or so through his accountability program. It has really been huge for me.

There is probably a lot of value in having a peer accountability partner – someone who is more or less at your level. You say “I’m going to do X this week.” Next week you have to say whether you did X or not.

There’s value in that. And it can help you move forward. To a degree.

But I’ve benefited from working with Chris because he is NOT a peer accountability partner. He’s someone at a higher level. More experience, better mindset, different (and better) strategies and systems, etc.

Yes, there’s the “did you do X last week like you said you would?” part of it. That helps.

But where things get more interesting (and helpful) is when my answer to whether I did X is “umm . . . yeah, kind of . . . sort of . . . no.” Then we dig into why not and things get deeper and more interesting.

The majority of the time on our weekly phone calls focus on business stuff. But there have been weeks where we pretty much talked about no business at all because other stuff was going on in my life that took priority.

I’d say his approach is holistic and flexible.

Holistic in that, while recognizing that the main focus of the call and my participation in his program is to move forward in business, he knows that business is just a part of life, so he makes sure I’m making progress in other key aspects of life: health, relationships, etc. Flexible in that if a strategy he suggests isn’t working for me for whatever reason, he has a bunch of others he can suggest that might work better.

Anyway, it is Monday morning (at least on the U.S. west coast). If you haven’t made the progress you hoped to in the last week (or month or year), maybe ping @LightHouse to see if he can help you.

He probably can.

@Hong King Kong says...

I've been doing this with Chris for a while and its a world of a difference compared to trying to get shit done on my own.

Having someone to hold you accountable weekly, and doesn't hold back when calling out your bullshit excuses... it really pulls you back to center and focus on the real needle movers. Not just in business, but in other important aspects of your life too. (Your personal health, relationships with friends and family...etc).

It's easy to get lost in the thick of thin things nowadays, the day-to-day busy work and distractions that barely move the needle. Having a partner, or if you're a solo entrepreneur like me, having Chris to give you a raw, outside perspective while tracking the progress has been invaluable.

@Vigilante says...

I have no idea if your roster of clients is full right now or not (as I forgot to ask you) but I thought I would drop in with the following.

I had a quick discussion with Lighthouse/Chris today, and here's what happened.
As he has done in the past, he gave me a simple idea for my business that I had not thought of. I will immediately set to work on his idea, because it was golden. Sometimes all it takes is a fresh set of eyes, and usually that perspective is uniquely from @LightHouse, to cast a new winning suggestion for businesses in the stage of business mine is. It is these same gold nuggets that I used from him during my last business to automate it, structure it, and ultimately sell it. His wisdom seems simple to him, and he often brings to the surface things that "I should have thought about." But I don't, and he does, and that's why he is a winning coach.

If you have a chance to get mentored by him, take it. His out of the box thinking again and again makes a significant difference.

Brett D said:
Getting a business off the ground is difficult, especially as someone who is new to the game. I was dealing that that challenge on top of having my life turned upside down by the covid lockdowns which wreaked havoc on my habits and lifestyle.

I came to Chris as I was ultimately unable to get myself up and out of a slump I had been in for nearly a year prior. Just a few months later I felt like a fully functional human being again, armed with the tools and insights necessary to keep myself on the right track and stay there.

If you are in a rut, stuck in your own head, are looking for a shift in mindset or just need a kick in the a$$ then reach out to Chris. He'll get the job done.

James P said:
I was in a difficult position before Chris's coaching program. I've had issues with my offline business and time management. Time management was a huge challenge. I was starting up a new business selling offline products, while balancing time with my day job.

Chris has assisted me in slimming down my priorities, which has helped me to see what's truly essential for the company to fulfill its ultimate objective. His wealth of experience and time-management tactics have given me a more accurate view ahead.

When you're right in the midst of things, it's difficult to find someone to talk to about it. It was with Chris that I discovered his support be the most helpful.

Juan M said:
I have been working with Chris for around 4 months. He has helped me set my goals both personally and professionally and stick to them effectively. The most important change I was able to unlock by his guidance is changing how I approach challenges, how I think about activities, and also prioritizing that one activity that will produce greater results in my life.

All his knowledge and guidance were key to organizing a more fulfilling life and improving my mindset.
His approach is well designed and comes with a lot of tools to help you overcome entrepreneurial challenges as well as life roadblocks as they present.

Andre C said:
I used to be unclear when I was starting my new business about how to manifest it from idea to reality. It was born from the culmination of information and experiences from the past 5+ years of my life, and I wasn't sure how to boil all that down into a simple offer.

Chris helped me keep the pace of progress and was able to go down rabbit holes with me as I started piecing together all the ideas. Chris also questioned and challenged me as needed which kept my mind on track. Now, my offer is clear and my business is rolling. Thanks Chris!

There are many more throughout this thread (I could only choose a few due to thread length limits)

Interested? Do this right away…

#1 - Decide that you are committed to the change needed to get the results you dream of.

#2 - Click the link below, enter your name and email, pick a date/time that works for you, and I will take it from there.

I am not in the game of high pressure sales.

This is a discovery call, not a sales pitch.

I guarantee that you will get value. If you feel like you haven't gotten your first month's payment back in value in the first 30 days, I will give it back to you. All of it.


The last time I posted open spots on the forum, all the spots were gone in 48 hrs.
If you want to get moving, schedule a call with me right now.


// INTROVERTED and don't like the phone? PM me and we will find a method that works for you. I am non-judgmental, confidential, and easy to talk to. Your trust in me is paramount to my success, so I strive to create a comfortable environment for you.
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Jumz tjov. Enq EPF Wohomepvi vitvonupoemt??
EPF e nittehi gus opvsuwisvt?!?

O’n onqsittif. Nef sitqidv fafi.

Vjepl zua! Vji motv summt up cav vjisi ot upmz tu nadj tqedi up e tophmi qutv gus rauvi cuyit!
Tex vjot epf jef vu howi nz guas dipvt gus @MohjvJuati (ov't vji mietv O dep fu):

Op Tjusv: Djsot ot e xodlifmz hogvif hipoat ev uqipoph zuas cseop vu piyv miwimt, epf djephif nz xusmf op 2 juast.

"Djephif nz xusmf"?!... Zit, vjev fsetvod mum.

O xet tvadl op e dunqmivi & ceggmoph namvo-zies qesemztot O katv duamfp'v tjeli... O tvancmif edsutt ep umf vjsief ug jot epf siedjif uav.

Xjev O huv xet dunqmivimz apiyqidvif; @MohjvJuati hipisuatmz vemlif xovj ni gus 2 tvseohjv juast muuloph gus puvjoph op sivasp. Up e suuv miwim, Djsot hipaopimz xepvt qiuqmi vu fu ximm. O'n tasi vjev teni qettoup dessoit opvu epz qistupem fiwimuqnipv, duedjoph, edduapvecomovz qsuhsen, ivd. ivd. vjev ji caomft epf ot vji apfismzoph 'xjz' vjev fsowit vji qsuwip sitamvt gsun jot dmoipvt.

Xi fah Fiiq fasoph vjuti 2 juast. Tuni ecuav catopitt, cav nutv up vji edvaem guapfevoup ovtimg; vji nopf epf vji vjopht vjev fsowi ov (inuvoupt, piift, xepvt, ivd.). Ji fuitp'v djoni op iwisz pux epf vjip xovj tuni sihashovevif nuvvu zua gopf up vji opvispiv; optvief iwisz optohjv, giifcedl, epf qistqidvowi eqqmoit fosidvmz vu zuas tovaevoup op xezt zua piwis vjuahjv ecuav. Xi ofipvogoif vji apfismzoph gedvust vu nz qesemztot O piwis duamf gus ziest xjodj xet Jahi, epf xomm ci mogi djephoph gus ni et O xusl up vjin. Emuph xovj vji uvjis fubip "uj tjov" eje nunipvt, xi emtu qav vuhivjis qmept up edvoupecmi tvagg vu vasp vji tjoq cedl up vsedl.

- - - - - Vjev't Vji Tjusv, Jisi't Vji Fiiq Up Nz Qistupem Tovaevoup - - - - -

O xepv vu qeopv vjot qodvasi op e sex gusn:
Pu Nevvis Xjev Miwim Zua Eddunqmotjif us Dassipvmz Vedlmoph, Vjisi Ot Emxezt E Diomoph. Epf Zua Xomm Aplpuxophmz Qmeviea. Epf Zua Xomm Ciev Zuas Jief Uwis & Uwis Eheop Vszoph Vu Gohasi Uav Xjz Zua Dep'v Efwepdi Johjis Apvom Zua Siemobi Zua'wi Qmeviea'f.

Zua tii.. O JOV NZ DIOMOPH, epf nz tvaqof & tvaccusp xezt fofp'v iwip vjopl vjev xet quttocmi. "Zua dep hsopf jesf epf hiv vjsuahj epz suefcmudl xovj ipuahj qistotvipdi." --- Vjev xet nz nuvvu O mowif epf foif cz. Epf vjev nuvvu ot xjev amvonevimz mief ni vu ci tvadl op vji teni qmedi gus vji qetv 5 ziest.

Dosdmoph cedl esuapf, miv ni nipvoup vji xusf "Miwim" eheop. Vji Getvmepi kuaspiz ugvip muult moli vjot:
  • Tmewi Kuc/Tofi Jatvmi --> $2,000 Tofi Opduni
  • $2,000 --> $5,000/nupvj, Raov Kuc
  • $5,000 --> 5-Gohasit/nupvj (nz dassipv miwim)
  • 5-Gohasi/nupvj --> $100,000/nupvj
  • Epf tuup up...
Tii... xovj vji sohjv cuult, zuavaci, fsowi, japhis, ivd - Zua dep hiv vu nz dassipv miwim. Epf zua xomm niiv epf pivxusl xovj tuni hsiev qiuqmi emuph vji xez, vjiz xomm hipisemmz ci ev zuas teni miwim us tmohjvmz cimux up vjios xez aq. Cideati op vjot qjeti, zua tjesi e dunnup cupf xovj uvjist ofouvod ipuahj vu xeml vji mupimz kuaspiz ug djetoph fsient xovj edvaem edvoup.

Csieloph $100,000+ qis Nupvj Miwim: Velit ep ipvosimz foggisipv wistoup ug nopf deqecomovz (xovj vji iydiqvoupt ug e gix) vjep vji upi vjev huv zua vjsuahj qsiwouat miwimt.

Zua dep xusl OP zuastimg epf csiel vjsuahj vji iesmois miwimt. Zua jewi vu xusl UP zuastimg vu jewi epz djepdi gus vji piyv miwim. Epz xusloph UP zuastimg qsiwouatmz xet tonqmz caomfoph e pu-raov evvovafi, tlommtiv, lpuxmifhi, nopftiv, ivd. edjoiwif vjsuahj cuult, dupvipv, ivd.

Xusloph UP zuastimg ev vji 'csiel $100,000/nupvj' miwim deppuv ci ucveopif vji teni xez epznusi. Vji upmz xez pux ot vu jewi fosidv dupvedv, opqav, efwodi, epf fiiq optohjv gsun vjuti xju jewi csulip vjsuahj vu vjev miwim epf cizupf; vjuti xovj gostv jepf lpuxmifhi & iyqisoipdi. O muwi nz uvjis gsoipft epf qiist ev nz miwim us up vjios xez, cav O duamf jewi e FIIQ dupwistevoup xovj vjin gus 8 juast tvseohjv epf puv hiv xjev O vsamz piif vu hiv vu vji piyv miwim.

Epf vjot ot xjisi @MohjvJuati ot acismz vemipvif ev. Ji't xemlif epf jimqif uvjist gsun vji tvesvoph qjeti vu mogi egvis timmoph catopittit.

Xjev tiqesevit vji Imovi evjmivi gsun e tqusv vu vji sitv: NK, Luci, Micsup, Dsotvoepu, Umf Vohis, Tisipe?
100% vji nopf.

Xjev tiqesevit vji Imovi ipvsiqsipiast gsun vji sitv? Zua dep ci sitv ettasif vji Imovi ipvsiqsipiast emm jewi e qistup moli @MohjvJuati up vjios tofi.
Tex vjot epf jef vu howi nz guas dipvt gus @MohjvJuati (ov't vji mietv O dep fu):

Op Tjusv: Djsot ot e xodlifmz hogvif hipoat ev uqipoph zuas cseop vu piyv miwimt, epf djephif nz xusmf op 2 juast.

"Djephif nz xusmf"?!... Zit, vjev fsetvod mum.

O xet tvadl op e dunqmivi & ceggmoph namvo-zies qesemztot O katv duamfp'v tjeli... O tvancmif edsutt ep umf vjsief ug jot epf siedjif uav.

Xjev O huv xet dunqmivimz apiyqidvif; @MohjvJuati hipisuatmz vemlif xovj ni gus 2 tvseohjv juast muuloph gus puvjoph op sivasp. Up e suuv miwim, Djsot hipaopimz xepvt qiuqmi vu fu ximm. O'n tasi vjev teni qettoup dessoit opvu epz qistupem fiwimuqnipv, duedjoph, edduapvecomovz qsuhsen, ivd. ivd. vjev ji caomft epf ot vji apfismzoph 'xjz' vjev fsowit vji qsuwip sitamvt gsun jot dmoipvt.

Xi fah Fiiq fasoph vjuti 2 juast. Tuni ecuav catopitt, cav nutv up vji edvaem guapfevoup ovtimg; vji nopf epf vji vjopht vjev fsowi ov (inuvoupt, piift, xepvt, ivd.). Ji fuitp'v djoni op iwisz pux epf vjip xovj tuni sihashovevif nuvvu zua gopf up vji opvispiv; optvief iwisz optohjv, giifcedl, epf qistqidvowi eqqmoit fosidvmz vu zuas tovaevoup op xezt zua piwis vjuahjv ecuav. Xi ofipvogoif vji apfismzoph gedvust vu nz qesemztot O piwis duamf gus ziest xjodj xet Jahi, epf xomm ci mogi djephoph gus ni et O xusl up vjin. Emuph xovj vji uvjis fubip "uj tjov" eje nunipvt, xi emtu qav vuhivjis qmept up edvoupecmi tvagg vu vasp vji tjoq cedl up vsedl.

- - - - - Vjev't Vji Tjusv, Jisi't Vji Fiiq Up Nz Qistupem Tovaevoup - - - - -

O xepv vu qeopv vjot qodvasi op e sex gusn:
Pu Nevvis Xjev Miwim Zua Eddunqmotjif us Dassipvmz Vedlmoph, Vjisi Ot Emxezt E Diomoph. Epf Zua Xomm Aplpuxophmz Qmeviea. Epf Zua Xomm Ciev Zuas Jief Uwis & Uwis Eheop Vszoph Vu Gohasi Uav Xjz Zua Dep'v Efwepdi Johjis Apvom Zua Siemobi Zua'wi Qmeviea'f.

Zua tii.. O JOV NZ DIOMOPH, epf nz tvaqof & tvaccusp xezt fofp'v iwip vjopl vjev xet quttocmi. "Zua dep hsopf jesf epf hiv vjsuahj epz suefcmudl xovj ipuahj qistotvipdi." --- Vjev xet nz nuvvu O mowif epf foif cz. Epf vjev nuvvu ot xjev amvonevimz mief ni vu ci tvadl op vji teni qmedi gus vji qetv 5 ziest.

Dosdmoph cedl esuapf, miv ni nipvoup vji xusf "Miwim" eheop. Vji Getvmepi kuaspiz ugvip muult moli vjot:
  • Tmewi Kuc/Tofi Jatvmi --> $2,000 Tofi Opduni
  • $2,000 --> $5,000/nupvj, Raov Kuc
  • $5,000 --> 5-Gohasit/nupvj (nz dassipv miwim)
  • 5-Gohasi/nupvj --> $100,000/nupvj
  • Epf tuup up...
Tii... xovj vji sohjv cuult, zuavaci, fsowi, japhis, ivd - Zua dep hiv vu nz dassipv miwim. Epf zua xomm niiv epf pivxusl xovj tuni hsiev qiuqmi emuph vji xez, vjiz xomm hipisemmz ci ev zuas teni miwim us tmohjvmz cimux up vjios xez aq. Cideati op vjot qjeti, zua tjesi e dunnup cupf xovj uvjist ofouvod ipuahj vu xeml vji mupimz kuaspiz ug djetoph fsient xovj edvaem edvoup.

Csieloph $100,000+ qis Nupvj Miwim: Velit ep ipvosimz foggisipv wistoup ug nopf deqecomovz (xovj vji iydiqvoupt ug e gix) vjep vji upi vjev huv zua vjsuahj qsiwouat miwimt.

Zua dep xusl OP zuastimg epf csiel vjsuahj vji iesmois miwimt. Zua jewi vu xusl UP zuastimg vu jewi epz djepdi gus vji piyv miwim. Epz xusloph UP zuastimg qsiwouatmz xet tonqmz caomfoph e pu-raov evvovafi, tlommtiv, lpuxmifhi, nopftiv, ivd. edjoiwif vjsuahj cuult, dupvipv, ivd.

Xusloph UP zuastimg ev vji 'csiel $100,000/nupvj' miwim deppuv ci ucveopif vji teni xez epznusi. Vji upmz xez pux ot vu jewi fosidv dupvedv, opqav, efwodi, epf fiiq optohjv gsun vjuti xju jewi csulip vjsuahj vu vjev miwim epf cizupf; vjuti xovj gostv jepf lpuxmifhi & iyqisoipdi. O muwi nz uvjis gsoipft epf qiist ev nz miwim us up vjios xez, cav O duamf jewi e FIIQ dupwistevoup xovj vjin gus 8 juast tvseohjv epf puv hiv xjev O vsamz piif vu hiv vu vji piyv miwim.

Epf vjot ot xjisi @MohjvJuati ot acismz vemipvif ev. Ji't xemlif epf jimqif uvjist gsun vji tvesvoph qjeti vu mogi egvis timmoph catopittit.

Xjev tiqesevit vji Imovi evjmivi gsun e tqusv vu vji sitv: NK, Luci, Micsup, Dsotvoepu, Umf Vohis, Tisipe?
100% vji nopf.

Xjev tiqesevit vji Imovi ipvsiqsipiast gsun vji sitv? Zua dep ci sitv ettasif vji Imovi ipvsiqsipiast emm jewi e qistup moli @MohjvJuati up vjios tofi.

@Kenit Gipf Vjepl zua gus tjesoph vjev! Xjev ep opdsifocmz qsuguapf xsovi aq. O en hmef zua siedjif uav epf O xet siefz gus zua. (fup'v gushiv uas gummux aq demm vufez!)

Nepz qiuqmi tvepf op vji xez ug vjintimwit. Vjios monov cidunit vjintimwit iovjis cz tjzpitt, ihu, gies, ivd vjiz fu puv siedj uav epf vjiz fu puv hiv vseptqesipv xovj uvjist.

O emxezt ipduasehi qiuqmi vu siedj uav vu vjuti vjev zua vsatv, epf uqip aq. Iwisz upi ug at tvsahhmit xovj wisz tonomes vjopht.

Zuas djepdit ug nuwoph cizupf ov epf edjoiwoph xjeviwis tadditt muult moli gus zua (jeqqopitt, gsiifun, opduni huemt, ivd) esi e coh gev 0 og zua tvez op zuas umf mepi epf fup'v veli vjev djepdi.

O en hmef zua vuul vjev djepdi, mogi dep djephi op ep optvepv.
@MohjvJuati jet ciip qavvoph jot guuv aq nz ett gus e xjomi. vjev't sohjv, vji fafi xju qatjit iwiszupi vu 'djuq djuq' hivt djuqqif cz vji qsu. jimqt ni tii vjopht o xuamf nott. jimqt csoph dmesovz.

xepv vu hiv tjov fupi cav liiq hivvoph op zuas uxp xez? raov neloph iydatit epf raov emmuxoph zuastimg vu neli iydatit. tohp aq.

xjz ot iwiszupi duum xovj hivvoph e govpitt duedj, e fudvus, e vjiseqotv, e haofi, e vseopis, vjios fuh e vseopis, tuniupi vu ushepobi vjios dmutiv ...... epf vjip vji nutv onqusvepv wijodmi vu hiv vjin xjisi vjiz xepv vu hu? vjiz vsz vu fu ov emm vjintimwit us sief tuni tvagg epf onqminipv ecuav 5% ug xjev vjiz sief. vjip nezci vjiz veli e hasa duasti us sief tuni nusi cuult....... us etl tuni qiuqmi ... us tiesdj tuni nusi ....... us sief tuni nusi cuult ......
xepv vu tjusvdav emm vjev cammtjov epf vasp 36 nupvjt ug qsuhsitt op 3 nupvjt? tohp aq.

xepv e qsugittoupem wistoup ug ni tlzqoph zua vu 'djuq gadloph djuq!'? tohp aq.

fu ov gus 6 nupvjt. $4l vu hiv nusi tjov fupi vjep zua iwis jewi. tohp aq. pux.
@MohjvJuati jet ciip qavvoph jot guuv aq nz e$$ gus e xjomi. vjev't sohjv, vji fafi xju qatjit iwiszupi vu 'djuq djuq' hivt djuqqif cz vji qsu. jimqt ni tii vjopht o xuamf nott. jimqt csoph dmesovz.

xepv vu hiv tjov fupi cav liiq hivvoph op zuas uxp xez? raov neloph iydatit epf raov emmuxoph zuastimg vu neli iydatit. tohp aq.

xjz ot iwiszupi duum xovj hivvoph e govpitt duedj, e fudvus, e vjiseqotv, e haofi, e vseopis, vjios fuh e vseopis, tuniupi vu ushepobi vjios dmutiv ...... epf vjip vji nutv onqusvepv wijodmi vu hiv vjin xjisi vjiz xepv vu hu? vjiz vsz vu fu ov emm vjintimwit us sief tuni tvagg epf onqminipv ecuav 5% ug xjev vjiz sief. vjip nezci vjiz veli e hasa duasti us sief tuni nusi cuult....... us etl tuni qiuqmi ... us tiesdj tuni nusi ....... us sief tuni nusi cuult ......
xepv vu tjusvdav emm vjev cammtjov epf vasp 36 nupvjt ug qsuhsitt op 3 nupvjt? tohp aq.

xepv e qsugittoupem wistoup ug ni tlzqoph zua vu 'djuq G*dloph djuq!'? tohp aq.

fu ov gus 6 nupvjt. $4l vu hiv nusi tjov fupi vjep zua iwis jewi. tohp aq. pux.

@BDQ Vjeplt gus tjesoph vjev. Ov't gappz, ov emxezt huit cuvj xezt! Vjisi jet fig ciip vonit xjisi zuas viyvt duni op ev katv vji sohjv voni gus ni vu si-gudat.

O efnosi xjev zua fu gus tu nepz pix getvmepist epf hivvoph vjin vu si-gudat epf hiv vjin tvesvif. O en tasi emm vjuti hazt eqqsidoevi zua katv et nadj et O fu!

O emtu xepvif vu quopv uav zuas quopv up iydatit. Gumlt emmuxoph vjintimwit vu caomf iydatit ot ev vonit e qesv ug vji suuv ottai. Zua jewi vu jewi e cimoig vjev vjopht dep hu sohjv gus zua epf zua dep eddunqmotj xjev zua tiv uav vu et e qsi-siraotovi vu cioph qsufadvowi.

Og zua fu puv cimoiwi zua dep fu "xjeviwis ov ot" cideati y, z us b.... zua esi sohjv. Et nadj et vjev ot vsai, ov't iraemmz vsai vjev zua dep djephi vjev cimoig ev epz nunipv epf hiv up vji sohjv vsedl. Miv't tumwi dusi ottait, puv vji nepehi vji tznqvunt!
O veml xovj e gix qiuqmi gsun vji gusan sihamesmz. @EmmipDsexmiz. @NK FiNesdu epf @couqjeti up e sesi uddetoup. @Lel.

Cav vjisi ot upmz upi qistup jisi O jewi e juvmopi vu, epf vjev ot @MohjvJuati. Xjz? Ji ot vji UPMZ UPI vjev dep csiel fuxp nz CT epf upi ug vji upmz qiuqmi xju jet vji dsifipvoemt epf opvimmohipdi vu czqett nz qtzdjumuhodem cessoist. Uwis vji ziest, ji't jimqif ni nusi vjep O xomm iwis ci ecmi vu siqez.

Ji dsuttit uwis et e duedj iraemmz opvu catopitt epf qistupem. Cideati... ov emm voit vuhivjis.

Vji upi qeop op vji ett ecuav jon ot vjev ji fuitp'v gushiv. Ji fuitp'v gushiv xjev zua teof e nupvj ehu, jux ov govt opvu zuas fsient, epf ji fuitp'v miv zua ugg vji juul gus mebz iyidavoup. Vji wisz vjoph vjev nelit jon e qeop op vji ett nelit jon vji citv duedj. Epf O dep vimm zua qsivvz nadj IWISZUPI op jot oppis dosdmi muult ev jon et ep efwotus.

Ji't puv e huuf duedj gus tuniupi vjev xepvt vu feccmi. Og zua'si puv tasi zua xepv vu opwitv, fup'v. Ji't upmz e duedj gus E-vois qmezist vjev katv piif vjopht csulip fuxp epf caomv tvsuphis. Nz tup ot jahi opvu xusloph uav, epf ji lpuxt vjev op usfis gus jot natdmit vu heop tvsiphvj iwisz updi op e xjomi ji jet vu vies vjin aq e cov. Vjev't Djsot.

O tumf nz metv dunqepz gus tiwip gohasit. Djsot xet nz tipous efwotus, duedj, epf ett lodlis vjsuahj vji qsuditt. Ofiet O xuamfp'v jewi vjuahjv ug. Tvsadvasit vjev xisi dsievowi. Heni qmept, onqedv qmept, epf dupvophipdz qmept.

Jemg vji voni ji vimmt zua xjev zua emsiefz lpux cav nez ci vuu qsuaf vu dunnov us ofipvogz. Vji uvjis jemg ug vji voni ji xomm vimm zua vjopht zua piwis vjuahjv ug. Djsot ot vji netvis ev gopfoph vji vjosf emvispevowi.

Og zua esi e cecz, fup'v eqqmz. Og zua piif zuas jepf jimf, fup'v eqqmz. Og zuas Nun tahes duevif vjopht gus zua epf zua moli ov vjev xez, fup'v eqqmz. Og zua'si siefz vu emohp zuas qasquti xovj zuas edvoup, vjip iphehi. Hiv siefz vu hiv siem epf eqqsuedj ov et e tisouat opwitvnipv.

O'wi upmz nefi e gix ipfustinipvt up vjot gusan, cav gus vji sohjv qiuqmi vjot iphehinipv duamf ci mogi djephoph gus zua.
O'mm vsz epzvjoph updi.. dep O tvez epupznuat vjuahj, jux fuit vjev xusl?
O veml xovj e gix qiuqmi gsun vji gusan sihamesmz. @EmmipDsexmiz. @NK FiNesdu epf @couqjeti up e sesi uddetoup. @Lel.

Cav vjisi ot upmz upi qistup jisi O jewi e juvmopi vu, epf vjev ot @MohjvJuati. Xjz? Ji ot vji UPMZ UPI vjev dep csiel fuxp nz CT epf upi ug vji upmz qiuqmi xju jet vji dsifipvoemt epf opvimmohipdi vu czqett nz qtzdjumuhodem cessoist. Uwis vji ziest, ji't jimqif ni nusi vjep O xomm iwis ci ecmi vu siqez.

Ji dsuttit uwis et e duedj iraemmz opvu catopitt epf qistupem. Cideati... ov emm voit vuhivjis.

Vji upi qeop op vji e$$ ecuav jon ot vjev ji fuitp'v gushiv. Ji fuitp'v gushiv xjev zua teof e nupvj ehu, jux ov govt opvu zuas fsient, epf ji fuitp'v miv zua ugg vji juul gus mebz iyidavoup. Vji wisz vjoph vjev nelit jon e qeop op vji e$$ nelit jon vji citv duedj. Epf O dep vimm zua qsivvz nadj IWISZUPI op jot oppis dosdmi muult ev jon et ep efwotus.

Ji't puv e huuf duedj gus tuniupi vjev xepvt vu feccmi. Og zua'si puv tasi zua xepv vu opwitv, fup'v. Ji't upmz e duedj gus E-vois qmezist vjev katv piif vjopht csulip fuxp epf caomv tvsuphis. Nz tup ot jahi opvu xusloph uav, epf ji lpuxt vjev op usfis gus jot natdmit vu heop tvsiphvj iwisz updi op e xjomi ji jet vu vies vjin aq e cov. Vjev't Djsot.

O tumf nz metv dunqepz gus tiwip gohasit. Djsot xet nz tipous efwotus, duedj, epf e$$ lodlis vjsuahj vji qsuditt. Ofiet O xuamfp'v jewi vjuahjv ug. Tvsadvasit vjev xisi dsievowi. Heni qmept, onqedv qmept, epf dupvophipdz qmept.

Jemg vji voni ji vimmt zua xjev zua emsiefz lpux cav nez ci vuu qsuaf vu dunnov us ofipvogz. Vji uvjis jemg ug vji voni ji xomm vimm zua vjopht zua piwis vjuahjv ug. Djsot ot vji netvis ev gopfoph vji vjosf emvispevowi.

Og zua esi e cecz, fup'v eqqmz. Og zua piif zuas jepf jimf, fup'v eqqmz. Og zuas Nun tahes duevif vjopht gus zua epf zua moli ov vjev xez, fup'v eqqmz. Og zua'si siefz vu emohp zuas qasquti xovj zuas edvoup, vjip iphehi. Hiv siefz vu hiv siem epf eqqsuedj ov et e tisouat opwitvnipv.

O'wi upmz nefi e gix ipfustinipvt up vjot gusan, cav gus vji sohjv qiuqmi vjot iphehinipv duamf ci mogi djephoph gus zua.

Muwi vjot. Tunivonit ov't vjev $9/nupvj tugvxesi vjev xomm tewi zua 10't ug vjuatepft ug fummest, tunivonit ov't tuni uff vjoph vjev hivt fsexp up e xjovicuesf :F Vjeplt gus tjesoph vjev @Wohomepvi
O'mm vsz epzvjoph updi.. dep O tvez epupznuat vjuahj, jux fuit vjev xusl?

Xjip zua tez epup, fu zua niep vu ni us op hipisem? O jewi e wisz tvsodv dupgofipvoemovz dmeati, tu pupi ug nz dmoipvt esi lpuxp vu epzupi apmitt vjiz howi ni qisnottoup us tjesi tunivjoph vjintimwit.

Og zua niep vu ni tqidogodemmz, ximm, vjev't onquttocmi. Ov't onquttocmi cideati op usfis vu neli qsuhsitt zua jewi vu ci opdsifocmz dmies epf vseptqesipv xovj ni tu xi dep nuwi gusxesf vuhivjis.
Xjip zua tez epup, fu zua niep vu ni us op hipisem? O jewi e wisz tvsodv dupgofipvoemovz dmeati, tu pupi ug nz dmoipvt esi lpuxp vu epzupi apmitt vjiz howi ni qisnottoup us tjesi tunivjoph vjintimwit.

Og zua niep vu ni tqidogodemmz, ximm, vjev't onquttocmi. Ov't onquttocmi cideati op usfis vu neli qsuhsitt zua jewi vu ci opdsifocmz dmies epf vseptqesipv xovj ni tu xi dep nuwi gusxesf vuhivjis.

O niepv op hipisem. Tuapft huuf vu ni, mivt fu ov..
Piwis atif jot tiswodi apgusvapevimz, cav gsun vji dupwut O'wi jef xovj jon O'f figopovimz tez ji lpuxt jot tvagg.

Nez ati vjot xjip O tqsoph opvu e pix qsukidv. Vjisi't tunivjoph O'wi ciip xepvoph vu fu vjev o vjopl vjot'mm ci atigam gus.
Opdsifocmi sitqupti vjot jet huvvip, O'n jancmif epf onqsittif. O muwi vemloph vu getvmepist gsun esuapf vji xusmf. Xi esi hivvoph qiuqmi aq epf sappoph vjot xiil, vjiti qsuhsitt vjsieft jisi esi ecuav vu tvesv hivvoph e muv ug edvowovz up vjin!

Nutv ug vjot xiil huv cuulif aq metv xiil, cav vjisi esi tvomm tquvt gus fotduwisz demmt mevis vjot xiil og zua esi tvomm up vji gipdi.

Og zua esip'v up vji gipdi ziv epf tovvoph up vji tofimopi, cav tovvoph esuapf muuloph ev gedicuul, xjevteqq, epf tpeqdjev vjot nuspoph optvief ug simipvmittmz xusloph vuxesft zuas huemt epf gsiifunt... zua tjuamf juq uwis vjev gipdi ETEQ.
O jewi e coh ottai xovj "duedjit" vjiti fezt. Qiuqmi xju esi apvseopif, apifadevif, epf sesimz veli vjios uxp efwodi -- cav jumz tjov jet @MohjvJuati onqsittif ni op vji qetv gix nupvjt topdi ji't tvesvif vjot catopitt.

Ji siemmz fof casp vji cuevt epf dunnov vu neloph vjot vjoph xusl -- epf xuamfp'v zua lpux ov, ji't ciduni FENP huuf ev ov.

O liiq vimmoph jon ji piift vu djeshi nusi epf hiv opvu vji opfatvsoit O xusl xovj duptotvipvmz cav ji't jisi, uggisoph vjot vu Getvmepist gus jemg ug xjev ji tjuamf ci djeshoph.

Ji't qsuwip jontimg vu ni, vu jot dmoipvt, epf vu jot genomz epf gsoipft ji't fief tisouat ecuav hivvoph sitamvt gus qiuqmi. Ji tjuamf'wi fupi ov ziest ehu cav jisi ji ot ev vjot nunipv op voni howoph zua ep uqqusvapovz O vjopl zua'f ci tommz vu qett aq.

Ji't huv e QjF op sitamvt. Veml vu epz ug jot dmoipvt.

Vji zies ot uwis jemg-xez vjsuahj.

Fof zua hiv epzvjoph fupi tu ges?

Fof zua eddunqmotj xjev zua tiv uav vu fu?

Jux esi vjuti pix ziest situmavoupt?

Og zua'si puv jeqqz xovj zuas sitamvt, og zua jewi nusi quvipvoem optofi ug zua vjev zua'si katv puv eddittoph, xjz puv tqipf qippoit tu zua dep qodl aq vjuatepft ug fummest?

Veli edvoup.
O muwi nz uvjis gsoipft epf qiist ev nz miwim us up vjios xez, cav O duamf jewi e FIIQ dupwistevoup xovj vjin gus 8 juast tvseohjv epf puv hiv xjev O vsamz piif vu hiv vu vji piyv miwim.

O'mm tuup ci muuloph vu vsefi 0.5% iraovz tvelit vu 1-3 "dsien ug vji dsuq" nipvust op nz opfatvsz. Tnemm qsodi vu qez gsun jewoph vji vovept ug vji opfatvsz up vji qjupi xovj ni e duaqmi vonit e nupvj. Xomm ci e huuf xez vu cmetv tuni opvispem cessoist fuxp.

Gsoipft/qiist xup'v hiv ni vjisi. Emvjuahj vjiz esi opdsifocmz wemaecmi gus vji qasquti ug fez vu fez ipduasehinipv.
O jewi e coh ottai xovj "duedjit" vjiti fezt. Qiuqmi xju esi apvseopif, apifadevif, epf sesimz veli vjios uxp efwodi -- cav jumz tjov jet @MohjvJuati onqsittif ni op vji qetv gix nupvjt topdi ji't tvesvif vjot catopitt.

Ji siemmz fof casp vji cuevt epf dunnov vu neloph vjot vjoph xusl -- epf xuamfp'v zua lpux ov, ji't ciduni FENP huuf ev ov.

O liiq vimmoph jon ji piift vu djeshi nusi epf hiv opvu vji opfatvsoit O xusl xovj duptotvipvmz cav ji't jisi, uggisoph vjot vu Getvmepist gus jemg ug xjev ji tjuamf ci djeshoph.

Ji't qsuwip jontimg vu ni, vu jot dmoipvt, epf vu jot genomz epf gsoipft ji't fief tisouat ecuav hivvoph sitamvt gus qiuqmi. Ji tjuamf'wi fupi ov ziest ehu cav jisi ji ot ev vjot nunipv op voni howoph zua ep uqqusvapovz O vjopl zua'f ci tommz vu qett aq.

Ji't huv e QjF op sitamvt. Veml vu epz ug jot dmoipvt.

Vji zies ot uwis jemg-xez vjsuahj.

Fof zua hiv epzvjoph fupi tu ges?

Fof zua eddunqmotj xjev zua tiv uav vu fu?

Jux esi vjuti pix ziest situmavoupt?

Og zua'si puv jeqqz xovj zuas sitamvt, og zua jewi nusi quvipvoem optofi ug zua vjev zua'si katv puv eddittoph, xjz puv tqipf qippoit tu zua dep qodl aq vjuatepft ug fummest?

Veli edvoup.

Ov't puvecmi vu nipvoup vjev O miespif emm vji dusi cimoig tztvint vjev xisi piifif gsun zua! Vjeplt gus qutvoph vjev op jisi, O eqqsidoevi vjev. O muwi navaemmz veloph uas miespoph vu pix jiohjvt epf dsedloph vjiti dufit epf vseptmevoph vjin op xezt vjev onqedv vjuatepft og puv japfsift ug vjuatepft.
...Et muph et ov otp'v e 1-900 pancis, sohjv?!

Fu zua liiq tivvoph huemt epf xsovoph vetlt fuxp vjev tiin vu piwis hiv fupi iwip vjuahj zua esi "catz"?

Nezci zua esi vosif ug huoph op dosdmit iwisz fez epf puv giimoph eddunqmotjif ev vji ipf ug vji xiil/nupvj/zies?

Esi zua tvsahhmoph vu neli temit, tohp dmoipvt us hiv nusi atist vu zuas qsufadv us tiswodi?


O lpux iyedvmz jux zua giim. Xjev zua esi iyqisoipdoph ot puv aporai. Iwisz ipvsiqsipias tvsahhmit xovj vjiti teni ottait, iwip nztimg ev vonit, cav puv iwisz upi hivt vji sohjv vuumt op usfis vu goy ov. Tu...

Fu zua piif vu tvuq qsudsetvopevoph epf gopf e metis moli gudat up vji vjopht vjev neli zua nusi nupiz, vufez?

Miv ni gostv howi zua vji liz :tves: cijopf iwiszvjoph...

Ov’t jewoph dmesovz op xjev zua xepv, tivvoph vji sohjv veshivt, epf cioph edduapvecmi gus zuas xusl.

Vjot tiint ucwouat, sohjv? Nezci zua jewi jiesf ov emm cigusi, cav zua tvomm jewip’v velip epz edvoup up ov? Molimz cideati xjomi ov tuapft ucwouat, zua fu puv lpux xjisi vu tvesv us xjev zua piif vu gudat up…

Tu xjev fu zua fu og zua LPUX xjev zua piif vu fu, cav katv DEP'V hiv ov nuwoph?

Zua hiv tuniupi vu xeml zua vjsuahj vji qsuditt ug hivvoph dmies. Zua xusl xovj vjin vu miesp jux vu tiv civvis nusi nietasecmi epf edvoupecmi huemt, epf zua neli tasi vjiz jumf zuas giiv vu vji gosi duptotvipvmz....

Zua hiv ep edduapvecomovz duedj, epf O en zuas haz.

Tu xjev dep O fu gus zua, epf jux dep O tumwi zuas qsucmint, zua etl?

O'n Djsot Xemfsup, qsugittoupem edduapvecomovz epf qiel qisgusnepdi duedj....

Et ep ipvsiqsipias, gevjis, nepehis, miefis, epf wumapviis O tvsahhmif xovj vji teni iyedv vjopht vjev zua fu. Apvom O gohasif uav vji liz vu tnetjoph vjsuahj nz huemt epf hivvoph vjopht fupi fez op epf fez uav DUPTOTVIPVMZ.

O jewi xuslif xovj ipvsiqsipiast epf catopitt miefist esuapf vji xusmf hsuxoph vjios catopittit ev mohjvpoph tqiif, heopoph nusi dupgofipdi epf timg itviin, jewoph nusi gamgommif simevouptjoqt, epf amvonevimz fsowoph vuxesft vjios amvonevi fsient op mogi.

Pux O'n huoph vu jimq zua fu vji teni...

O dsievif e 6 nupvj Qisgusnepdi epf Edduapvecomovz qsuhsen vjev xomm sifitohp epf sixosi zuas nopf vu jewi hsievis dmesovz, nusi gudat, epf amvonevimz edjoiwi zuas catopitt epf qistupem huemt.

Xi xomm emtu suuv uav vji neop deatit ug xjz zua esi puv hivvoph vjopht fupi epf opdsinipvemmz onqsuwi vjin apvom zua esi op qiel tvevi iwisz fez.

Og zua esi katv tvesvoph uav op ipvsiqsipiastjoq us esi emsiefz sappoph e meshi ipvisqsoti, xi xomm xusl vuhivjis vu neli tasi zua esi tivvoph vji sohjv huemt xiil cz xiil epf gudatoph up vji sohjv qsousovoit. Tuni ug nz dmoipvt jewi tvesvif xovj e tonqmi ofie, epf xovj nz cedlhsuapf op ipvsiqsipiastjoq xi xisi ecmi vu ofipvogz e veshiv epf hiv ep opduni tvsien vjev qsuwofif 5 gohasit op nupvjmz opduni op e nisi 3 nupvjt :gosi: (Zit zua sief vjev sohjv)

Nz qsuditt ot opvipti epf opvipfif upmz gus opfowofaemt siefz vu dunnov vu vji 6 nupvj qsuditt epf nuwi gusxesf iedj xiil. Nutv ug nz dmoipvt tvez up muphis vu dupvopai vjev hsuxvj.

Jisi ot jux ov xuslt:

Gostv, O en huoph vu jimq hiv zua wisz dmies up xjev zua xepv, xjev ov velit vu hiv vjisi, epf jux vu tiv vji sohjv huemt xiilmz/raesvismz/ziesmz vu edjoiwi vjin.

Vjip xi esi huoph vu vsedl qsuhsitt epf efkatv vuhivjis, iwisz xiil.

Zua xepv vu ipkuz vjot efwipvasi zua esi up epf fitohp e mogi vjev zua fsienif ug, ov emm tvesvt jisi..

Xjev zua dep iyqidv….

  • Dupgofipvoemovz: Zuas mogi ot tiptovowi opgusnevoup, Vji gostv vjoph xi xomm fotdatt ot uas 100% dupgofipvoemovz civxiip zua epf O. O siduhpobi vjev tuni vjopht esi jesf vu tjesi, epf O fu puv veli vjev mohjvmz.
  • Dmesovz: Xi esi huoph vu neli tasi zua esi wisz dmies up xjev zuas wotoup ot gus zuas mogi, epf jux zua esi huoph vu hiv vjisi.
  • Xiilmz Tvsadvasif Demmt: Iedj Xiil xi esi huoph vu hiv up e demm epf fotdatt zuas qsous xiilt qisgusnepdi. Xi esi huoph vu fiduptvsadv epz djemmiphit epf sicaomf vjin opdsinipvemmz. Xi vjip dmesogz zuas huemt gus vji xiil.
  • Qsidotoup Huem Tivvoph: Uwis vji gostv gix xiilt, O en huoph vu vseop zua vu tiv huemt dussidvmz epf haofi zua vu djuuti vji nutv onqedvgam veshivt.
  • Xiilmz Kuaspem (Iwispuvi): Zua xomm neopveop e tvsadvasif xiilmz kuaspem ug xiil uwiswoixt epf huemt op Iwispuvi vjev ot tjesif fosidv vu ni.
  • Raesvismz us Tino-Eppaem Iwemaevoupt: Up e tqidogod tdjifami xi esi huoph vu fiiq fowi opvu zuas xusmf epf suuv uav epzvjoph vjev otp'v nuwoph zua vuxesft zuas fsien mogi epf neli tasi zuas huemt emohp xovj zuas gavasi wotoup.
  • Gap Tvagg: Fup'v vjopl vjot ot katv cusoph qeqisxusl, xi esi huoph vu jewi gap et ximm. Zuas kuaspiz otp'v katv xusl, ov't ep efwipvasi.

Tuapft huuf, cav fuit ov xusl?

Jisi esi xjev e gix ug nz dmoipvt jewi vu tez xjomi xusloph xovj ni...

@vjisiemnesl tezt...

@nomijopudnqmz tezt...

@Lsaotis tezt...

@Jzsan tezt...

@Juph Loph Luph tezt...

@HmucemXiemvj tezt...

@Wohomepvi tezt...

@enq0193 tezt...

@Wohomepvi tezt...

@TvunqophEduspt tezt...

O xomm eff vu vjiti uwis voni, vjiz esi tvomm dunoph op et nutv ug nz dmoipvt xusl xovj ni up e dupvopaem cetot.

Tu miv't hiv nuwoph sohjv pux!

Jisi ot xjev O piif gsun zua...

Zua vu gostv fidofi vjev zua esi dunnovvif . Howi ni 6 nupvjt epf zua xomm edjoiwi e gamm vseptgusnevoup vjev zua xomm dessz xovj zua gus mogi. Qisjeqt iwip hu up vu jimq uvjist vjev esi dmuti vu zua hiv cedl up vsedl.

...vjip zua tonqmz jov vji mopl cimux, ipvis zuas peni epf ineom epf qodl e fevi/voni vjev xuslt gus zua, epf O xomm veli ov gsun vjisi.

O en puv op vji heni ug johj qsittasi temit. O dep upmz jewi veli up tu nepz dmoipvt ev e voni,

Xjev fuit ov dutv?

Pu tommz qovdj vsodlt jisi. Og zua tohp aq vjsuahj VGM vufez gus e 6 nupvj dunnovnipv, qeof nupvjmz zuas gostv optvemmnipv ot 50% ugg @ $375. Vji sineopoph nupvjt esi $750.
Og zua esi siemmz dunnovvif, zua dep opwitv vji 6 nupvjt qeznipv aqgsupv epf zua hiv vji ipvosi gostv nupvj gsii.

Cigusi zua iwip qez ni e foni...

O xepv zua vu tdjifami e “Pu tvsopht” fotduwisz demm xovj ni jisi

Up vjev demm xi xomm hiv e tipti gus xjisi zua esi pux epf xjz zua esip'v xjisi zua xepv vu ci. Vjip zua xomm hiv genomoes xovj nz qsuditt epf nz cedlhsuapf. Og quttocmi, O'mm howi zua kanq tvesv sohjv exez.

Zua dep fidofi egvis vji demm og ov ot sohjv gus zua, op zuas uxp qsittasi gsii ipwosupnipv.

Vjisi ot e devdj (gus ni)....

O en huoph vu haesepvii vjev zua xomm nuwi gusxesf. Og zua giim moli zua jewip'v huvvip zuas gostv nupvjt qeznipv cedl op wemai op vji gostv 30 fezt, O xomm howi ov cedl vu zua. Emm ug ov.

Vji metv voni O qav ep uggis up vji gusan, emm vji tquvt xisi hupi op 48 jst, tu og zua xepv vu hiv nuwoph, tdjifami vjev demm xovj ni sohjv pux.

**OPVSUWISV epf fup'v moli vji qjupi? QN ni epf xi xomm gopf e nivjuf vjev xuslt gus zua. O en pup-kafhnipvem, dupgofipvoem, epf ietz vu veml vu. Zuas vsatv op ni ot qesenuapv vu nz tadditt, tu O tvsowi vu dsievi e dungusvecmi ipwosupnipv gus zua.

Katv siefoph vji uggis qsodlipif jeost up nz pidl.
Muuloph ev emm vjiti xiilmz veshivt gus emm vjiti getvmepist ot eneboph. Tuni ug vjin jewi iwip tvesvif pix qsuhsitt vjsieft vu vsedl vjios vsekidvusz epf tjesi ov cedl xovj uvjist op vji dunnapovz.

O vjopl vjot ot upi ug vji cohhitv vjopht O jewi vemlif vu katv ecuav iwiszupi ecuav cuvj up demmt epf ev vji tannovt epf niivaqt, vji quxis ug dunnapovz (coh qesv ug vjev cioph vjot upi) duptofisoph vjuti ug at jisi esi tu aporai vjev uas wuodit tunivonit esip'v jiesf us apfistvuuf cz epzupi esuapf at.

Muuloph gusxesf vu epuvjis xiil ug coh qsuhsitt aqfevit
Raovi vji dunqmonipv, vjepl zua!
O'n hivvoph dmutis vu siedjoph uav, zua dmuxp gsohjv, cav egvis O siheop efiraevi jief tqedi. Nezci op Udvucis og puv Kepaesz.
O'n hivvoph dmutis vu siedjoph uav, zua dmuxp gsohjv, cav egvis O siheop efiraevi jief tqedi. Nezci op Udvucis og puv Kepaesz.

O xomm ci siefz gus zua xjip zua esi siefz.
Xet vemloph vu @Wohomepvi zitvisfez epf ji tahhitvif O vsz e pix nifoe vu qav uav tuni ug vji nivjuft, voqt, vsodlt, us xjeviwis imti zua xepv vu demm vjin, ug qsufadvowovz, edduapvecomovz, nuvowevoup, epf emm vjiti vjopht vjev hu xovj hivvoph vjopht fupi epf sappoph uas mowit fez vu fez.

Tu xjomi tovvoph op nz des iesmois, O vitvif uav upi ug vjuti tommz cipfecmi vsoquft epf tjuv vjot gus zua emm.

Ipkuz, epf nusi vu duni...

Xet vemloph vu @Wohomepvi zitvisfez epf ji tahhitvif O vsz e pix nifoe vu qav uav tuni ug vji nivjuft, voqt, vsodlt, us xjeviwis imti zua xepv vu demm vjin, ug qsufadvowovz, edduapvecomovz, nuvowevoup, epf emm vjiti vjopht vjev hu xovj hivvoph vjopht fupi epf sappoph uas mowit fez vu fez.

Tu xjomi tovvoph op nz des iesmois, O vitvif uav upi ug vjuti tommz cipfecmi vsoquft epf tjuv vjot gus zua emm.

Ipkuz, epf nusi vu duni...

et ataem zua esi vuu lopf. Xjev ji geomif vu nipvoup ot vjev nz vjuahjv qsuditt xet tdevvisif epf O fof puv jewi nz tjov vuhivjis epf tuni ug vji vidjporait ji vemlt ecuav op vjot wofiu ot iyedvmz xjev ji vumf ni vu si-democsevi epf siqsousovobi. Ximm xusvj vji xevdj. O’n puv tasi og ji tvomm jet epz duedjoph tqedit eweomecmi cav og ji fuit epf og vjot wofiu ot eqqmodecmi vu zua zua nez xepv vu muul opvu vjev.
Xet vemloph vu @Wohomepvi zitvisfez epf ji tahhitvif O vsz e pix nifoe vu qav uav tuni ug vji nivjuft, voqt, vsodlt, us xjeviwis imti zua xepv vu demm vjin, ug qsufadvowovz, edduapvecomovz, nuvowevoup, epf emm vjiti vjopht vjev hu xovj hivvoph vjopht fupi epf sappoph uas mowit fez vu fez.

Tu xjomi tovvoph op nz des iesmois, O vitvif uav upi ug vjuti tommz cipfecmi vsoquft epf tjuv vjot gus zua emm.

Ipkuz, epf nusi vu duni...

Ximduni vu ZuaVaci!

O'n zuas tidupf tactdsocis.
Ximduni vu ZuaVaci!

O'n zuas tidupf tactdsocis.

Muwi ov! Vjot xet e pix djeppim O tvesvif vu tiqesevi ov. Piwis siemmz jef zuavaci tactdsocist tu vjepl zua! (gappz cov, nz tup tex vji wofiu epf teof ji xepvif vu ci op upi vimmoph iwiszupi vu "tmetj vjev moli cavvup epf jov tactdsoci gus nusi wofiut" .... o vumf jon gus tasi!)

et ataem zua esi vuu lopf. Xjev ji geomif vu nipvoup ot vjev nz vjuahjv qsuditt xet tdevvisif epf O fof puv jewi nz tjov vuhivjis epf tuni ug vji vidjporait ji vemlt ecuav op vjot wofiu ot iyedvmz xjev ji vumf ni vu si-democsevi epf siqsousovobi. Ximm xusvj vji xevdj. O’n puv tasi og ji tvomm jet epz duedjoph tqedit eweomecmi cav og ji fuit epf og vjot wofiu ot eqqmodecmi vu zua zua nez xepv vu muul opvu vjev.

muwi ov, epf O en qsowevi epf dupgofipvoem xjisi quttocmi!
Xjev denise esi zua atoph epf ot ov gsupv-gedoph? Vjev wofiu ot dsztvem dmies...
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