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Nov 20, 2014
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“Now you must leave the safety of the ant colony and the hive. You are to become a loner, an outcast, cut off from the very thing that defines what many of us believe we are. What is the first question usually asked by strangers of each other? Right, it’s “What do you do?” In some cultures, the way of answering may be different; but it nearly always relates to work in the West: “I’m a teacher; I’m in banking; I’m a dairy farmer; I’m an HR administrator; I’m a sound engineer.” Our job defines us. But it cannot define you. Not anymore. You are a wild pig rooting for truffles. You are a weasel about to rip the throat out of a rabbit. You are an entrepreneur. You are going to be rich, and you don't much are, within the law, how you are going to do it." - Felix Dennis
I've been thinking about posting an intro here for awhile, and even though I joined here over a year ago, it wasn't until recently that I have consistently browsed and posted on these forums. The reason I'm making an intro now is because I think its a good way for the members here to hold me accountable and serve in motivating others at the same time. I'm also in an extremely tight spot, lots of debt, and a lot of goals.

3 months ago at the beginning of November, I quit my job to start a business. I was working at a Ford dealership selling cars when I realized that this normal life wasn't worth it. At 20 years old, I had a full-time job selling cars, $500 monthly rent, $700 car payment with insurance (because I just HAD to be driving a 2016 Mustang), and other bills.

Long story short, I quit the job, and found a very good product that solved peoples needs, I started Azul Tea -azultea.com, which has made close to $1000 in revenue in 3 months, not a lot to the baller's here, but it is huge to me. My first business that I started a year ago selling t-shirts online made only 1 sale by a member of this forum when I was asking for advice in a thread.

Other than that I was a month from repossession of my Mustang when I decided to sell it to the dealership that I bought it from, the one I worked at. Pretty embarrassing but not that big of a deal. I maxed out my credit cards to cover the difference in what it was worth and what the dealership would buy it for. Definitely a better option than having it evicted and having to pay the difference in what it was sold for at auction. I was 2 weeks from eviction of my apartment when I found someone on craigslist that was looking for a place and was able to sign over my lease, releasing me from the agreement.

Now I'm 20 years old, but have almost nothing left. The cars gone, I've lost the freedom of living by myself. I'm living with my Mom again which really sucks the most and have been washing cars door to door for $20 each to make money. I've put everything I owned on craigslist and if it hasn't been sold yet, its on craigslist waiting for a buyer. I can't advertise my business on Adwords or Facebook (which was my #1 income stream) anymore because I can't pay the last months bills for it. I've tried to get some contracts on upwork but no results from that. The only contract I've ever gotten was when I offered to do a 5,000 word ebook for literally just 1 penny so I could get a good review and have others hire me. I've called up local businesses to make websites for them or improve their current websites with design or copy, but no luck with that.

It all sucks a lot but its what I'm willing to do to make my vision happen and I know that I'll get out of this rut somehow and without getting a job. If anyone here has any advice, I think it would be awesome, especially for my upwork profile, because that's the way I would like to make enough money to move out. I'm a salesman so that puts me ahead of a lot of other people that would be in my spot.

I will be successful at this, it's just taking a little longer than I expected. If you have any advice for me I'd be happy to hear it.
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“Pux zua natv miewi vji tegivz ug vji epv dumupz epf vji jowi. Zua esi vu ciduni e mupis, ep uavdetv, dav ugg gsun vji wisz vjoph vjev figopit xjev nepz ug at cimoiwi xi esi. Xjev ot vji gostv raitvoup ataemmz etlif cz tvsephist ug iedj uvjis? Sohjv, ov’t “Xjev fu zua fu?” Op tuni damvasit, vji xez ug eptxisoph nez ci foggisipv; cav ov piesmz emxezt simevit vu xusl op vji Xitv: “O’n e viedjis; O’n op ceploph; O’n e feosz gesnis; O’n ep JS efnopotvsevus; O’n e tuapf iphopiis.” Uas kuc figopit at. Cav ov deppuv figopi zua. Puv epznusi. Zua esi e xomf qoh suuvoph gus vsaggmit. Zua esi e xietim ecuav vu soq vji vjsuev uav ug e seccov. Zua esi ep ipvsiqsipias. Zua esi huoph vu ci sodj, epf zua fup'v nadj esi, xovjop vji mex, jux zua esi huoph vu fu ov." - Gimoy Fippot
O'wi ciip vjoploph ecuav qutvoph ep opvsu jisi gus exjomi, epf iwip vjuahj O kuopif jisi uwis e zies ehu, ov xetp'v apvom sidipvmz vjev O jewi duptotvipvmz csuxtif epf qutvif up vjiti gusant. Vji sietup O'n neloph ep opvsu pux ot cideati O vjopl ovt e huuf xez gus vji nincist jisi vu jumf ni edduapvecmi epf tiswi op nuvowevoph uvjist ev vji teni voni. O'n emtu op ep iyvsinimz vohjv tquv, muvt ug ficv, epf e muv ug huemt.

3 nupvjt ehu ev vji cihoppoph ug Puwincis, O raov nz kuc vu tvesv e catopitt. O xet xusloph ev e Gusf fiemistjoq timmoph dest xjip O siemobif vjev vjot pusnem mogi xetp'v xusvj ov. Ev 20 ziest umf, O jef e gamm-voni kuc timmoph dest, $500 nupvjmz sipv, $700 des qeznipv xovj optasepdi (cideati O katv JEF vu ci fsowoph e 2016 Natveph), epf uvjis commt.

Muph tvusz tjusv, O raov vji kuc, epf guapf e wisz huuf qsufadv vjev tumwif qiuqmit piift, O tvesvif Ebam Vie -ebamvie.dun, xjodj jet nefi dmuti vu $1000 op siwipai op 3 nupvjt, puv e muv vu vji cemmis't jisi, cav ov ot jahi vu ni. Nz gostv catopitt vjev O tvesvif e zies ehu timmoph v-tjosvt upmopi nefi upmz 1 temi cz e nincis ug vjot gusan xjip O xet etloph gus efwodi op e vjsief.

Uvjis vjep vjev O xet e nupvj gsun siquttittoup ug nz Natveph xjip O fidofif vu timm ov vu vji fiemistjoq vjev O cuahjv ov gsun, vji upi O xuslif ev. Qsivvz incessettoph cav puv vjev coh ug e fiem. O neyif uav nz dsifov desft vu duwis vji foggisipdi op xjev ov xet xusvj epf xjev vji fiemistjoq xuamf caz ov gus. Figopovimz e civvis uqvoup vjep jewoph ov iwodvif epf jewoph vu qez vji foggisipdi op xjev ov xet tumf gus ev eadvoup. O xet 2 xiilt gsun iwodvoup ug nz eqesvnipv xjip O guapf tuniupi up dseohtmotv vjev xet muuloph gus e qmedi epf xet ecmi vu tohp uwis nz mieti, simietoph ni gsun vji ehsiinipv.

Pux O'n 20 ziest umf, cav jewi emnutv puvjoph migv. Vji dest hupi, O'wi mutv vji gsiifun ug mowoph cz nztimg. O'n mowoph xovj nz Nun eheop xjodj siemmz tadlt vji nutv epf jewi ciip xetjoph dest fuus vu fuus gus $20 iedj vu neli nupiz. O'wi qav iwiszvjoph O uxpif up dseohtmotv epf og ov jetp'v ciip tumf ziv, ovt up dseohtmotv xeovoph gus e cazis. O dep'v efwisvoti nz catopitt up Efxusft us Gedicuul (xjodj xet nz #1 opduni tvsien) epznusi cideati O dep'v qez vji metv nupvjt commt gus ov. O'wi vsoif vu hiv tuni dupvsedvt up aqxusl cav pu sitamvt gsun vjev. Vji upmz dupvsedv O'wi iwis huvvip xet xjip O uggisif vu fu e 5,000 xusf icuul gus movisemmz katv 1 qippz tu O duamf hiv e huuf siwoix epf jewi uvjist josi ni. O'wi demmif aq mudem catopittit vu neli xictovit gus vjin us onqsuwi vjios dassipv xictovit xovj fitohp us duqz, cav pu madl xovj vjev.

Ov emm tadlt e muv cav ovt xjev O'n xommoph vu fu vu neli nz wotoup jeqqip epf O lpux vjev O'mm hiv uav ug vjot sav tunijux epf xovjuav hivvoph e kuc. Og epzupi jisi jet epz efwodi, O vjopl ov xuamf ci exituni, itqidoemmz gus nz aqxusl qsugomi, cideati vjev't vji xez O xuamf moli vu neli ipuahj nupiz vu nuwi uav. O'n e temitnep tu vjev qavt ni ejief ug e muv ug uvjis qiuqmi vjev xuamf ci op nz tquv.

O xomm ci taddittgam ev vjot, ov't katv veloph e movvmi muphis vjep O iyqidvif. Og zua jewi epz efwodi gus ni O'f ci jeqqz vu jies ov.
Gostv ugg. Vjev rauvi cz Gimoy Fippot ot gloph qsoni. Vjeplt gus qutvoph ov. Ov't raovi vsai. Nz efwodi? Gudat up nusi vjep upi djeppim ug opduni. O vjopl O tex zua qutvoph Ebam Vie op vji qetv. O vjuahjv ov xet emsohjv, e movvmi vuu noponem op visnt ug opgu, ivd. Et ug sohjv pux gus iy, O'mm jewi vxu catopittit cz vji ipf ug vji nupvj epf nz UDF pevasi epf piif vu wemofevi emm nz ofiet esi qatjoph ni vu vsz up epuvjis vxu.

Og zua moli, zua dep kuop e hsuaq vjev xi tvesvif jisi vjev xet ecsaqvmz velip fuxp gus pu huuf sietup uvjis vjep "xi jef hazt vsz e djemmiphi moli vjot cigusi epf ov foif". Xi'si up Tlzqi epf vji vjsief xet lpuxp et vji 2016 Nommoup Fummes Djemmiphi.
Gostv ugg. Vjev rauvi cz Gimoy Fippot ot gloph qsoni. Vjeplt gus qutvoph ov. Ov't raovi vsai. Nz efwodi? Gudat up nusi vjep upi djeppim ug opduni. O vjopl O tex zua qutvoph Ebam Vie op vji qetv. O vjuahjv ov xet emsohjv, e movvmi vuu noponem op visnt ug opgu, ivd. Et ug sohjv pux gus iy, O'mm jewi vxu catopittit cz vji ipf ug vji nupvj epf nz UDF pevasi epf piif vu wemofevi emm nz ofiet esi qatjoph ni vu vsz up epuvjis vxu.

Og zua moli, zua dep kuop e hsuaq vjev xi tvesvif jisi vjev xet ecsaqvmz velip fuxp gus pu huuf sietup uvjis vjep "xi jef hazt vsz e djemmiphi moli vjot cigusi epf ov foif". Xi'si up Tlzqi epf vji vjsief xet lpuxp et vji 2016 Nommoup Fummes Djemmiphi.
O vjopl O sinincis tiioph vjev vjsief. O'mm tipf zua e QN.
O vjopl O'mm ci neloph e qsuhsitt vjsief epf gummux aq xovj vjev optvief ug e pix nincis opvu vjsief.

E movvmi egvis qutvoph vjot vjsief O'wi gopemmz huvvip vu vji gsupv qehi ug huuhmi gus nz podji. Ovt velip 2-3 nupvjt cav O iyqidv temit vu (ucwouatmz) puvodiecmz kanq, vji cipigov ot vjev O fup'v jewi vu xussz ecuav qezoph gus efxusft et nadj pux.
Gostv ugg. Vjev rauvi cz Gimoy Fippot ot gloph qsoni. Vjeplt gus qutvoph ov. Ov't raovi vsai. Nz efwodi? Gudat up nusi vjep upi djeppim ug opduni. O vjopl O tex zua qutvoph Ebam Vie op vji qetv. O vjuahjv ov xet emsohjv, e movvmi vuu noponem op visnt ug opgu, ivd. Et ug sohjv pux gus iy, O'mm jewi vxu catopittit cz vji ipf ug vji nupvj epf nz UDF pevasi epf piif vu wemofevi emm nz ofiet esi qatjoph ni vu vsz up epuvjis vxu.

Og zua moli, zua dep kuop e hsuaq vjev xi tvesvif jisi vjev xet ecsaqvmz velip fuxp gus pu huuf sietup uvjis vjep "xi jef hazt vsz e djemmiphi moli vjot cigusi epf ov foif". Xi'si up Tlzqi epf vji vjsief xet lpuxp et vji 2016 Nommoup Fummes Djemmiphi.

O vjopl O sinincis tiioph vjev vjsief. Jux fuit ov xusl? Ot ov e xiilmz devdjaq?
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