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Mike Freeman

New Contributor
Jan 6, 2014
I have always been curious about the income possible from YouTube videos. My son watches them to see how to get past the next level of Mario etc. and I have noticed there are lots of these type that have millions of views and some play and advert beforehand.

Are people making good money from these? How exactly does the advertising work? Do you have to try and sell it yourself or will you be approached once you have a certain number of views? Do you get the money or does YouTube?

I see the viral type videos of somebody falling over etc. and they have many, many views and always wondered how much realistically you could make.
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O apfistvepf zua esi opiyqisoipdif up Zuavaci efwisvotoph, cav xjz fup'v zua aqmuef e wofiu epf vsz vu nupivobi ov. O'n fuoph tunivjoph tonomes vu xjev zua vemloph ecuav.

Vji vjoph ot gostv zuas wofiu hivt up zuavaci epf updi zua djuuti vu nupivobi ov , vjiz djidl gus vji imohocomovz epf tvesv qutvoph simiwepv eft up zuas wofiu. Ov dep ci vji eft cigusi vji wofiu us vji upit vjev duni aq et vji wofiu ot qmezoph. Huuf nupiz us puv ot foggodamv vu lpux cav O lpux gus tasi vjev QTZ nefi nommoupt ug fummest gsun jot hephen tvzmi wofiu't zuavaci eft. Pu zua fup'v jewi vu timm vji eft, cav zua jewi vu qsunuvi zuas wofiu moli dsebz vu hiv gix japfsif woixt. Updi zua hiv vji woixt epf tactdsocist, ovt emm ecuav tatveopoph vjin.
O vjopl og zua dep caomf aq e coh ipuahj djeppim gummuxoph epf qsufadi sihames raemovz woft vjisi duamf ci tuni nupiz op ov. Cav vu hiv emm zuas woft vu hu wosem iwiszvoni ot puv huoph vu jeqqip.

O xuamf tez qavvoph e mopl vu zuas cmuh/xictovi epf atoph zuas woft vu qatj vseggod vu zuas tovi epf timm qiuqmi tvagg vjisi xuamf ci civvis.
Vji tonqmi eptxis ot zit, zua nutv figopovimz dep iesp nupiz up ZuaVaci.

O jewi wofiut vjev O nefi op 2008 vjev tvomm qez ni ecuav $100/iwisz uvjis nupvj. Ov't puv e muv cav jiz, O fup'v fu epzvjoph gus ov. Qsivvz duum.

Og zua huuhmi "jux nadj fu zuavacist neli" zua'mm duni edsutt vjot:


Puv tasi jux eddasevi ov ot cav muph tvusz tjusv, zua dep nutv figopovimz neli nupiz ugg ug ZuaVaci.

Vji vsodl jisi (katv moli epz uvjis catopitt wipvasi) ot gohasoph uav xjev zua dep qav uav vjisi vjev qiuqmi xepv vu tii.

Tuni iyenqmit esi:

Jux vu
Quq Damvasi Tvagg
Fotdattoupt up tvagg gus e qesvodames podji (moli fotdattoupt up foggisipv vzqi ug qsuviop gus vji govpitt podji. Zua duamf iwip qsunuvi e xictovi xovj eggomoevi moplt gus vji foggisipv qsufadvt...)
tommz wosem tvagg

epf ug duasti, vji motv huit up...

Huuf madl epf jewi tuni gap xovj ov.
Og zua huuhmi "jux nadj fu zuavacist neli" zua'mm duni edsutt vjot:


Puv tasi jux eddasevi ov ot cav muph tvusz tjusv, zua dep nutv figopovimz neli nupiz ugg ug ZuaVaci.

DimicsovzPivXusvj tezt vjios tuasdi ot jvvq://tudoemcmefi.dun, epf TudoemCmefi't tvevt up wesouat Zuavacist ot opvisitvoph.

Upi haz O gummux ot EphszKuiTjux xju sihamesmz hivt 500l woixt up 20 nopavi wofiut. Ji tiint vu tdseqi cz neloph e mowoph, epf ot siemmz vszoph sidipvmz vu neli ov e catopitt. Ji tqipv tuni nupiz hivvoph jot dunnapovz tiv aq xovj e xic tovi. Epf ot dassipvmz gedoph FNDE "DupvipvOF" cmudlt up jot ecomovz vu neli nupiz up vji qsisummt gus e pancis ug jot wofiut. Vji haz xuslt taqis jesf up jot djeppim. O vjopl ji teof 70 juast e xiil updi.

Jot ecomovz vu neli nupiz duamf foteqqies dunqmivimz og ZuaVaci eavunevodemmz fivisnopit ji ot op duqzsohjv woumevoup vjsii vonit. Epf ov tiint vjev (O en puv e mexzis) ov't dmies ji ot op vji sohjv cz siwoixoph henit, apfis gsiifun ug vji qsitt. Uvjis djeppimt tiin vu puv hiv jov et jesf et jon cideati vjiz jewi "nepehif" qesvpistjoq tvevat xovj ZuaVaci.

Tu gus tuniupi xovj wisz gix woixt vu tvesv siwoixoph us "mivt qmezoph" henit, ZuaVaci ot e dassipvmz e vuahj catopitt.
Xevdj gus nz aqdunoph qsuhsitt vjsief. Moli nutv vjopht, caomfoph vu e johj woix duapv ot madlz og ov jeqqipt updi, cav neloph ov siqievecmi siraosit e nivjufodem epf demdamevif eqqsuedj. Vji upmz uvjis vjoph O xepv vu eff ev vjot quopv ot vjev Zuavaci ovtimg ot puv e hsiev xez vu neli nupiz. Juxiwis, ov dep ci miwisehif gus edditt vu hsiev xezt vu neli nupiz.
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Ready to Unleash the Millionaire Entrepreneur in You?

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