New profile posts

hi Lex! i just jumped into your profile to kindly ask if you may briefly look over my website and setup and tell me if i can do something better or if i can improve something? had the impulse to ask you because maybe you see things i dont even think about so id be glad to have a second pair of eyes there. im starting ads tomorrow for a few search terms and will see how it goes. regards, Lorenz
Hallo Jazzdorf ,
ich habe deine message an den support gesehen . Hast du rausgefunden wie man eine nachricht an andere schreibt?
versuche auch gerade das rätsel zu knacken
beste grüße aus NRW
Thank you very much for your insightfull and inspirating posts about your sucess story together with NeoDialectic.
Is yout offer to mentor any aspiring fastlaners still open?
"My schedule is open now (as I consider myself partially retired) and I am open to mentoring / coaching anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship, scaling a business or just thinking of ideas / niches to pursue"
Currently working on first building a business system then a surrogate for the system. Wish me well.
Halfway through the Great Rat Race Escape, and once again being blown away (from the scripted living)
At the moment I'm in 2 projects to build up funds towards the summer.
Planning on building a CENTS business and Juli I will 'start-up'.
How is the process going?
Sorry JB but ads that try to take forum users to other communities, groups, forums, or Discords is not allowed. I refunded your payment.
Johnny boy
Johnny boy
My bad
In what capacity am I allowed to have an outside knowledge base for people on the forum and link to it?

Something similar to fox’s web school (courses) allowed?

I did not think what I posted would be against the rules in the about page but let me know what I can post. I can make it a strict knowledge base or whatever it would need to be.
Johnny boy
Johnny boy
obviously people can self promote, sell info, get subscribers/users, etc. so just need to know what I need to change specifically so it's not a problem.
Gotta say that FreeCodeCamp is pretty stellar... enjoying some refreshers there now.