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It's a beautiful day and I can't stop myself from smiling! Great day to start. Feeling energized reading threads!
17 y/o taking one step at a time.
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Definitely you in this life, you came alone and would enjoy with your loved ones. At the end of day is up to you to go get what’s bothering you!!!! Inside you. Go get it.
How do i add that i have read unscripted, so it appears when i interact with this forum? @ mj I know you know that signaling is powerful for a platform like this, I need to be upgraded from being a pure noob
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I just joined and trying to figure that out, too!
"I'm on chapter 37 of 'UNSCRIPTED' ; 'Win Life and Liberty not Dinner and a movie' and I now have a clear vision of what I'm am going to do when I quit my damn job and move into enteprenuership at the end of the year." Thanks MJ for the wisdom and insight shared in your awesome books.
I'm not sure how to send a private message on this forum, so I try it this way. Hi Naty, I'm also from Munich and I'd like to get in touch. So when you're interested, just hit me up!
I'm not sure how to send a private message on this forum, so I try it this way. Hi Ben, I'm also from Munich and I'd like to get in touch. So when you're interested, just hit me up!
Hey GravyBoat, I just moved back to SD in July after spending 3 years in Denver. Well, technically I'm closer to Murrieta, but am still head down to SD often. Now that the apocalypse is winding down, I'm looking to meet some like minded folks nearby. Let me know if you're ever up for coffee or whatever.
Hello everyone,
Delighted to be here.
I am here to upskill myself for financial freedom.
I am investing in real estate.
Was planning to do service accommodation, due to pandemic that got slow down.
I need inspiration to get into the fast Lane.
Life goals:
--Live a life where my time is mine.
--Raise children capable of doing things they suck at.
--Be the person that everyone else would have no clue they were filthy rich.
--Do something that has purpose and leaves the world better than when I was in it.
--Have a F*ck you account.
--Live life Unscripted.
My being here isn't to bomb time, all these reactions scores and speed points look like social media to me.
hey do you still do affiliate marketing for sass product if so i have one i want you to sale
I sell training products online and just recently launched a microjob engine site.
Hi @Marigold can you please tell me more about your site? I’m from Panama and I’ve been thinking of this industry for a while.. given that there is a great amount of professionals of different areas that had lost their jobs and are not being able to monetize their talents. Most of them over the 30s.


Hi there, sure. I purchased the Jobster theme which is a site that runs pretty much 100% like fiverr. I have an audience in my industry area and knew that they were looking for reliable people to help them in their business. I'm very early days right now but so far, so good.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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