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Bro I can help you get customers for you website services I have email name number address and telephone numbers I have residential and businesses hope this help I willshow you how it work effectively and surely for the v
Business. live:.cid.47f8fe2e30785242 Skype let work on you profit w8th this
Imagine to close small medium businesses or even large business company just by doing this.
“We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” —Albert Einstein
Hey, just saw your post about (meeting people in) Berlin. I myself am living in Belgium but I understood Berlin is a nice city for entrepreneurs and might want to move there one day. Any experiences to share? ☺️
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hey StefVE, and so sorry for the late answer! Well, I'm not sure if it's the best city for entrepreneurs 😀 we can have a quick chat and I'd love to share my experiences with you!
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Love to hear about your story, still figuring out the PM-system here :happy:
Hey fella/maam - thanks for reaching out. I'm a southerner, but got some love for Manc.
What are you into? Medical supplies by the looks of it?
Thanks for pinging a message Ace - are you in a similar position?

Although I've owned and managed small websites for 10+ years, I'm only just starting to manage it as a portfolio and starting to create asset and revenue value.

What's your status?

I worked in Software M&A the last 2-3 years.

Currently working with founder led saas companies to help with sales/marketing currently have 1 Joint Venture established and 3 others pending
idea is to combine into themes (marketing automation ex)

Happy to jump on a call next week I will be on holiday but the week after I am generally free I'm in Central European timezone.
Just realised this is a 'profile post' and so switching to PMs (not used this aspect of the Forums much)
Hey J.

Your article on 'How To Learn A Language' was really helpful. Thanks!
Hi etox

Hope your well, Andy Black mentioned you had taken his course and I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?

Hope you don't mind.

Hi sonny

Sorry to bother you, I was messaging Andy Black about his course and he said to maybe pick your brains since you've done it?

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Absolutely! How can help?
Great thanks for getting back to me :)

Well I suppose what we're your thoughts on it would be a good question?

I'm a bit of a newbie and I'm wanting to learn and implement what Andy teaches pretty much ASAP, then hopefully turn it into an income.

Do you think it's realistic?

Sorry if that was vague haha
Hello. What platform do you use to trade?

What's the minimum amount of money to have in order to consider trading lucrative?
Hello! I use Oanda. It depends on what you call lucrative and the results you can expect. If you want to live from trading you must have at least 100k on your account. It's definitely not a get rich quick scheme...
я тоже у Львові.
Чим я можу бути корисний: дизайню сайти, дурна назва "продающі" сайти, але вони і так щось продають, деколи мою некомпетентість, частіше шось годне получається. Це моя "бічна метушня" як прийнято називати підробітки на цьому форумі (прям зайшло і дуже забавно перекладаються деякі фрази).
Можемо обмінятись контактами, якщо треба дизайн і верстку сайта чи веб додатків на віддалі.
Hi Walter!

How goes everything?

I have the 2019 version of the Proven Global Sourcing book and was wondering if there’s an updated version?

Also, I was curious to know if you were still continuing on with the B2B book?
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Walter Hay
Walter Hay
The 2019 version is the latest. Due to the massive changes in international commerce due to Covid 19 I have delayed my revision until the dust settles. I have prepared many notes, and will announce when it is published. The B2B book is a long term project, and I am making slow progress due to concentrating on an invention with huge human good possibilities.
Great, glad I’m up to date then.
I’m finally getting into B2B and I’m doing a bunch of research so I was curious to see if that B2B book was still continuing.
I hope your current project/invention is going along well!
Faida here , 17 year old girl all the way in South Africa , aspiring entrepreneur. I'm looking for a word of advice for how to get started

Hey ich komme aus der Nähe von Berlin und habe deinen Post gesehen, dass du nach ehrgeizigen Leuten suchst. Ich habe auch vor einigen Monaten meine Fastlane Journey begonnen. Also wenn du willst können wir uns ja mal austauschen.
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Hi Carlo! danke für dein Post! Es ist sooo schön, das fastlane leute in der nahe existiert :) I screibe dir ein privat Nachrict!

I joined basically because of you. So thank you!

And I also wanted to know, where did you learn how to write? Like, what was the process and influence that lead to your current writing style and capabilities?
Sorry for the delay - apparently I haven't visited this part of my profile in four years. Whoops! :eek::clench:
Where did I learn write? Good question. A huge contributing factor was reading a LOT. Another factor was writing a lot. Another factor was telling a lot of stories to younger children. You'll really learn what kinds of things will hold attention that way.
Hello! Do you think in starting ecommerce business in Europe? I have an idea to replicate my brand from Brazil to Europe, I’ve talked to a friend in Netherlands to run it, but he does not have the time. Maybe we can chat about that if you are interested!
I'm a huge health nerd, I love intermittent fasting, bodyweight training, I hate sugar, and love the outdoors.
I enjoy trading luxury watches on the side, both as a past-time (pun intended) and a form of income.
I'm also a car enthusiast, love going to car shows and track days, (If I work hard enough, you might see me indulge in this hobby ;) )
I now enjoy growing my agency, networking with other entrepreneurs, learning more about marketing and copywriting, and preserving and building wealth.
looking forward to hearing your stories, sharing knowledge, and helping others navigate financial freedom.
Currently running a 5 figure monthly marketing agency, on track to 6 figures by the end of the year.
Been a long journey, wouldn't be possible If I hadn't first picked up MJ Demarco's book.
Hi Walter,

i purchased your Proven China Sourcing book in 2016, i wonder if i can get the updated version of this book pls? Im looking at restarting sourcing from china again which i havent started when i bought the book. It would be interesting to know what changed since then. Thank you for your time and hope your doing well.
Walter Hay
Walter Hay
I will send you a copy in a few minutes. You will find that the latest version has a huge number of links to sites outside of China, where you could find unique products.

Just finished Unscripted. This material has me seeing the world in a different way. I am grateful MJ!

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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