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New user. Learning how to build a business at 38 after working traditional jobs all these years. No previous entrepreneurship experience however supremely motivated to spend more time with my wife and family.
hey, what type of engineering firm do you run? I worked as a process engineer optimizing production systems, thanks
Sorry Osman, had to delete your pinned link placement, this is not something we can approve of, or endorse.
No problem, i understand. Are there any other placements on this forum where i can advertise this link?
MJ DeMarco
MJ DeMarco
The self-promotion thread, the link is in the sidebar.
Got my website momanddadworkingfromhome.com up and running and just added a you tube influencer page now it time to get the word out
Hi, my name is Antoine. I am French and I have read the book The Millionaire Fastlane. I am very interested in wealth creation and I am also interested in Web3 as I see it as an immense opportunity.
Hello I'm a 17 yo who will turn 18 after 3 months, I started reading tmf as my father bought it for me and now I'm fully motivated to achieve my dreams plus I can now see the goal I want to achieve more clear . Thanks MJ from India
I have a farm focusing on raising cattle and cows of all shapes, I come from Vietnam, how do I find the output?. looking for a partner!
Underground Lex,

You are inspirational and your digital product strategy is amazing! I will make this quick. Do you have any students who you have mentored and who successfully implemented your method? Please introduce me. You may not have time to personally help me with questions so can I ask your mentored students? I am willing to do everything to make this work. I wish you all the best nevertheless!

Hey Jonny! It looks like we are both building directories ;) You up for a chat some time? It would be great to compare notes & thoughts ❤️

baythewebguy at gmail dot com
Absolutely! Jiust sent an email
"Achievement and self-development sparks passion—wallowing within comfort, an agent of mediocrity, does not." - MJ DeMarco
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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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