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I am doing Google/facebook/ trustpilot/yelp reviews at $1 each...My skype: hong.nguyen546
do you have any samples of previous reviews to look at?
Hello! I'm new to the forum! I finished reading FLM and read unscripted. Am on my second pass as I'm obsessed and it's the best book I've read since Rich Dad poor dad. Although I feel MJ taught me how to act. Power equals the ability to act. I'm very thankful for these books. I failed at a business endeavor years ago. Since then I've been gun shy. But I'm ready to get after it again armed with my new knowledge!
Hello! I'm new to the forum! Finished reading both the Fastlane and Unscripted. Reading unscripted again for a second time to take notes and then plan on beginning my business in September!
I am looking for remote jobs in administration... including data entry, transcription, customer service.This will be my full time gig given a chance.I will sure give you value for your
Hey Gunshe,
I am from Maharashtra. Soon coming to Hyderabad. Can we meet.
Jesse, you mentioned in a thread post that you had prototypes created in China (in addition to 3D printing and hand crafting prototypes). Would you mind explaining how you were able to get into contact with Chinese companies to create your prototypes?

Also, how did you address the IP with the Chinese company? From what I've read, this can be tricky.
Hi, I believe in fitness to the core. Along with being vegan, it helps me keep up my pace and balance in life.
My name is Kingsley joseph , am from Nigeria , 45 years of age I m glad to be member of this forum
Hi Walter

I have purchased your franchising and intend to set up Accounting franchise business. Can you advise bookkeeping or accounting franchise business?
Walter Hay
Walter Hay
I have sent you a message, so you can reply there.

Hi Walter,

I'm getting started in Amazon FBA and I came across your posts and found them to be extremely helpful so thanks for your contributions.

Which of you books would you recommend that could guide me through that process? And would you recommend sourcing from China or other countries?
Walter Hay
Walter Hay
I am not an expert on Amazon, but I believe the Proven Amazon Course (PAC) is the best way to learn about FBA. I have an agreement with Jim Cockrum who has been running the course for 15 years, and he gives away a free copy of my book with his course. In return he pays me a very small affiliate fee. You can browse PAC here: PAC
Wonderful! Thanks Walter!
Good to be Back! WOW! just spent the last two weeks reading and digesting Fastlane and Unscripted. What can i say mind blown! these two books gave me a fresh perspective and a new outlook on life to come. I am truly excited for the journey and can't wait to get there.
Please message the forum to have your screenname changed as this likeness/username is not allowed. Please do so within 48 hours, otherwise a mod will change your name to something random. Thank you. Contact us
MJ DeMarco
MJ DeMarco
Your username has been changed to Joost11 ... if you don't like it, message the forum.

Could you please change the username to EggWhite77?

Thank you and kind regards,
Hello to everyone,
I run a family owned vegetarian restaurant in Budapest, Hungary. I am also the chef. The business itself is a succes yet, it's still a marriage to slowlane. Looking for new ideas new path to step on and want to get out of the treadwheel.
That's why I am here and I am happy to be here, thank you!
Best regards and great success to all of you!
P.S. I have read The Millionaire Fastlane.
Thanks for the follow, I appreciate it! :thumbsup:Strangely I didn't get a notification, I'll have to check that.
I'm a sneaky fellow, night make a difference
Got notice for your follow, thanks!
Wow, I admire your success. I'll give you a lot of it. It's also nice to hear that there are so many Lamborghini fanatics here and I hope I get bald from 😀 is there basically the possibility to exchange ideas with you?
I have been living a scripted life for the past 6 years ever since I dropped out of school and I believe it is time for a change.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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