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Just finished Life, liberty and the pursuit of entrepreneurship, it's really a powerful book you are one in a million MJ and amma go through it back to back one more time
Bonjour je me présente Valéry Dultheo 51 ans envie de sortir du train train quotidien et d'acquérir la liberté financière
Pour le moment je suis sur 2 formations la première est nutritionniste sportive et la seconde est préparateur physique après l'acquisition de c'est 2 diplômes je voudrais me lancer comme auto entrepreneur dans la spécialité évoquée.
venez m'aiguiller sur le cheminement merci
Bien sur j'ai eu connaissance de votre forum par le biais du livre The millionnaire Fastlane de MJ Demarco
Merci beaucoup pour tout ça Mr Demarco
I read Millionaire Fastlane a year or two ago, listening to the audiobook now and will follow-up with listening to Great Rat Race Escape. I love MJ's insights, several years back I took a course from some Amazon KDP (Kindle publishing) "guru" claiming you can easily earn millions by publishing a high volume of mediocre books/ebooks/audiobooks.
Hi @MJ DeMarco and other fastlane travellers. I have recently joined the fastlane road after I came across the book The Millionaire Fastlane very very recently. Like MJ I always wanted the Lamborghini when I was a kid but somehow got stuck in the slowlane life , became a Family Physician but there was something inside that kept telling me that there is something bigger for me out there waiting for me.
I need advice from you all and especially @MJ DeMarco . I have an idea for a website based business but my tech skills are absolutely zilch . My wife says to get the website and App built by professionals but I am not so sure about this , what should I do
Hi there, saw your post from January. Wanted to ask you a bit about the Harvard MBA as I also got accepted for this Fall, but questioning if it's worth it given the cost and my desire to pivot to entrepreneurship. Not sure how to DM on here... is this it?
Still around I have just been working on my next project.

Please feel free to give me feedback. It's an AI-driven digital product management platform for software startups.

You can find it at iKooru.com

Read my latest article on starting a tech startup if that is something you want to do.
The journey is only real when it feels a bit overwhelming and long, knowing this helps a lot because the destination is as important as the journey.
I read TMF
I read the great rat race escape
Can I have it marks on my profile ?
Andy Black
Andy Black
Hi Isaac. If you reply to each of the appropriate threads then you’ll get the badges.
I remember walking 2hrs and 30min for a business meeting, I didn't have the means but I had to be there and present my plan, I've showed up and believed from deep in my heart that we were going far, I arrived very early and still the person isn't my business partner to this day. I've learnt a lot from them and most importantly that there is good in Everything, and that the journey is as important as the destination.
Atingane Francis
Please how do I go about my wholes sale distribution business: in the fashion business importing from China
Hey John, how many leads do you get from Craigslist? And how do you run the Craigslist ads if you still do?

Thank you brotha!
Johnny boy
Johnny boy
For lawn care? We post every few days or so, usually get a customer or two. Absolute steal for only $5 an ad.

For web design…I don’t do that anymore
Get out there and sell your thing... At least you will know a lot of people along the way.
Glad to be here. I'm looking to work with brands and startups as a virtual assistant with customer service experience while I gain more knowledge about business. Cheers to new progress, soon!
Happy to join this group. I am reading the Millionaire Fastlane, and am starting a scalable business this month!
Just Think How You Can Add More Risk And More Pain To The Process, Then The Results Will Be EXTRAORDINARILY GREAT!!!
Brick by brick, day by day until the wall become complete an accurate as envisioned.
New start of the week, clean canvas. Let's paint it how we want, let's smash the goals and most importantly, let's enjoy the journey.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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