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I have been living a scripted life for the past 6 years ever since I dropped out of school and I believe it is time for a change.
Hey dude I'm too from India and would love to connect and talk about everything in and out entrepreneurship. Let me know
Hey, what's up! I would love to. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
Pranit Gholap
This space has got a character limit of 420. Share me your Instagram or find me as @pranitgholap_ and we can connect!!
If you're not SEARCHING for the truth, then sorry, you're not GETTING the truth.

Truth isn't pushed to your iPhone, presented on the front page of Yahoo, or "curated" onto your Facebook feed. Don't be a dithering idiot who passively accepts the agenda fed to you by those who control the levers of power.
Thanks for liking the comment I wrote on that intro. I'm also a Nova Scotian. I didn't mean to offend people by sharing links, just trying to be friendly/say hello.

Do you have any tips for how I should be engaging on this forum if at all?

Thank you
I'll post a couple of links in your thread to get you started.
Damn I have been hanging out with these guys for 8 years and have not driven MJs car once. I am on my way to buy my own.
What's up Wimbo! I saw your post in a 100k progress thread by some gold contributor dude. I'm kind of not to far off in the journey from where your at. Would love to chat?
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Totally! Message me on here and we can get something setup
Hey Dafty,

I was trying to join your Discord server with the link you posted in that thread, but the invite link has inspired. You've gotta replace it with a permanent link ASAP. (I'm really interested in joining!)
Hey Noisy,
The discord group didn't work; no one talks there so it's useless. I recommend posting on this forum, rather than discord but if you are really interested make a post on this forum related to it. I am sure many people will join it, but idk if it will work or not. No harm in trying tho. I am down for another discord group as well.

But you will face alot of backlash from old people here. Keep that in mind!
Sir, can you check out my latest thread??
I need your help.

Here's the link:
How is work from home stuff working out for you? Im an entrepreneur myself and was wondering how good this is for earning a little extra on the side?
I am trying man, not been so easy.

Try your luck on freelance platforms, but do remember that it wont be easy since there its very overcrowded nowadays since everyone is doing freelance work and demand isn't high. You will need to put in a lot of effort.
I feel like I've been asleep my whole life and just recently
woke up to realise I'm in the biggest race of my life against time.
Interested in knowing as much as I can
Olá, meu caro.
Meu nome é Paulo Freitas, sou de São Paulo. Leio as obras de MJ Demarco a alguns anos já mas agora resolvi "arregaçar as mangas" e começar a colocar em prática.
Meu whatsapp é: 11 974989714
Se você ainda tiver o grupo, gostaria muito de fazer parte.
Desde já agradeço.
I am determined to give a better life to my current and future family, however I want to achieve financial freedom to dedicate myself to my great dream. Being immortal through science. Two pillars support my day. Mr. habit and science lady.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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