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Hello everyone my name is Edris Patrick and I am glad to join this platform. I knew I had to join this forum when I laid hands on the book millionaire fastlane.
OK U GUYS I KNOW IT HAS BEEN AWHILE SENCE I HAVE BEEN HERE BUT WE HAVE BEEN MAKEING PROGRESS WE LUANCHED OUR COMPANY ME AND MY WIFE I changed my job something with a bit more time to spend on our company we have been struggling with manuerfacacturing and now soon we will be putting our flagship product out there for the consumers to decide upon now I would love any support yall can give me follow us at La Plantureuse
New to the forum. I'm 19 and want acheive freedom if possible before 30. Currently reading millionaire fastlane.
Picture is not of me, it's an arrtificial inntelligence generated photo. Humans react positively when they see human faces. That's why so many YouTube thumbnails contain faces.
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Your sponsored marketplace promotion is now live on all pages and threads, including the home page. Since you are an INSIDER, you might need to logout to view placement on thread pages. Thanks for supporting hte forum and good luck (feel free to delete this note upon reading).
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Bonjour à tous, je suis un tout nouvel entrepreneur. Je vis en France, j'ai 39 ans. J'ai créé mon entreprise cette année. C'est avec une réelle fierté que je viens vous rejoindre ici. J'espère en apprendre beaucoup sur les méthodes, les manières de développer ses activités pour aller vers la liberté.
Mais je ne sais pas comment vous vous présentez au forum dans une conversation... Merci pour tout @MJ DeMarco car votre livre m'a fait sortir des sentiers battus. Je suis très reconnaissant d'avoir lu votre livre "The fast Lane". Cela me permet de confronter l'état d'esprit des autres autour de moi parce qu'ils ne comprennent pas ce que je fais. Grâce à votre livre, je suis capable de faire face :-)
Salut Danyg, ravie de voir un Français ici.
je pense sue sur ce forum tout se fait en Anglais.. donc si tu espère une réponse je penses que tu devrais traduire ton message.
Felicitation dans la creation de ton entreprise. Que fais tu exactement?
ravis d'être parmi vous :)
Salut RomaniY,
Je penses que sur ce forum tout est exclusivement en Anglais, donc je te conseil de traduire tes textes si tu en as un jour l’envie d’échanger avec d’autres entrepreneurs de ce forum.
En tout cas Ravie de voir qu’il y a du bleu blanc rouge sur ce forum.
N’hésite pas si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit
Salut Drwakiza,
Merci beaucoup pour l'info, a vrais dire je ne sais pas par quoi commencer dans le forum. je n'hésiterais pas revenir vers toi si besoins .
Can anyone please send me the hard copy of TMF and unscripted. i have the soft copy of both and the hard copy is not available in my country. i will more than gladly pay for the shipping. Thanks .
After reading all of MJ's books I thought is was time to check the forums, I'm currently setting up my own online business following the CENTS commandments and I have high hopes to provide value out there. Just wanted to say Hi and will occasionally post from time to time. :smile2:
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Ivan Koretskyy
Ivan Koretskyy
Progres Report: Working on making a video library of video content for my company, creating my own style essentially for a certain demographic. In a few weeks, I’m going to make a video for Kickstarter. If that goes well, I could possibly use that Kickstarter success to get angel investors to contribute as well. Wish me luck!
Ok, I'm completely convinced. You seem very knowledgeable and have lots of experience in trading. I have a small 2k account and can't wait to start the program on your website.
If this works well I have 5 other friends that are currently trading and holding a position in AMC but I will be sure to let them know that there is a better way!
What should I expect, now that I've subscribed to the $100 to $75k?
I started trading options in 2010 and blew my account several times before I finally settled down with a strategy that works. I started rebuilding my portfolio again in 2019 with $1,600 left to cash in it (after reckless trading of SPX trades).
Today, the portfolio is at $80k. This program is to show people how I did it myself before and that they may do it too.
Awesome! I have blown up my account plenty of times, and now I am taking longer positions, but never went past a 20k account. I look forward to seeing how this plays out. Thanks again for responding.
Not to hijack the thread about that guy's Excel speadsheet, but interested in your unreleased tool to save massive amounts of employee time. If that is still a viable tool, you can probably convert your Excel spreadsheet into a web app "in 3 minutes": turn excel spreadsheet into web application - Google Search
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That is awesome! Thanks for sharing! I built the spreadsheet in like 2009 so I'm not sure if it's obsolete by now. It was for a very specific use case so it could be that no one needs it now. But this is a great idea if I come up with another spreadsheet idea! Thanks @disarli !
I found 57,000 pound today! 37k of of which that I didn't know I had...
It was in the type of business you're not allowed to talk about here...
Don't worry I don't work that business anymore so it's completely passive.
I like real businesses too!
Hi! I'm looking for a partner that wants to sell together with me. I have a product that has high ROI but I need strong team. Are you interested ?

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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