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Looking to expand my business by taking on larger, more personalized Adirondack furniture like the picture attached. These are great for companies, wedding gifts and wineries. Please visit our website to see all our available products along with ways to contact us! Easiest would be to call or text our number @ 973-945-9875.



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“I need to work with great directors and actors, people who are better than me so that I am challenged. It is like playing sports – surfing, basketball, it doesn’t matter what it is, if you play with people who are better than you, then you get better too. It is the same thing with acting.”- Paul Walker
“I live by ‘Go big or go home.’ That’s with everything. It’s like either commit and go for it or don’t do it at all. I apply that to everything. I apply that to relationships, I apply that to like sports, I apply that to everything. That’s what I live by. That’s how I like it.”- Paul Walker
“I never thought I was going to be an actor. And I never really thought of myself as one. Even though I keep working. I thought I’d just do a wave of movies, and then I’d burn out. They just kept coming together.”- Paul Walker
“Basically, you’re selling a world as an actor, right? I mean it’s like any salesperson: if you believe in your product, you know your product, you sell it a lot better.”- Paul Walker
Am glad to be to the fastlane platform thanks to @Mjfor this great forum. I have come to understand that the saying was correct. " If you want to hide anything from an African write it in the book" thats why we are few here but thanks for the great job guys. Fastlane book has changed my mind as a teenager. I believe in my early 30's I will be their. Thanks
I have just read The millionaire fastlane and looking forward to unscripted. On track to start a new mind set
love this quote by M.J. " Yes, when free speech doesn't agree with my zero real life experience, it's time to hurl some bricks out through windows." I run into this all the time with people.
Hello. My name is Patrica JoyBless. Am glad to be part of the Fastlaners. Looking forward to learning a lot and sharing my fastlane journey too. Thank you @MJ DeMarco for this awesome platform
The Millionaire Fastlane is an amazing piece to read. It totally changed my perspective about wealth creation and positioned me on the path to sustainable steady income growth.
You look like an interesting person to work with. i'm from embedded electronics field. message me if you'r interested making some project together.
Read your stories my dude, saw how our stories aligned and it really is all about giving value. That was when things really started looking up for me I think. Just here to wish you well!
Merci a fastlaneforum de m'accueillir en effet je viens de terminer le livre l'auto route du millionnaire et ça a commencé déjà à avoir des répercussions positive dans ma vie
Hi Sean, can you send me the link/code for the Clone My Online Marketing Business no-brainer pricing please?

Thank you so much for your post!
Sean Marshall
Sean Marshall
Hey! Apologies for not seeing this sooner! If you're still interested, just let me know. I'm always happy to answer any questions you have!
just realized how EVERYONE AROUND ME, except one of my uncles, is SCRIPTED. that's so frustrating.
for example, I am a part of a group with my friends (we call it Nerd Party on Air), and suddenly it's so surprising to me how much time they consume by playing the game. I feel like I want to scream to them "WT-". UNSCRIPTED made me superconscious...
Hey! (these guys want me to do only 420 char, how can I?)
The thing is I am still reading through that thread about being an ENTP (page 2, huh: impatient) buuuut... I REEALY wanted to give you big thanks! It finally makes sense! My life, I mean, and every try I had, obviously.
Straight to the point: YOU'RE AMAZING. And I also found this valuable website because of you (I literally signed up to write it first).
So, talking about the post. I have these thoughts all the time, yeah. Buuut. But, as it was clarified, I just continue Interest A. And I fail. The thing is I couldn't understand why~ It makes SO MUCH sense rn. Everything said in that article totally relates to me. Like 100%.
I'm glad you're here when I'm still young and menace (18yo, hi). I cursed you after every sentence, btw, so sorry for any inconvenience it might have caused. Cuz it was so true, and I don't like to lose, and I was stupid enough not to notice (more like take action based on) all those signals.
You totally boosted my confidence, and I probably got level 3 by now. And I sincerely want to follow your guide because it makes so much SENSE, I can't stop rambling.

Thank you very, very much for that post! You effectively changing my perspective gave me the greatest joy I had in some time.
Now I am finally positively ready to fill that thirst of mine. (ME: still work in progress)
Hey Walter - Does your Proven Global Sourcing book come with the $29/mo option on PAC?

EDIT: Ended up picking up your book on your website, but it looks like it's the 2019 version. Can you please send me an updated copy? Cheers

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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