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Hey Andy! Thank you. The moment I read your threads, and instead shifted my mindset to who can I help right now, I literally gained a semi-sale from my dad. So I've decided to go with this mindset, of who can I help today by solving their problem or making them get more of something. Yay.
Has anything worked for you? Hey AIex, I saw you were looking to add a little income to being an entrepreneur. If you are I can send you free training. Just let me know
Hello Everyone, My name is Redcable. I read The Fastlane and currently working on my first product. I am excited to see where this business journey is gonna take me.
Kanika Vatsyayan is VP Sales & Strategies at BugRaptors who oversees all the quality control & assurance strategies for client engagement
Rise on the maverick waves of life.
Surf the highest tides of your mind.
Balance yourself in the mist of chaos.
Face the eye of the hurricane head on.
Love the adventure of the ride into the unknown.
Uncertainty chases you with the loudest roar.
Glide into eye of the storm, be pulled down in the undertow.
Ride fearless in the crashing waves of time.
Written by Mattie
Hey ICK! Thanks for everything and all the brilliant posts you've made? I wanted to ask if you think the strategy you outline int he how to pick an industry thread is still valid?
Weather prevision for tonight, partly cloudy in London. It is a beautiful day with awesome things for us to like your favourite pages and share Goth Master Hood nonfiction with others.
Day 2
Finished collating data for plan from moving from productocracy by going through niche, to problem, to solution - 8 hours. Yes a week of prior research on the actual practical steps of the big picture.
This is the start of the 90 day challenge, which will lay the foundation for creating a productocracy. I will update everyday as much I should. Thanks for coming with me on this journey! The format is to list the task and the number of hours it cost. DAR.

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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