MJ DeMarco
I followed the science; all I found was money.
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Subject: Financial blasphemy: $6 lattes, debt, more...
Last week I tweeted the following truth:
Among one of those truths, there was one I want to call your particular attention to:
If you look at any person who has accumulated wealth (and by wealth I mean at least $10M+) you will see the above FACT as common denominator. In fact, Sam Altman (the entrepreneur behind the ChatGPT AI) echoed the same in a legendary blog post on becoming successful. He said:

If you want the FINANCIAL freedom to accompany TIME freedom, you need to not only OWN things but CONTROL them. This is why a CENTS-based, Fastlane business is always your best bet for rapid wealth accumulation—not stocks, not crypto, and certainly not a soul-crushing job for 25 years while hoping to climb your way into a C-Suite.
You see, when you buy stock in Apple or Tesla, you might own a tiny piece of the company but you don't control it.
You aren't an INSIDERS, and you don't get to dictate decisions.
Now before you start screaming about Warren Buffett, Bill Ackman, or Carl Icahn, these powerhouse stock investors are activist investors. Meaning? Activist investors buy so many shares in these companies they get to influence their decisions through stock proxies and, ultimately, get seats on the board that they can control.
When you have ownership but fail at control, many bad things can happen.
A YouTube channel with 2M subscribers is incredibly influential. But say the wrong thing, and the YouTube censors will act—and boom—it is gone. Of course, I'm not saying a big YouTube channel is a bad idea, on the contrary, but I am saying to be mindful of the hand that is feeding you.
Other control problems are self-induced.
Stan Lee created many iconic Marvel comic book characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the Hulk. Though he retained the titles of Marvel's president and chairman, he had signed away the rights to Marvel's properties early on. As the characters exploded in popularity via movies in the 2000s, Lee did not have control over them or share substantially in the profits.
This is why the Commandment of Control is a critical element in my proprietary CENTS Framework outlined in my books.
If you're going to endure the hardships of starting and growing a business, one that rapidly grows in value, as Sam Alman describes, it's critical you keep control.
When the wealth accumulation phase ensues, and you stand to earn millions, you want to reap the benefits. Only then and after that should you consider control-reducing activities, such as venture capital or selling equity.
You get rich by owning things as an INSIDERS that you control.
You get less poor by owning things that you don't control.
Subject: Financial blasphemy: $6 lattes, debt, more...
Last week I tweeted the following truth:
Financial blasphemy: I drink $6 coffee. I spent $5.3M on a 13,000 sq/ft estate w/a $6K mortgage. I have 12 credit cards where $1000s are charged monthly. I dine out 3-5X week. When I shop, I don't look at prices and throw whatever I want into the shopping cart. The word "budget" is not in my vocabulary. I also have no savings plan, I don't make regular investments in index funds. Despite doing everything contrary to financial experts & every finance book ever sold, I have total financial freedom. Here's are 8 truths that made it happen... (Link to full tweet)
Among one of those truths, there was one I want to call your particular attention to:
The true secret to wealth/unfettered financial freedom (not the mediocre suckfest promoted nowadays) is by owning things you can control as an INSIDERS. This puts the power of asymmetrical business returns that compound into your grasp. Buying indexed funds does not count.
If you look at any person who has accumulated wealth (and by wealth I mean at least $10M+) you will see the above FACT as common denominator. In fact, Sam Altman (the entrepreneur behind the ChatGPT AI) echoed the same in a legendary blog post on becoming successful. He said:

If you want the FINANCIAL freedom to accompany TIME freedom, you need to not only OWN things but CONTROL them. This is why a CENTS-based, Fastlane business is always your best bet for rapid wealth accumulation—not stocks, not crypto, and certainly not a soul-crushing job for 25 years while hoping to climb your way into a C-Suite.
You see, when you buy stock in Apple or Tesla, you might own a tiny piece of the company but you don't control it.
You aren't an INSIDERS, and you don't get to dictate decisions.
Now before you start screaming about Warren Buffett, Bill Ackman, or Carl Icahn, these powerhouse stock investors are activist investors. Meaning? Activist investors buy so many shares in these companies they get to influence their decisions through stock proxies and, ultimately, get seats on the board that they can control.
When you have ownership but fail at control, many bad things can happen.
A YouTube channel with 2M subscribers is incredibly influential. But say the wrong thing, and the YouTube censors will act—and boom—it is gone. Of course, I'm not saying a big YouTube channel is a bad idea, on the contrary, but I am saying to be mindful of the hand that is feeding you.
Other control problems are self-induced.
Stan Lee created many iconic Marvel comic book characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, and the Hulk. Though he retained the titles of Marvel's president and chairman, he had signed away the rights to Marvel's properties early on. As the characters exploded in popularity via movies in the 2000s, Lee did not have control over them or share substantially in the profits.
This is why the Commandment of Control is a critical element in my proprietary CENTS Framework outlined in my books.
If you're going to endure the hardships of starting and growing a business, one that rapidly grows in value, as Sam Alman describes, it's critical you keep control.
When the wealth accumulation phase ensues, and you stand to earn millions, you want to reap the benefits. Only then and after that should you consider control-reducing activities, such as venture capital or selling equity.
You get rich by owning things as an INSIDERS that you control.
You get less poor by owning things that you don't control.
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