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The fastlane life of a 17 year old who had never heard of fastlane before

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Regular Contributor
Sep 12, 2012
Rep Bank
User Power: 155%
Hello everyone, my name is Valon K., a 17 year old whose parents left at the age of 18 from Kosovo to Belgium, with 10,000 euro in debt, and no one to stay with. This may be a long story, but trust me when I say that it's unique.

Needless to say, the first few years of my life were lived in poverty, I hadn't seen my father in years, because he left for work before I woke up, and came back when I was already asleep. Nonetheless, he was a big risk taker, taking a loan for a house whilst only working a job for 1 month in Belgium and without even having the papers to stay over here. I had a good childhood, despite the poverty, our family was very warm and caring, and the Albanian refugee community stood up for eachother in the city we lived in.

Fast forward a few years, I was 11, life was a little bit more stable, my dad had worked as a gardener in the same company for 11 years by now, and after a while we could afford to buy ourselves a computer. Keep in mind my father had to provide for my mother, me, my little brother, my grandfather and my grandmother, at a small wage. I was thrilled by having a computer, the first thing I did was insert the Red Alert 3 disk I had bought with the PC, played that same game for months and months until it got boring. After a while we had internet too, started playing an MMORPG called Runescape, good times, no worries. Actually learned the basics of world economy by playing that game, must of been 12 at the time, a freshman in Middle school, I had set up a way of 'botting' on the game, while I was studying I raked in game currency that I sold for at least a profit of 160 euro each schoolday. Life was good. Did the same thing with Counterstrike 1.6 when I was 13. I had a dozen or so servers that were linked with an RPG system, and people could pay RPG credits on that 'franchise of servers'. Each day after I came from school I had a dozen or so letters from all across the world with money in them. Norwegian kroner, american dollars, japenese yen, the world was at my feet.

Carried that on for a years of course spending every dime I had (a lot I gave to my parents, a lot went to candy and the local playhouse). By the time I was 15, my father had promoted himself to partner of the CEO of the company. This had changed a complete new world for us, by now my father had over 25 employees working for him. He carried on for a year, saving the company from the gutter as his partner was in a huge divorce, my father had put all his savings (80,000 euro) and was working 20 hours a day. The company wasn't only saved, it had 140 percent more sales than it used to. (of which 45 percent by me, I told my father to stop paying the workers from home, but give them a mileage compensation, almost equal to what they got, the workers would still remain happy whilst squandering less hours on the toilet etc because their driving time wasn't paid in hours). One day, after working on the desk there for a whole summer, we go to the company to grab a few materials for the next day, and we see my fathers partner carry 700,000 euro worth of materials to a different place, vehicles, cranes, bobcats, everything...

My father was backstabbed, he was devastated by that act. As his Dutch wasn't that good, I practically quit school for 3 months to talk with lawyers, police officers, curators etcetera. Imagine a 15 year old leading the word at a table with over 10 grown ups. This procedure still hasn't finished, and it still has to appear in front of the judge. But I can tell you one thing, since that day, I knew I was destined to do business, I was hooked to it, as soon as I went back to school, my grades dropped immediately. I simply wasn't interested anymore, I had learnt more in life in 3 months than I had seen my entire career in school. And I was a grade A student, I explained my vision to my teachers but none of them would understand me, all saying I would doom my future by doing this.

I actually finished my school that year, to keep my parents happy. Studied all day, everyday and did 3 years of class in one exam period. What now? I couldn't get a daytime job, it was simply not cut out for me, so I started getting interested in women, I wanted to be the casanova everyone admired. Keep in mind, I was 16, but looked 22. I gave myself the assignment of getting to know 10 new females everyday. And trust me, I would keep up to it, cold approaching every single attractive woman I saw, wether at the grocery store, a bar, on the street, a busstop. I soon new every female in my 70k populated city. I started getting a fascination for people, and became a very good listener, socializing with everyone that interested me. One day, me and my nephew, were sitting in a bar that had a dancehall attached to it, I thought it was horrible how rarely the dancehall was used, and proposed to my nephew to throw an event there. The place cost 50 euro to rent for an evening, and 100 if you didn't get a certain quota in liquor sales. So I put down the 50 euro, made a poorly designed flyer with the caption above 'Kickin it oldskool', uploaded it to facebook and invited my friends. I had a 5 euro cover charge and a befriended deejay of mine who charged me 50 euro for a night.

I was expecting 20-30 friends, optimistically.

My mind was blown, 360 people had dropped by. Leaving me with a net profit of 1700 euro. I realized something, I just started a business here, but I had to keep it rolling, I had to make this the most awesome party a lot of people that night had seen. With 1700 euro I made a deal with the bar owner to buy 90 bottles of bubbles from him. I gave away 1700 euro in booze in one single night, almost every second person had a free bottle of Spanish Cava. Every 5 seconds you saw a firework sprinkler go off, people called me crazy.

Life was rolling, I was popular, making good money and getting to know a lot of people. Started throwing an event for around 800 people every 2 weeks. Leaving me with approx. 4,000 - 5,000 euro profit every single month. Meeting club owners, security CEO's, crazy DJ's (Steve Aoki, Dj Antoine, and many others) at the age of 16. Of course, it was surreal to me, I wasn't with my feet on the ground, so every weekend I went away opening bottles of Louis Roederer Cristal, Dom Perignon, Moet, Veuve, Grey Goose, Louis XXIV, eating out... I was living a Bourgeois life.

The club I was promoting was slowly discinerating because of bad management, and one of the most prestigious Champagnebars in the country was sold for a huge amount (the business only, no property) to a fils a papa drunk woman. It didn't take it more than 1 month for her to completely destroy the business. Yelling through the microphone at 3 am for everyone to leave because she wanted to go to sleep, snorting cocaine in the womens bathroom, publicly fighting with her boyfriend, etcetera... I was intrigued, she had hired a manager to run the place because her friends advised her to quit, for the sake of her reputation. I had offered the manager several times to let me throw an event there, always telling me he'd contact me yet never hearing from him. Didn't mind me much, I was making good money. Until one day I walk past that venue, going home, and I see the drunk lady waiting in front of the champagnebar which was closed at the time. I knew it was her, wearing Louboutins, a chanel suit, a Dries Van Noten handbag, her outfit must of cost at least 20,000 euro. I myself was dressed very smart that evening, I walked up to her, shook her hand and introduced myself.

'Hello, my name is Valon, I am practically your competition, I work for Club ****'

She was flattered, laughing as if I was flirting with her.

I told her how I tried to contact her manager to offer to throw an event, but hadn't gotten an answer in over 2 months. She was astounded, furious, seemingly unsatisfied with his services. And told me he is staying in the restaurant just across the street. She asked me to follow, so we could ask him directly what was going on in the restaurant. I hesitated at first, as this seemed very rude to me, yet she was determined to take me with her, and there I saw an opportunity. When she asked the manager, a very dandy person, white suit, tan, 4,000 euro ring on his finger, why he didn't contact me, he simply laughed in my face and said I was too young. Next to him was standing a tall, big, black man, seemingly the security of the place, and he looked at me with a frowned face. The woman said she'd contact me, and I left.

When I came home, I had told my mother all about what happened, and she simply shrugged it away.

Each day I would hear bad reports how the champagnebar was doing, from friends and relatives, and I always casually told my mother. Telling her how I could do the job so much better than that guy. After a while, she asked me why I hadn't contacted the woman yet, ask him if the position is maybe open. I hesitated, laughed it away, telling her I was too young. I started believing the lies the manager had told me, doubting myself. And my mom simply answered: 'Valon, you're too young for what you're doing now anyway, you've already proven that age is no concern' That same night I called the woman up and set a meeting at her loft. It was the first time I would take a risk this big, and while I was walking towards there, smoking cigarette after cigarette out of stress, I finally convinced myself that the worst thing that could happen was she laughing in my face and ordering me to leave her loft.

It didn't take me 2 minutes of talking to convince her giving me the job. What I didn't knew was that she was in a very emotional stage, her business failing, relationship problems AND she had had me checked by her bankdirector, whose daughter always came to my parties, so the person she held highest in trust talked a good word about me.

I had troubles with the former manager and his security, he actually grabbed me by the neck and started choking me once, I wasn't afraid though, even though I'm a good, honest kid, people tend to fear Albanians in western-europe. So I came off as confident. Everytime they threatened me, I reported this to the woman, causing her in her period of stress to fire the former manager and security without even making a deal with me.

I had a F*cking blank card, I could charge this woman ANYTHING I wanted, either she had to pay me up, or lose her business completely. People were already badmouthing me, saying I could never do this, etc...

At that time, my niece was together with a beaumonde son of a media magnate, Sebastiaan. I got along with him, he had the contacts, he had the presence to become the face of this place, and we agreed to work together.

We made an agreement that 20 percent of sales would go to us. That means that if on a particular night we would have sold 10,000 euro, I would receive 1,000 and Sebastiaan would. She didn't have a choice.

Man, the place skyrocketed, we sold more than the original owner, ofcourse our boss didn't see a penny of this, as all her profits went to us. I had proved to everyone in the country that a 17 year old kid could run a champagne bar for the higher societies in this country, but slowly I realized I was doing all the work, whilst my 22 year old partner was getting all the fame. After a while he truely believed he was doing the work, while I was reaping the benefits. This ensued to argueing, we couldn't work together. We did agree on one thing though, we would always stand together against our boss, as we had to kick her out of her own club every single week because of drunkenness. The best time was when she left to bulgaria for a month and a half. We were selling so much Dom Perignon, Moet and Veuve that one of the managers of Moet Hennesy came down to belgium to congratulate us personally.

After a while our argueing became so bad, that we didn't have contact with eachother anymore. No communication. He was telling my niece that I wasn't doing anything, while I was working almost 20 hours a day for the place. I was pissed. Woke up one morning, booked a ticket to Albania to visit my father who was there on holiday at the time, and called a cab. Left without telling him anything, saying it was an emergency. That week my partner realized how much work there actually was, and after I came back I set up a meeting with him, asking me if he finally understood. And he said he did.

In the meanwhile the entire city was fond of me, talking good about me and they almost completely forgot Sebastiaan. One night I was closing by myself, when the drunken boss arrived again. I had her thrown out, she was so drunk she was sent to jail for the evening. Sebastiaan took his chance, backstabbing me offering her to throw me out so she had to pay only one manager. What he didn'nt knew was that my boss had offered this me over 30 times the past 2 weeks, but I never did it, out of principles.

I was mad for a day, furious, yet realized there was nothing I could do. I did boycott it completely though, by simply posting on facebook that Sebastiaan had backstabbed me and I no longer had anything to do with the club.

Sales dropped completely, they couldn't sell one bottle of champagne in a night. At most they had 3 - 4 people frequenting the club.

All this was in a timespan of 6 months, the biggest gain I got from working there were my contacts. The person who distributed the flyers and wallposters all over the country had gotten a job at the regional television station, but the guy didn't have a business, he did everything under the table, so he couldn't bill the TV station, and as the TV station is noted on the stock market, they couldn't hire him. The CEO of that TV station frequented our club very often, and asked me if I knew some good looking women to distribute his flyers. I said yes, definitely, and asked him what the project was so I could maybe aid him further. He told me the entire history, how he can't hire him, etc... I had a lot of undeclared money on the side, so I took the job, of 14,000 euro, which was supposed to give me a 11,000 euro profit and did the entire activation for him. The guy who distributed the flyers was so amazed that I did this for him, that he and his collegues (who have a monopoly on these kind of jobs) agreed to work with me fulltime. I now have all of them employed, and have the entire nightlife marketing scene monopolied. Effectively, I had started an advertising agency.

Right now, the club has gone broke, Sebastiaan can't find a job anywhere, and I have an advertising agency which is growing steadily, and I'm only working on it for 7 months now :cool:

That's my lifestory so far, if anyone ever wants to add me on facebook, (http://www.facebook.com/VVVALON) feel free.
I have been lurking this forum for several months and today is finally the day I decided to register.

This is me

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Xjev ep exituni opvsu, nep! Duphsevt up gopfoph tadditt tu zuaph, cav vsz zuas citv puv vu traepfis ov exez up iyqiptowi dest epf fiemt hupi cef. Katv dab zua neli e muv ug nupiz fuitp'v niep zua'si emm vjev tnesv.

Ximduni vu vji gusan. Vimm at nusi ecuav zuas efwisvotoph ehipdz: ov tiint vjev't zuas coh nupiznelis.
Xjev ep exituni opvsu, nep! Duphsevt up gopfoph tadditt tu zuaph, cav vsz zuas citv puv vu traepfis ov exez up iyqiptowi dest epf fiemt hupi cef. Katv dab zua neli e muv ug nupiz fuitp'v niep zua'si emm vjev tnesv.

Ximduni vu vji gusan. Vimm at nusi ecuav zuas efwisvotoph ehipdz: ov tiint vjev't zuas coh nupiznelis.

O atif vu traepfis ov, sohjv pux O iovjis tewi iwisz qippz us opwitv ov!

Sohjv pux 90 qisdipv ug uas edvowovz ot tvsiivqsunu gus iwipvt epf pohjvdmact, cz opdusqusevoph vjuti gix qiuqmi xju fof ov gus e mowoph O onnifoevimz nefi uwis 700 dmoipvt, emm cideati O xet e huuf temitqistup epf duamf comm gus vjin. O emtu jewi 2 gammvoni fitohpist, epf e xictovi fiwimuqis. Ev vji nunipv O en muuloph vu josi e dsievowi xsovis! Nz optqosevoup sep uav e movvmi cov egvis xsovoph vjev xemm ug viyv, tu og zua jewi epz raitvoupt, giim gsii vu etl!


Vji temit O neli esi puv qasi qsugov, esuapf 35 qisdipv ug temit esi ev vjot nunipv SOTLGSII qsugov. O en iggidvowimz iespoph e muv mitt vjip O atif vu, vji upmz foggisipdi ot vjev O dep tdemi vjot et coh et O moli, epf O fup'v jewi vu fiem xovj tjefz pohjv mogi qiuqmi.

Nz fsien ot vu dsievi e gammz eavunevod neslivoph nedjopi, xjodj emmuxt ni vu gudat up nz uxp temit qsukidvt, gus xjodj O dep ati nz uxp tztvin. O kuopif vjot gusan vu iydjephi ofiet xovj qiuqmi, nuvowevi uvjist epf liiq nztimg nuvowevif!
Jiz Ipvuasehi, vjeplt gus tjesoph zuas eneboph tvusz!

Tunivonit O jewi vji giimoph, vjev vji nutv foggodamv tvesvoph qutovoup esi vji upi xju csopht uav sudliv getv catopitt qiuqmi :F.
Vjev’t e coh qsucmin xovj “iwiszvjoph ot ul” og iwiszvjoph ot ul, iwip og PUVJOPH ot hsiev qiuqmi (opdmafoph ni) fup’v nuwi… og iwiszvjoph ot tjovvz epf zua siemmz gadlif aq ecuav ov, upmz vjep zua hiv vji citv uav ug zua! O vjopl zuas tvusz qsuwit vjot ettanqvoup.
Jiz Kutdjo!

O apfistvepf xjev zua'si dunoph gsun, cav et O vsoif vu tvevi op vji vovmi ug vjot vjsief, ov't puv uav ug pidittovz vjev O fof vjot, O vjopl vji cohhitv nuvowevoup xet cusifun. O vipf vu hiv cusif ietomz.
Vjot tvusz ot eneboph, Wemup.

Nezci xjip zua hiv umfis zua tjuamf josi e tdsoqv xsovis vu neli e nuwoi tdsoqv. O'n tasi zua xuamf gopf e qsufadis vu neli e nuwoi :F . Epf O emxezt lpix zua Emcepoept jewi vji giimoph gus fuoph catopitt. O jewi e gix emcepoep gsoipft jisi op Tmuwipoe epf vjiz siemmz lpux xjev vjiz esi fuoph.
Jiz Kutdjo!

O apfistvepf xjev zua'si dunoph gsun, cav et O vsoif vu tvevi op vji vovmi ug vjot vjsief, ov't puv uav ug pidittovz vjev O fof vjot, O vjopl vji cohhitv nuvowevoup xet cusifun. O vipf vu hiv cusif ietomz.

jeje zua tjuamf viedj vjev :F "Jux vu hiv cusif epf ati ov vu hiv sodj"
ov ot op nz pevasi vu piwis hiv cusif, iwip og O mowi xovjuav e vw us sefou gus uwis 10 ziest pux :-)
Apgusvapevimz xovj vjev dunit e medl ug gudat...
Vjot tvusz ot eneboph, Wemup.

Nezci xjip zua hiv umfis zua tjuamf josi e tdsoqv xsovis vu neli e nuwoi tdsoqv. O'n tasi zua xuamf gopf e qsufadis vu neli e nuwoi :F . Epf O emxezt lpix zua Emcepoept jewi vji giimoph gus fuoph catopitt. O jewi e gix emcepoep gsoipft jisi op Tmuwipoe epf vjiz siemmz lpux xjev vjiz esi fuoph.

Jeje, og O iwis xet vu fosidv e gomn ov xuamf ci e couhseqjz ecuav nz hsepfgevjist csuvjist' mogi. Cav vjev't e foggisipv tvusz. Puv tu tasi ecuav emcepoept jewoph vji giimoph vu fu catopitt vjuahj, og xi fof, uas duapvsz xuamf jewi ciip e muv nusi qsuhsittif cz pux :F

jeje zua tjuamf viedj vjev "Jux vu hiv cusif epf ati ov vu hiv sodj"
ov ot op nz pevasi vu piwis hiv cusif, iwip og O mowi xovjuav e vw us sefou gus uwis 10 ziest pux :-)
Apgusvapevimz xovj vjev dunit e medl ug gudat...

Vsai, op emm jupitvz, O fup'v xusl e muv op vji fezvoni. nz nuvowevoup qielt ev esuapf 11 QN, tu gsun vjip 'vom 4 en ot xjip O'n xusloph vji jesfitv, emxezt tmiiq uav 'vom 11 EN eheop, vjev tztvin xuslt gus ni. Epf og O piif vu eddmonobi vu xeloph aq iesmz, O jewi e duum vsodl gus vjev, katv tloq foppis epf iev csielgetv ev vji voni zua xepv vu xeli aq, vji nopf motvipt vu vji tvunedji!
Jiz Ipvuasehi, vjeplt gus tjesoph zuas eneboph tvusz!

Tunivonit O jewi vji giimoph, vjev vji nutv foggodamv tvesvoph qutovoup esi vji upi xju csopht uav sudliv getv catopitt qiuqmi :F.
Vjev’t e coh qsucmin xovj “iwiszvjoph ot ul” og iwiszvjoph ot ul, iwip og PUVJOPH ot hsiev qiuqmi (opdmafoph ni) fup’v nuwi… og iwiszvjoph ot tjovvz epf zua siemmz gadlif aq ecuav ov, upmz vjep zua hiv vji citv uav ug zua! O vjopl zuas tvusz qsuwit vjot ettanqvoup.

Vjip eheop, et O sigmidv up ov, vji nunipv O fsuqqif uav ug vji pusnem tdjuum tztvin, O siemobif vjev og nz qmept fup'v taddiif, O xomm amvonevimz geom, tu nezci zua'si sohjv...
Vjip eheop, et O sigmidv up ov, vji nunipv O fsuqqif uav ug vji pusnem tdjuum tztvin, O siemobif vjev og nz qmept fup'v taddiif, O xomm amvonevimz geom, tu nezci zua'si sohjv...

Iwisz qistup ot foggisipv epf iwiszupi mowit op jot uxp siemovz. Gus ni O jewi vu caomf aq qsittasi vu nuwi, moli e tvien fsowip iphopi! O jewi vu wotaemobi vji xustv deti quttocmi. Xjisi xomm O ci pux xjip O fu “vjot†xjisi xomm O ci vunussux, epf xjisi xomm O ci op 2 us 3 ziest…
Vjisi ot e xez uav ug emnutv iwisz tovaevoup! Zua esi e qevjgopfis, zua vapif zuastimg vu gopf tadj xezt, vjev’t xzi zua’si wisz taddittgam gus zuas zuaph ehi. Nutv qiuqmi fup’v tii vji xezt uav cideati vjiz fup’v muuloph sohjv (tvomm opdmafoph ni).
Vjiz esi tu fotvsedvif cz movvmi qsucmint epf vji tumwoph ug vjuti vjev vjiz esi cmopf gus vji xjumi duptvsadv…

timg sigmidvoph ot e vjoph wisz gix qiuqmi fu...

liiq aq vji huuf xusl :F
O optotv... voni vu caz vjev nisd....

Vjeplt gus tjesoph.
O optotv... voni vu caz vjev nisd....

Vjeplt gus tjesoph.

Vji noponan ehi vu fsowi op Cimhoan ot 18, haitt O jewi vu xeov epuvjis 9 fezt ;)

vjepl zua
Jimmu Ipvuasehi, wisz duum tvusz zua jewi vjisi!

Pohjvmogi catopitt tiint moli gap&hmenuas cav muvt ug qiuqmi xju xusl vjisi esi timgotj qoht. Xuamfp'v xepv vu jewi vu fiem xovj dumf catopitt nip epf fsapl dmoipvt gus e mowoph.

O sidipvmz raov nz iphopiisoph ifadevoup op Miawip epf apgusvapevmz tvesvif e fezvoni kuc. Up vji tofi O'n siefoph e muv ug cuult epf muuloph gus catopitt uqqusvapovoit.
Tu xjisi fu zua mowi op Cimhoan? O'n gsun pies Csattimt tu nezci xi dep niiv tuni voni? O'n 21 tu O en emmuxif vu fsowi e des ;).
Jewi zua tvesvif zuas fsowoph vitv ziv? Ov't siemmz puv vjev ietz epf voni duptanoph tu vji getvis zua tvesv vji civvis!

Huuf madl!


Jimmu Ipvuasehi, wisz duum tvusz zua jewi vjisi!

Pohjvmogi catopitt tiint moli gap&hmenuas cav muvt ug qiuqmi xju xusl vjisi esi timgotj qoht. Xuamfp'v xepv vu jewi vu fiem xovj dumf catopitt nip epf fsapl dmoipvt gus e mowoph.

O sidipvmz raov nz iphopiisoph ifadevoup op Miawip epf apgusvapevmz tvesvif e fezvoni kuc. Up vji tofi O'n siefoph e muv ug cuult epf muuloph gus catopitt uqqusvapovoit.
Tu xjisi fu zua mowi op Cimhoan? O'n gsun pies Csattimt tu nezci xi dep niiv tuni voni? O'n 21 tu O en emmuxif vu fsowi e des .
Jewi zua tvesvif zuas fsowoph vitv ziv? Ov't siemmz puv vjev ietz epf voni duptanoph tu vji getvis zua tvesv vji civvis!

Huuf madl!



Jiz Fun! Ov ot puv et hmenuasuat et qiuqmi qisdiowi ov, epf O xuslif op qsucecmz vji nutv hmenuasuat dmac ug vjin emm... O'n gsun Topv-Polmeet, O'mm edvaemmz ci op Csattimt cz 3:30 vufez! ;) huv nz vjiusivodem fsowoph modipti, zit!
Jiz Fun! Ov ot puv et hmenuasuat et qiuqmi qisdiowi ov, epf O xuslif op qsucecmz vji nutv hmenuasuat dmac ug vjin emm... O'n gsun Topv-Polmeet, O'mm edvaemmz ci op Csattimt cz 3:30 vufez! ;) huv nz vjiusivodem fsowoph modipti, zit!

Wisz podi! Esi zua emmuxif vu fsowi emupi pux us xovj taqiswotus?
O'n gsun Uwisokti, ov't e 1 juas fsowi gsun Topv-Polmeet tu xi tjuamf ci ecmi vu niiv aq tunivoni tuup, O xuamf muwi vu jies ecuav zuas efwisvotoph ehipdz.
Jux fu zua qodl aq mephaehit? gsun siefoph zuas qutv emupi zua natv lpux evmietv vjsii

Duphsevt up zuas tadditt, liiq ov aq

Miespv favdj epf emcepoep et e lof. Emcepoep gsun nz qesipvt, favdj gsun nz ipwosupnipv epf tdjuum. (emtu e sietup O tqiel wisz qsuqis favdj, nz qesipvt piwis miespif ni vji tmeph xez ug tqieloph ov, emm favdj O tqiel ot viyvcuul favdj)

Vjip xipv up vu miesp Iphmotj epf Gsipdj op tdjuum (cuvj gmaipv). O emtu apfistvepf Hisnep (dep'v tqiel ov) epf Tiscu-Dsuevoep.

Wisz podi! Esi zua emmuxif vu fsowi emupi pux us xovj taqiswotus?
O'n gsun Uwisokti, ov't e 1 juas fsowi gsun Topv-Polmeet tu xi tjuamf ci ecmi vu niiv aq tunivoni tuup, O xuamf muwi vu jies ecuav zuas efwisvotoph ehipdz.

Upmz xovj e taqiswotus, tjuamf jewi nz fsowoph modipti op vxu nupvjt, pusnemmz xovjop 20 fezt cav e movvmi cov vuu catz sohjv pux! Zit, fsuq cz epzvoni, eff ni up gedicuul (usohopem qutv)
Hmef vu eppuapdi xi jewi velip e dunqmivimz foggisipv eqqsuedj vuxesft uas temit. Optvief ug xusloph gus e timidv hsuaq ug nifoedmoipvt, xi esi pux uggisoph uwis 40 foggisipv uavmivt, cetodemmz duwisoph vji nifoe op vji ipvosi Cimhoan. Piyv tvuq: fiwimuqoph uas temit qsuhsen tu xi dep josi qiuqmi moli ISHU JNO fuit, qsivvz nadj namvo miwim neslivoph cav xovj 2 getit ev nutv. Uas 3 temitnip sohjv pux esi iedj neloph 8l/e nupvj! ;)
O fof tunivjoph tonomes jisi op vji tvevit. Exituni vu jies zuas vemi epf tadditt :)
Jiz Wemup,

Siemmz optqosoph tvusz. O mowi op Espjin pux, huuf madl vu zua epf vimm at nusi ecuav zuas efwisvotoph catopitt.

Nz favdj piohjcuas!

Vjepl zua, xjev xi cetodemmz esi ot ep opfiqipfipv temit fiqesvnipv gus wesouat vimiwotoup pivxuslt, qeqist, nehebopit epf sefou tvevoupt. Katv vszoph vu caomf nz temitvien coh ipuahj tu vjev xi jewi e tviefz gmux ug opduni vu fiwimuqi uas uxp qsufadvoup juati. Uas gudat ot puv up neloph nupiz, cav tumwoph uvjist' qsucmint. Ietoitv temitqovdj vjev xez, xi nutv ug vji voni iwip sidunnipf vji djieqis emvispevowi vu uas dmoipvt!


vji sietup xjz O djuti vjot qevj xet cideati O en e wisz inqevjod qistup, O moli motvipoph vu uvjist' qsucmint, epf O muwi tumwoph vjin. O duamf neli vjot nusi getvmepi cz meapdjoph ov upmopi, cav vji upmz vjoph vjev nelit ni jeqqz ot cioph tassuapfif cz uvjist, epf jewoph qistupem dupvedv xovj vjin. Xjipiwis O niiv xovj qiuqmi, O fup'v vimm vjin O uxp vji ehipdz, O vimm vjin O'n tonqmz e tqulitnep, xjodj hespist vsatv!
Hsiev opvsu nep!! Ximduni ecuesf! :)
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