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  • I checkout out your websites and was wondering

    1) Are you using Wordpress
    2) If so, what theme are you using and where I can get it

    I found this site from MJ's book and I found a post from you with information I liked. Seems like you are doing well and I too would like more time.

    I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my PM.

    All the best,

    Hey Kenric,
    I have my website close to completion and I know when I talked to you about advertising you said you had spent almost nothing. From everything I read it seems like PPC ads are the way to go. SHould this be my first step in testing market demand or should I just work on SEO? I've read two SEO books, and the information on how to get a site to number one is pretty vague. Thanks for your help.
    Thanks for all your help, everybody make sure to check out Biophase's blog, some trully exceptional information available to help your ebiz thrive.

    I noticed your comment about Interspire Shopping Cart - I'm also about to shell out for a copy after a few years with OsC and ZenCart - what are your thoughts?
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