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Walter Hay
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  • Is there a way to put pressure on a company that scammed you to give a refund? Alibaba trade assurance is scam of it own and has failed to do anything.

    What can I do to get a copy of the book you mentioned? I saw a thread from 2014 where you had written a book on importing.
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I first published that book in 2003 and have revised it every year since. The latest edition is ProvenGlobalSourcing and you can buy it at my MARKETPLACE OFFER: Walter Hay's Business Books or at www.WalterHaysBusinessBooks.com. I provide unlimited support if you need help.
    Hi. First post. I attempted a version of import and export using b2b platform go4worldbusiness but I could not score any customers before my six month subscription expired.
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    go4worldbusiness is one of the buy/sell offers sites that in my ProvenGlobalSourcingChapter 5 on how to become an import/export agent I recommend you AVOID

    No subscriptions needed and I show you how to act as a broker B2B withouth buying any product. See MARKETPLACE Walter Hay's Business Books
    Hey Walter - Does your Proven Global Sourcing book come with the $29/mo option on PAC?

    EDIT: Ended up picking up your book on your website, but it looks like it's the 2019 version. Can you please send me an updated copy? Cheers
    Hi Walter,

    I just want to mention that you can add South Korea in your website as a global importer!
    Because I am from South Korea and bought your book PROVEN GLOBAL SOURCING and using it :)
    It might help you to build more trust.

    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Thanks for letting me know. The ProvenGlobalSourcing site has a few flags missing, but there are now users of my book in over 40 countries.
    I hope you find great value in the book.
    Hi Walter,

    In your opinion as an Importer based in the United States doing B2B of agricultural commodities into United States from say Africa
    with a small budget is it realistic to start off as a supplier commission agent?
    I guess in summary I am wondering if its worth the time and hustle to take the risk and effort and start like that as an agent or just raise the capital ( of course through savings and loans) and then do my first order and build from there ( I know a container load of chili pepper is about $25k+ C&F)
    right out the gate as a Merchant Trader and not an agent? to be continued
    My follow up question is when I conduct a Transaction as a "take title trader" as described above I guess I will have to make sure all my paperwork and product packaging does not indicate any information about my supplier source since I will be shipping direct to the buyer right? sorry I had to divy up my post

    Thanks in advance of your reply
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Being a merchant trader means risking the money you expend. Acting as an import agent doesn't, because you would possess a Letter of Credit or Escrow agreement. The seller doesn't get paid until the goods are delivered to your customer's door and then you get your commission.
    Hi Walter,

    I just want to confirm the current pricing for PROVEN GLOBAL SOURCING both with and without the LABELS THAT EXPLOIT package.

    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Hi Denis,
    The book PROVEN GLOBAL SOURCING is $97, and the total price bundled with LABELS THAT EXPLOIT is $145.

    The 2021 edition of the sourcing book is ready now.

    Hi Walter,

    I'm looking at buying all 3 of your books but being form Australia I need to know your current price of the books (A few different prices in the forum) & being paid via paypal most likely in AU . All the best.

    Hi Walter,

    Just made a payment of $169.00 USD to your paypal via email Imagemodeuk@yahoo.co.uk
    Look forward to reading them

    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I just got a message from my son in law telling me he was woken by the sound of a vehicle collision, and couldn't get back to sleep so he checked his emails and saw the PayPal notification, so you would have the books by now! 18 minutes is surely his record:)

    Best Wishes
    Most appreciated Walter,
    I am reading them now.
    Kind Regards
    Hi Walter,

    I purchased Proven China Sourcing in 2016 and really enjoyed the book. I just wanted to ask if I can have the latest version as I am looking at getting back into eCommerce - Can provide proof of purchase. Thank you for your time and wish you all the best.
    • Like
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    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I have sent you a copy via PM. The next version won't be published until the pandemic subsides, but I will announce it on the forum for all members who have bought the book to request an update.

    Hi Walter!

    How goes everything?

    I have the 2019 version of the Proven Global Sourcing book and was wondering if there’s an updated version?

    Also, I was curious to know if you were still continuing on with the B2B book?
    • Like
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    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    The 2019 version is the latest. Due to the massive changes in international commerce due to Covid 19 I have delayed my revision until the dust settles. I have prepared many notes, and will announce when it is published. The B2B book is a long term project, and I am making slow progress due to concentrating on an invention with huge human good possibilities.
    Great, glad I’m up to date then.
    I’m finally getting into B2B and I’m doing a bunch of research so I was curious to see if that B2B book was still continuing.
    I hope your current project/invention is going along well!
    Hi Walter,

    i purchased your Proven China Sourcing book in 2016, i wonder if i can get the updated version of this book pls? Im looking at restarting sourcing from china again which i havent started when i bought the book. It would be interesting to know what changed since then. Thank you for your time and hope your doing well.
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I will send you a copy in a few minutes. You will find that the latest version has a huge number of links to sites outside of China, where you could find unique products.

    Hi Walter

    I have purchased your franchising and intend to set up Accounting franchise business. Can you advise bookkeeping or accounting franchise business?
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I have sent you a message, so you can reply there.

    Hi Walter,

    I'm getting started in Amazon FBA and I came across your posts and found them to be extremely helpful so thanks for your contributions.

    Which of you books would you recommend that could guide me through that process? And would you recommend sourcing from China or other countries?
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I am not an expert on Amazon, but I believe the Proven Amazon Course (PAC) is the best way to learn about FBA. I have an agreement with Jim Cockrum who has been running the course for 15 years, and he gives away a free copy of my book with his course. In return he pays me a very small affiliate fee. You can browse PAC here: PAC
    Wonderful! Thanks Walter!
    Thank you Walter for the great knowledge and gems you have provided to the forum.

    I have your proven china sourcing book (older version), do you have a updated version? I would like to see if there is any new content.

    Appreciate it
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I am sorry that somehow I missed your message. Yes it was updated in 2019 for 2020, so I have sent a copy of the latest to you via PM. You will find it considerably enhanced. In particular it has a large list of legitimate B2B sites for sourcing in countries other than China, I hope it helps.
    Hello Walter, I bought your "labels for private labeling edition 3" and your "proven china sourcing edition 4"book. How can I get the updated versions? Thank you very much for your time and effort.
    • Like
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    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I have sent copies of the 2019 editions via a PM.
    Best wishes,
    • Like
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    Hey Walter I‘m interested in your books how can I buy them?
    • Like
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    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    If you go to my MARKETPLACE - Walter Hay's Business Books
    you will find them there at a discounted price for Fastlane Members. You need to scroll through to see the comments that I have added to the chapter headings in the contents lists because that will help you see what is dealt with.
    Hi Walter, I was reading your threat MARKETPLACE - Walter Hay's Business Books with great interest. Is your offer still available? I'd like to purchase it: PROVEN GLOBAL SOURCING. + LABELS THAT EXPLOIT. $90

    Many thanks
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Yes, the offer for Fastlane members continues, with many now thanking me for the great value they are getting.

    walter - have a product (liquid - fire suppression) that is being private labeled for FIRST by the manufacturer - I have a buyer (SECOND) who wants the same product private labeled (I don't want SECOND to know of the manufacturer - for fear of SECOND going around FIRST) would FIRST, by default or need become the manufacturer.

    I probably answered my own question
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Under the circumstances you definitely need to deal direct with the manufacturer. If that one doesn't agree to supply the product you would need to search for other manufacturers. Don't forget that it might be a simple matter for you to remove and replace the labels. If you try this and meet up with a problem in removing all traces of the label, let me know.
    Hello Walter, I have sent PM to you about your new book. Could you please take a look? Thanks!
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I have sent the latest edition to you as requested.
    new to this site and read your posts and I believe you have several books available for purchase. Any of your books deal with importing as a broker to make arrangements between buyers from the USA and sellers from overseas like the carribean? I have some sources that can lead me to meet the producers/manufacturers but I want to educate myself and I am in no rush thanks
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    My importing book will help you with essential knowledge about the basics of importing, but it doesn't deal with being an import broker. Risks involved include getting paid. You can sell on an "indent" basis. Your buyers pay before you order the goods. Protect their money and yours with escrow, or L/C. Beware of scams, particularly with fake documents. My book deals with freight scams. You should learn about that.
    Oh I see wow thank you sir. I'll do that
    Hi Walter, I am a newbie getting into the world of developing and manufacturing a product to sell. I'm reading your "Sharing My Experience in Export/Import" thread and I intend to purchase your book(s) afterwards. I just wanted to say thanks for the incredible amount of valuable information and advice you have given on this forum! Really appreciate it!
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    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Thank you for your kind words. If you have questions that are not confidential, post them on that thread and I will do what I can to help.
    Thanks so much, Walter, and will do! I have found your AMA thread so useful that I purchased your books! Just got the emailed PDFs now and can't wait to crack into them. :)
    Hi Walter, I have been reading your posts, and they got me interested into importing and selling on Ebay. I want to buy your books but I am not sure how to PM you. Thanks
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    I will PM you and that makes it possible for you to PM me in reply.

    I am discounting my books and you can see that in my Marketplace offer. Links don't appear in profile replies, so I will PM the link.
    Same for me Walter! I‘m new into this forum and just registered here to write you. I‘m interested in the import/export business and want to buy your books!
    Hello Mr. Hay! What a great story you have! I'm just reading through your threads now. :)
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    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Thanks for letting me know. My threads reflect my outlook on life. It might seem easy to say that I worked for the sense of achievement and not to get rich, but I confess that I got a lot of satisfaction as the checks rolled in.
    Hi Walter. First, thank you for all the information you so kindly share. I've learned a lot just reading your posts the last few days.

    I'm interested in learning about importing goods as a business.
    I heard you comment that the PAC includes your book.
    Do you any thoughts on that course? Want to hear your opinion as I'm interested in that too.

    Thank you.
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Hi Gobrian,

    Yes if you buy through my link to PAC it includes my book and I receive some compensation for allowing them to include my book.

    I would not have anything to do with almost every course available about Amazon, but PAC is the exception with its huge success rate and no bad reviews. I will PM you with the link.

    @Walter Hay First thank you for your great help in this forum.

    I am an Engineer 40 years old, making a decent salary but has a great desire to start my own business. I am looking for different ways to start this process.

    Need your suggestion:

    - Is it still worth to start selling private label product on amazon?
    - If yes, please recommend any training program .

    Have a fantastic day....
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    If done properly, Private Label selling on Amazon can work brilliantly. The program I recommend is Proven Amazon Course which comes with a free copy of my sourcing and importing book. I will send you a link to PAC. The link reward me for allowing PAC to give my book free on PAC.

    Good day Walter, When will your new edition of "Buy Direct From China and Many Other Countries" be released. As a person wanting start a new business , it only makes sense to wait for new information.
    The proposed tariffs shed new light on the entire process.
    Best regards
    D Vaughn
    Walter Hay
    Walter Hay
    Hi David,
    Don't hesitate to buy the current edition, because as soon as the new edition is published my support team will send a download link for your free copy. It will go to the email address you used when purchasing.

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