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Recent content by Einfamilienhaus

  1. E

    PSA: The best stock tips are the ones you ignore, including the guru selling them.

    Speaking of RICKS. I've heard that every stripper predicts financial crises better than any financial expert. By judging the likelihood of a potential crisis by their clients' propensity to spend.
  2. E

    I'm 19, how do I cope with the fact that I could've done more since I knew this niche 3 years ago? Where to start? I live in the Philippines.

    This is a good approach too, but harder to achieve with a lot of life experience required. The easier way is to start knowing what you actually don't want and moving from there to what do you need to achieve your want.
  3. E

    I'm 19, how do I cope with the fact that I could've done more since I knew this niche 3 years ago? Where to start? I live in the Philippines.

    You are 19. At this age you are probably starting to think for yourself and seeing how the world actually is. Relax yourself. You sound like you are too old to start a business now or something. Develope a highly demanded skill in the tech industry. Earn your first money and get access to the...
  4. E

    FREE 15 Minute Discovery Call - Cannabis Industry Instant & Low Cost Entry Point.

    What are the hurdles to getting into the cannabis business and how exactly can you help?
  5. E

    Why you should buy a home as early as possible.

    Serious question. Where Can I find this thread?
  6. E

    How you WIPE your WINDSHIELD? #rant

    It sounds like your mom is putting her responsibilities on you while you are not getting the same support from her as your sister. That sounds like a toxic relationship. May I ask you about your cultural background?
  7. E

    Is a free college worth it?

    A degree is only worthwhile if your future skills are in demand. Anything related to medicine, law or engineering has a higher entry level, but it also depends on your local job market. I don't know how it is in Finland, but the big universities usually have start-up incubator programs for...
  8. E

    Why does nothing work? Is it because of living in 3rd world country?

    Thank you for sharing your story! From your writing I can see that you don't have the classical "mindset - problem". What you are missing are the needed Ressources to accelerate your ideas. How much Money would you need to buy a functioning PC/Laptop? Have you asked your family for a small...
  9. E

    Why does nothing work? Is it because of living in 3rd world country?

    Do you know the freelance platform: Upwork? A couple of years ago it worked well for me. Try it out. Btw. How can you live with $2/Day? How much do you pay for food and rent? If you it is ok to ask:)
  10. E

    Would you move to Hamburg, Germany?

    The other thing about Germany is that it is outwardly very liberal and tries to attract foreign forces with a welcoming culture. But the country is not really ready to accept people who move outside the social norm. Starting with the German language. Those who are not able to communicate clearly...
  11. E

    Would you move to Hamburg, Germany?

    Germany is like a mediocre company. You get mediocre pay, but at the same time no one expects you to excel. If you want to have a safe ball professionally and strive for security, you are definitely in good hands in Germany. However, as soon as you aim for higher positions, you have to deal...
  12. E

    Is my plan smart?

    Google search: How many of the Day Traders are successful Google Answer: Only 4,000 individuals (less than 1% of the population of day traders) were able to consistently profit, net of fees. Source:The Data on Day Trading
  13. E

    Thoughts on a dog walking business?

    I am not a dog specialist, but I can say that there are 2 groups of people you need to know. 1. the bigger the city, the more lonely people there are, the more they depend on their dogs. 2. the second group are the couples/families who aspire to the classic family image. Husband, wife, (child)...
  14. E

    Influenced by father?

    Well, getting a job at 65 is really difficult, especially if you didn't have a good paying job before. Your solution would be: 1. rent your own room. 2. Be understanding toward your father. 3. take the decisions he has made in his long life as motivation to do better.
  15. E

    26 years old loser ..

    Are you currently in pyschological care and/or have you stopped taking your medications?

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