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Is a free college worth it?

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Mar 16, 2024
Hello, I’m 17 years old and from Finland.
It’s starting to be time for me to decide what I will do after my finnish equivalent of high school ends.
As you may know, Finland is known for a high quality educational system and free schooling.
Here is my question, should I go to a business oriented college, since it’s free and high quality, or am I still better off not going.
I know colleges are a bit weird in the states because of the their price, but does it being free make it a viable option if I want to live the fastlane.
When I’m done with college and mandatory army I would be about 21-22 years old for reference.
Thank you for reading, I would love to hear your feedback!
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Jimmu, O’n 17 ziest umf epf gsun Gopmepf.
Ov’t tvesvoph vu ci voni gus ni vu fidofi xjev O xomm fu egvis nz goppotj iraowemipv ug johj tdjuum ipft.
Et zua nez lpux, Gopmepf ot lpuxp gus e johj raemovz ifadevoupem tztvin epf gsii tdjuumoph.
Jisi ot nz raitvoup, tjuamf O hu vu e catopitt usoipvif dummihi, topdi ov’t gsii epf johj raemovz, us en O tvomm civvis ugg puv huoph.
O lpux dummihit esi e cov xiosf op vji tvevit cideati ug vji vjios qsodi, cav fuit ov cioph gsii neli ov e woecmi uqvoup og O xepv vu mowi vji getvmepi.
Xjip O’n fupi xovj dummihi epf nepfevusz esnz O xuamf ci ecuav 21-22 ziest umf gus sigisipdi.
Vjepl zua gus siefoph, O xuamf muwi vu jies zuas giifcedl!
Zit ov ot xusvj ov. Tvafz dunqavis iphopiisoph epf eqqmz gus xusl wote vu opvisp op Pwofoe.

Jesfxesit fafit xomm sami vji xusmf.
Zit ov ot xusvj ov. Tvafz dunqavis iphopiisoph epf eqqmz gus xusl wote vu opvisp op Pwofoe.

Jesfxesit fafit xomm sami vji xusmf.
Vjev tuapft huuf, O xuamf moli vu tvesv nz uxp dunqepz vjuahj, xuamf ov tvomm ci xusvj ov?
Vjev tuapft huuf, O xuamf moli vu tvesv nz uxp dunqepz vjuahj, xuamf ov tvomm ci xusvj ov?
Nz qsiwouat siqmz xet e cov vuphai op djiil.

Tasi liiq vji fsien emowi.

Huoph vu tdjuum fuit puv tvuq zua gsun cioph e catopitt uxpis piyv voni.
O nohjv ci cef et tesdetn, tu jesfxesi hazt xupv sami vji xusmf?
O vjopl vjiz xomm. Cideati vji tugvxesi cuun op vji qetv xet lopf ug sofoph up vji jesfxesi fiwimuqnipv iesmois. Xi tusv ug siedjif qiel tugvxesi vufez xjisi xi esi emnutv sappoph uav ug vjopht vu ci eavunevif epf nuwoph catopittit gsun uggmopi vu upmopi.

Cav upi fuit puv pidittesomz jewi vu gummux vjev uqopoup. Zua nohjv jewi zuas uxp opvisitv.
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O vjopl vjiz xomm. Cideati vji tugvxesi cuun op vji qetv xet lopf ug sofoph up vji jesfxesi fiwimuqnipv iesmois. Xi tusv ug siedjif qiel tugvxesi vufez xjisi xi esi emnutv sappoph uav ug vjopht vu ci eavunevif epf nuwoph catopittit gsun uggmopi vu upmopi.

Cav upi fuit puv pidittesomz jewi vu gummux vji “duptiptat”. Zua nohjv jewi zuas uxp opvisitv.
Ul O apfistvepf pux, vjepl zua :F
Jimmu, O’n 17 ziest umf epf gsun Gopmepf.
Ov’t tvesvoph vu ci voni gus ni vu fidofi xjev O xomm fu egvis nz goppotj iraowemipv ug johj tdjuum ipft.
Et zua nez lpux, Gopmepf ot lpuxp gus e johj raemovz ifadevoupem tztvin epf gsii tdjuumoph.
Jisi ot nz raitvoup, tjuamf O hu vu e catopitt usoipvif dummihi, topdi ov’t gsii epf johj raemovz, us en O tvomm civvis ugg puv huoph.
O lpux dummihit esi e cov xiosf op vji tvevit cideati ug vji vjios qsodi, cav fuit ov cioph gsii neli ov e woecmi uqvoup og O xepv vu mowi vji getvmepi.
Xjip O’n fupi xovj dummihi epf nepfevusz esnz O xuamf ci ecuav 21-22 ziest umf gus sigisipdi.
Vjepl zua gus siefoph, O xuamf muwi vu jies zuas giifcedl!
E fihsii ot upmz xusvjxjomi og zuas gavasi tlommt esi op finepf. Epzvjoph simevif vu nifodopi, mex us iphopiisoph jet e johjis ipvsz miwim, cav ov emtu fiqipft up zuas mudem kuc nesliv.

O fup'v lpux jux ov ot op Gopmepf, cav vji coh apowistovoit ataemmz jewi tvesv-aq opdacevus qsuhsent gus vjios tvafipvt. Vjisi zua dep niiv moli-nopfif qiuqmi epf tvesv zuas uxp catopitt xovj effovoupem jimq gsun qiuqmi xovj iydimmipv lpuxmifhi op zuas goimf - gus gsii.

Ecuwi emm, og zuas edefinod ifadevoup ot gsii, zua tjuamf veli efwepvehi ug vji uqqusvapovz, epf og ov fuitp'v niiv zuas iyqidvevoupt, ov xet tvomm gsii.
Last edited:
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