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MJ DeMarco
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  • Thanks. My bad for updating my sig before doing my intro. Nice forum you have going here I've been reading some of the postings ... very useful and motivational!
    MJ - I know you have lots to do... Quick question:

    Would it be okay to setup a private forum for mastermind groups like the the private forum you have for experienced members?

    Sorry to be a pain in your a$$.... well, not really, I am a lot less shy than Jill.

    Thanks MJ for your nice note. The pleasure was all mine. When I read your story the very first time in RDPD forum, I never thought I would be able to meet you in person.
    Ok, sorry. Haven't been told it was spammy before (used it on a few sites).
    I've reposted. Can you confirm that it's ok now? I've just said what the blog is, and left out the promo bit about tools etc.
    I also printed out "You Were Born Rich" and hung it on the wall above my head so it's the first thing I see when I wake up! Motivates me to use my time wisely and enjoy every second of the day! Thanks MJ!
    Howdy MJ,

    About a week ago I printed out a copy of "You Were Born Rich!" and shared it with one of my teachers. She enjoyed it so much that she made everyone do a response after having read it. The feedback was nothing but positive. (Total credits went to you and the fastlane).

    Anyway, Take care :-)
    Yea, been moving, packing, unpacking, rearranging stuff. My office looks like a tornado swept thru. It has been taking much longer than I anticipated. I will get back into the swing of things soon ... promise!
    I just came across your post about your health issues, so forget about my post regarding the B&P! MJ, this forum is still amazing, and you are doing a great job with everything. Take whatever time you need to focus on your health, and just know that we'll all be thinking and praying for you. ...If you need anything, anything at all, you know that we're all here for you.
    Re: The Next B&P We really just need to throw this one to MJ and let him decide on some options. ... I know he says he's busy...something about writing a book, remodeling a house and running a forum or something, but let's see if we can get his .02 on the whole thing, as his .02 really counts for about .10.

    Just wanted to keep you in the loop, seeing how you created the loop. :)

    Let us know what you are thinking so we can plan...and please God don't listen to Bilge.
    I am just wondering what exactly you did to make this far?

    I read your post about your story, but not sure what exactly you did?

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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