Recent content by WhereIsMyMoney

  1. WhereIsMyMoney

    "You need to work!"

    Yeah that's what I did the last few years with therapy, the difference is good but still the anxiety stuff is really deep in me. But that did not stop me from thinking and trying stuff. Now I use my time a lot better and educate myself. In the next few weeks I'll execute one of my ideas and see...
  2. WhereIsMyMoney

    "You need to work!"

    Wish us both the best! Wir schaffen das :)
  3. WhereIsMyMoney

    "You need to work!"

    Hey, glad to be here. Let me introduce myself. I'm from Germany (if anyone from germany wants to connect feel free to pm me). 30 Years old dude, I have a son in the age of 6. Most of my life was a failure and time waste. To be short I basically wasted 12 years of my life. After school my plan...
  4. WhereIsMyMoney

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I've "read" the book as an audio book. Loved it!!

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