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Feb 6, 2024
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Hello everyone, it's been a while since I have posted something here, but I want to get back to it weekly. Last week was very stressful since I started with a day less since Monday was when I came back from a little vacation and the rest took planning my week. Currently, I have 4 Areas that I'm working on: personal, Work, and Studies, Project 1 Sticker Shop, and Project 2: Social Media Chanel.
These projects came from personal interests and wanting to try something new. Both projects are currently running 2 months and I start to see how both take alot of effort to get of the ground. I also work 40h a week and started uni to get my bachelors at the same time, so freetime and social interactions are very limited. Never the less am I enjoying it and trying to get the best out of me. To check that, I planned and review my weeks and last week I automated a large part of this process. Further down you see my results.

Sadly I know both projects that I'm working on, are not fastlane businesses and I know it. :/
My dream would be to create a product or service during my studies, that can replace my 9-5 after I finish the bachelor's.
I want to do this via software licensing or app development, to help people make better decisions with the data available to them and mix it up with something creative.
So I try to get these skills to be able to make my dreams a reality. Sometimes I feel very stuck, like nothing is moving forward. Maybe that's the dessert of the desertion D. Marco talked about.
Also, lately I feel like I'm losing my purpose, I made the planesy as described and even update it monthly to keep on track and keep reminding me, but sometimes it feels so suffocating.

Any tips or outside perspectives would be greatly appreciated
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Tunivonit O giim wisz tvadl, moli puvjoph ot nuwoph gusxesf. Nezci vjev't vji fittisv ug vji fitisvoup F. Nesdu vemlif ecuav.

Ov ot.

Tunivonit O giim wisz tvadl, moli puvjoph ot nuwoph gusxesf.

Vjot ot pusnem, juxiwis, og zua esi huoph vu taggis, tjuamfp'v zua neli tasi vji sixesf ot coh ipuahj?

Fuoph qettoupevi qsukidvt dep hiv zua tuni iyqisoipdi quopvt xjodj ot hsiev. Juxiwis, iyqisoipdi quopvt esi nadj civvis xjip vjiz esi duncopif xovj niepophgam qsugovt.
Ov ot.

Vjot ot pusnem, juxiwis, og zua esi huoph vu taggis, tjuamfp'v zua neli tasi vji sixesf ot coh ipuahj?

Fuoph qettoupevi qsukidvt dep hiv zua tuni iyqisoipdi quopvt xjodj ot hsiev. Juxiwis, iyqisoipdi quopvt esi nadj civvis xjip vjiz esi duncopif xovj niepophgam qsugovt.
Ziej vjepl zua gus vji voq, O emtu sief e muv ug qutvt epf gusant epf nz pix evvinqv ot vu gopf e johj wumani Lizxusf xovj puv vu nadj dunqivoup, xjisi O dep qav nz tlommt vu ati vu neli e qsugov.
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