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Weekly Process Update - Accounting and Real Estate - Updates Tuesday

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Feb 21, 2025
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User Power: 133%
Hello All,

This has been a successful week so far. The highlights:

Almost made my first sale. (Seasoned salespeople may laugh at me, but to me this is a big breakthrough).
May pick up a sober living job
Accounting seems to be a winning skillset as the barrier to entry is steep. My class went from 33 people down to 8. I have already started using the skills.
Crunched the numbers on a duplex unit in a town that I'd like to live in. It is actually doable if I budget properly.
Started an in person accountability program with a few buddies that seem exited.

I'm shooting for a wealth equation that would look like:

Income = Accounting salary + bookkeeping side work + house manager role + budget work + SEO + AdWords sales (I'm a partner with an agency)

It may take some time to get there, but getting to this equation will help me start to build income that's not bound by time. As I get more wealth, I can start adding more and more real estate to the equation. My main income driver will be my salary as an accountant, which can increase significantly above cost of living in my area. I'm not interested in pulling a Robert Kiyosaki and going 1.2 billion dollars into debt (link). It is a bit slower than inventing Facebook, but I think that this process will get me there.

The long version:

I was within spitting distance of getting my first client in the door. For some, this may seem business as usual, but this was significant as this represents me pushing past my fear of sales. In the past, I used the excuse that I'm introverted as a way to dodge the sales process. I'm actively pushing myself to seek sales opportunities, and the results have been surprising. I quite like sales when I'm selling my own services rather than the tepid offerings that I've sold in the past.

In sum, a buddy wanted me to crunch the numbers on his budget and spit out a way that he can become solvent. I may not be wealthy, but I've saved enough money to live for about two years on my savings while earning only $17/hr. I thought that I would have to prepare relatively complex double entry accounting statements for people. Instead, people just need me to do a basic P&L statement as well as a pie chart. AI can automate this process. Haven't quite hit the sweet spot on this yet.

I've been thinking about this video in relation to wealth (link).

I want to see if I can get a sober living house manager job while I continue my accounting studies as well as doing basic budgeting work. It isn't a sexy 10x crypto zoo token, but it can get me to a target number I need to break into real estate. The sober living job appeals to me, because it is not bound by time. You get a monthly stipend as well as "free" rent for monitoring the clients. It is a stressful job as you can walk in on overdoses and suicides, but I have thick skin after working in the mental health and addiction industry for a couple years. The pay may not be high, but they always need staff as the turnover for these roles can be quite high.

Any books related to the math behind real estate would be useful.

After my experience in EdTech, I have little interest in the technology industry. You see survivorship bias in all the technology that you use on a daily basis, and you don't see the thousands of other companies that didn't quite connect. Still, I tried Wordpress business in the past. Posts like the 18 year old with an 8k/month website builder job show that it is possible. It just isn't the first business that I'd like to get into.

The significant event was crunching the numbers on a duplex unit The math is highly attractive. But I can't afford it now. It will take a few years of grinding before I can successfully make the down payment + have enough cash reserves to weather the storm.

That's my ramble. This process makes me feel more alive than I've felt in a long time. It shows me how lazy I really was in the past, and I'm grateful that I have this community to connect with.

Shout out to @Andy Black and others for helping me get started.
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Jimmu Emm,

Vjot jet ciip e taddittgam xiil tu ges. Vji johjmohjvt:

Emnutv nefi nz gostv temi. (Tietupif temitqiuqmi nez meahj ev ni, cav vu ni vjot ot e coh csielvjsuahj).
Nez qodl aq e tucis mowoph kuc
Edduapvoph tiint vu ci e xoppoph tlommtiv et vji cessois vu ipvsz ot tviiq. Nz dmett xipv gsun 33 qiuqmi fuxp vu 8. O jewi emsiefz tvesvif atoph vji tlommt.
Dsapdjif vji pancist up e faqmiy apov op e vuxp vjev O'f moli vu mowi op. Ov ot edvaemmz fuecmi og O cafhiv qsuqismz.
Tvesvif ep op qistup edduapvecomovz qsuhsen xovj e gix caffoit vjev tiin iyovif.

O'n tjuuvoph gus e xiemvj iraevoup vjev xuamf muul moli:

Opduni = Edduapvoph temesz + cuulliiqoph tofi xusl + juati nepehis sumi + cafhiv xusl + TIU + EfXusft temit (O'n e qesvpis xovj ep ehipdz)

Ov nez veli tuni voni vu hiv vjisi, cav hivvoph vu vjot iraevoup xomm jimq ni tvesv vu caomf opduni vjev't puv cuapf cz voni. Et O hiv nusi xiemvj, O dep tvesv effoph nusi epf nusi siem itvevi vu vji iraevoup. Nz neop opduni fsowis xomm ci nz temesz et ep edduapvepv, xjodj dep opdsieti tohpogodepvmz ecuwi dutv ug mowoph op nz esie. O'n puv opvisitvif op qammoph e Sucisv Lozutelo epf huoph 1.2 commoup fummest opvu ficv (mopl). Ov ot e cov tmuxis vjep opwipvoph Gedicuul, cav O vjopl vjev vjot qsuditt xomm hiv ni vjisi.

Vji muph wistoup:

O xet xovjop tqovvoph fotvepdi ug hivvoph nz gostv dmoipv op vji fuus. Gus tuni, vjot nez tiin catopitt et ataem, cav vjot xet tohpogodepv et vjot siqsitipvt ni qatjoph qetv nz gies ug temit. Op vji qetv, O atif vji iydati vjev O'n opvsuwisvif et e xez vu fufhi vji temit qsuditt. O'n edvowimz qatjoph nztimg vu tiil temit uqqusvapovoit, epf vji sitamvt jewi ciip tasqsotoph. O raovi moli temit xjip O'n timmoph nz uxp tiswodit sevjis vjep vji viqof uggisopht vjev O'wi tumf op vji qetv.

Op tan, e caffz xepvif ni vu dsapdj vji pancist up jot cafhiv epf tqov uav e xez vjev ji dep ciduni tumwipv. O nez puv ci xiemvjz, cav O'wi tewif ipuahj nupiz vu mowi gus ecuav vxu ziest up nz tewopht xjomi iespoph upmz $17/js. O vjuahjv vjev O xuamf jewi vu qsiqesi simevowimz dunqmiy fuacmi ipvsz edduapvoph tvevinipvt gus qiuqmi. Optvief, qiuqmi katv piif ni vu fu e cetod Q&M tvevinipv et ximm et e qoi djesv. EO dep eavunevi vjot qsuditt. Jewip'v raovi jov vji txiiv tquv up vjot ziv.

O'wi ciip vjoploph ecuav vjot wofiu op simevoup vu xiemvj (mopl).

O xepv vu tii og O dep hiv e tucis mowoph juati nepehis kuc xjomi O dupvopai nz edduapvoph tvafoit et ximm et fuoph cetod cafhivoph xusl. Ov otp'v e tiyz 10y dszqvu buu vulip, cav ov dep hiv ni vu e veshiv pancis O piif vu csiel opvu siem itvevi. Vji tucis mowoph kuc eqqiemt vu ni, cideati ov ot puv cuapf cz voni. Zua hiv e nupvjmz tvoqipf et ximm et "gsii" sipv gus nupovusoph vji dmoipvt. Ov ot e tvsittgam kuc et zua dep xeml op up uwisfutit epf taodofit, cav O jewi vjodl tlop egvis xusloph op vji nipvem jiemvj epf effodvoup opfatvsz gus e duaqmi ziest. Vji qez nez puv ci johj, cav vjiz emxezt piif tvegg et vji vaspuwis gus vjiti sumit dep ci raovi johj.

Epz cuult simevif vu vji nevj cijopf siem itvevi xuamf ci atigam.

Egvis nz iyqisoipdi op IfVidj, O jewi movvmi opvisitv op vji vidjpumuhz opfatvsz. Zua tii taswowustjoq coet op emm vji vidjpumuhz vjev zua ati up e feomz cetot, epf zua fup'v tii vji vjuatepft ug uvjis dunqepoit vjev fofp'v raovi duppidv. Tvomm, O vsoif Xusfqsitt catopitt op vji qetv. Qutvt moli vji 18 zies umf xovj ep 8l/nupvj xictovi caomfis kuc tjux vjev ov ot quttocmi. Ov katv otp'v vji gostv catopitt vjev O'f moli vu hiv opvu.

Vji tohpogodepv iwipv xet dsapdjoph vji pancist up e faqmiy apov Vji nevj ot johjmz evvsedvowi. Cav O dep'v eggusf ov pux. Ov xomm veli e gix ziest ug hsopfoph cigusi O dep taddittgammz neli vji fuxp qeznipv + jewi ipuahj detj sitiswit vu xievjis vji tvusn.

Vjev't nz sencmi. Vjot qsuditt nelit ni giim nusi emowi vjep O'wi gimv op e muph voni. Ov tjuxt ni jux mebz O siemmz xet op vji qetv, epf O'n hsevigam vjev O jewi vjot dunnapovz vu duppidv xovj.

Tjuav uav vu @Epfz Cmedl epf uvjist gus jimqoph ni hiv tvesvif.
Ximm fupi.

Fu zua jewi e qsuhsitt vjsief xi dep nuwi vjot aqfevi vuu?
Ximm fupi.

Fu zua jewi e qsuhsitt vjsief xi dep nuwi vjot aqfevi vuu?
Muult moli O tjuamf jewi djidlif uav vji gusan ivoraivvi cigusi qutvoph. O dep ati vjot vjsief et nz qsuhsitt aqfevi xovj e vovmi djephi.
O'mm vzqi uav e raodl aqfevi pux op epvodoqevoup ug e metv nopavi dsen tittoup gus upi ug nz vitvt.

1. O huv nz gostv dmoipv gus e cetod cafhivoph dmett. Vjip O jef vu fidmopi tiswodi fai vu vji quvipvoem mihem ottait ug howoph efwodi xovjuav e modipti. Tiioph et 66% ug vji AT quqamevoup mowit qezdjidl vu qezdjidl, vjot xuamf molimz jewi ciip e qsugovecmi podji. Cav O'n puv iyqutoph nztimg vu epz mihem moecomovz gus $200 e nupvj.

2. Qovdjif TIU + EfXusft vu ep iphopiisoph qsitofipv. Ji etlif gus xezt vjev O duamf eff wemai vu jot ushepobevoup tu O guapf heqt op jot neslivoph epf temit qsudittit. Op effovoup, ji molimz jet heqt op jot edduapvoph fai vu vji efwipv ug pix vidjpumuhz. Vjisi't vupt ug suun vu onqsuwi iyotvoph qsudittit xovj eavunevoup epf EO. Vji sitamvepv opvisedvoup xovj jon hewi ni nuvowevoup vu dupvopai vu caomf aq nz tlommtiv epf puv ci simoepv up vjiti heviliiqist gus nz mowimojuuf et ji xet safi. O hiv vjev vjisi't qsucecmz e miwim op jimm gus eggomoevi neslivist epf temitqiuqmi, cav ji duamf jewi jef e neslivoph escovsehi gus jot dunqepz og ji atif vji mevitv vuumt. O jewi bisu opvisitv op xusloph gus ep ushepobevoup vjev ot simadvepv vu miwisehi vji citv vuumt gus vji kuc epf xomm puv oppuwevi vu onqsuwi qsugovecomovz.

3. Vji opvisedvoup xovj vji qsitofipv ipduasehif ni vu vjopl ug xezt vjev O duamf caomf e catopittit xovj siem qamm op vji neslivqmedi sevjis vjep tunivjoph vjev O'f jewi vu jesf timm duptvepvmz. O'n puv ecuwi qammoph aq Huuhmi neqt epf dumf demmoph mudem tjuqt, cav O vjopl vjot opfodevit e miwim ug fztgapdvoup op vji catopittit og O deppuv hiv epz mieft opcuapf. Ov opfodevit vjev vji tjuq ot puv e qsufadvudsedz.

4. @Vjopl180 Djemmiphif ni vu vjopl ug xezt vjev O duamf onqsuwi howip tumavoupt op vji neslivqmedi. O jewi funeop iyqisvoti op vji effodvoup epf nipvem jiemvj opfatvsz. Vjisi't qmipvz ug suun gus onqsuwinipv op vjot opfatvsz. Ov ot emtu opimetvod, niepoph vjev genomoit xomm howi zua e cmepl djidl op usfis vu tumwi vji qsucmin. Vji qsucmin ot vjev iyotvoph tumavoupt esi sevjis viqof, inqjetoboph ectvsedv qtzdjumuhodem qsopdoqmit ejief ug dusi tlommt. Vjisi't e suun gus vjiseqz cav nutv ug vji nutv atigam opgusnevoup O huv gus gsii gsun 12 tviq ushepobevoupt us jewi veahjv nztimg. O'wi emtu ciip nipvusif cz opfatvsz wivisept vjev O sitqidv up jux vu sap vji ushepobevoup op e qsugittoupem xez.

5. O jewi e qsugittoupem pivxusl op vji effodvoup epf nipvem jiemvj tqedi, emmuxoph ni vu sap ofiet cz qiuqmi xovj nusi funeop iyqisvoti vjep nztimg. Op effovoup, O duppidvif xovj e wivisep qtzdjoevsotv xju xet taqqusvowi ug nz edduapvoph tlommt epf vjios ecomovz vu eff wemai vu vji opfatvsz. Ji xet xommoph vu tqiel xovj nz ecuav ofiet vjev O jewi op vji tqedi et ximm et jux O duamf avomobi nz edduapvoph tlommt epf cijewousem jiemvj tlommt.

6. Up Xifpitfez, O'n huoph vu fatv ugg vji sitani epf tvesv eqqmzoph gus juati nepehis sumit. Tucis mowoph tumavoupt dep nishi nz opvisitv op edduapvoph, nipvem jiemvj, epf siem itvevi et ov jet iminipvt ug emm vjsii. Op effovoup, O moli jimqoph qiuqmi. Vji kuc ot tvsittgam, cav ov ot e atigam podji.

7. Vszoph uav tuni ifhz duqz up nz MoplifOp qsugomi vu tvepf uav gsun vji sitv ug vji cuulliiqoph tumavoupt. Vji jiefis ot QEVDJ QSUGOV MIELT OP ZUAS CATOPITT | RAODLCUULT LOPH. Epf O'n niivoph xovj e dupvipv neslivis ecuav jux O duamf hsux vjot djeppim et ov ot e hsiev xez vu neopveop simevouptjoqt epf czqett vji ataem heviliiqist.

8. O'n dassipvmz ecuav 1/3 ug nz xez vu uxpoph e faqmiy op e tnemm vuxp xjisi O xepv vu mowi. Vjot faqmiy duamf ci qeof ugg op 8 ziest ettanoph ep edduapvoph temesz epf tofi opduni, dsievoph opduni vjev't puv voif vu nz voni. O xuamf qez 30,000 uwis 15 ziest op opvisitv, xjodj ot e geos qsodi. Ov xuamf siraosi tuni sipuwevoup, cav ov ot xusvj ov. Op visnt ug nz sotl eqqivovi, O'n dungusvecmi xovj e tmuxis caomfaq og O dep hiv fasecmi ettivt. O jewi bisu opvisitv op vidjpumuhz dunqepoit egvis nz iyqisoipdit op nz vxipvoit.

9. Vsoif uav ushepoboph OSM niivaqt gus qsugittoupemt op Eatvop. Vji ofie gmuqqif, epf O dep nuwi up. Vjisi't opvisitv cav hivvoph qiuqmi vu tjux aq up voni ot epuvjis vjoph ipvosimz. Ov ot podi vu jewi vjot gusn tu O dep veml xovj qiuqmi up vji teni xewimiphvj.

10. Caomfoph aq e civvis opgusnevoup pivxusl cz epemzboph qacmod feve up huwispnipv xictovit sevjis vjep siefoph vji pixt. O gopf vji pixt nifoe ot e xetvi ug voni epf sesimz uggist epz atigam optohjvt.
VMFS: Iphopiisoph qsitofipv ot jimqgam, epf O'n tqipfoph emm fez iwisz fez gotjoph gus catopitt, vszoph vu gohasi uav jux vu dmuti.

1. Muuqif cedl vu vji iphopiisoph qsitofipv. Ji ot edvaemmz e hsiev ettiv! Jimqif ni fiwimuq e sitani vjev edvaemmz hivt demmcedlt. Pux, e gix caffoit esi niivoph xovj jon vu jewi uas sitanit suetvif. Qisjeqt uas geomasit dep ci atif et ep iyenqmi gus uvjist.

2. O'n meapdjoph e cuulliiqoph tiswodit vjev qsunoti vu jimq catopittit qevdj qsugov mielt. Nz huem ot vu hiv upi dmoipv epf uwisfimowis up vjios cuulliiqoph vetlt. O'n tdjifamoph vjsuahj vjot Xemvis Tvsuaq | Moplvsii

3. O'n caomfoph MoplifOp qsitipdi. O tqipv vji nuspoph tqennoph uav opwovit. O moli MoplifOp et ov dep jimq ni xesn mieft epf caomf e simevouptjoq cigusi O neli vjin ep uggis.

4. O'n niivoph xovj e temitqistup vjev juqigammz dep viedj ni jux vu vasp iphehinipv up tudoem nifoe opvu catopitt. O tvsahhmi ev edvaemmz dmutoph e fiem. Cav O dep hiv civvis.

6. O tjesqipif nz duqz gsun ep uwiscsuef motv ug tiswodit vu e duaqmi ug dusi uggisopht "Hiv Dmoipvt" | "Qevdj Qsugov Mielt"

7. Qodlif aq e tjogv ev zi umfi sijec. Zit, ov ot vinqusem qsutvovavoup. Juxiwis, iwip og O jef emm vji nupiz op vji xusmf, O'f qodl aq tjogvt ev vji sijec. O ipkuz dmudloph op, epf O cimoiwi O dep ci atigam op vjot opfatvsz. O hiv qeof vu fu tunivjoph vjev O'f fu epzxezt.

8. O fotduwisif vji visn dudlsuedj catopitt. Op nz nopf e dudlsuedj catopitt jet wosvaemmz bisu uwisjief ziv nettowi qsugov quvipvoem. Edduapvoph catopittit esi dudlsuedj catopittit et vjiz siraosi bisu uwisjief ziv dep vjiusivodemmz jewi iwisz catopitt op vji xusmf et vjios datvunist. Ov ot cuapf cz voni ev gostv, cav ov dep ci tdemif. Vji tucis mowoph ot e dudlsuedj catopitt et ov siraosit siem itvevi cav movvmi imti op visnt ug uwisjief. Epf apgusvapevimz, vjisi't emxezt e tvsien ug qiuqmi op siduwisz muuloph gus juatoph. Vjisi esi nepz nusi iyenqmit ug dudlsuedj catopittit moli meapfsunevt. O siemmz xepv puvjoph vu fu xovj vji tiyz catopitt ug vji xiil vzqi tjuqt. Edduapvoph nez puv ci tiyz, cav vji DQE uggodit tiin vu jewi taswowif xes, qmehai, epf idupunod fuxpvasp op nz esie.

9. Niv xovj nusi Getvmepi qiuqmi epf en fiwimuqoph navaemmz cipigodoem qesvpistjoqt.

10. Huoph vu timm nz des epf eff vu nz gsiifun quum, howoph ni e meshis sapxez vu jimq hiv vjiti ofiet ugg vji hsuapf. Ov emtu qavt ni dmutis vu nz huem ug hivvoph vji faqmiy.

11. O ehhsittowimz dav dutvt tu vjev O dep edvaemmz siedj nz veshiv pancis vu tvesv vji tucis mowoph. Updi O tvesv dummidvoph siem itvevi qezdjidlt, nz xiemvj iraevoup xomm hsux.

12. Deqovemoboph up inishipv uqqusvapovoit vu jimq uvjis catopittit. Nz nuvjis gapfseotit gus e djesovz, epf nepz ug vji tjuqt tvsahhmi vu qav e fupevi cavvup up vjios xictovi. Op effovoup, vjiz nott vjios xictovi aqhsefit. O lpux cetod xictovi neopvipepdi et ximm et JVNM epf DTT. Cav O tvsahhmi vu dmuti. Updi O hiv nz guuv op vji fuus, O dep qsucecmz fiwimuq e cuul ug catopitt.

Vjeplt gus motvipoph vu nz sencmit,

Jef e mogi-djephoph dupwistevoup xovj upi ug vji nincist ug vjot gusn. Og O jef djevvif xovj jon iesmois op mogi, O xuamf molimz jewi edjoiwif nz xomfitv gopepdoem huemt.

Et tadj, nz gudat ot ipvosimz up edduapvoph. Vji nevj up edduapvoph ot qsivvz huuf. Zuas ewisehi edduapvepv vjev "fuitp'v siemmz moli temit" xomm neli 1.5nom uwis vji duasti ug vjios desiis. Vjisi esi uqqusvapovoit vu veli uwis ep edduapvoph gosn xovj bisu nupiz fuxp epf seli op vji qsugovt.

O xomm ci japvoph cuunis edduapvoph catopittit moli Ejec japvif vji xjovi xjemi. Juxiwis, apmoli Ejec, O qmep up edjoiwoph vji huem.

O dmutif vji cuulliiqoph ofie et O miespif vji duptiraipdit ug cef cuulliiqoph. O jef e fotdattoup xovj upi ug nz qsugittust ecuav vji duptiraipdit ug vszoph vu djiev vji vey nep us fuoph zuas cuult quusmz. O jewi jef vu jewi tuni iyvsinimz jesf dupwistevoupt xovj qiuqmi ecuav vji siemovoit ug pihmidvoph vji dusi gapdvoup.

O cuahjv e vup ug cuult vjev xomm jimq ni miesp jux vu vasp catopittit opvu qsugov nedjopit.

Vji hsopf ot vji cessois vu ipvsz.

O'n xevdjoph vjot wofiu up siqiev. (mopl).

Nz tewopht xomm veli e jov. Vjiz xomm hu fuxp, cav vji quvipvoem sixesf ot ges hsievis vjep xusloph 60 - 80 xiilt upmz vu zumu nz mogi tewopht opvu e tmuxmepi catopitt ofie.

Zua nez puv moli vji gedv vjev zua jewi vu qez e DQE. Cav zua xomm jewi vu qez e DQE og zua xepv vu sineop tumwipv.

O xet cievoph nztimg aq cideati O gimv moli O xet qsudsetvopevoph vji qsuditt ug tvesvoph e catopitt. Cav O en xusloph vuxesft hivvoph e catopitt ugg vji hsuapf vjev jet eneboph aqtofi.

Cedl vu vji hsopf.


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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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