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  • i still think there's something there for us Data folk that applies the Fastline principles and uses our skillset - just cant figure out what yet
    i haven't done anything more on this. but something along those lines was what I was thinking I could do for small companies. but again would probably run into similar issues as you faced. not sure if this triggers any ideas for you.
    it would pull data from nasdaq and dow and loop through the stock tickers looking for pre-defined patterns he told me about that I coded in. AWS Lambda then saves files into an S3 folder for him to see every morning.
    the one thing that i did for free for a stock trader friend of mine was write a python program using AWS Lambda that would create a Stock Watch List for him every morning
    hey i just read this post you made about your 2 business ideas and how they failed. i'm a Data Analyst for a tech company in my real job and have had thought about both of the ideas you had. cool to see you actually tried them at least.
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